A Missing Kid Story

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. Well of course you do. No one here thinks a lost child is no big deal. That's not even in dispute. Let's not act like anyone would laugh it off if Disney actually lost a child.

I've been a blogger for 12 years and I have seen fellow bloggers use social media in this way fairly often. Don't like the way a company treats you? Write about it and get your twitter followers all riled up on your behalf. Often you can get a bigger response if you get a nice big mob behind you. I've seen it happen with airlines, appliance manufactures, restaurants and about a dozen other incidents just off the top of my head. I'm jaded enough to think this guy was after something when he wrote this post.

mamabear0222 said:
And to add insult to injury... the people who were supposed to be caring for his child...didn't know his whereabouts. This is a serious issue. Tell me. You pay for daycare on a normal day. You go to pick your child up after work. No one can locate your child or give you answers as to where your child is. Do you just brush the incident off?

No. You will likely tell your family. Your friends. Anyone who will listen about the frightening incident that took place that day. This to me is no different.

Disney is a billion dollar operation. One $5000 cruise (no clue how much they paid) is hardly going to blow their budget or put them under the red line.

IMO this isn't a slip on some water and breaking your leg kind of incident. It's someone you entrusted with your child's life that failed to do so. Irreplaceable. Found or not. Why should this family or ANY family have to be used as the poster family about what "could have been prevented. Or what they need to change or review" Those systems should already be in place.

Disney should be bending over backwards on this one. To earn back the trust lost. Saying "hey....please try us again". This is what we will do or have done to ensure this never happens to your family or anyone elses. What if the child wasn't located? Would people feel different? What if he was located elsewhere? Things like this don't always turn out well. Maybe the family will go again. Maybe not. At least it was offered.

Of course this is just my opinion. I feel strongly about people losing a child.

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Jeesh. You are completely taking the lost child to the extreme. Almost sounds like the father rewriting his blog. The child was not lost, he was in the club where he was supposed to be. The child found a hiding place to take a nap. It is impossible to monitor every child every second they are in the club. The only way to accomplish that would be to have assigned CM's attached to each child. The only thing DCL did wrong in this situation was having chairs stacked up in poorly lit area where it was difficult to find a napping kid.
I have followed this train wreck a bit and can't believe anyone could give it any validity knowing that the guy went to Palo with his wife after this happened. Clearly they didn't take their son with them. Nuff said.
GoofyTwinDad said:
Jeesh. You are completely taking the lost child to the extreme. Almost sounds like the father rewriting his blog. The child was not lost, he was in the club where he was supposed to be. The child found a hiding place to take a nap. It is impossible to monitor every child every second they are in the club. The only way to accomplish that would be to have assigned CM's attached to each child. The only thing DCL did wrong in this situation was having chairs stacked up in poorly lit area where it was difficult to find a napping kid.

And you are entitled to your opinion. But in MY opinion the staff didn't know where the child was. It's that simple and there is no way to take a "lost child to the extreme". You were responsible for my child. Your responsibility is to supervise my child. And you don't know where my child is. We have a major issue.

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Does it matter where the child was found? The fact is ..the staff didn't know where the child WAS.

I never said you or anyone else didn't love your child. Interpret as you see fit.

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Yes, it does matter where the child was found. He didn't "escape" the club. No one had kidnapped him and tried to smuggle him off the ship. He found a quiet place and went to sleep. While I would be very upset and scared when the incident happened, I would most likely laugh about it later. "Here we all were thinking the worst and dd was snoozing away..."

I lost my daughter at a large amusement park for about 30 minutes and I was very scared, but I kept my cool and, after she was found, I got over it as she was fine. I didn't let it ruin my day, much less my whole vacation. Freaking out, screaming, crying, and acting like a lunatic doesn't help any situation. I think a parent that dwells on it to that extent should seek therapy. Interpret that as you see fit.
People will always interpret how they see fit. I said it would ruin my vacation. If it wouldn't ruin someone elses....great for them. Like everyone else I'm entitled to my feelings. However for those who are so taken aback that this situation ruined this family's holiday.... there are people out there whose holiday it would ruin. (like mine). Not a chance my child would be left again in the care of the staff who couldn't find my child to begin with.

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Well, if YOU ever overlook your child, should they be taken from you?
Ginger Renae said:
Yes, it does matter where the child was found. He didn't "escape" the club. No one had kidnapped him and tried to smuggle him off the ship. He found a quiet place and went to sleep. While I would be very upset and scared when the incident happened, I would most likely laugh about it later. "Here we all were thinking the worst and dd was snoozing away..."

I lost my daughter at a large amusement park for about 30 minutes and I was very scared, but I kept my cool and, after she was found, I got over it as she was fine. I didn't let it ruin my day, much less my whole vacation. Freaking out, screaming, crying, and acting like a lunatic doesn't help any situation. I think a parent that dwells on it to that extent should seek therapy. Interpret that as you see fit.

