slo’s MONDAY 8/21 poll - Eating Pizza

Pizza - How do you eat your pizza? (m.c.)

  • Fork - always

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Fork and Knife - always

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • Pick Up - always

    Votes: 62 46.3%
  • Fork - sometimes

    Votes: 20 14.9%
  • Fork and Knife - sometimes

    Votes: 48 35.8%
  • Pick Up - sometimes

    Votes: 45 33.6%
  • None of the above - I don’t eat pizza

    Votes: 4 3.0%
  • Other - please post your answer

    Votes: 4 3.0%

  • Total voters
I have a mild aversion to eating with my hands, I just don't like getting my hands messy if I can avoid it. For pizza I'll usually use fork & knife unless it's a thin crust with minimal toppings.
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I voted other, because I eat my pizza in a strange way. I use a fork to eat the toppings off and about half the bottom crust. Then I pick up the rest of the piece and dip it in Ranch dressing then eat it. But I don’t care for pizza like I used to, and when we do get it I generally only eat one slice. Or most of the time I order something else and DH gets the whole pizza.
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Dad enjoys 🍕He had some yesterday in fact :) He does cut it up with a knife. He might use a fork just to put back toppings after cutting it up. I no longer enjoy eating heavy pizza. When I did, I did sometimes cut it with a knife. never used a fork,
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Depends on the pie. If the crust can handle me picking up a slice without losing the toppings, I pick it up. Otherwise, I use a knife and fork. I prefer a hand tossed, medium thick crust, so most of the time I am able to pick it up. However, there are those thicker or stuffed pies that just won’t cooperate.
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Picking it up is my go to method. On rare occasions I have needed a fork and knife to assist.
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Depends on the pie. If the crust can handle me picking up a slice without losing the toppings, I pick it up.

I love thin crust pizza and now use the technique of picking it up on the paper plate (or regular plate) and lifting them both up to my mouth so the slice is still supported underneath. I just slide the section of the pizza I'm taking a bite of forward as I bite.
@slo one choice you missed is whether people FOLD their pizza slice in half before biting. This is mostly for thin-crust pizza, I guess.

Nope! Not me. :crazy2: Too much crust then per bite and the cheese gets all clumped together.
My wife and I pick up slices of pizza when we first get a pizza.
And for some reason, we both use a knife and fork when we eat reheated pizza the next day.
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I'm not sure how to vote. For me I always pick it up, unless it's extremely floppy and the cheese and toppings are sliding off.

r.e. bold -- technique for floppy = fold crust over and pick up slowly while placing other hand under floppy end and flip floppy end over back onto slice. Pinch flipped floppy end together, clock head slightly sideways and into mouth for a bite.

My wife and I pick up slices of pizza when we first get a pizza.
And for some reason, we both use a knife and fork when we eat reheated pizza the next day.

r.e. bold -- reheat!!! never :teeth:
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r.e. bold -- technique for floppy = fold crust over and pick up slowly while placing other hand under floppy end and flip floppy end over back onto slice. Pinch flipped floppy end together, clock head slightly sideways and into mouth for a bite.

Nope! I just said above that I don't like to fold. Too much crust in a bite then. It kind of negates the reason to get a thin crust pizza if all that crust then ends up in a bite. :crazy2:
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'm not sure which to vote for because I'm pick up sometimes and knife and fork sometimes (especially if also having salad.)

I guess pick up is more usual for me and cutlery is just sometimes, so I'll go for that. 😋

Off to wish your daughter a Happy Birthday from this side of the pond...
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Depends on the kind. When I get it at Costco (like, eat it at Costco), I use a fork and knife because it is SO big and so drippy with grease.

Every other pizza - I use my hands!
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For Me……It depends on the pizza.
A stuffed or deep dish pizza - a fork
A thin crust pizza - I pick it up

The same as you, except I'll also pick up a structurally sound deep dish slice about 1/2 way through. Some pizzas, like Chicago stuffed pizza, are not structurally sound until you get to the crust so I use a fork and knife until I only have crust and then I'll pick it up.
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I pick it up probably 98% of the time. Use a fork and knife only if it’s a specialty pizza with a bulky topping like chicken marsala.

@slo one choice you missed is whether people FOLD their pizza slice in half before biting. This is mostly for thin-crust pizza, I guess.

Nope! Not me. :crazy2: Too much crust than per bite and the cheese gets all clumped together.
Like you, I’m a New Yorker and will sometimes fold. If you order by the slice at a pizzeria, it’s often too wide to handle without making a mess, and folding is necessary (or you have to use two hands). Because the pie they make to sell as individual slices is larger than the one you get if you order a full pie for takeout. (Anyone from the NYC area knows what I’m talking about.)
@Dan Murphy …..…look what they just said. They don’t think our pizza is pizza :eek:

I’m just teasing! :rotfl:
All in good fun :goodvibes

Chicago pizza is great pizza!

Wow took a wile for someone to react to that - lol

As the say "when you screw up a recipe serve it anyway it just call it Chicago style"

All kidding aside I randomly get "My Pi" shipped to me.
I also order Vienna beef hot dogs by the case - so its all in good fun.
  • Haha
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