What Roy Disney's granddaughter has to say about Iger

Under Iger's tender, Disney has added 200 Billion in market capitalization/shareholder wealth.

From about 50 Billion to about 250 Billion. That's not a bad tenure.

As a shareholder I am more concerned with who the heck will fill his shoes. Bob Chapek? James Murdoch? Much less his salary.

If you were to take 80 million away from Iger a year in compensation, and there are 40,000 full time employees - that would mean 1$ an hour more each. a whopping 2000$ a year (before taxes)

Oddly people do not talk about pro athletes and the people selling hot dogs in the stands.

Iger made me good money and was worth every penny. I hope the next CEO will do half as well.
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Under Iger's tender, Disney has added 200 Billion in market capitalization/shareholder wealth.

From about 50 Billion to about 250 Billion. That's not a bad tenure.

As a shareholder I am more concerned with who the heck will fill his shoes. Bob Chapek? James Murdoch? Much less his salary.

If you were to take 80 million away from Iger a year in compensation, and there are 40,000 full time employees - that would mean 1$ an hour more each. a whopping 2000$ a year (before taxes)

Oddly people do not talk about pro athletes and the people selling hot dogs in the stands.

Iger made me good money and was worth every penny. I hope the next CEO will do half as well.
Pay and compensation are not interchangeable in this discussion. Iger is paid 3million USD each year, according to the 10K statement I pulled. His other compensation is in the form of stock grants and stock options among other considerations of value. Due to federal rule changes on CEO pay in the 90's, the compensation package has to be valued in today's dollars and reported. Thus the publicity around his compensation amount that may or may not be realized. His realized value of compensation may be more or less, depending on what stock price is when the shares are sold. And revenue from the sale of stock is taxed as well. My point is total compensation depends a LOT on continued increasing of stock price, a feat he has been very good at achieving to date. Iger will indeed reap the rewards of his efforts to grow the company share price, as he should.

Roy Disney's granddaughter has every right to loudly protest whatever she wishes. It is up to the individual to listen, judge if there is merit, and act accordingly. Feel free to sell any shares you have based on her input. There are many waiting to buy on any kind of dip her evaluation of the CEO pay may cause.
Under Iger's tender, Disney has added 200 Billion in market capitalization/shareholder wealth.

From about 50 Billion to about 250 Billion. That's not a bad tenure.

As a shareholder I am more concerned with who the heck will fill his shoes. Bob Chapek? James Murdoch? Much less his salary.

If you were to take 80 million away from Iger a year in compensation, and there are 40,000 full time employees - that would mean 1$ an hour more each. a whopping 2000$ a year (before taxes)

Oddly people do not talk about pro athletes and the people selling hot dogs in the stands.

Iger made me good money and was worth every penny. I hope the next CEO will do half as well.

The baseball player and the guy selling hot dogs generally do not get paid by the same people.

It must be nice for $2000 a year not to mean much but to someone making as little as the CMs get paid, it means a lot.

Not sure if you mean it that way, but you sound a little selfish. You are praising Iger for making you "good money" so I assume you to mean he deserves the ridiculous amount of money he makes. And yet you don't think the CMs who are also a part of making you that "good money" deserve the "measley" $2000 a year?
The baseball player and the guy selling hot dogs generally do not get paid by the same people.

It must be nice for $2000 a year not to mean much but to someone making as little as the CMs get paid, it means a lot.

Not sure if you mean it that way, but you sound a little selfish. You are praising Iger for making you "good money" so I assume you to mean he deserves the ridiculous amount of money he makes. And yet you don't think the CMs who are also a part of making you that "good money" deserve the "measley" $2000 a year?

I took MY hard earned money and invested in in Disney, so yes, I am selfish. He, like anyone deserves what the market will bear.

Yes, I would like to retire one day, and if that makes me selfish, then, guilty as charged. Somehow I thought I had that right.

I also think people should be payed a livable wage.

If as a shareholder I get to vote on his salary. my vote is yes.

Who is paying the ball player is irrelevant. People have the right to earn what they can. Athletes and business people alike.