That's obnoxious and rude.
Last point for me. The child was NOT lost. The band malfunctioned and the staff along with the FATHER overlooked the child. The same thing could happen at home if he left his child to take a nap, then came back and didn't notice him under the bed. I overlooked my son once in DisneyQuest, and it was a horrible feeling; but he was NOT lost. In my panic, I just didn't see him playing a video game about 10 feet away.
EPCOTatNight said:
Well, if YOU ever can't find your child, should they be taken fom you?

If it ever happens to me I'll be sure to let you know what I feel the punishment should be. (sarcasm)

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Ginger Renae said:
Yes, it does matter where the child was found. He didn't "escape" the club. No one had kidnapped him and tried to smuggle him off the ship. He found a quiet place and went to sleep. While I would be very upset and scared when the incident happened, I would most likely laugh about it later. "Here we all were thinking the worst and dd was snoozing away..."

I lost my daughter at a large amusement park for about 30 minutes and I was very scared, but I kept my cool and, after she was found, I got over it as she was fine. I didn't let it ruin my day, much less my whole vacation. Freaking out, screaming, crying, and acting like a lunatic doesn't help any situation. I think a parent that dwells on it to that extent should seek therapy. Interpret that as you see fit.

I happen to agree with this. How exactly does this ruin your whole trip? Do you spent the remaining two days locked in your stateroom hysterically sobbing over what might have been? If so, your trip probably was ruined. If so you probably need help. And the statement that parents whi some how manage to bounce back after an incident like this without allowing it to ruin the rest of their trip. That somehow they don't love their children "that much" is just beyond comprehension.
That's obnoxious and rude.

The comment insinuating that if a parent didn't feel their whole vacation is ruined must not love their child as much as that person was the same but on the opposite viewpoint. Guess that's not "obnoxious and rude" because you agree with her...:rotfl2:
And it obviously didn't ruin their whole trip since they went out to dinner the next night without the kid. Although maybe that's when they were hoping the captain would swing by with birthday wishes... (Yes, I think this whole conversation has gotten weird.)
Well, first, the dad's wrong, the bands don't tell you where on the ship or even in the clubs a child is

I went to pick my dd up from the club and couldn't find her. They were able to tell me she was on the lab side by looking up her band on the computer.

I don't think it works outside of the kids club, though.
If it ever happens to me I'll be sure to let you know what I feel the punishment should be. (sarcasm)

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I see what you did there. You put "sarcasm" in () so that I would know you weren't really going to do it. Thanks.
lizabu said:
I happen to agree with this. How exactly does this ruin your whole trip? Do you spent the remaining two days locked in your stateroom hysterically sobbing over what might have been? If so, your trip probably was ruined. If so you probably need help. And the statement that parents whi some how manage to bounce back after an incident like this without allowing it to ruin the rest of their trip. That somehow they don't love their children "that much" is just beyond comprehension.

Do you leave the child in the care of someone on the ship again after this happens? Are you able to enjoy yourself as you would've had your child not been lost? (Including letting them go to the kids club again?)

No one said they'd lock themselves in a stateroom. However I for one wouldn't be leaving my child with DCL again in the near future.

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What if the child wasn't located? Would people feel different? What if he was located elsewhere?

Of course this is just my opinion. I feel strongly about people losing a child.

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First of all, are you seriously asking if people would feel differently if they never found the child? Do you really think people would be defending DCL in that situation or that people would still be saying the father overreacted? Really??

The point many posters are making is that the child was exactly where he or she was supposed to be. Yes, the bracelet should have worked. Yes, they should have found him sooner. Yes, those moments were probably extremely traumatic for the family. Yes, hopefully it will serve as a lesson to DCL so something like this wont happen again. I really don't see it meriting a free cruise. But maybe I'm speaking as one of those parents who must not love their kids as much as you :confused3
Lisavince3 said:
First of all, are you seriously asking if people would feel differently if they never found the child? Do you really think people would be defending DCL in that situation or that people would still be saying the father overreacted? Really??

The point many posters are making is that the child was exactly where he or she was supposed to be. Yes, the bracelet should have worked. Yes, they should have found him sooner. Yes, those moments were probably extremely traumatic for the family. Yes, hopefully it will serve as a lesson to DCL so something like this wont happen again. I really don't see it meriting a free cruise. But maybe I'm speaking as one of those parents who must not love their kids as much as you :confused3

I guess I just see a difference between being disappointed in how a trip went but still being able o rebound from the disappointment and seeing the trip as completely ruined.
Do you leave the child in the care of someone on the ship again after this happens? Are you able to enjoy yourself as you would've had your child not been lost? (Including letting them go to the kids club again?)

No one said they'd lock themselves in a stateroom. However I for one wouldn't be leaving my child with DCL again in the near future.

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Yep, i would absolutely let my child go back to the club because now I know where their secret sleeping place is...but then, I don't really love my child, so it wouldn't matter if they got lost again. Nothing will ruin my vacation!!! :lmao:
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