Canadian Buffoon's Exhausted Vacation - Update 09/01 - New TR link!

...wait a minute while I find my dictionary...

Sure. Take your time...
oddly enough I looked up ablutions and just assumed dressage was used correctly -- so I didn't bother looking it up.
I find it hilarious that you
looked up the right word!

I should know this -- but where was this picture taken?
Just outside of KS.
I got off the ride, and..
noticed the PP photog.
rifle can really come in handy when needing to fight your way through the locals...especially if you are trying to get to the escape room and board a banshee.
Or fending off banshees...
I see what you did there.
Is this like a time lapse or something?
Multiple rapid exposures
then overlain and built
in Photoshop.
that puppet/costume is pretty impressive.
::yes:: I agree!
I'm not quite sure how
they do it... and I really

like that I don't. :)
told you you should have kept it.
I don't know why I didn't
listen to you!

never heard of that species of google and type it in...that's b/c it doesn't exist!!!

More lies!!!
You... Googled... it...

Are we studying for the SATs or something? You trying to educate us???
Heaven forbid! I merely assume
that my readers are erudite.

Notwithstanding the above -- I hadn't realized that the A/Cs are hidden from view -- pretty impressive.
Um... sure?
I have no idea!
I just noticed I didn't see one

at first glance. :laughing:
I think you mean several minutes.
Oh, no. I've been exploring
this remote jungle locale
for many, many weeks.
Years, actually...

I know you know what's coming...
I know...
did someone scribe this with their thesaurus proximate?
I actually did use a thesaurus
on occasion, but... probably
not for what you think.

More like... "Dang it!
I used the word "wait", twice...

what's another word for "wait"?"
You know you could have just paid someone some money and they'll give you some food? It's a lot more convenient.
But not nearly as fresh.
...or maybe you started to smell after weeks of traversing the jungle?
It is the jungle...
Everyone smells from the
heat and humidity.

Just like Florida!
Just because they're extraordinarily
rare, doesn't mean...

oh, okay. Yes. Lies.
Seems like they could be fun to ride down the river. it would be better than rowing a canoe yourself.

Which does make you think....

You have to wonder how many people had tried to domesticate them before the human race gave up entirely.
I present to you a list of players
who have attempted to tame

Peg-leg Pete
One-armed Sally

Handless Hank

I think these were the three faces I made after reading that line...
Mission accomplished!
Dang I love that one.
She's all grown up now.

Related image
I thought those were the long-necked spotted zebras?
Don't be silly.
This report deals in scientific
fact only.
more SAT buzz words!
You may SIT or STAND.
It's fine with me, either way.

You can tell they are dangerous -- if you look closely, they all have ankle bracelets on. Clearly, they have all been previously convicted of some heinous crimes, and are now forced to where tracking bracelets while being imprisoned.
I'm glad you noticed that.
You can see now that this
report is completely accurate

and factual.
wait -- there's a theme to this drivel?


they really look cute enough to just pet them, don't they?
climbing the Himalayas three times in one day is pretty impressive.
I was younger, then.
I think you missed your ears.
What? Sorry, I can't hear you.
coconut? no thank you! Can't stand the texture.
So. Gross.
so you went to the wrong hotel? How'd you get back to OKW?
That was the last trip, with Elle.
I was staying at ASMu, this trip.

...once again, another trip to the dictionary...
Who needs school when
you have me???

damnit! I was really hoping for someone using a spoon to drink their soup or something like that!
That wouldn't surprise me, though.
I was going to say that maybe they were doing low-carb....but if they ate the bottom bun and fries, that wouldn't make any sense.
Yep. Bottom was eaten.
Just not the top.
So... strange.
I've still never seen this yet -- just have never found myself at DAK at night.
Gives you a reason, doesn't it?
I actually prefer Awakenings
to Pandora at night, now.
Well -- that's not entirely true -- I have been to Pandora at night -- but we didn't go anywhere else that night.
And I can see that too.
But after doing it a few times...

I guess you'll just have to start using buses again -- they seem to be much more punctual for you.
Good point!
I did not know that!! But it sure does sound fancy! :)
I mean... of course it has
to do with fancy dress???

Not so much. :laughing:
That is SO cool!! How did you do that!? and the other moving picture on Expedition Everest?
Tripod. Fast shutter speed.
Multiple rapid exposures.
Then built in Photoshop.
I had to.
Aww, Kelly's favorite tree :lovestruc
And, rats!! I only saw one, so guess I'm goin' back!!!!!!
Good luck!
The call of the jungle woke me
at a relatively late 8:00am.

