Admit it, you've been that rude guest!

Ok I will make my confession of my bad behavior on my first ever Disney trip approx 8-9 years ago. Mind you I had been dying to go to Disney for 40 years and had finally made it with my 2 1/2 yr old daughter. I had accidentally left my purse in Epcot on a night that I planned to go to electrical parade at MK so by the time I went back and recovered I made it just as parade started and someone let us get closer and I put my daughter on my shoulders in front of someone I'm sure. I am also pretty sure I took some flash photos in dark rides. I have been ashamed of this since I started reading The Dis shortly after that trip. This is the first time I have ever mentioned this because I have been so embarrassed. I cannot believe how rude I was and I am normally so considerate of others. The only other thing I have done is yell at someone who tried to crowd her family in front of us at parade time when we had been sitting for a long time to get front row seats. Ok confession done. Hopefully it will be good for my soul
Two categories of rudeness jump to mind:
1) I don't let kids in front of me - in general, but certainly not for parades/fireworks/anything I waited for. It's not just that I waited and they/their parents didn't - my partner and I are both really short, and while we could manage seeing over a 5-year-old, their 10-year-old brother not so much! But I don't know that I see that as rude; to me, the rude part is parents shoving their kids forward and saying "go up front, they won't mind" when I've been camped out for an hour.

2) I have a tendency to be a little...impatient with people who aren't used to moving quickly, especially on the buses. I'm that way at home, too, but at home I mostly deal with commuters and other locals who are used to how to board a bus quickly and leave as much room as possible for others who are also trying to get somewhere (usually to work). And if we can handle it when trying to go to an office we'd rather not be at, surely we should be able to board quickly when trying to go to the Magic Kingdom, right?? So a comment or two along the lines of "c'mon, people, let's go" may have slipped out a time or 2 (or 200)...
My family uses swear words as commas, but I try to shut it off when I'm in public... buuuuuut last time I went to Disney, I dropped an expensive camera on the ground, and went "Oh, sh*t!". Children heard me, and the parents gave me a dirty look. But hey, the camera was ok. :p
i've accidentally cut in front of someone on IASW. i didn't know they were getting on since they were 6 feet off to the side of the entrance chatting up the CM. aaaaannd around day 6 or so, my magic wears a little thin so if someone's loud on a ride, i've been known to ask nicely once for quiet, then i join in the conversation if it continues. "*gasp* and then what happened?!?". only a few have failed to get the hint. i tend to get tired of jumping out of peoples way because they have a cell phone in their face too. i eventually stop jumping out of the way and just stop, letting people walk into me. i'm not sure if that actually counts as rude because they are the ones not paying attention and walking into me, but i'm sure it seems rude to them after they find their cell and stand back up. and yeah, i intentionally took a flash pic in disneyland once on POTC. i waited and got a seat in the very back and waited till we were almost past the stormy skeleton captain. i paint disneyland stuff and was unable to find a reference photo in the right angle after a considerable search. i tried to be the least amount of jerk i could possibly be on that one.
Not my proudest moment was during an Epcot rope drop. In my family, DH and youngest DD have bathroom anxiety. So here we are at the front of the gate, poised for rope drop, which we all know can happen at any given moment 30 minutes earlier than advertised. We've gotten there super early (thanks to me). Sure enough, at the last moment, DH and younger DD make a mad dash for a restroom. They left my older DD and me alone at the entrance at the moment of rope drop. Now I get super irritated about this, but I can roll with it. We're at Disney, and I'm sure we'll get to see everything we want. I just love being there. Waits don't really bother me, I just enjoy the atmosphere. My older DD, however, who was 10 at the time, had an epic 2 year old meltdown as we moved with the crowd towards Soarin without her Dad and sister. She was screaming and crying, and I was so upset by her behavior, I just shouted, "Hey, I took you to DISNEYWORLD! and this is how you behave?!?!" I could feel people staring at us. And so I was "that parent" ugh! Looking back I NOW understand my DD as a non-neurotypical with a serious anxiety disorder among other challenges. This was just a very early incident so I didn't quite get it then that she is wired differently. In that moment I just aghast at her behavior and that she was not grateful to be on this Disney trip.
Not my proudest moment was during an Epcot rope drop. In my family, DH and youngest DD have bathroom anxiety. So here we are at the front of the gate, poised for rope drop, which we all know can happen at any given moment 30 minutes earlier than advertised. We've gotten there super early (thanks to me). Sure enough, at the last moment, DH and younger DD make a mad dash for a restroom. They left my older DD and me alone at the entrance at the moment of rope drop. Now I get super irritated about this, but I can roll with it. We're at Disney, and I'm sure we'll get to see everything we want. I just love being there. Waits don't really bother me, I just enjoy the atmosphere. My older DD, however, who was 10 at the time, had an epic 2 year old meltdown as we moved with the crowd towards Soarin without her Dad and sister. She was screaming and crying, and I was so upset by her behavior, I just shouted, "Hey, I took you to DISNEYWORLD! and this is how you behave?!?!" I could feel people staring at us. And so I was "that parent" ugh! Looking back I NOW understand my DD as a non-neurotypical with a serious anxiety disorder among other challenges. This was just a very early incident so I didn't quite get it then that she is wired differently. In that moment I just aghast at her behavior and that she was not grateful to be on this Disney trip.

