How do you feel about wearing a mask at Disney parks?

How do you feel about wearing a mask while at a Disney Park?

  • If wearing a mask means the parks can open sooner, I'll wear one. I just want to be able to go!

  • Wearing masks would detract from the Disney experience I love so much! I won't go if I have to mask

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For me it's all of the above. Heat is definitely an issue, I live in NYC and wear a mask anytime I step out and when it's hot out it's awful. When it's cold...still awful. I'm very uncomfortable in masks in general, so I rather wait to visit WDW when masks are not required because WDW is a very expensive trip for us and I don't want to be in a mask. It's my magical escape and the mask is a very unpleasant experience for me. My wife feels differently, she would be fine going with the requirement. Our next trip my sister-in-law is going (her first time!) and she feels as I do: it's going to detract from our expensive vacation so for our family, it's better to wait.
That's understandable. For me it's not smiles on faces that make a park. Hearing people screaming on rides is more meaningful for me.
FWIW.... Here on the Space Coast there is a heat index of 91F. I finally ventured out and went to Target with my procedure mask ( blue, ear loops, disposable) After walking thru the park lot and walking into the air conditioning it wasn't long before the mask was damp. If you think it will be no problem walking around the parks in higher temps and humidity, think again, unless you are a marathon runner.
I will wait to go.

Here we have to wear them inside any business but not outside. So not in parking lots, etc. I do put it on if I have to wait in line to get in a business.

I have a hard enough time in the Florida heat/humidity without something on my face. I would never dream of going and not wearing one if they do require it but just won’t choose to spend money to go.
As a 25 plus year Annual Pass and DIS stock holder, I will not go to any Disney property until the feel good, do nothing measures of masks and "Social Distancing" are gone. If wearing a mask, or walking in circles to avoid passing someone on a sidewalk makes anyone feel "safe", have at it.
Two observations: I’m surprised the poll is so close, and I’m also surprised the majority would not want to wear a mask. Not what I would have expected.
There should be a third option like: Everyone should be wearing a mask for the public's safety. I'm going to go back to Disney when it's safer one day and masks wouldn't be required.
Two observations: I’m surprised the poll is so close, and I’m also surprised the majority would not want to wear a mask. Not what I would have expected.
Here are my two observations:

1. The "science" on community-wide non-medical grade mask wearing is very weak. There is no evidence that it reduces the spread of disease. There is a lot of conjecture, but no evidence. It's possible that it might help because they do catch droplets, but it's also possible that it might hurt, because most people touch their faces more when wearing masks, and many people probably don't wash their cloth masks regularly, and that can lead to a further spread of germs via the hands. And of course, the virus is smaller than the droplets that masks catch, so even though masks might catch some of the viral particles, they do not catch all of the viral particles. So the efficacy of this practice is unknown. The fact that the WHO still recommends against it, and that the surgeon general and the CDC both were against it until recently also reduces people's trust in those who insist that it must be helpful.

2. Given that there is no hard evidence that it is helpful, many people do not want to be forced to wear them, particularly on a summer vacation in a hot and humid climate, and even more particularly on a very expensive vacation, which WDW is for a lot of people.
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Two observations: I’m surprised the poll is so close, and I’m also surprised the majority would not want to wear a mask. Not what I would have expected.

I was surprised at first, too.

But it seems like the USA has been very close to having opposite opinions about a lot of things for several years now. And many of the opinions seem very sad and scary to me. I guess I watch and read to much news.
Two observations: I’m surprised the poll is so close, and I’m also surprised the majority would not want to wear a mask. Not what I would have expected.

I think it is and it isn't surprising. I think a lot of people, my self included, just can't picture being on vacation, spending that kind of money, dealing with the heat, eating, etc. and having to wear a mask which may or may not be actually doing anything. We have been going yearly to WDW for 15 years now and we are in the not going until all this is done category.
Two observations: I’m surprised the poll is so close, and I’m also surprised the majority would not want to wear a mask. Not what I would have expected.

May I ask why you are surprised?

Masks are something that are causing a lot of difference of opinion.

My family and I went out to eat this past weekend. The area we went to is not requiring masks to be worn by everyone. The restaurant employees had them on but no customers. Afterwards we took a walk down a boardwalk. Not one person with a mask.

Come back home and everyone is required to wear them. So which one is right? Both mayors have medical experts discussing all of this with them but apparently making different suggestions.

Is the state of Florida requiring masks? Is the city of Orlando? If they are not, then— If I can spread the virus in WDW, can I not in a business down the road but off WDW property? Does that not make it then look like a “feel good” policy?
Two observations: I’m surprised the poll is so close, and I’m also surprised the majority would not want to wear a mask. Not what I would have expected.

