Please settle an argument....Do most families

Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. It depends on the meal...we'll have leftover turkey but not leftover steak.
No, we don’t usually have leftovers. I attribute that to the fact that I have two 12-year-old boys in the house that are growing like weeds and constantly eating. If I intentionally make extras, they usually eat them at dinner, and that is totally okay.
No, we don’t usually have leftovers. I attribute that to the fact that I have two 12-year-old boys in the house that are growing like weeds and constantly eating. If I intentionally make extras, they usually eat them at dinner, and that is totally okay.
Like I mentioned before my DH works nights so he takes his portion of dinner the following day. Before I call everyone to dinner I take his portion and put it aside. I feed many teens in this house and I’ve learned my lesson that just because it seems like I made an ungodly amount of food doesn’t mean they can’t polish it off.
Amen! I often make a larger portion of something with plans of having it a second night. We do that with tacos and I just did it last night by making a huge pot of tortilla soup.

I deliberately cook large roasts and corned beef when I make those for dinner because the roast leftovers are used for beef barley soup and the corned beef makes a great corned beef and cabbage soup. When I make spaghetti sauce or chicken parm meatballs for dinner I make an enormous batch and portion off future dinners for the freezer for homemade dinner on rushed or lazy nights.
If we make enough mashed potatoes (and I'm feeling ambitious), I often turn them into gnocchi a few days later :)

Sounds fabulous. I tried gnocchi once years ago (not with leftover mashed) and it was a flop. I'd appreciate any tips you might have. Gnocchi is a favorite of one of my daughters and I could look like a hero if I could pull that off.
We love leftovers and are glad to have them when things get busy.

DH made pizzas outside last night. He made enough to feed six of us and to have some as leftovers.
No, rarely. Maybe once every few months and even would only be tacos.
Aside from very specific foods and very specific circumstances, I don’t eat leftovers.

I leave a lot of restauarant food and I’ll admit that I do end up wasting food. I try to minimize it, but I don’t have an entirely healthy relationship with food so I have some habits others would find odd, but it’s actually what works for me so I’ve made peace with it.
We usually never have leftovers. I don't like leftovers and neither does DH. We'll eat turkey leftovers, but usually just the turkey, gravy, and stuffing. I ate a lot of leftovers as a kid and they always tasted pretty bad. DH has a mental thing against leftovers because his mom would leave food sitting on the counter for hours and hours (I'm talking like 8+ hours) and many times, he got food poisoning because his parents didn't put the food away in a timely manner.
Heck yes. We are empty nesters. We will make a dish that serves 4-6 and eat it for lunches and dinners for multiple meals. DH like to make HUGE pots of soup, and it's a nice quick grab for lunch.

Some stuff, like soup, often gets BETTER as the flavors blend together even more over time. We live where it's cold (our garage is now below freezing) so the huge pot of soup goes in the LARGE walk in cooler (LOL).
We have leftovers at our house but I know my BIL refuses to eat leftovers. I always try to make enough for lunch the next day but most days it will all get eaten the day I make it.
Always, I am in the camp of some things taste better the next day.
I guess I don't get why people 'refuse' to eat leftovers. They should still taste as good as originally cooked. If not, why not if prepared well?
I also don't mind eating the same things a few days in a row.
No bad intent, just asking. :flower1:
Sounds fabulous. I tried gnocchi once years ago (not with leftover mashed) and it was a flop. I'd appreciate any tips you might have. Gnocchi is a favorite of one of my daughters and I could look like a hero if I could pull that off.

They're kind of a PITA (which is why I think I only make them a couple times a year :p ), but I'll take whatever amount of mashed potatoes I have left, one or two eggs (depending on the size of the batch) and a little salt and pepper. After that, about a cup at a time, I knead in flour. Once the cup is worked in, add another one, etc, until it's a pasta consistency. Then roll chunks of the dough into long strips, cut into dumplings and roll the back of a fork over each one (for that classic indention that holds the pasta sauce). Freeze them on a cookie sheet until rock hard and bag up. :)
Depends on the meal, but most nights yes there are leftovers.

If we really have too much, we have a friend who works very near my office & I’ll take her some of the leftovers. We call her the garbage disposal LOL.
I try my best not to make more than we're going to eat that night with the exception of the pizza that I make on Saturday nights or if I make soups. My husband likes to have leftover pizza on Sunday for lunch, and he will eat soup for weekend lunches. He takes his lunch to work every day, but he takes a sandwich, not leftovers. I don't particularly like leftovers. If I do make more than we eat one night, it doesn't get thrown away and gets worked into the week, but that's not the original plan.
When I was growing up, no. There are 6 kids in my family, 5 boys and me. Those boys would eat anything that wasn't tied down so there were never any left overs. Now with just honey and I, we do have them and yes, we eat them the next day for lunch or for supper.
Not every meal but yes, we do often end up with leftovers, and some meals I specifically make in large batches to freeze and use for quick dinners later. We're really big on not wasting food so we either eat leftovers as lunch, or I re-purpose them into whatever I'm cooking the next day. Sometimes things do get thrown away but I try hard to minimize that.
They're kind of a PITA (which is why I think I only make them a couple times a year :p ), but I'll take whatever amount of mashed potatoes I have left, one or two eggs (depending on the size of the batch) and a little salt and pepper. After that, about a cup at a time, I knead in flour. Once the cup is worked in, add another one, etc, until it's a pasta consistency. Then roll chunks of the dough into long strips, cut into dumplings and roll the back of a fork over each one (for that classic indention that holds the pasta sauce). Freeze them on a cookie sheet until rock hard and bag up. :)

Thank you. Assuming I can ever get my lazy behind motivated in the kitchen again I may give this a try. This sounds mostly like what I tried before, maybe leftover mashed is my answer. My daughter would be thrilled!
Always, I am in the camp of some things taste better the next day.
I guess I don't get why people 'refuse' to eat leftovers. They should still taste as good as originally cooked. If not, why not if prepared well?
I also don't mind eating the same things a few days in a row.
No bad intent, just asking. :flower1:

I eat leftovers but some things don't do well leftover. I made a great chicken dish last week. Chicken, cream, cheese and spinach. It was really good that night. The next day I took some for lunch, the microwave just seemed to change the texture. That night, there was still a little left and I heated it up in the oven. It was "ok" then but still not as good as it was.
I always make enough for either 2 or 3 nights worth of dinner. Luckily the whole family is ok with it, but too bad if they are not cause I’m the one cooking :D. Our daughter will even take the same lunch for a whole week.


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