The jungle is very considerate these days.

I decided to leave the rifle with
the aide, calculating that I would
be able to survive on my wits,
whereas he had demonstrated that
he had but half the required amount.

I'm not sure I trust your math there.

Hey, I finally got one right!

I paused to let my personal
photographer record the moment
when I came across the tribe's
sacred tree, whom they'd named
Hoyle Derrick. A curious name to be
sure, and one that I would attempt to
drill down to the bottom of.

Nice. You're just a well of pithy remarks.

I beg you not to look at the following
photo if you are of delicate constitution.
You will see that the beast has spied a
tempting morsel and the victim has his
arms raised in a defensive posture,
knowing that his demise is soon

Man, you think you're just going on a fun vacation, and then you end up as dessert.

I was able to spy a rare Brownschmuck duck;
prized for its golden hued eggs and fatty meat.

Mmmmm...schmuck meat.

Surely, the lifespans of these people
could be measured in mere decades.

As opposed to other, more advanced civilizations, who can prolong that number by a factor of 1.

And don't call me Shirley.

I toad you so.


Proceeding deeper into the
jungle, I shuddered as I spied
the scraps of clothes, hung akimbo
in the trees, marking where others
had ventured, but not returned.

I'm getting a Predator-vibe here.

After abating my hunger somewhat,
I continued in my search.
Signs of previous, unsuccessful
explorers were abundant.

This is it. This is where Forrestal cashed in.

A friend of yours?

A competitor. He was good. He was very, very good.

I was fortunate to find myself approaching
the village market where I traded some
jerky and a small pocket knife for a
drink that I loosely translated as
"Frozen Flamingo".

You traded yourself? How does that work?

I would not eat there, however.
I had heard far too many warnings
that the market food was tainted
and I did not want dysentery to
plague my exploratory expedition.

I didn't know they had a Taco Bell!

I was given a seat of honour...
Or was the empty seat upon which
I was the sole proprietor merely a
ruse to enable the carnivores easier
access to my defenseless self?

Or they knew you went to the Taco Bell.

While they look forbidding, they are actually
quite docile. The native children like to paint
their broad backs and ride them downriver.

Always a good time for the Florida kids!

They were obviously neither
alligator nor crocodile
as I did not see them
later nor in a while.

Story totally checks out.

Up ahead in the distance,
I saw some long-necked wild dogs.

All the animals were feeling lazy, I see.

We passed some of the villagers'
pet dogs along the way.

More animatronics! They're everywhere.

As we made our escape, we stumbled
upon a wide-eared Snortblast.

Isn't that from the Little Mermaid?

The spotted Cheeto-cat, was on
the hunt for kibble.


<Off theme comment.
After I took the above photos of the cheetah,
I turned away to see what was approaching next
and a few people exclaimed.
Apparently, the cheetah had actually been hunting
and had pounced on a mouse or small bird.
Wish I'd seen that.
Continuing on...>

Dang. That would have been pretty cool.

This one was
obviously fake. A clever simulacrum
to fool the unwary.

I knew it!

My guide was not as fortunate.
Don't feel too badly, though.
He now works at a Caribbean Pirate
attraction somewhere in Florida.


I mean, Arrr...

Or is that vomit no evil??

Dang. Beat me to the joke.

This was not my encampment.
In my defense, all these jungle
camps of similar Value, look alike.


I arrived precisely at 5:30, and...
realized that I had forgotten my


I allowed myself to be served a slice
of jungle mango pie.
Which was delicious.

Now we're talking!

A small example of encroaching
civilization in this rustic village.
Imagine my surprise when they both
proceeded to remove the top buns
and ate their meals with knives and forks.
I mean... really! In the jungle!

You can take the city folk to the jungle...and I don't know how to finish that thought.

And while the land was certainly
pretty enough, its true beauty
did not reveal itself until after

Oooh, pretty pictures!

Seriously, nice job.

I proceeded to the meeting point,
arriving at 9:10pm.
My driver was not there.
I was quite unimpressed with his
tardiness and told him so when
he arrived an inconceivable ten
minutes later!

Ten minutes!!

:faint: Unacceptable! An outrage!
Yes, I know dressage is horse
riding, but it just sounds fancy!
Tell me if you caught that
or knew that.
I did know that! And not just any kind of horse riding. I've done trail rides, but never dressage. Just watched it on the Olympics.