However, my point was that if you take his annual compensation and reduce it by an very large amount, there will still be that huge pay gap. People think that if you cut his salary you can double every one else's, and that is just not the case.

It is not your salary that gets you places in this country for the masses, its how you get it to work for you that will do it.

Then again, I am a capitalist pig. And I sure as heck to not have the right to determine how much another individual gets paid. I make a nice wage, and of course I wish I made more. Who doesn't.

Who is John Galt?
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I kind of understand @cmash95 and why they're frustrated. It's one thing if people like us express our opinion, we're nobody in the eyes of Disney, but for someone such as herself that could at least try to do something other than making just one comment is kind of eye roll worthy to me as well. Also, on top of it, she had to be "I like him, but..."

I know she can't do much either I have to admit and yes, she does have the right to express her opinion, but I won't pat her on the back too much, as unlike Roy, while he stepped away for a moment, he did try to go back to Disney and tried to do something about the CEO he had issues with at the time and did protest a lot more than she ever has.

I commend her for her other work and charity, but Disney has been getting ridiculous with CEO salaries for quite sometime and I think could be offended at far more other things the company has done in the past as well when it comes to greed.

Her speaking out now is all smoke and mirrors to me.

My take on the whole thing, I don't disagree with her but Iger is far from the only CEO that benefits from this and honestly, far from being the most egregious with it as well. The article just came across like click bait to me and, as you said, smoke and mirrors.

So though she has valid points I don't see it has some sincere and heroic piece.
I took MY hard earned money and invested in in Disney, so yes, I am selfish. He, like anyone deserves what the market will bear.

Yes, I would like to retire one day, and if that makes me selfish, then, guilty as charged. Somehow I thought I had that right.

I also think people should be payed a livable wage.

If as a shareholder I get to vote on his salary. my vote is yes.

Who is paying the ball player is irrelevant. People have the right to earn what they can. Athletes and business people alike.

However, my point was that if you take his annual compensation and reduce it by an very large amount, there will still be that huge pay gap. People think that if you cut his salary you can double every one else's, and that is just not the case.

It is not your salary that gets you places in this country for the masses, its how you get it to work for you that will do it.

Then again, I am a capitalist pig. And I sure as heck to not have the right to determine how much another individual gets paid. I make a nice wage, and of course I wish I made more. Who doesn't.

If you are comparing the CM's pay to the hot dog seller and the baseball players to Iger's, then yes it very much is relevant. You said people don't complain about the ball player's pay vs the hot dog seller's. No but again, they aren't paid by the same company. Iger and the CMs are.

I think most people can actually add and subtract as well as you can so most would be able to determine how much a difference it would make in the CMs pay and it still remains the same. $2000 would make a great deal of difference to each of them. (I think there are many more employees that that but just using your numbers)

You say you think everyone should make a livable wage. And yet the CMs really do not. Giving them all a raise and NOT cutting their hours may actually cut into your income as a shareholder, would you still want them to make a livable wage? Or is that only if it doesn't affect you?

Not sure of the relevance but I also make a nice wage, as does DH. But we also remember what it was like to make very little and to struggle a LOT. We aren't willing for our money to grow on the backs of those making so little and not be in support of them making more. As someone that will retire very well AND be able to remember the little guy, I very much support what the granddaughter had to say. Mr. Iger is only worth as much as his lowest paid employee. Without them, he would not have had the success in the company he has had. So, maybe they should be remembered a little more.
Mr. Iger is only worth as much as his lowest paid employee. Without them, he would not have had the success in the company he has had. So, maybe they should be remembered a little more.

So a CEO should get the same salary as the lowest paid employee? OK. Sign me up for an MBA program now!

FYI, whatever device you are typing on was made by exploited foreign labor...

But a capitalist and a socialist are like oil and water.
So a CEO should get the same salary as the lowest paid employee? OK. Sign me up for an MBA program now!

FYI, whatever device you are typing on was made by exploited foreign labor...

But a capitalist and a socialist are like oil and water.

