More restaurants at Disneyland add alcohol

Disney Paris lets you drink as well, no idea if they let kids drink but in other cultures it's normal to drink younger

Most places in the world don't have frats getting so drunk they can't walk because drinking is just part of the culture and not some forbidden thing you can't do until 21......because?
Man I swear some people stepped out of a time machine from 1950, clutching pearls over alcohol. It’s 2023. It’s weird to not be able to have a beer or glass of wine at a sit-down restaurant. They are just finally catching up with the times. With all respect, Walt Disney has been dead for like 60 years. He had no problem with people smoking around children but a glass of wine was not ok?? Sorry but his opinion shouldn’t really be a huge consideration in anything anymore. He is gone.
It's also super silly because a lot of the ppl this change is focused on aren't out to get blind drunk on $15 mixed cocktails. For example, I don't actually drink on restaurants on daily life. But at Disney I will treat myself to a drink in Trader Sam's or Oga's. It's a splurge.
Actually, the majority of the videos I shared were from Disneyland. The combative man in front of ToT in DCA (that is the one that can only be watched on Youtube, it was on the news at the time because of how crazy it was), the mom at DCA who left her kids unattended in the stroller while mom and dad got some booze, the girl fighting with security on her way off Disney property near the Harbor entrance, the family in the parking structure, and security escorting the guys out in front of the train station at the beginning of Main Street.

I agree that Florida has a different clientele (geez, that sounds elitist) and you will see way worse behavior there, but there are videos existing of drunks inside Disneyland before they increase accessibility. In my head, the greater accessibility to alcohol will create an environment where the behavior shown in the videos becomes more common. Maybe I'll be wrong, and I hope that I am for the sake of the family-friendly environment the park promotes.

Honestly, I've seen the worst behavior at DL over WDW, but I know that's just anecdotal. I don't know that alcohol was involved in any of admittedly very few "guests behaving badly" incidents that I have witnessed. The vast majority of people visiting the parks are great, even if they've had a drink or two.
I'm someone who is very upset about this.
I don't really drink at all, once in a while I'll have one but it's not often.

I can't stand the fact that Disneyland is having more alcohol. I don't see the need for it, surely you can go to a family friendly theme park and lay off the drink for one day??
I always think it's a "land of fantasy, make believe" etc, I want my reality kept outside of Disneyland. Now it's spilling over.

Sigh, another reason to frequent the Tokyo Parks instead of the US ones...

I actually do have similar feelings to yours on the matter - I'm not fond of alcohol at all, just in general. That said, I'm really not concerned if they serve it at sit-down restaurants. It's not for me, but a lot of stuff isn't for me and it's not the battle that I want to fight. Ideally you're right though, at least in my mind.
It's also super silly because a lot of the ppl this change is focused on aren't out to get blind drunk on $15 mixed cocktails. For example, I don't actually drink on restaurants on daily life. But at Disney I will treat myself to a drink in Trader Sam's or Oga's. It's a splurge.
Honestly I don't even know who can afford to get drunk at a Disney park with $10 beer and $15 minimum for a mixed drink that is mostly juice and syrups.
Honestly I don't even know who can afford to get drunk at a Disney park with $10 beer and $15 minimum for a mixed drink that is mostly juice and syrups.
Exactly! Ppl that want to get drunk at Disney will bring a water bottle filled with vodka or pre game. That's the reality. And it's a reality that won't change just because expensive beer is now available at sit down restaurants.