I did love the theming and all the puns - very clever. Well done...
The jungle is very considerate these days.
If one treats the jungle with respect...

Yeah, that's all crap.

It'll eat you alive no matter what.
I'm not sure I trust your math there.
Is there such a thing
as a quarter-wit?

Hey, I finally got one right!
Even a stopped clock...
Wait... pretty much all clocks
are digital now a days...
when they're stopped,

they're just... blank.
Nice. You're just a well of pithy remarks.
And deep, too.
Man, you think you're just going on a fun vacation, and then you end up as dessert.
Um... that's Disney in a nutshell.
Mmmmm...schmuck meat.
As opposed to other, more advanced civilizations, who can prolong that number by a factor of 1.
I was wondering if anyone
would catch that. :)

And don't call me Shirley.
There it is. ::yes::
I'm getting a Predator-vibe here.
Why didn't I think of that!
It was the perfect set-up!
You've got the jungle...
and you've got Pandora.

Predator vs Alien!
This is it. This is where Forrestal cashed in.

A friend of yours?

A competitor. He was good. He was very, very good.
All I need is a whip and a small
scar on my chin.

You traded yourself? How does that work?
Many things are possible in the
wilds of the jungle...
or on certain street corners.
I didn't know they had a Taco Bell!
I said tainted and dysentery...
Taco Bell isn't that good.

Or they knew you went to the Taco Bell.
Valid point.
Always a good time for the Florida kids!
You see this all the time. ::yes::
All the animals were feeling lazy, I see.
Get out and get a job!
And stay off my savanna!

More animatronics! They're everywhere.
Disney spares no expense...
except when they're sparing
every expense.
Isn't that from the Little Mermaid?
You're thinking snarfblatt.

Close, though.
Cheetos never prosper.
Dang. That would have been pretty cool.
Yeah, it really would have.
I did see a cool video of a cheetah
running down a gazelle at full

speed. It was... impressive.

I mean, Arrr...

"Captain! The cannons be ready!"
"ARE ready!"

Now we're talking!
That was really good.::yes::
You can take the city folk to the jungle...and I don't know how to finish that thought.
But you can't make them
eat jungle folk.

Wait... that's cannibals...
Oooh, pretty pictures!

Seriously, nice job.
Thanks! :)
:faint: Unacceptable! An outrage!
No one should ever have to wait
10 minutes for transportation!
I did know that! And not just any kind of horse riding. I've done trail rides, but never dressage. Just watched it on the Olympics.
Trail riding is all the riding I've
ever done.
A horse riding expert I am not.
But I do enjoy it from time to time.
The best one was in Hawaii...

I did love the theming and all the puns - very clever. Well done...
Thanks! :)
I’m going to Seattle the first part of May. Why are you going to be in the area?

I just don’t think I’m a cruise person. It was a nice holiday and we’ll probably do another one in a couple of years. It was just so confusing and there were arguments. My favorite thing was a city tour of Porta Plata, Dominican Republic.

Hi Doc S 😃
I’m going to Seattle the first part of May. Why are you going to be in the area?

I just don’t think I’m a cruise person. It was a nice holiday and we’ll probably do another one in a couple of years. It was just so confusing and there were arguments. My favorite thing was a city tour of Porta Plata, Dominican Republic.

Hi Doc S 😃
:wave: Carrie
I’m going to Seattle the first part of May. Why are you going to be in the area?
I'm doing an Alaskan cruise in early/mid May.
Was considering sticking around afterwards
and revisiting Seattle... but I haven't figured
that part out yet.

What are your dates?
I just don’t think I’m a cruise person. It was a nice holiday and we’ll probably do another one in a couple of years. It was just so confusing and there were arguments. My favorite thing was a city tour of Porta Plata, Dominican Republic.
Sorry to hear about the confusion
and arguments. :(

Glad there were some things

you enjoyed about it though.
Interesting. I’ve never seen a picture of them Tree being built.
So it looks like the leg of a jack up rig but it’s been cut up and welded into a different shape.
Which makes sense...
They wanted a tree...

not a derrick! :laughing:
Eaten Alive... Almost

The call of the jungle woke me
at a relatively late 8:00am.
I bathed in a nearby stream
and finished my leisurely
ablutions and dressage in
fine form within the hour.

Yes, I know dressage is horse
riding, but it just sounds fancy!
Tell me if you caught that
or knew that.

Had no idea.

This is such a cool photo.


I was given a seat of honour...
Or was the empty seat upon which
I was the sole proprietor merely a
ruse to enable the carnivores easier
access to my defenseless self?

