Advice Needed! Disney Collection, Sub-Category Star Wars - Where to Start/Stop?


Compulsive Collector
Dec 12, 2021
I collect anything and everything Disney related. So long as it's Disney, I want it! Even if I don't like the character or the movie/series. But recently I have been finding myself questioning where to draw the line, and that's because of the things that Disney have bought or now have streaming rights to, that they didn't own or stream to begin with.
For the purpose of this post, I want advice about Star Wars. Now, in terms of Star Wars, I have no interest in it. I watched it as a kid, it was ok, but then I forgot about it and lost interest. Since then, Disney has bought Star Wars and now the completionist in me won't let me rest without buying Star Wars things too. But since as there is endless official Star Wars merchandise from pre October 2012, do I only need to collect merch from post October 2012 when Disney purchased the franchise, or, does all Star Wars merchandise from pre October 2012 now count as Disney merchandise too?
Just to give a quick example...I bought a pack of Star Wars Top Trumps from 2007 on eBay the other week, but as it was produced BEFORE Disney bought Star Wars, does it actually count as a Disney collectable? My gut feeling is that it only counts as Disney from the moment Disney bought it in October 2012, but... I'd really appreciate the input and advice of any Disney collectors out there. Remember, I'm primarily a Disney collector and not a Star Wars collector.
Thank you!


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