Roseanne back

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We are not rating the hatefulness of other's remarks.

Bringing in other's less racist remarks is only an attempt to lessen the impact of Roseanne's and to subtly give her some leeway by saying, "Yes she is racist, but see, others say bad things too."

No, that isn't what I said. Some of you are jumping all over other posters that are bringing up other people who have said some pretty hate filled things. You are the ones that are acting like what she said is so bad that it makes what others say ok, it doesn't no more than the reverse.

There is no "less racist", there is racist and not racist.
But I can say this, I can dislike what is said immensely and see that a person is doing a good job too. I can also see that while one person's job and how they do that job is very much a necessary thing, a racist idiot on a comedy show or a blabbering idiot on talk show isn't one of those jobs.

Name calling is not the same thing as hate filled speech. What Roseanne did is hate filled. What others do is hate filled just for different reasons. What he does is childish but not necessarily from hate.
Wow, that is all I can say.

And there goes my hope that character matters.

Hate is childish? So let me get what you are saying.... It is ok to be hateful as long as you think a person (general person, no one in particular) is doing a good job?
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Couldn’t agree more. Racism should be a problem for all citizens. This isn’t about politics.

Yes agree BUT there is truth to the comment by Valerie Jarrett on this who felt that it "starts at the top". There does seem to be a higher incidence of speaking ugly as being a norm, I see it in my own FB which is why I rarely go on anymore. We need higher ethics everywhere. Just sayin.
Wanda Sykes is a pretty well known comedian. Well publicized that she was attached to this show.

Actually, I had no idea she was associated with the show at all. Most of the people that have a role behind the scenes of many of our favorite tv shows and movies go unknown unless it's brought to the attention of the public like when a movie or a show gets nominated (or wins) an award and EVERYBODY and their grandmama shows up on stage to accept that one teeny tiny award. So, as much as I might see a lot of stars we usually don't know what their contribution to the show may be. I'm just sayin.
No, that isn't what I said. Some of you are jumping all over other posters that are bringing up other people who have said some pretty hate filled things. You are the ones that are acting like what she said is so bad that it makes what others say ok, it doesn't no more than the reverse.

There is no "less racist", there is racist and not racist.
You are correct. There is racist and not racist.

You are supporting my point. Bringing up hateful, but not racist comments, to compare to a racist comment can be interpreted as trying to bring the impact of the racist comment down to the hateful comments.
Do you read?

I said I don't think the stuff he says comes from hate.

And when has character ever mattered in that particular job?
"he?" I am not referring to anyone in particular. I am referring to the unfortunate trend in today's society of excusing very bad behavior of some people because you like the job they are doing, most prevalent in show business, music, and politics, while excoriating other people for the same bad behavior. Some other examples outside of who you are referring to are revering someone as the "king of pop" while he is sleeping with young boys or looking away for years while someone is going so far as rape just because they make outstanding movies.

Bad is bad and is not dependent on the job they are doing.

So, are you are saying that bad is defined by the level of the position and whether you like what they are doing?
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Could be. Roseanne has never been someone I thought of as completely stable. Then again drugs didn't put hate in her heart. If she was on them (or ambien) as she claims) all that did was lift the veil of discretion.

Roseanne is once again showing everyone who she is. I for one believed her the first time.

Was it Ambien talking, or "Am bein myself"?
LOL I know who and what you think you are getting at. Please do not insult my intelligence. You have absolutely no idea what my opinion of that person is. But I can say this, I can dislike what is said immensely and see that a person is doing a good job too. I can also see that while one person's job and how they do that job is very much a necessary thing, a racist idiot on a comedy show or a blabbering idiot on talk show isn't one of those jobs.

Name calling is not the same thing as hate filled speech. What Roseanne did is hate filled. What others do is hate filled just for different reasons. What he does is childish but not necessarily from hate.

I wasn't referring to any specific person.
I'm just trying to understand what exactly you mean. It appears you are equating childish name calling with racist name calling. You keep saying that's not what you are doing so I'm just trying to understand.
Do you read?

I said I don't think the stuff he says comes from hate.

And when has character ever mattered in that particular job?

Obviously it does matter as the overwhelming hate from people that love "him" like Roseanne, seem to be spouting this ugly in insane amounts nowadays and see nothing wrong with it until they're called out. It does "start at the top". It does matter in certain positions and particularly that position. I see division and hate now like I have never seen in my entire life on this planet.
So, if I own a professional sports organization, and many of my players refuse to stand for the anthem, then it costs me revenue due to less fan interest, can I punish those employees?
Legally yes the employer has that disgression. The NFL did not fail to “punish” their employees b/c they couldn’t, they likely didn’t b/c they weren’t sure what kind of backlash they’d get. ABC most likely felt confident enough that Roseanne’s comments were egregious enough that canceling the show was the best way to get ahead of the controversy.
I'm so glad to see she was shut down so quickly this time, it gives me hope for humanity.
SAME. Seriously, pleasantly surprised that ABC/Diseny did this.
Good riddance. However, I find sad that we have higher standards for entertainers than we do for others in more important and influential positions
She has said she was on Ambien at the time.
Does Ambien make people racist? I wasn't aware of that! /sarcasm
I said I don't think the stuff he says comes from hate.
Ambien too, right? :rolleyes2
And that makes her comment ok?

She has a low opinion of the man that doesn’t make it ok to call him names like a 5 year old. NEITHER comment is ok. NEITHER should be tolerated
Yes, in my opinion it does. My opinion is based on his words and actions towards POC.

You reap what you sow.

Since Wanda's comment wasn't RACIST, it really shouldn't be used here.
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