How nice to have the seat to your self. I hate when they cram them full.

The Giraffes are my favorite.

Look at that flamboyance.

They are so lazy. They are never awake. Although one time we came off KS and a CM approached us and asked if we wanted to go backstage. So we got to see where they housing the lions that want to come in at night and how they get them in - they bribe them with food. They said they don't force them to come in unless they are sick, but most of them do. There was also this one ostrich that hangs out back there that refuses to go onto the rest of the Savannah, which was pretty funny.

These look delicious, but I love coconut.

So pretty
I'm doing an Alaskan cruise in early/mid May.
Was considering sticking around afterwards
and revisiting Seattle... but I haven't figured
that part out yet.

This perked my ears up! Curious to know when you do figure it out...
Had no idea.
Now you do.
This TR is nothing
if not educational...

This is such a cool photo.
Thanks! :)
Such a cool puppet!
How nice to have the seat to your self. I hate when they cram them full.
I was... shocked, to be honest.
I was the only one with an
entire seat to myself.
All the others had at least

four people in them.
The Giraffes are my favorite.
Me too. :)
Look at that flamboyance.
The guide made sure to tell
us that it was a flamboyance,
which I already knew...
as well as a bloat of hippos.

I did not know it was called

a tower of giraffes.
They are so lazy. They are never awake. Although one time we came off KS and a CM approached us and asked if we wanted to go backstage. So we got to see where they housing the lions that want to come in at night and how they get them in - they bribe them with food. They said they don't force them to come in unless they are sick, but most of them do.
Interesting. I just thought
they left them out there all
the time. Huh!
I was fortunate enough to
once go by when the male

was roaring. Memorable!
There was also this one ostrich that hangs out back there that refuses to go onto the rest of the Savannah, which was pretty funny.

Kind of reminds me of Hei Hei.
These look delicious, but I love coconut.
Ew... Just... no.
So pretty
I love Awakenings.
This perked my ears up! Curious to know when you do figure it out...
Just so you know...
It's much more likely that I'll
fly in and out with my mom
just before and after the cruise...

But I'm keeping some options open.

Not likely, but... I really do want to
revisit the west coast again.

I'd be sure to let you know, of course!!
in his
less than trusty jeep
my trusty aide's
driving skills were even less
trusty than his jeep's state of repair.
whereas he had demonstrated that
he had but half the required amount.
Wow you really don't think very highly of your aide.

whom they'd named
Hoyle Derrick. A curious name to be
sure, and one that I would attempt to
drill down to the bottom of.

Their animals, that
I presume they kept as a source
of food
Are you telling me you would eat Bambi?

You will see that the beast has spied a
tempting morsel
Those are murder eyes if I've ever seen them.

I toad you so.
tiana sassy.gif

It's not a difficult task, all that is
required is 8 Spoons.
Imagine what would be possible with 9 spoons.

These foul creatures
Fowl creatures?

are merely
an annoyance
I believe the correct term is a flamboyance.

Imagine my surprise when they both
proceeded to remove the top buns
and ate their meals with knives and forks.
What the fork, guys

Another gripping saga, well done. And amazing photos at DAK!
Wow you really don't think very highly of your aide.
The dude... Crashed. The. Jeep.
AND!!! He was late! More than once!!
Are you telling me you would eat Bambi?
Mmmmm…. venison.

"Bambi, roasting... on an open fire...
Thumper, served with figs and cloves..."

Those are murder eyes if I've ever seen them.
The stuff of nightmares.

Perfect gif for that.
Imagine what would be possible with 9 spoons.
Now you're just being silly.
Who ever heard of 9 Spoon Café???

Fowl creatures?
Image result for foals horses pictures
Foal creatures.
Unless you want to
pony up another option?
I believe the correct term is a flamboyance.
You're thinking flamingos.
They look similar, but...
The plural form of a group
of Piranhagretes is:
What the fork, guys
Nice one.
Another gripping saga, well done. And amazing photos at DAK!
Thanks! :goodvibes
Mmmmm…. venison.
::yes::. YUM!

Bambi, roasting... on an open fire...
Thumper, served with figs and cloves
yum and yum...light on the cloves please.

No flower? That's okay, I'll skip that one too!

Foal creatures.
Unless you want to
pony up another option?
What's with the night mare ish puns?
He could be quite the stallion if he comes up with more, but even Mark could get involved since he's a filly fan.
Of course, he may not want to be saddled with that responsibility.


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