Ah, I feel your pain! My son is hypoglycemic, and at 10, newly diagnosed, we were just getting the hang of how to manage him. His dad convinced me, against my better judgement, to let him deviate from his diet. Which led to the boy melting down in the middle of a crowded show at MVMCP, no way for us to leave, and he's wailing, "I'm not HAPPY!" And I'm going, what's wrong with you? You're in the happiest place on earth! (Really the most magical place, but I didn't know that at the time.)

I'm sure it was no fun for anyone else around us, either. :)
That's not rude, that's following what the CM intended. :)

You would stand in a spot where YOU couldn't see again? That seems odd. You would block other peoples' views again? That seems intentionally and nonsensically rude. Fix the first one and the second one doesn't have to happen. And your spine will be better off.

My point is that in the same situation Id make the same decision. Obviously, like every other person in the park with any interest in seeing the nighttime shows I'm searching for the holy Grail of unobstructed views. My current plan is to FP+ Wishes and show up in time to see Celebrate the Magic and hope that the viewing areas give us the ability to see better, but honestly, I've spent my entire life as a really short person and, frankly, all it takes for someone to block my view is a pair of heels. I'm aware of this and, obviously, try to plan accordingly by lining up early and reading about the best places to watch but sometimes crap happens and you have to make decisions based on the situation you're in, not the one you want.

If we'd staked out a spot we thought would work and got inundated at the start of the show and there was, again, no place to situate the kids so they could see and my six year old is crying in disappointment because she looked forward to it so much and couldn't see anything but backs and butts, yes. She's going up on someone's shoulders. I've stored up plenty of nice lady karma to help me sleep at night.
Forgive me father for I have sinned. Not really intentionally though. I try to remember this in crowded places and while commuting. People are usually not intentionally out to get you. They are just not paying attention. I am short but walk really fast. I tend to duck and scoot between people. I rarely bump into people, but if I have, I am sorry.

I have also dragged DS onto a ride that he said he didn't want to do. He wasn't full on screaming, but he was whining and doing a pretend cry. I knew he could handle 7DMT, because he just rode Space Mountain back-to-back and wanted to go back for more:rolleyes2 I kept getting looks from the people around us. I was actually getting kind of upset with him for being this way. I finally laid down the ultimatum and said that maybe we should leave the park, because he wouldn't be able to handle BMTRR or the other rides. He quieted down pretty quickly after that. In the end, he thought 7DMT was a little boring:sad2:

If you were riding Gringott's at Universal in March and cut in front of me in line, I am sorry. We had been in line a while, maybe 30+ minutes. We were at the point where the line meets the entrance. Suddenly, an older girl, a mom, and a younger girl duck under the ropes right in front of us. I waited a bit hoping they would explain, but no explanation came. So, I tried as politely and non-confrontationally as I know how to say "Excuse me?". The mom turned on me and rudely and loudly said "What do you want?". I said that I think you may have cut in line. She proceeded to rail on me and act indignant that I would accuse her of cutting in line. It turns out that she had taken the younger girl to the bathroom. The older girl was sort of waiting in line for them. They had originally been some parties ahead of us, and I had never seen them before. I really wished they had just said that. I have a kid and my own bladder feels like it's the size of a grape. We kind of went back and forth a bit. I finally said that I didn't care if they stayed there. In truth, we didn't mind, because the stinkiest person I have ever smelled outside of a daycare or hospital was standing in front of us. We now had a buffer:thumbsup2 She just kept going on about how I must really care about it. I think I took the high road and proceeded to ignore them. They actually did us a favor. I feel bad, but if she or her older daughter had just explained from the beginning, I wouldn't have said a single word:confused3 I don't like putting up with line cutting usually.

