VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

Well the New Year has started on a bit of a downside for us. Yesterday, my Dads pick up truck was stolen. It was setting at our shop located behind our house. We last saw it at 5:30 pm on Wed after an employee dropped it off. Then yesterday AM, my Dad called asking if I knew where it was. At that point we both realized what had taken place. Fortunately, my Dad had purchased a new truck a few weeks back and we were in the process of selling the now stolen one. But it still gives a sense of being violated. Im not mad, not seeking revenge, but I hope we can move forward and past it.
Well the New Year has started on a bit of a downside for us. Yesterday, my Dads pick up truck was stolen. It was setting at our shop located behind our house. We last saw it at 5:30 pm on Wed after an employee dropped it off. Then yesterday AM, my Dad called asking if I knew where it was. At that point we both realized what had taken place. Fortunately, my Dad had purchased a new truck a few weeks back and we were in the process of selling the now stolen one. But it still gives a sense of being violated. Im not mad, not seeking revenge, but I hope we can move forward and past it.

Jimmy, it would be OK to be mad — normal in fact. It’s just an example of humans being disrespectful towards one another. I’m glad you’re not seeking revenge, rather I pray you find justice. Not a good way to start the new year, but’s I’m confident better days are ahead for you!

Belated Happy New Year to all the groupies!
Hate that, JT! Regardless of how hard we try, few can escape crime during their lifetimes. I've never had a vehicle stolen, but I'd certainly be angry, too. I'm sure you'll move beyond that, and here's hoping a final chapter happens that eases your discomfort.
Jimmy...that stinks about your Dad's truck being stolen. I know exactly what you mean about feeling violated, and you are a well-centered man to be able to avoid being angry. I'm sorry to hear about it and I am sure you will move forward and past it.
My understanding is that almost all the studios on the FIRST floor of CCV are ones with tubs.

We had a studio on the first floor last year that had the walk in shower. It was just a few door down from the lobby on the BRV side. It was probably one of the few located there. We enjoyed the location.
Geez, Jimmy, I certainly understand your feeling violated. I am sorry this happened, especially so close to home. I remember when I was in high school, my car was parked outside my friends house, and someone broke in and stole a bunch of cassette tapes, and other items. I truly do remember feeling violated, not the same as a vehicle, but it is unnerving.
Well the New Year has started on a bit of a downside for us. Yesterday, my Dads pick up truck was stolen. It was setting at our shop located behind our house. We last saw it at 5:30 pm on Wed after an employee dropped it off. Then yesterday AM, my Dad called asking if I knew where it was. At that point we both realized what had taken place. Fortunately, my Dad had purchased a new truck a few weeks back and we were in the process of selling the now stolen one. But it still gives a sense of being violated. Im not mad, not seeking revenge, but I hope we can move forward and past it.

That's awful Jimmy! I'm sorry to hear about it. And from the area of your house - not good. Early this summer our neighborhood began having vehicles parked in the yards rummaged thru. DH's vehicle was one of the first - a bag he carried stormy weather supplies was taken and an old pair of sunglasses. They saw a nice Jeep and good looking black leather bag and I know thought it was a score. A couple of weeks later though he noticed the bag under some bushes after they discovered it didn't hold the treasures they thought it might - just really old clothes. I get a little jumpy walking out the house after dark now though and security cameras added - just hate it.
Thanks folks! We are in the process of putting many cameras in place and taking a few more measures for protecting our property. The detective on the case told me there is a huge presence of crystal meth in our county, that can cause break ins more frequently. Also, chop shops are popping up around here too. Sounds like I live in a major crime spree area, but really, our community is pretty laid back. So to have these types of things going on around here is a bit upsetting. Its everywhere, I know. But it hits home quickly when it happens to you. Oh well, life goes on. Now when is my next trip:D
Well the New Year has started on a bit of a downside for us. Yesterday, my Dads pick up truck was stolen. It was setting at our shop located behind our house. We last saw it at 5:30 pm on Wed after an employee dropped it off. Then yesterday AM, my Dad called asking if I knew where it was. At that point we both realized what had taken place. Fortunately, my Dad had purchased a new truck a few weeks back and we were in the process of selling the now stolen one. But it still gives a sense of being violated. Im not mad, not seeking revenge, but I hope we can move forward and past it.
That’s sad.
I was mugged going to my car that was parked under a lamp light years ago, and it took a long time to be comfortable heading to my car in evenings. The person wanted my purse, he got it. It was recovered within a day.
Hello Groupie friends...since many of you may be like me and not roam all over the DISBoards, I thought I'd post this news about more DVC resale restrictions:


Effective for resale purchases submitted on or after January 19, 2019: Disney Vacation Club resale contracts purchased for the original 14 DVC resorts will only be able to exchange into those 14 existing resorts in the DVC network. These contracts will not be able to exchange into Disney’s Riviera Resort, Reflections – A Disney Lakeside Lodge and possibly additional future properties in the DVC system. All Members will still be able to exchange with RCI.

