~ All My Children Fans ~ What's new in Pine Valley? *Rebecca returning as Greenlee* Part 2

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Hey - how's everyone doing? :) I don't keep up with this thread anymore since I'm always a week behind on the show :rolleyes: but when I read this the other day in my latest issue of SiD I just had to pop in and post it for Lisa. :teeth:

January 18, 2005
AMC Alum Previews Far-Out New Drama!

Sam Page (ex-Trey AMC), who already has tasted primetime with appearances on AMERICAN DREAMS, enjoys leading-man status on what could be primetime’s next big-buzz serial.

The In Depth Story: Add the supernatural flavor of LOST to the soapiness of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, and what do you get? FOX hopes a winner, as it premieres POINT PLEASANT on Wednesday, January 19, at 9pm EST. (Part 2 airs the following night.) “I just read the script for the fourth episode, and it is fantastic,” says Page, who plays local golden boy/wannabe cop Jessie. “Our writing staff is out of this world, doing some crazy, crazy things.”

What kind of crazy? POINT PLEASANT is about how a sleepy seaside community is roused when a beautiful young woman named Christina (played by Elisabeth Harnois, aka Bianca’s first lover, Sarah, on AMC) washes ashore during a storm. “The thing about Christina is that when she’s around, even passively, she brings out the worst in people,” Page reveals. “Dark sides come to the surface.” But no one has a side nearly as dark as that of Thomas, a mysterious man - played by Grant Show (Rick, RYAN’S HOPE; Jake, MELROSE PLACE) - who tracks Christina to Point Pleasant.

“We’re exited,” Page shares. “It’s the kind of show that will have you looking forward all week long to the next episode and getting more pieces to the puzzle - which we have a lot of!”
Oh thank you Melsmice. You know it's funny with this whole JR storyline they've been talking about Dixie alot. I know Cady McClain is on another soap (boo hoo) but I've had the feeling they will be bringing her back with all that is going on. Oh wouldn't that be wild in the middle of the heated custody battle here she comes!
I know some of you haven't watched today's show yet so I won't say too much but boy did the tears start again today when Bianca was opening the presents from Jack and Erica.

As far as Jonathan is concerned...He better watch out. Folks are catching onto to his Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde personality switches.

s&k'smom said:
Oh wouldn't that be wild in the middle of the heated custody battle here she comes!

Or at least maybe the "ghost" of Dixie will come to redeem JR. ;)
Boy that Jonathon is a horrible nasty jerk. Poor Danni, I felt bad for her yesterday. Show is good ...... finally!!

Have not been around much because my computer is down at home so I have to sneak on while at work. Plus I have had a bad cold all week. Hope everyone is doing okay.

Aprille - thanks for that info - I love Sam Page and will have to catch his new show!!

Have a good weekend everyone if I am not online tomorrow.
Joining in here...been watching since I was about 7! My mom watched since the very beginning. Love the show, but yesterday I yelled out loud "ENough with the sleeveless/strapless dresses!! It's winter!!!!" Does Kendall OWN ANYTHING WITH SLEEVES? :)
luvwinnie said:
yesterday I yelled out loud "ENough with the sleeveless/strapless dresses!! It's winter!!!!" Does Kendall OWN ANYTHING WITH SLEEVES? :)

LOL - I was thinking the same thing yesterday when I saw Erica!!!

& welcome luvwinnie - this is a fun thread!
luvwinnie said:
, but yesterday I yelled out loud "ENough with the sleeveless/strapless dresses!! It's winter!!!!" Does Kendall OWN ANYTHING WITH SLEEVES? :)

NO KIDDING!!! And she's too skinny, I would think they don't want to be showing her bones off. Drives me nuts.
OMG it's so funny you say that about the sleeveless. I think about that all the time, aren't they supposed to be in Pennsylvania! As far as I remember it gets cold there too!
Hey Everyone!

Welcome, LuvWinnie!

