How messy is your home right now?

I happy to report we are in pretty good shape!
I keep the main living area, kitchen, bathroom clean & pretty organized/clutter free.
My 16 y/o daughter surprised me today & cleaned her room. Went through all her clothes, etc & put everything she didn’t want in my room.
My room is kind of the “junk drawer” of the house, lol.
Clean! :) Laundry is also caught up. Friday is my "change the beds day" so a little extra laundry then. I'm an early riser so I'm always keeping up on anything before I head out the door to work.
My house is decent enough that I didn't feel the need to clean up extra for our quarterly DCF home visit this morning. Although after being a foster parent for so many years, I've given up trying to impress them.
I recently bought a vacuum that I convinced my kids is a super special toy that they can only use if they behave (I always just used to sweep the hardwoods). They fight over who gets to vacuum a few times a day - that has helped keep up with the dog and car hair immensely.
Not too bad--I'd say about a 3 out of 10 where 0 is perfectly clean and straight and 10 is metaphysical messiness. Everything pretty much picked up and put away in the parts of the house we live. A guest bedroom and DD's old room have stuff thrown in there and it would take an hour or so to get it put away and dusted/vacuumed.

My big issue is I need to store some stuff away that's laying around on my side of the bedroom, but DW has 95% of our closet space. So it just kind of sits in a corner by my nightstand. Gotta think of a way to deal with that.
Not messy at all, cleanest it has ever been. We're putting our house on the market so we spent SIX HOURS cleaning after work yesterday :oops: Hoping this thing sells quick because I have no idea how to keep it this clean for a long duration (especially with a puppy at home).
My kitchen could use a Swiffer, since it rained today. Otherwise, its not really messy, just very cluttered (we have young children lol)
Mine looks good. The cleaning lady came today, so I had to pick up really well yesterday. We are generally pretty neat and clean people anyway.
My dh still doesn't understand why I do this. I tell him that I don't pay them per hour to put stuff away: I pay them to clean. Even if I wanted them to put stuff away, they wouldn't know where to put it.

My house isn't as tidy as I'd like. We downsized before Thanksgiving. Even though we got rid of a ton of stuff before we moved, I still don't know where to put some things. This house has way less storage space than my previous house. The owners of the previous home crammed closets in built-ins wherever they could. This house doesn't even have any attic storage space.
The best it's looked in years! Had an appraisal this week, so worked on it for days. Trying to refinance to get away from a predatory loan servicing company.
Empty Nester... really pretty good... Just some clean folded clothes to carry up stairs...Other than that... I am good to go...


My sewing room is always messy... I have a large project laid out right now... I did vacuum in here yesterday morning... and after working on my project most of the day yesterday... I need to vacuum again... Oh well... that's what door are for... right... just shut the door and forget about it... LOL
I will “win” this thread.
DH and I just returned from a week in the Caribbean and left DS15, DS20, and DS22 home. I left a few dishes in the sink before I left that are still there. My home looks like the beginning stages of Hoarders.
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Horrible now! Like a bomb. Just got back last night from a 10 day med cruise. Kids not helping either; turning wifi off seems to be in order
Empty nesters so our house is never messy these days. It does get dusty at times as DH and I are not great at keeping up with actual cleaning🤷🏻‍♀️. We seem to live our lives and then suddenly look around us one day and go, dang! Somebody needs to dust! The Roomba keeps the floors looking good.

The house is spotless right now since I cleaned yesterday as I was hosting Bunco last night.
I've avoided answering all week in hopes it gets better, but since I've already worked 53 hours in 4 days and have another 12-13 hour day today, I admit defeat and say my house is a disaster, I haven't cooked in weeks, and thankfully DH has been helping with laundry. I've given the kids a couple chores each day, which means they "halfway" cleaned their rooms, the kitchen...the are everywhere, and I won't even talk about my office or bedroom.

We just got back from vacation on Sunday and while I did my best to clean the house before I left, I ran out of time to do everything I wanted to do (clean out the fridge, etc) so that is still waiting for me too, along with getting the dreaded 18 year old son phone call in the middle of the night Sunday night saying that he was in a car accident and on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere 4 hours away from us. (the car is totaled but he is fine, thank goodness) So between work and dealing with the DS/car issue, I guess I will start getting to housework in a few weeks when the height of my work's busiest season starts to wind down. Between now and then, my focus will be on finding time to shower each day and sleep more than 4-5 hours a night.
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Mine is eh. Laundry is done and put away, but tomorrow is our regular cleaning morning, so we need to vacuum, mop, clean the counters, and put toys away. It’s been a tough week around here (BIL was just diagnosed with cancer, so now DH needs to get genetic testing done since MIL and her brothers died of cancer wasn’t a priority this week).
Mostly in good shape. I live with my retired father, who's always puttering around dusting and sweeping and wiping things down. I came back from vacation a month ago to a dumpster fire at work, so I've been putting in 60 hour weeks to get things back under control, and I work from home so my office space is a bit of a mess. Plus I haven't had time to fully unpack, so I have some clothes strewn around--but at least they're clean, I washed everything at the condo the last day of the trip. The downstairs could use a good mopping, and the upstairs needs vacuuming, but I wasn't embarrassed when the a/c guy came by today, so I think we're okay.

I need to find some time to deep clean though. Four teenagers are coming to stay for two weeks starting July 6 (high school graduation trip), and I'd like to start out with everything spotless.
My dh still doesn't understand why I do this. I tell him that I don't pay them per hour to put stuff away: I pay them to clean. Even if I wanted them to put stuff away, they wouldn't know where to put it.

It's kind of a joke around here that I have to clean for the cleaning lady, but I'm with you - I'm not paying her to pick up - just to clean. If I want her to do do a thorough job of dusting/vacuuming, then those surfaces need to be ready for her to do her thing :-)
The house looks comfortably lived in. We'd probably straighten up if the Queen was coming over for tea, it's good enough for the crummy crowd we associate with.

Oh yeah, there is still a tote of Easter decorations in a corner of the family room that I haven't gotten around to putting away yet. The cats like to sit on top of it.
Well, when this thread started, I was happy with the shape my house was in! But now I’m afraid things have built up fast and I have a few hours of laundry/straightening/cleaning to do this weekend...


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