Are people not fans of the Tim Tracker?

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I genuinly don't see sponsored videos as them selling out. I just see 2 people who have created some great vlogs and have gained huge popularity. It's because of their large fanbase that they are now being invited to events, because the people doing the inviting see them as an asset. I very much doubt that would be the case if the followers were not there.
Its been said up-thread that Jenn's vocal opinions on her political beliefs have left a bad taste in some people's mouths. Both because of her stance but also because she's mixing it with business which can be unprofessional. In addition, their content has changed and shifted as they've gained popularity. Personally, I don't find it a bad thing and think its good for them to expand and take advantage of sponsored videos, but some see it as selling out or a money grab I think.
And yet, no one has ever given even one example of what she has ever said that was 'political'. I have watched their videos for years, probably missed very few of them along the way, and can't think of one instance where a political statement was made or a political belief was expressed. I'd like to see where this is coming from.
I'm fans of the Trackers but I'm a little peeved by the comments saying anyone who doesn't like them are "haters" or "jealous". That seems like such immature junior high school logic.

I've been following them for years and honestly I think after following anyone for a while you might notice quirks and whatever that bother you a bit. Someone mentioned their tendency to chew with their mouth open and food falling out and stuff and someone commented something not so nice to that poster but I've totally noticed it to and yea it's a little gross lol. I tend to roll my eyes a little when they do food reviews (well mostly tim) because he tends to eat mainly burgers, chicken nuggets and pizza so a lot of times he tends to not like food thats not fried or junk lol. But I also love their content. They post a lot which I enjoy and I do love the update videos they do because I love seeing the progression of new projects etc. Also I am so happy for them that they are having a baby! I remember when they posted a video about not being able to have kids (when they thought that was true) so now seeing that they are almost due, it makes me so happy.

Yes. Jen has a habit of going off on people on twitter. Some of its not always really warranted (like that girl she accidentally wrote to and all the stans started attacking that wrong girl) but the trackers are human. They make stupid decisions some times like we all do. They are human. You can like or not like their content but don't be unnecessarily rude.
And yet, no one has ever given even one example of what she has ever said that was 'political'. I have watched their videos for years, probably missed very few of them along the way, and can't think of one instance where a political statement was made or a political belief was expressed. I'd like to see where this is coming from.
Not gonna search for it but I have seen a few things on twitter but I have no problem with it honestly. I think also when Trump was elected they did a live stream and she was visibly shaken or crying.
Not gonna search for it but I have seen a few things on twitter but I have no problem with it honestly. I think also when Trump was elected they did a live stream and she was visibly shaken or crying.
If that's all there was, then that's pretty pathetic that people talk about 'her vocal political opinions' like every video is some political rant when she was just upset on a live stream once.
And yet, no one has ever given even one example of what she has ever said that was 'political'. I have watched their videos for years, probably missed very few of them along the way, and can't think of one instance where a political statement was made or a political belief was expressed. I'd like to see where this is coming from.
It was on Twitter, not in their videos. She hasn't tweeted anything like it in a while, but her political and religious stances are known if you go back a few years - I'll refrain from re-posting it here due to board rules around politics. Its not just one post or live stream. But in addition to the political tweets, she would also be argumentative with people on Twitter and get involved in drama with other Disney YouTubers/Influencers. The critics took a toll on her and she let it show. I don't think the criticism is warranted, but I do think its unprofessional to engage with people in a negative and public way. Never feed the trolls, and stay away from religion and politics. This should be YouTuber/Instagrammer 101.

All that said, I like Jenn and realize that there's no manual or guidebook for people who find insta-fame as vloggers and influencers. But there comes a point when you quit your job and you decide to make this your sole full time income that you have to just pull the reigns in and keep your mouth shut. I think she's learned this over the last year or so, because she's been much quieter on Twitter.
I enjoy watching them. They seem like cool people that I'd be friends with. I kinda feel like their friend at times, getting to go along for the journey when they post videos and share what's going on in their lives with us.
I’ve been sub’d to TTT channel for many years now… since around 2012 I believe. I started watching their videos more heavily the past 4 years, though, when it seemed their Disney content ramped up. My wife and daughter have started watching more of his content with me since then as well.

The thing I like about their videos are:
  • They are family friendly which means I won’t run in to any … surprises … when watching with my kid.
  • They are honest; at least as far as I can tell. This is especially noticeable in their vlogs on foods (many times I’ve heard them express their disdain for a particular food item) and when they are shopping (many times they have commented on something being more expensive than they deem worthwhile).
  • They have a pretty even keel with their personalities; they’re not overly negative but aren’t annoyingly bubbly/fake.

To top it off, we ran in to Tim this past Saturday at Universal City Walk. My family chatted with him briefly. I didn’t want to take up too much of his time but I thanked him for putting out content that is family friendly and we congratulated them on their pregnancy. He was nothing but kind; the exact same way he is in his videos. My wife knew I would feel weird asking for a picture so she asked him for me and he was happy to oblige: "Sure, absolutely". Others came up to talk and he was the same way toward them. I didn’t expect anything less but it was still refreshing to see the same guy in the videos has the same demeanor outside of his videos. I will say, the one thing that caught me off guard was that he’s tall! I never got the impression he was above 6 feet in his videos but I'd guess he's 6'5". I felt like a pipsqueak next to him. lol

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If you started watching them in 2012, you'd totally know they aren't family friendly by default, and they are putting up a facade to get in the good graces of the Mouse.

I'm a fan of TTT and have mentioned this upthread. During the current lockdown we decided to go back and watch videos that they made before we started watching then 2 years ago. I was very surprised by Tim, in the older videos he seemed much angrier and more impatient than he does now - his 5hr wait for Gringotts was a complete shock - it's like watching a completely different person. But it hasn't affected my enjoyment of their vlogs because people do change. And even if they don't there are hundreds of big name celebrities out there - BIG NAMES - who's real life persona if the complete opposite of what they want you to see of them.

I have to be honest here, I googled them tonight and read what I can only describe as HATE - my god these people do blogs for heaven's sake, how can people spit hatred on forums and comment boards about this. Are they jealous of their popularity or just because they now get invited to events?

Or, while millions of people are dying and suffering from an evil virus are people so jealous and full of hatred because they are still Vlogging about their home life....get a grip people please, get a bloody grip.

They go out of their way to entertain people in vlogs - if you don't like them then don't watch, it really is that simple.
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