Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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Got an appointment for Friday. Getting the pfizer vaccine. Wondering if I should take the afternoon off or keep working the rest of the day. I’m remote.
Everybody will react differently, but I think you should be able to make it through the rest of your work day. I got mine at 11am and didn’t start feeling any arm soreness until about 7pm.
Got my 2nd Dose Pfizer yesterday. Felt great until the mid afternoon and started feeling light headed and developed a headache while I was working. Decided to go home to be cautious. Kept feeling tired once I got home and arm soreness. Woke up today and felt better. Headache is gone.

One of my friends is on 4th day from 2nd does (Not sure which one) but is not doing well. Has major throat swelling. Everyone will react different for sure.
Might I ask which site in MD?
I have a few employees asking but I don't have any experience with them. Thanks -

It’s the Six Flags site in Bowie. I had to call to get the appointments.

I found getting my kids’ appointments at CVS in Fulton after that a much easier process, just went online at 7am and filled out the questions; they got theirs just about 15 minutes from our home (much easier than the hour long drive to Six Flags).
So, I got my first Pfizer shot about 10 days ago. I've been noticeably more tired during the day ever since. Has anyone else experienced this? The timing of my shot coincided with the start of my monthly cycle, so that explained the fatigue at first, but by this point, it should have gone away, right? I wake up and about an hour later, am exhausted again and I fight through it, but it's like all I want to do several times a day is take a nap (but then when I try, I can't fall asleep). It's starting to get annoying. I am sleeping well at night and waking up naturally around 7:30am.

My youngest is 3 weeks from his first Moderna dose; he is still having periodic fatigue (but he has underlying health conditions, so it could just be that).
Got my 2nd Dose Pfizer yesterday. Felt great until the mid afternoon and started feeling light headed and developed a headache while I was working. Decided to go home to be cautious. Kept feeling tired once I got home and arm soreness. Woke up today and felt better. Headache is gone.

One of my friends is on 4th day from 2nd does (Not sure which one) but is not doing well. Has major throat swelling. Everyone will react different for sure.

If you have not done so, I would encourage him to go to the doc to get checked out. Throat swelling is not something to be ignored b/c it doesn't take much to go from okay to disastrous emergency.
So, I got my first Pfizer shot about 10 days ago. I've been noticeably more tired during the day ever since. Has anyone else experienced this? The timing of my shot coincided with the start of my monthly cycle, so that explained the fatigue at first, but by this point, it should have gone away, right? I wake up and about an hour later, am exhausted again and I fight through it, but it's like all I want to do several times a day is take a nap (but then when I try, I can't fall asleep). It's starting to get annoying. I am sleeping well at night and waking up naturally around 7:30am.

I wouldn't worry for another few days, but if you get to the 15 day point, and you still feel the same way, I'd head to the doc and get your bloodwork checked out. Just to make sure that your body's immune reaction necessary to integrate the vaccine didn't uncover anything pre-existing in your bloodwork that you didn't notice til you had to "fight something off".
Just an FYI/PSA, please remember to sign up for the V-Safe after your first shot.

My DH got his 1st Moderna today at Walmart and they gave him an info sheet on signing up for V-Safe. My 18 year old had his at Walgreens about 10 days ago and they didn't give him anything about that. Actually, come to find out from him, on top of making him pay $2.50 (which some of you may remember me posting about), that they didn't even observe him afterwards! :eek: It was the second day that location started doing vaccines and I really hope they get their act together before he goes back for his 2nd dose.
DH, DS & I received our first shots at two different mass vaccination sites. Neither site mentioned signing up for V-Safe.
It's possible they've decided they no longer need to collect info from everyone.
My site didn't either. But my parents, who had vaccines in Jan/Feb from the same health department, were instructed to enroll.

At the site we had ours done they gave us 2 papers during check in process. One paper was about what to expect with Pfizer and questions you should answer regarding covid exposure, symptoms, had another vaccine in the last 14 days stuff with a line at the very end about v-safe and on the back was about protocols for the church we had it done at. The second paper was entirely front to back about v-safe. V-safe wasn't verbally mentioned though.

It's from the CDC not any particular health department so it's def. not that they decided they no longer need to collect information, they would LOVE for many people to enroll because that's a good way of getting information from people in a quick, fairly unobtrusive way and in real time rather than waiting months for people to advise what they felt long after plus they can track with things come up. I've seen people mention here on this thread and elsewhere about symptoms cropping up days later.

Plus when you do use it answer you give may lead them to have someone call you which could actually be a good thing, like the person that has someone with a very swollen neck. That may be something that someone doesn't think should be looked at but sends red flags to them (just using that as an example since it was mentioned).

All that said I'm sure not every place even in a given area is going to have literature on v-safe nor call it out to attention. I do think it's not been well mentioned by the media or even CDC themselves so it wouldn't surprise me that as quickly as places have had to just up and start vaccinating and putting together clinics that they either didn't have the time to get stuff made about v-safe, didn't know about it themselves, or didn't see the point in adding in that extra effort. That's totally a neutral statement not meant to be critical of any given place.
My DH got his 1st Moderna today at Walmart and they gave him an info sheet on signing up for V-Safe. My 18 year old had his at Walgreens about 10 days ago and they didn't give him anything about that. Actually, come to find out from him, on top of making him pay $2.50 (which some of you may remember me posting about), that they didn't even observe him afterwards! :eek: It was the second day that location started doing vaccines and I really hope they get their act together before he goes back for his 2nd dose.