Having said that, I have never in all my years going seen a drunk person at DLR inside the parks.
Why are liquor licenses allowed in amusement parks geared for children, but not in businesses within x-feet of a school?
Disney Paris lets you drink as well, no idea if they let kids drink but in other cultures it's normal to drink younger
My then 13 yo daughter was asked if she wanted a glass of wine at every sit down restaurant we went to at DLP last summer... consistent with every other nice restaurant we went to in Europe
Honestly, I've seen the worst behavior at DL over WDW, but I know that's just anecdotal. I don't know that alcohol was involved in any of admittedly very few "guests behaving badly" incidents that I have witnessed. The vast majority of people visiting the parks are great, even if they've had a drink or two.
Yeah, with tens of millions of people visiting the U.S. Disney parks each year, and those videos undoubtedly having been taken in various years, they don't demonstrate a significant problem at all.
I don't necessarily care about them selling alcohol, but I hope that they keep a tighter reign on serving people then EPCOT seems to do. EPCOT at night can get so rowdy and obnoxious with people who've obviously drank to excess. Being stuck in lines with drunken obnoxious people is pretty damned annoying.
agree. I don't mind the alcohol. I like to try some of their drinks in DCA but seeing drunk people at the park is no fun. Maybe they need to have a drink per adult limit or something because adults fighting or arguing with others or being drunk loud at Disneyland/DCA is so annoying.

Looks like most at DL will be at restaurants so that probably limits how drunk people get unlike at DCA
Exactly! Ppl that want to get drunk at Disney will bring a water bottle filled with vodka or pre game. That's the reality. And it's a reality that won't change just because expensive beer is now available at sit down restaurants.

Having said that, I have never in all my years going seen a drunk person at DLR inside the parks.
I have seen plenty of drunk people at DLR. Last year we saw a group being escorted out because of the drunkness and before covid we saw someone who had given a drink to a minor and were also being escorted out. We were also in line for soaring and a group of about 6 adults and 4 kids were there and the adults were noticeably drunk. those are just a few of the times I recall And people who feel the need to fill up water bottles to drink at an amusement park need to look for help.
It's also super silly because a lot of the ppl this change is focused on aren't out to get blind drunk on $15 mixed cocktails. For example, I don't actually drink on restaurants on daily life. But at Disney I will treat myself to a drink in Trader Sam's or Oga's. It's a splurge.
I agree with you starlite. If I go to a restaurant in my home town I just get ice water with lemons. When I go on vacation I like to splurge and enjoy taking in the DL atmosphere with my Old Fashioned.
I don't quite agree with Stryker, I think we still need to respect the history even is it 60 yrs old. If it wasn't for Walt we wouldn't be having this conversation and enjoying the parks like we do. I feel there is some middle ground here.
We tend to be afraid of the unknown such as how the additional alcohol will impact our times at DL.
Honestly I don't even know who can afford to get drunk at a Disney park with $10 beer and $15 minimum for a mixed drink that is mostly juice and syrups.
Not from my experience. The drinks at the resort are made strong, I get very tipsy off of one drink from Trader Sam's or one Hurricane at Blue Bayou. I don't drink that often and really have to watch how fast I drink one alcoholic beverage at the parks because of that, especially if I've been out in the heat and walking around all day. And I'm not a petite woman, either.
Yeah, with tens of millions of people visiting the U.S. Disney parks each year, and those videos undoubtedly having been taken in various years, they don't demonstrate a significant problem at all.
That's assuming that every time a belligerent drunk gets rowdy, someone has the presence of mind to video it. Then, after the ordeal, the video taker uploads it onto a public platform that goes viral. Not a very high likelihood of that happening each time. I've seen some freaky stuff at the park and just when traveling in general but never would think to pull out my phone to upload it to the internet. Most of the time I'm too shocked by what is happening. The fact that there are 10+ (from a quick 5 minute search of TikTok) within the last year or two says something. Heck, there are even videos out there where people's document their sole purpose to get drunk at Disneyland for the day.

It's fine that people want/need to drink at Disneyland, but I think it's also fair to say that having alcohol at the park poses an issue to the experience of other guests that choose to not drink in excess.
Is the Bengal Barbecue one of the eateries adding alcohol? That's my favorite place for food. Banyan Skewers are :love1:
About time. I think it’s a nice homage to the past that they’re keeping it like WDW’s MK, only at TS. Reserving alcohol sales only for the elite of Club 33 was soooo cringe worthy. Once Oga’s opened (and Disney thereby acknowledged the massed should be allowed to pay up for cheap booze inside DL) it was only a matter of time before the DL TS followed.

I’ve always felt tensions run hotter at MK than the other parks so I think it’s smart to restrict the alcohol sales to TS only. DL feels similar to me so I appreciate them keeping it to TS.
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