2005 WISHWalker Alumni - Prayers Needed - UPDATE - page 2

that chemo would be a 7 hour treatment. My question - same as Karen's - are they all that long.

continued prayers and positive thoughts for all - thanks for the update too.

Claiming healing as she is going through treatment - I'll say a real marathoner!
Mary Liz and Nancy,

Our prayers and thoughts are with your family during this trying time. Please let Susan know that we love her, we are continually thinking about her and will be right here waiting for her. She WILL get through this! :grouphug: Hug and kiss her for us!

Thanks again for all the prayers and pixie dust. Susan made it through her first chemo. I guess she's exhausted. It was actually 6 hours total - the first 1-1/2 hours was to pump her with anti-nausea drugs and the chemo itself was 4-1/2 hours. It still seems like a really long time. I sure hope the side effects are manageable. They are releasing her on Sunday. I know her little ones will be happy about that.
Take care everyone!
Susan is a strong woman, and I know that she can run this marathon. Our prayers continue to be with her and your entire family. I will never forget seeing Team Canada cheering for us as we walked by the Contemporary. Now it is the WISH walkers who are standing on the sidelines and cheering you on. :grouphug:
I haven't been on the boards in a couple of weeks and wanted to say that my prayers will be said for you. I hope that all goes as planned and she gets to come home on Sunday.
Just wondering how Susan fared through the chemo Nancy?? Any news? Are YOU doing ok?
Susan did the chemo on Thursday. It turned out to be 6 hours from start to finish, and that looks like how it will be, every 3 weeks for 6 rounds. She was pretty sick from it Thursday night and yesterday, but finally finished throwing up at @4:00 p.m.

I relieved Art so that he could collect the kids (including my DD to babysit today), and take them home. I know that they were glad to be home and with their Daddy last night and this morning-even if they were ignoring him at times. Kids need and thrive on structure and routine, and theirs has been topsy turvy for a week and a half. My DD is like a big sister to them, so I'm certain that they had a good day.

Susan slept well last night, although she did have a bout at @ 5:00 am. :sad1: Mom was up this morning, and I went up after Curves. This afternoon, Susan had a good sleep, had a shower and slept again. Nancy said that she sounded well after dinner tonight, after some extra painkiller. Fingers crossed for another good night.

Thanks for the continued good wishes and prayers. It's hard on everyone and some days are easier than others.
Thanks for the update Debbie. All of you have been in my prayers.
Thanks for the update Debbie. How are YOU doing with all this?
Susan was released from hospital late this afternoon. She is staying at my Mom's for a while, and she is totally exhausted from the short trip home. Hopefully she'll be able to rest more comfortably without all of the noise that takes place in a hospital.

After having the surgery and round 1 of chemo, she's completed a few more miles of that marathon. ::yes::

:grouphug: for all of your wonderful support, prayers and PD.

karebrear said:
How are YOU doing with all this?

Karen, it is really hard. I can tell you about me, and I think that the other two are pretty close to the same. I have found a peace from all the prayers and well-wishes from the 'net and family/friends support. Then, out of the blue, a brick will hit me-two actually--one in the gut, and one in the throat. Tears can be close to the surface. I always find it hardest when someone says, "I'm so sorry." It's interesting that we all sometimes have those 'off' days at the same time. Music is really important to my family, but certain (wonderful) songs don't make me feel good, the way they are supposed to. Singing in Church....not happening, but I think that that has something to do with long laid to rest memories of other people and other times. :worried: My mom is having a dreadful time, as you might suspect. With Susan spending time with her, that may help....or not. Susan is wonderful in recognizing my mom's-and everyone elses'- needs.

Yes, we are a close family, so phone calls back and forth between the three of us are many. ;) Nancy has the worst of it, since she is not in the city or vicinity. We are going to celebrate some (kidlet) birthdays on Friday, so we will all be together for a short time. Whether Susan will have the strength to come...:confused: It sounds like she has some things going on later this week that need to be tended to.

I've just come off of our "March" (spring) break. I cannot believe how tired I am after a week of "holidays". BUT, I am looking forward to being back to some semblance of a routine tomorrow. I think that that is what I need right now.

Thank you for asking, and thank you for your continued support, caring and love. We appreciate the thoughts so much!
Debbie- I just want to bawl myself when I read what you guys are going through! I'm glad Susan is home where she belongs. I think that it will help your Mom that Susan is staying at her home. It'll keep her physically busy, so she won't have to think so much about what's happening. Isn't it amazing that the person that is sick, is able to concentrate on the others around them and how they are doing? Please tell Susan that we are ALL praying for her, and that we love her and are sending loads of pixie dust and prayers her way. Same goes for you and you families!
Dear Susan, MaryLiz, Nancy, Debbie, Art and all your beloved family,

I am not a marathon alum either, but wish to send you all my most heartlfelt love, support and prayers during this time.

Susan, you can beat this!!! We are behind you, sweetie, with you all the way! The strength and spirit that you and your family share is a powerful force in this fight--and you WILL WIN!

God Bless You All in His comfort and care. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for the updates. You are all in my daily prayers, especially Susan. That's great news that Susan is able to leave the hospital and go where she can certainly rest more comfortably.

I am praying for you all! :grouphug:
Susan, MaryLiz, Nancy, Debbie

You guys are in my heart and on my mind. I just want to give you all a :hug: James and I are continually praying for you all.

Susan, MaryLiz, Nancy, Debbie, Art and family,
I am continuing to send PD, positive thoughts, prayers and energy your way. Glad Susan is out of the hospital. I am hoping this chemo time goes by quickly and successfully and that you can all look back soon and say Success!
Karen, unfortunately Susan has been experiencing some continued side effects and was re-admitted to hospital today. She will be staying for one night to recover from dehydration and for general observation.

Our oncologist also ordered some different tests as a precaution. Nothing to be alarmed about at this point though, as it could be a simple matter of her being exposed to some virus during her lengthy hospital stay (we know how clean hospitals really are!).

(Susan's DH)
Oh No! I'm sorry to hear that!

More prayers & PD :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: on the way for all of you! Hopefully this will just be a small step back and will lead to many steps forward in Susan's recovery.


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