Wow. Like to assume much? I am not even close to being a socialist. Again, showing that holier than thou attitude there.

No, I did not say he should be paid the same salary as his lowest paid employee. I said he is only worth as much. If his employees all stop doing their jobs, he won't be worth squat (and your shares will rocket to the bottom too) to the Disney company. Of course he should be compensated for his education and his experience and knowledge. Those alone would make his pay quite a bit more than most of his employees. But the fact remains he would not be successful with this company or any company if not for the people below him. And you do realize that "worth" means more than just salary?

Not sure how or why you are talking about where my keyboard came from or how you can actually sit there and compare it to employees in the US working for a totally US company but ok? Or is that one of those "whataboutisms"? One has nothing to do with the other.
I took MY hard earned money and invested in in Disney, so yes, I am selfish. He, like anyone deserves what the market will bear.

Yes, I would like to retire one day, and if that makes me selfish, then, guilty as charged. Somehow I thought I had that right.

I also think people should be payed a livable wage.

If as a shareholder I get to vote on his salary. my vote is yes.

Who is paying the ball player is irrelevant. People have the right to earn what they can. Athletes and business people alike.

However, my point was that if you take his annual compensation and reduce it by an very large amount, there will still be that huge pay gap. People think that if you cut his salary you can double every one else's, and that is just not the case.

It is not your salary that gets you places in this country for the masses, its how you get it to work for you that will do it.

Then again, I am a capitalist pig. And I sure as heck to not have the right to determine how much another individual gets paid. I make a nice wage, and of course I wish I made more. Who doesn't.

Who is John Galt?
You were on the losing side of the shareholder vote then in 2018 when 52% voted to reduce his compensation. Not sure how many shares you have so not sure you would have changed the result substantially if you had voted. :) He is still there so his reduced compensation must somehow still be attractive to him.

What do you mean when you say workers should be paid a living wage? One estimate had the average cast member making $22k while Disney claimed $37k. This is a living wage in Southern CA or Orlando if no or possibly one child I believe (child care cost for single parent would have to be low for one child). Not sure you would have much left over to work for you. Iger seems to like the mantle of social justice but it must be so long as he doesn’t have to pay for it. Funny how that works.

I guess the days of Disney abusing the visa program for foreign workers is over. If I remember correctly they did use that for a period of time.

Within say fifty years many CM’s likely will be displaced by artificial intelligence automation so even more candidates for public assistance.

Who is...?
He is a non sea-faring Captain Nemo.
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You were on the losing side of the shareholder vote then in 2018 when 52% voted to reduce his compensation. Not sure how many shares you have so not sure you would have changed the result substantially if you had voted. :) He is still there so his reduced compensation must somehow still be attractive to him.
Just a few shares short there, dang it! And He is still well compensated. Although if this years trend holds, shareholders may change their mind next year. The stock was stagnant for years.

What do you mean when you say workers should be paid a living wage? One estimate had the average cast member making $22k while Disney claimed $37k. This is a living wage in Southern CA or Orlando if no or possibly one child I believe (child care cost for single parent would have to be low for one child). Not sure you would have much left over to work for you. Iger seems to like the mantle of social justice but it must be so long as he doesn’t have to pay for it. Funny how that works.
That is pretty much true of most wealthy people it seems, no one parts with their money, Abigail Disney included (who according to forbes has a higher net worth the Bob Iger). Well, Bill Gates is, but he might be an exception :)

I guess the days of Disney abusing the visa program for foreign workers is over. If I remember correctly they did use that for a period of time.
Like a lot of other us corporations, I am sure they are. I think there is even a law suit about their H1B visa practices.

Within say fifty years many CM’s likely will be displaced by artificial intelligence automation so even more candidates for public assistance.
Quite possible. I still feel that everyone has a right to make as much money as they can (legally) CEOs and CMs alike.
The quest for larger and larger shareholder profits are truthfully what’s keeping employee pay depressed not c-suite compensation.

I mean let’s get real here, ~$2.6billion in annual dividends vs $68ish million in mostly stock options. Which has the power to raise CM pay? It’s not Igers stock options which aren’t that high every year.