I'm not surprised at all. In the US, messaging about masks has been really confused, and there was a lot of early misinformation. The point of the public wearing masks is source control. The point of health providers wearing masks is infection prevention. It's really easy for people who want to spread disinformation to conflate the two issues, build on the early misinformation and twist them in ways that are satisfying to people to hear.

No one wants to hear that they personally might be contagious without feeling sick, or that they might have inadvertently spread a disease that killed someone. Our brains shy away from that idea, and it's reassuring that it might be outside our control, that the protection for other people is overstated and would put us at greater risk. The narrative goes that we're saving ourselves by not wearing masks, and any risk to everyone else is minimal. Who wouldn't like that to be true?

Honestly, this is the same stuff we saw in the 1918 flu epidemic, just recast for modern audiences.
Come back home and everyone is required to wear them. So which one is right? Both mayors have medical experts discussing all of this with them but apparently making different suggestions.
I don't think we have enough evidence to say that the medical experts are making different suggestions. We can say that the mayors are making different decisions, doesn't necessarily reflect different advice. Elected officials often hear advice and make a different decision, for reasons that are rarely made public.
I don't think we have enough evidence to say that the medical experts are making different suggestions. We can say that the mayors are making different decisions, doesn't necessarily reflect different advice. Elected officials often hear advice and make a different decision, for reasons that are rarely made public.

I think sort of this. Except I DO think folks are getting conflicting information. As we've learned more about the virus over time, even science has changed, and there were and are opposing theories before and after that anyways. People don't know what to believe. I think some are trying to do what is best, I think some don't care, but I do think it's all in large a reaction to how uncertain it all still is.

I'm a coffee addict. It's my comfort food, I embrace it. :coffee: At any given point I can pull up a scientific study that will tell me if coffee is some huge health benefit or will kill me. It's just like everything else I guess, covid is just so much more serious.
May I ask why you are surprised?

Masks are something that are causing a lot of difference of opinion.

My family and I went out to eat this past weekend. The area we went to is not requiring masks to be worn by everyone. The restaurant employees had them on but no customers. Afterwards we took a walk down a boardwalk. Not one person with a mask.

Come back home and everyone is required to wear them. So which one is right? Both mayors have medical experts discussing all of this with them but apparently making different suggestions.

Is the state of Florida requiring masks? Is the city of Orlando? If they are not, then— If I can spread the virus in WDW, can I not in a business down the road but off WDW property? Does that not make it then look like a “feel good” policy?

No, you can’t because it’ll turn into a moral debate if I’m a good person who wants to wear a mask or an evil person who doesn’t. I’m good on that topic for now, and frankly kind of sick of it. I just figured there would be more of a gap between the opinions and I’ll leave it at that.

Sorry if that came off rude but I just don’t want to dive deeper down that rabbit hole. The only thing I’ll say is that we’re in a Disney forum and I would have figured the majority would be willing to go along with it. Just surprised the opposite is true.
The only thing I’ll say is that we’re in a Disney forum and I would have figured the majority would be willing to go along with it. Just surprised the opposite is true.

I'm one of those that voted to not go if they're required. I love Disney, and I love my vacations. I'm ok with wearing masks. But the idea of that much money for that many hot hours just steals my magic. It doesn't sound fun. However, I fully support the mask requirement. I will wait until I get desperate enough (I'm mocking myself here, not calling everyone desperate that is willing to go with a mask!) to go with masks, or I feel safe enough for myself and others around me to go without.

I do wonder how many folks are assuming there will be a mask requirement that is simply not enforced. If that is the case, honestly, I will be disappointed. So many companies right now requiring masks, but then refusing to support the policy. I feel ripped off that they are making an offer about safety, but it was just for pretend to get my money. I read a recent article that indicates Disney intends to back up their rule. I'm scared for the cast members either way, because lately people seem to be so entitled they'd rather hurt or kill someone over a policy for an optional service (like, go somewhere else if you don't like it??).
Didn't the whole social distancing thing start with a 10 minute thing? Or am I dreaming that up? I thought if you couldn't be six feet away from someone and were going to be in closer contact for longer than 10 minutes, you should wear a mask?
But I suppose if someone sneezes, it only is a few seconds, so that rule went away quickly.
But if that were the case, transportation, shows, and parades and fireworks would be the only times guests would really NEED a mask.
No, you can’t because it’ll turn into a moral debate if I’m a good person who wants to wear a mask or an evil person who doesn’t. I’m good on that topic for now, and frankly kind of sick of it. I just figured there would be more of a gap between the opinions and I’ll leave it at that.

Sorry if that came off rude but I just don’t want to dive deeper down that rabbit hole. The only thing I’ll say is that we’re in a Disney forum and I would have figured the majority would be willing to go along with it. Just surprised the opposite is true.

Ok. I get it. And no you don’t come off as rude at all.

I don’t think anyone is good or bad because of this one thing and I totally agree, it gets tiring that it continually is framed that way.


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