If you were at MK late last July, probably on Tom Sawyer Island or heading to BOG, I am so sorry. This was not one of my prouder moments. We only had about 20 minutes to hang out on Tom Sawyer Island and told DS9 this. We had to get to a dinner reservation at BOG. He proceeded to run off from DH and play hide and seek. However, he didn't say anything about playing. We screamed and hollered over the entire island for I don't know how long. If I gave you a dirty look or you were frightened that I was going to hit you with my stainless steel water bottle, I am sorry. I was totally in the red zone, and my mission was to get that kid:furious: We finally found him. It appeared that a CM was holding a return raft for us. I made DS apologize to everyone on the raft for inconveniencing them. If this made you uncomfortable, I am sorry. I also proceeded to let him in know, pretty vocally, that he would never got to Tom Sawyer Island again with me while he's a child. (I love TSI, so I don't think I can stick to that threat:()We then ran like we were being chased by a beast to BOG. Sorry if you got bumped. We made it in time, but no one was very happy. That glass of champagne was absolutely necessary;)
I was this person on my last trip in March. Our first day at the parks we were at AK getting into line for Festival of the Lion King. Another "I was hot and tired" post but we had Fast Passes so I figured we would be able to get through the line quickly. When a woman, what I assume was her mother and her daughter dead stopped as the entered the line to get her daughter out of their stroller. I let out a big "You've got to be kidding me." as the line began to get backed up because they couldn't have done that BEFORE getting in line. My boyfriend was completely stunned, turned to me and said "NO! You don't do that!" I felt a little bit bad afterwards but now I think its just kind of funny because I never react like that at all and was so out of character for me. Although I do really feel like they were being rather rude for getting in line and holding it up like that.
Here's my confession. I totally disciplined someone else's children last month. I was with my niece, afternoon rain storms coming in so we ducked into Philharmagic while waiting on on Elsa Fastpass. There was a blended family with about 6 kids ages 4-12 and only about 2 adults. The kids were running wild. Swinging on the bars, jumping over and running around, bumping into everyone. Mom and probably sister just staring at their phones, ignoring the kids, and trying to push forward ahead of everyone else. There was one especially rambunctious boy, probably around 10. After 30 minutes of him pushing, bumping and then almost stomping on my foot as he jumped off the railings, I finally yelled at him to keep his feet on the floor. I was going to tell someone if he touched me again. The kid looked like he had never seen discipline in his life, but calmed it down and stayed away. Mom was completely oblivious, still staring at her phone.
Oh my gosh. Yes I have. One time I was an absolute brat towards a CM and I'm still embarrassed about it to this day. We were near Splash Mountain getting McDonalds French fries, back when they served those. I was 15 years old and in line with my mom to get some. I was in such a crap mood (don't really remember why) and the line was moving so slow. We got up to the front of the line and ordered and then the CM said it would be about 10 minutes and I rolled my eyes at her and said something rude. My mom chewed. Me. Out. LOL. Like I said, 9 years later and I'm still mortified I ever reacted like that towards a CM.
I am guilty of refusing to move from my parade spot. My family chose to sit right in front of the Liberty Bell, facing the Hall of Presidents, for the FoF parade. There is a small pathway from the parade route up to the Liberty Bell. CMs place a thick blue rope at the end of this pathway so that no one uses it during the parade, similar to the white ropes that define the route. We sat down directly behind the blue rope and several people filled what little space was behind us. The problem was people trying to navigate from the street and around the crowd kept trying to come down the little pathway, would see the blue rope and turn around to find another way. This incredibly rude man, pushing a stroller, led his family up to the rope and demanded we get up and move out of the way so they could get through. I told him there was a rope there for a reason, the path is closed. He told me to move or he would run me over with his stroller! I said, "Sorry, we aren't moving and there is no where for you to go. I didn't pack a rope so I could make my own viewing spot! Disney put it there!" I know I snapped, but really? You're going to run me and my girls over? What a jerk! Oh, and he did unhook the rope, barrel right over us, knocking into us with his stroller and causing everyone around to have their "rude guest moment" as well. It only takes one rude person to bring out the rude in everyone.
Aside from that craziness, I'm usually a practically perfect Guest!:-)
My rudeness was in retaliation to another person's rudeness - not a single regret (and I'm the type of person who will lie awake at night if I think I MIGHT have offended someone by accident).

We missed our window for FPs to TSMM our first trip. We knew my kids would want to ride it and the line was 150 minutes. Another family (foreign - although not Brazilian :D) zips in line ahead of us - not cutting, but one of those last minute rushes where they darted in the door right before we got there. Whatever - wouldn't impact our wait time. Then for the next two hours, they let their daughters run wild - swinging on the bars, using them as a jungle gym, cutting through the bars (causing disruptions with dozens of people who were clearly bewildered to wonder where these children came from). And once the Potato Head came into view, it was all over - back and forth, back and forth - racing through the bars and disrupting pictures and the flow of the line, screaming and pointing at it whenever it would talk and turning around and screaming to their parents, 50 feet back in line. The parents played the language barrier card whenever someone would say something.

