Insomniacs unite

After years of working wonky schedules, I finally have the opportunity to sleep 8 hrs. I always knew I wasn’t a great sleeper but now that I can sleep whenever I want, and I can’t…pretty much proves I’ve always been an insomniac. ☕😒

I can usually fall asleep ok. Especially if I’ve worked out during the day. But. I’m awake around 3-4am and then my mind gets on the hamster 🐹 wheel.

I probably should be taking a magnesium supplement.
Isn’t that the worst? Like let’s overthink everything!
Do you guys ever try or use white noise or rain videos?
I often put on a 10hr rain video, that is just black screen and set the sleep timer on the TV for 1.5hrs. Maybe this helps get to sleep rather than help stay asleep, but maybe helps get back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night?

I usually use this channel, but there are 1000’s.
Do you guys ever try or use white noise or rain videos?
I often put on a 10hr rain video, that is just black screen and set the sleep timer on the TV for 1.5hrs. Maybe this helps get to sleep rather than help stay asleep, but maybe helps get back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night?

I usually use this channel, but there are 1000’s.
Haven't tried the videos. Just the Calm app and our White Noise fan.
Do you guys ever try or use white noise or rain videos?
I often put on a 10hr rain video, that is just black screen and set the sleep timer on the TV for 1.5hrs. Maybe this helps get to sleep rather than help stay asleep, but maybe helps get back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night?

I usually use this channel, but there are 1000’s.
Yes. I use the Calm app. Love it.
I’ve had no luck with white noise machines. The white noise gave me weird dreams and the water noise made me keep getting up to use the bathroom. 🙄

I slept until 4 today so better than the last few days.
Yeah the sleep machines work for me for the most part.

But sometimes there is an oddity with them and you here music under it. Just faint enough to be annoying. My wife said the same thing. I then saw reviews on line that also said it.

IDK if its picking up interference from a radio station or a neighbor, but tis very weird and has caused bouts of not sleeping.

More recently I bought an Air purifier\Fan, and on its fastest setting its louder than the sleep machine and as an added bonus it removes pet dander and stuff from the air.

(BTW that list price is not legit - its about 80 most places, Walmart has it for $65)

That said - I still woke up around 1AM and was in and out from there and finally just got up at 5.
Do you guys ever try or use white noise or rain videos?
I often put on a 10hr rain video, that is just black screen and set the sleep timer on the TV for 1.5hrs. Maybe this helps get to sleep rather than help stay asleep, but maybe helps get back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night?

I usually use this channel, but there are 1000’s.
I use "Healing Rain" channel on Youtube and also Jason Stephenson has some rain videos as well as guided meditations that are helpful.
I actually took a non-narcotic sleeping pill intended for PTSD for awhile to stop nightmares and the racing, nonstop thoughts all night. Yeah, it didn't work.
I’m n Effexor and it he with anxiety and panic attacks but now I’m nearly constantly grinding my teeth from it which is not great! It also gives me really weird dreams when I do sleep. But the withdrawal symptoms are supposed to be horrible so I am kinda scared to stop!
DD and I were having trouble one night so we started a meditation on Calm. It was Matthew McConaughey narrating. He kept saying, "Let it go...let it go".

That is CREEPY in the night and we got the uncontrollable giggles. So much for sleep meditation.
Have you seen the seriously creepy ad with the guy who climbs in bed between a sleeping couple and reads the Bible and gazes at them? It’s so weird!
I’ve had no luck with white noise machines. The white noise gave me weird dreams and the water noise made me keep getting up to use the bathroom. 🙄

I slept until 4 today so better than the last few days.
The water does same for me.
Do you guys ever try or use white noise or rain videos?
I often put on a 10hr rain video, that is just black screen and set the sleep timer on the TV for 1.5hrs. Maybe this helps get to sleep rather than help stay asleep, but maybe helps get back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night?

I usually use this channel, but there are 1000’s.
We got a sound machine n Amazon and we use the fan noise. If we ever forget it traveling we use a loud portable fan
I have to have some sort of white noise going , or I'm not sleeping at all. When I don't bring the sound machine, I'll use an app. So far, the app has been pretty good. Glad to see the above recommendations for other machines. I'm going to look into that fan/noise machine.
I have to have a constant noise, no variations. Options like the thunderstorm or waves crashing wont' work, nor will the tv or music, etc. Some of my issues are I'm always waiting for the change in the noise, so anyway, my go-to is just something like constant static or constant rain falling, etc.
Thankful for all of these suggestions here, ANYTHING to help stay asleep/go to sleep is appreciated.
I have to have some sort of white noise going , or I'm not sleeping at all. When I don't bring the sound machine, I'll use an app. So far, the app has been pretty good. Glad to see the above recommendations for other machines. I'm going to look into that fan/noise machine.
I have to have a constant noise, no variations. Options like the thunderstorm or waves crashing wont' work, nor will the tv or music, etc. Some of my issues are I'm always waiting for the change in the noise, so anyway, my go-to is just something like constant static or constant rain falling, etc.
Thankful for all of these suggestions here, ANYTHING to help stay asleep/go to sleep is appreciated.
YouTube rain videos or “black screen” you’ll find plenty. If you don’t have a machine.
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