Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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That's not the case at all. If your article would have said Knotts is opening up in 2 weeks folks would have quoted it and said that's good news and somehow tie it to WDW opening soon.

You have to understand people. In this day and age, many only gravitate to news they WANT to hear and supports their view. Anything outside of that is ignored, dismissed or outright refuted.

You’re right. Just like people saying that Disney wont open until August or even next year, without an ounce of real basis WANT Disney closed until those baseless dates. Theres at least more evidence towards a June opening than August or later. No one knows except Disney when the parks could potentially be opened. I find optimism to be more satisfying than cynicism, especially when the cynicism is being passed off as if its fact
You’re right. Just like people saying that Disney wont open until August or even next year, without an ounce of real basis WANT Disney closed until those baseless dates. Theres at least more evidence towards a June opening than August or later. No one knows except Disney when the parks could potentially be opened. I find optimism to be more satisfying than cynicism, especially when the cynicism is being passed off as if its fact

It seems to me that folks on all sides of this discussion tend to give in to confirmation bias. There is simply a real absence of dispositive data points, and so people believe what they want to believe and find arguments that they like more persuasive than those they don't.
But that's still speculation for what Disney is doing.

Six Flags and Hershey Park are planning to open this summer. That may mean that the Disney parks will open this summer too!

Speculation swings both ways. I'm tired of swinging. I just want someone (Disney) to pull me off the swing and tell me what's straight.
And Disney has the $ & resources to implement modifications to help them open that other parks don’t have.
It seems to me that folks on all sides of this discussion tend to give in to confirmation bias. There is simply a real absence of dispositive data points, and so people believe what they want to believe and find arguments that they like more persuasive than those they don't.

Absolutely. But Disney has the June 1st reservations still coming in, whether that sticks or not is still in question. They could have easily set a new target date like they did with DL yesterday, but they didnt. The ones that point towards opening dates later in the year seem to think Disney will open when THEY are ready to go back to theme parks. Theres no conclusive evidence that WDW is opening in August, or September, or October, or January 2021. Theres also no conclusive evidence that they’re opening June 1st, or in June at all, but until they cancel those reservations and say otherwise, thats the best information we have right now. Everything else is just baseless opinion to fill a narrative.
I'm just tired of most of the 430 pages of this thread being just that. It's the same exact thing over and over.

Agreed. I have no problem reading it over and over-my choice.

But we could be in the exact same spot in 3 weeks, June 1. Then it will be "how could they possibly get ready for July 1?".

Then on July 1.....same exact thing.

Or they could open June 1, or July 1 or whenever.

So its currently pointless speculation.
That's not the case at all. If your article would have said Knotts is opening up in 2 weeks folks would have quoted it and said that's good news and somehow tie it to WDW opening soon
I wouldn’t have because what they do has nothing to do with what Disney does.
The task force today mentioned that trying to entice people to come to Orlando is pointless until Disney, Universal and Sea World open. No one comes to Orlando to go to Gator World. Disney is under a lot of pressure to open.

Makes sense. Central FL is really about tourism.
Maybe not entirely pointless. We're Disney fans. Talking about Disney affords some manner of entertainment all by itself.

I call these my Therapy Threads. I don't have a trip planned, but my days would feel a lot more dull and dreary if I couldn't read the latest "pointless speculation" and ensuing discussion on the Dis. No joke. :-)
...Shanghai as a test bed of operational practices... also a test of folks willingness to come to a theme park in the current environment with a contagious disease out there and those operational measures in place.

So keep your eye on Shanghai...
Sorry but the government can tell whoever they want to go to the park if it doesn't fill to the exact level they want naturally. Welcome to China. Therefore, the demand seen in Shanghai on our end cannot be trusted- we will never be able to tell the difference between who wants to be there and who has to be there.

ETA: we also will not know if people wanted to be there and were not allowed to
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