Let’s not forget this is the same company that paid Eisner $40million in 1988($87million adjusting for inflation, way more in terms of how much those options were sold at).

Now let’s look at the finances from 1988/89 and 2018. Both record years for Disney(2019 will most likely be another).

In 1989 Eisner got his 40million worth of stock options from Disney having a record ~$700million in profit off of $4.6billion in revenue. 30 years later Iger stayed on an extra year after he was supposed to retire and was rewarded for his staying with the previously mentioned compensation package. That was earn off of $12.6billion in profit and $59billion in revenue. Adjust for inflation and compensation is actually lower now. What’s not lower now is shareholder profits.

Again why aren’t employees paid better? Two words, Institutional shareholders.
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Unpopular opinion but Bob Iger is worth his price - his Eisner clean up has turned Disney into a luxury brand.
I don’t follow Disney stock and when I started looking at the data I concluded that he has been an extremely good CEO. There are a lot of CEO’s these days that are only interested in lining their pockets and provide very little value. Iger on the other hand has grown Disney and has provided a lot of value to shareholders. He gave a rudderless Disney’s a vision that has worked out very well. But for me it is bad that he plays up the social conscience angle so strongly while many of the Disney workers are paid at the poverty level. Another case of do as I say, not as I do.
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I don’t follow Disney stock and when I started looking at the data I concluded that he has been an extremely good CEO. There are a lot of CEO’s these days that are only interested in lining their pockets and provide very little value. Iger on the other hand has grown Disney and has provided a lot of value to shareholders. He gave a rudderless Disney’s a vision that has worked out very well. But for me it is bad that he plays up the social conscience angle so strongly while many of the Disney workers are paid at the poverty level. Another case of do as I say, not as I do.
Which is so very common, particularly in Hollywood.
I don’t follow Disney stock and when I started looking at the data I concluded that he has been an extremely good CEO... Iger on the other hand has grown Disney and has provided a lot of value to shareholders... But for me it is bad that he plays up the social conscience angle so strongly
Something to consider, given the current state of media messaging is that the value to shareholders comes, at least in part, by playing up the social conscience angle. By portraying Disney image as being fully accepting, modern, come to the magic sort of way.
Which is so very common, particularly in Hollywood.
I usually think of Nancy Pelosi in this regard but you are right about Hwood. Pelosi’s district included Del Monte/StarKist headquarters and they have operations in American Samoa (they provide like 45% of the employment). Her family had a sizable amount of Del Monte/StarKist stock. The average wage they pay in Samoa is very low.

On a bill that increased the min wage in the US and all it’s territories she attached a rider exempting American Samoa from the min wage increase. I think StarKist was later sold by Del Monte to a Korean Company but at the time the exemption was big bucks for Del Monte/StarKist. .
Something to consider, given the current state of media messaging is that the value to shareholders comes, at least in part, by playing up the social conscience angle. By portraying Disney image as being fully accepting, modern, come to the magic sort of way.
I just ignore the ever increasing infusion of PC into their films and so still enjoy them. I really liked Captain Marvel as an example but many considered the messaging over the top.

I don’t think Walt would approve of much of the messaging.
I just ignore the ever increasing infusion of PC into their films and so still enjoy them. I really liked Captain Marvel as an example but many considered the messaging over the top.

I don’t think Walt would approve of much of the messaging.

I don't think Walt would approve Bob of buying as many companies as possible to become the ultimate power of entertainment industry rather than spending it on the theme parks to make it as pristine, beautiful, and functional as possible (for one example), but that is none of my business. *sip tea*

At least Epcot is now getting some TLC though. Wish it was based on education, being innovative, and technology, but we'll see.
I thought about this while looking at the windows on main street last week. One of the "issues" i have with corporate Disney is that there isn't a disney involved anymore. Once Walt and Roy were gone, we at least still had Roy E Disney around to put up a fight when he thought things weren't going the Disney way, and he did just that a couple of times. There is no one left to do that now.


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