I'm an extremely laid-back person - I'm also non-confrontational (I can count on one hand the number of times I've snapped at someone in my 33 years), but I was nearing my limit. My boys had been standing calmly this entire time (watching these children in horror for much of the wait, because they knew if they so much as put a foot up on that bar, I would stop that nonsense with a look) and we had been praising them on how patient and well-mannered and calm they were being during this long wait. Well, when the girls turned their focus on my boys, who were about the same age (7 and 4 at the time), I hit my limit. The older one attempted to get my older son's attention to play and I stepped in between them, forcing her to step away from my child - when I'd created a buffer, I loudly told my son, "No, they are a BAD influence." The father, who'd been leaning against the bars next to me, looked at me and glared - at which point, the non-confrontational person in me took a hiatus and I smiled sweetly and said pointedly, "NOW do you speak English?"
I was definitely rude at RNRC... It was the first time I had ever ridden a coaster with loops... there were MANY expletives. LOL! Oops :oops: I also had an encounter with a man from I believe Ireland? I was walking through fantasy land with my grandmother following behind me on her scooter so that she wouldn't have to worry about anyone jumping in front of her. This man was literally standing in the middle of a crowded walkway, I said excuse me very nicely about three times, and he acted like he didn't hear me... soooo my in my annoyance I said "or just stand there, then" to which he replied, "I will, have a Disney day". He was definitely a jerk, but I shouldn't have been a smart***, either. I can't help it sometimes haha.
I don't put my children on my shoulders at parades/fireworks but would it be rude to do this in front of someone else doing the same? I am not perfect by any stretch and can often use a huge dose of patience, but I try to ask myself how I would feel if the shoe were on the other foot, so to speak.
I don't know if this is rude or not but in line for HM with my DS(2 at the time) this guy kept putting his whole body against me. I kept trying to move away. I hate people touching me. I finally snapped and said "STOP Touching me!!" He looked at me like I was crazy and said we were supposed to fill all areas. To me that does not mean put your whole body up against me. It still makes my skin crawl to think about it.
My intentionally rude moment was several (maybe 15 yrs) boiling hot summer's ago, walking down main street. We had purchased those mister fans for the kids and every time someone cut us off, then proceeded to walk super slow in front of us, I'd squirt their legs with the fan. Immature I know, sorry to anyone I sprayed! I felt remorse and never did it again, though at the time it was kind of funny.
Well, I will admit to getting a little cranky on our last trip. In my defense, it was Aug, crowded, and hotter than the surface of the sun.

Anyway, it became a running joke in my family how my magic band NEVER worked at the gate. We would walk up to the entrance of the park, any park, didn't matter if it was epcot or AK, and everyone in my family would scan their band waltz in then BAM, I would hold up my band and the thing turned red, I would try again and red. The worker would hold up their hand to stop me from entering, a manager was ALWAYS called over. I would be questioned about what my name was, what resort I was staying at, what was the last park I visited etc. All while the manager checked things off of her clip board. Meanwhile hoards of people would be going past us. Well after about the 10th time of being pulled aside and questioned by a manager with a clip board, I will admit I got very snippy. I kind of answered her rudely and rolled my eyes repeatedly while tapping my foot and checking the time on my phone, complaining about constantly getting pulled aside etc. Kind of like bratty teenage rebellion! She was very nice and got me on my way quicker than the other managers and I think that was the last time I was stopped at the gate! I normally don't get like that, but it was getting to be ridiculous.

When that happened to me on my last trip, they took my photograph so it would not happen again... not sure what the deal was with that. It was for an AP though I had just activated the day before.
I try not to be rude but sometimes the heat and crowds and being tired make your tolerance levels low. This last trip I stakes out a parade spot in a location that turned out to be awful. I should have thought that since it was next to a walkway, it would fill with people once the parade started but what irritated us was that the CM directed people to fill in the area right in front of us. I was not the only one irritated and we let her know it. Lesson learned. On our first trip we had a double stroller and by the end of the trip, we were so tired of people walking in front of our stroller that I stopped coming to a stop and just kept going. I thought it was rude to walk in front of our stroller and then stop. I am so glad to only have an umbrella stroller these days. I did not plow anyone over or injure anyone but I did not make it easy for them to push in front of us either.


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