And belated thanks for posting that article about Trey, Aprille! :) I sure do miss him on the show - glad that there will be a place to see him regularly, again! The funny thing is that "Point Pleasant" is supposed to take place in Point Pleasant, NJ, a shore town that we visit every summer. And apparently, when Sam Page was working on AMC (and probably living in NY or NJ), he really DID hang out there, during the summers, because I read reports of people spotting him on the real boardwalk, there! :) Great to see you, Aprille - and thanks for thinking of me! Trey.........*SIGH*.......! :)

I also have no idea why Kendall dresses like it's summer (and like she's going to happy hour, as Greenlee said, last week!) all year long! It's also funny that Greenlee commented last week that Kendall should "eat a sandwich" - I guess that the AMC folks are aware that we, out here, comment about how Kendall is way too skinny!

Jonathan is SUCH A JERK!!!!! The way that he treated Maggie, being such a brat with Kendall and Greenlee, lying to Bianca, being rude to Danielle the other day.........I really can't wait until Ryan finally sees through his facade and I hope that the whole town boots him out of there!

Where has Simone been? She reappeared at the hospital on the Anniversary episode, but we haven't seen her around Fusion, lately. Maybe she's wisely staying out of the Jonathan - Greenlee "line of fire" and working from home, or something!

I can't believe how easily Maria is willing to "try again" with Ed-dumb, after the way that he has treated her, over the past year. Even when he was asking her to reconcile, he did it with a smug, holier-than-thou attitude. ARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH! He makes me sick. So sad how they ruined a once good character by turning him into such a condescending idiot.

I'll bet that it's Jonathan who is somehow blackmailing Bobby - I can't imagine that it's anyone else. And Bobby was so rude to Anita when she came in to check on him, the other day - I see no redeeming qualities in him any more - can't wait 'til he leaves the show for good! Notice how Palmer hasn't even stopped by to check on his grandson? Maybe he just wants him gone, too!

It was nice to see Liza the other day! But I can't believe that JR's PI would have had time to take such a clear picture of Liza with her camera phone, while Liza was causing all of that commotion!

I wish that the whole Jonathan thing would finally come out so that the whole town stops blaming Zach for everything from Bobby getting beaten up to Greenlee being poisoned to Ryan getting shot to Ethan getting in trouble.........next thing you know, they will be blaming Zach for the baby switch, too!
IASW Rider said:
I also have no idea why Kendall dresses like it's summer (and like she's going to happy hour, as Greenlee said, last week!) all year long! It's also funny that Greenlee commented last week that Kendall should "eat a sandwich" - I guess that the AMC folks are aware that we, out here, comment about how Kendall is way too skinny!

I caught the cocktail hour comment too, and had to laugh. Yeah, like Greenless doesn't dress formal all the time too???
IASW Rider said:
.........next thing you know, they will be blaming Zach for the baby switch, too!

:rotfl: :rotfl: If they thought they could get away with it, I wouldn't put it past the writers! ;)

Thanks for posting the link to the engagement article. I hadn't seen it before & it was very sweet.

s&k'smom - You're so right! It's very cold here today (although yesterday it was in the 60s) & we had snow a while ago. I'm about 30 miles north & west of Philadelphia. I was standing on the porch at 6:50 with DD this AM waiting for the bus in my bare feet & a T-shirt. Now I'm sitting here at the computer with gloves & a sweater on!

And I'm sure Kendall will be in her sleeveless cocktail dress again in 15 minutes! ;)
zurgswife said:
They were on Tony Danza this am and showed the clip of the proposal from the set...it was very romantic and sweet.....

Oh, I would love to see this!!! Tony Danza airs here at night, I wonder if it would be the same one. I may have to record it to find out.
elgerber said:
Oh, I would love to see this!!! Tony Danza airs here at night, I wonder if it would be the same one. I may have to record it to find out.

I would like to see it too, but I don't know if Tony Danza'a show is on here at all. Hmmm, I guess I'll have to do a search.
I didn't know they were a real-life couple! How great. They are both so cute.
zurgswife said:
They were on Tony Danza this am and showed the clip of the proposal from the set...it was very romantic and sweet.....
Cool! His show comes on here in a hour, I'll be sure to catch it!
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