Once sales of Disney’s Riviera Resort begin, Members who purchase a resale of Riviera will only be able to stay at Disney’s Riviera Resort in the DVC network. Those Members will still have access to RCI.

At first I thought it was a big deal but if people buying resale after 1/19/19 can still book any of the current resorts, that might not be a major impact on our contracts if we want to sell them.

For Riviera Resort owners, however, it is huge that Disney will restrict resale buyers of RR to only booking at RR.
At first I thought it was a big deal but if people buying resale after 1/19/19 can still book any of the current resorts, that might not be a major impact on our contracts if we want to sell them.

For Riviera Resort owners, however, it is huge that Disney will restrict resale buyers of RR to only booking at RR.

Very interesting! Thank you Granny. I think we saw this one coming, were just wondering when it would take effect.

If I'm reading this right, there is no impact to anyone who buys direct. Resale buyers are again grandfathered in with a new purchase date of pre-January 19, 2019 added to the already complicated reservation system.
Oh boy, so glad I'm not in Disney IT :D

I wonder if part of the reasoning on restricting those Rivera resales to their resort only is that there is a small group of people who will be in the initial buyer's group simply for the perks and early access/resale of those rooms and then quickly drop their contracts into the resale system while they're still hot. This could stop those guys in their tracks if no one wants their contracts at the high price tag. They may even align closer with non-Disney time share prices.
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I'm no longer remotely interested in buying more points, but if I were, I would most definitely not opt to buy into the newer resorts knowing that a number of years down the road if I needed to sell my points there would be a huge albatross hanging over the contract. Between that and the ever escalating ticket prices (I was just saying to Luv today that $1K for APs is likely only 2, maybe 3 years off), it's obvious Disney isn't making any profit and may declare Chapter 11 in the not too distant future. . .:crazy:
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Hello Groupie friends...since many of you may be like me and not roam all over the DISBoards, I thought I'd post this news about more DVC resale restrictions:


Effective for resale purchases submitted on or after January 19, 2019: Disney Vacation Club resale contracts purchased for the original 14 DVC resorts will only be able to exchange into those 14 existing resorts in the DVC network. These contracts will not be able to exchange into Disney’s Riviera Resort, Reflections – A Disney Lakeside Lodge and possibly additional future properties in the DVC system. All Members will still be able to exchange with RCI.

Once sales of Disney’s Riviera Resort begin, Members who purchase a resale of Riviera will only be able to stay at Disney’s Riviera Resort in the DVC network. Those Members will still have access to RCI.

At first I thought it was a big deal but if people buying resale after 1/19/19 can still book any of the current resorts, that might not be a major impact on our contracts if we want to sell them.

For Riviera Resort owners, however, it is huge that Disney will restrict resale buyers of RR to only booking at RR.

That's the similar thoughts I'm having Granny. I'd never buy Riviera direct. Maybe some cheap resale? ;)

The older resorts will continue to have the benefit of having the larger system to trade within. And, IMO better locations too. Certainly equal. Riviera will have to knock it out of the park to be more appealing with this restriction.
I'm no longer remotely interested in buying more points, but if I were, I would most definitely not opt to buy into the newer resorts knowing that a number of years down the road if I needed to sell my points there would be a huge albatross hanging over the contract. Between that and the ever escalating ticket prices (I was just saying to Luv today that $1K for APs is likely only 2, maybe 3 years off), it's obvious Disney isn't making any profit and may declare Chapter 11 in the not too distant future. . .
I don't think Disney is close to any sort of bankruptcy. They're far too diversified into many of the areas entertainment out there: resorts, parks, games, TV, networks and of course film. The parks in fact were being reported as a golden goose being used to offset losses in other areas (cough espn).
Question to those who have stayed at WL since the new character meal has opened:

Are there slews of people waiting in the lobby now?

I'm thinking of how O'hana changed an otherwise pleasant upstairs lobby at the Poly from calm to chaos. Granted, that is a much smaller lobby area.


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