DH got his at CVS. They didn't watch him either. They told him to walk around the store (it was a much small older CVS) for 15 minutes and to let them know if anything popped up. He told me he left after about 10 minutes.

I had mine done with a school district. They wouldn't even give us our vaccine cards until the 15 minutes was up and not a minute sooner.
DH got his at CVS. They didn't watch him either. They told him to walk around the store (it was a much small older CVS) for 15 minutes and to let them know if anything popped up. He told me he left after about 10 minutes.

I had mine done with a school district. They wouldn't even give us our vaccine cards until the 15 minutes was up and not a minute sooner.

I had a "guard' who wouldn't let us out of the area before checking our card against the clock!!
I am about 5 days out from getting my second dose of Mederna. Today, I noticed I have a rash on my arm that I got the shot in. It is not just at the injection site. It is going down towards my elbow and wrapping around my arm. It is not bothering me at all. It doesn't even itch. I do have what feels like bruising if I touch the inside of my muscle as well at the injection site.
Might I ask which site in MD?
I have a few employees asking but I don't have any experience with them. Thanks -

I just had my first shot (Pfizer) at the site in Salisbury - Wicomico Youth and Civic Center - this morning. I signed up on the GoVax website (pre-register) on Friday around 3:45. By 7:00 p.m., I had a text for my first and second shot appointments there. It was really well done -- stayed in the car until they verified you have an appointment. Then you go in and it's a bit like the lines in security at the airport. National Guard is doing a really nice job -- very efficient and friendly. My appointment was at 9:00 a.m., but I actually got in around 8:45 a.m. -- there was no one in my line ahead of me. A really good experience.
It’s the Six Flags site in Bowie. I had to call to get the appointments.
I just had my first shot (Pfizer) at the site in Salisbury - Wicomico Youth and Civic Center - this morning.

Thanks both of you --- yeah, we are on Delmarva so going to Salisbury is much more viable than going to PG County. Husband and I got our shots in Seaford (via Tidal) still - it was a hour drive for us, but a bit closer than Salisbury, but our eldest will eventually need to get one...he's working between OC & Millsboro so stopping in Salisbury is possible, but hopefully by the time he can get one he can go to a local Walgreens or Walmart.

Thanks again -
DH got his at CVS. They didn't watch him either. They told him to walk around the store (it was a much small older CVS) for 15 minutes and to let them know if anything popped up. He told me he left after about 10 minutes.

I had mine done with a school district. They wouldn't even give us our vaccine cards until the 15 minutes was up and not a minute sooner.
It’s interesting how differently it’s done each place.

Took my dad to one CVS where the chairs for observation were set out in front of the pharmacy and they had somebody there sort of keeping an eye on them.

Took DD to a different CVS (much busier) and they told her to find a seat somewhere (in the middle of an aisle) or walk around for 15 mins. We waited, but there was nobody checking on her.

DH went to one Kaiser where they just told them 15 mins and had monitors, but it was self timed

I went to a different Kaiser where they gave us a sticker with the time we were allowed to leave (monitored)

And I volunteered at our county office of ed site twice and people had to check out with us (and answer a few questions about reactions) before leaving.
Second Pfizer dose today. Appointment at 2:15, walked in at 2 and was doing my 15 minutes at 2:07. They also gave me the vsafe info but I had already signed up thanks to all of you. Same side effects of first time, super nauseous and low grade fever. I took PTO for next two days just in case lol
DS18 and I both got our second dose today! At two different locations, through two different health systems, he got Pfizer and I got Moderna. But literally, when I sat down to start my 15 minutes he texted me that he had just gotten his done. We both drove about 25 minutes in different directions to our locations. Kinda funny really. I had the same RN as for my first dose and both times she was smooth like a criminal. I literally didn’t even feel it.

DH got his second on Friday, so my eligible household is done! Err, let’s say we are up to date. The nurse said to laminate the card and stick it in my passport. I of course took a photo of it, but we don’t think we’ll laminate ours, as there are two more lines that say ‘Other’. We may be ‘Other’-ing annually. Keeping options open. I updated my V-Safe so I’ll provide feedback for another month or so. My site had a QR code to scan for it, and a different QR code for scheduling your second while waiting your 15 minutes after your first. It was all very organized.

I’ll say it again. It’s just so encouraging to see how many people want the vaccine and knowing that people are moving through the process. I’m really looking forward to summer!
I finally got a call this morning from my tribe to schedule my second dose. As of right now I will be driving 4.5 hours to get my shot on Friday. This is liable to change if I can find an appointment closer that I can schedule before I leave Friday morning. I tried to find a place for this week but Walgreens won't even let me see where and when the appointments are until Thursday.
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