Another fight and no one to stop it.

So many reasons; excuses; for & against.

The number of people involved in this "brawl" captured international attention.
NOT GOOD for business OR guests having to witness these situations, or who fear being 'collateral damage' if something erupts near them & their families.

As a monthly WDW guest for years pre-Covid, I definitely observed an uptick in LOUD arguments & fights. I was collateral damage on Main St when 2 men went in a minute from arguing over an alleged "push" to a vicious fight. A women trying to run toward them punched me in the back to get me out of the way. I ran into Emporium & told 2 different CMs there was a bad fight outside & people were getting hurt. One actually shrugged. The other said she'd call security when she finished helping guest with a purchase.

Bottom line: Disney Parks USA cannot evaluate the personalites of every guest entering every day (at least not yet 😉)... But they also can't ignore the impact of crowds, stress, heat, humidity, & yes alcohol on SOME people.
Not all those things are responsible for every loud or violent altercation but they often contribute.

Disney must hire & TRAIN sufficient staff to deal with these issues, so that they can be diffused before they explode OR they can be stopped much sooner once they start. (LOL! We high school teachers know how to do it).

NOT good for business.
I heard the racial slur on the video but I couldn't tell who it came from - a bystander or one of the family members.
After re-watching/re-listening to it a few times I could hear it but I can't tell who it's coming from, it really could easily been a bystander. I agree it's not acceptable from anyone and it serves only to ignite tempers not work to calm them down, I just can't be confident who it is coming from.
In current times whenever you have a situation like this with ambiguous rules this will be the result. You can no longer rely on shared common sense or shared values of fairness to resolve public conflicts. Disney will likely ultimately be forced to provide hard rules about leaving the line and returning later that all customers must follow and all CM's enforce.
After re-watching/re-listening to it a few times I could hear it but I can't tell who it's coming from, it really could easily been a bystander. I agree it's not acceptable from anyone and it serves only to ignite tempers not work to calm them down, I just can't be confident who it is coming from.
But still no reason to engage in that situation. Maybe parents today should teach this idiom to their children and adhere to it themselves "Sticks and stones may break my bone but words will never hurt me." No excuse for what happened.

All because a guest forgot their all important cellphone and wanted to rejoin their group after retrieving it? Nowadays you are screwed at Disney without it. Our entire vacation...dining, return times, room entry, etc is on that phone.
In current times whenever you have a situation like this with ambiguous rules this will be the result. You can no longer rely on shared common sense or shared values of fairness to resolve public conflicts. Disney will likely ultimately be forced to provide hard rules about leaving the line and returning later that all customers must follow and all CM's enforce.
The wait times are quite long. It's reasonable to expect that a guest may need to visit the restroom. Many rides now require guests to transfer either to a wheelchair or scooters allowed. This increases the possibility of a forgotten item. Maybe CMs will now give out "hall passes"? Although that still won't matter to some. More hoops to jump through...increased stress. It is frustrating.
But still no reason to engage in that situation.
Totally agree
Nowadays you are screwed at Disney without it. Our entire vacation...dining, return times, room entry, etc is on that phone.
True but I think it's more that we are so used to having our cell phone with us the thought of not having it with us gives panic, you know that feeling when you can't find your cell phone. I can also understand fear of theft. Panic of not having your cell phone with you IMO would be the primary reason for someone to do what the woman did. If I left my phone in a bag my husband's phone would still work. MDE is on there, or can be downloaded and log in information used. Most visitors have smart phones or access to one in their party.

Were it me? I either would have us all leave the line or been like "welp I'll get it after" because that's how I was raised ;)
I think that's painting the family of the birthday girl with a pretty broad brush. They were the ones who were attacked and had racial insults thrown at them.
How they acted or possibly reacted in this case is likely how they do so in real life outside Disney.

I guess I also missed something. Has it been established they were the ones attacked first? The other family lied?

And even with the racial slur, it is simple... just walk away. I'm a minority and have heard plenty of slurs in my day. You just walk away.
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At one point it looked like a man punched a woman in the face (woman was matching shirt family), shoes were on the ground etc. I could not believe what I was watching.
I saw that too. He was from the non-matching shirt family. Truly sickening.
In current times whenever you have a situation like this with ambiguous rules this will be the result. You can no longer rely on shared common sense or shared values of fairness to resolve public conflicts. Disney will likely ultimately be forced to provide hard rules about leaving the line and returning later that all customers must follow and all CM's enforce.
I will bet you a Mickey bar they don’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. The first time they officially deny line re-entry for someone in a 90 minute queue who has a medical condition or takes a medication that causes them to have to use the restroom frequently they will be sued and lose bigly. Right now they don’t have a stated policy so they can hide behind “the cast member was not acting within policy”, which is why they won’t codify it.
I do not think any open disagreement is worth being in a fight, stabbed or shot at in DL or any park….BUT…

The only way to stop this sort of issue, Especially around line jumping , is a clear and complete policy, that is enforced.

There can be no lawsuit for any reason if it is a written policy. This is not a disability thing, as they have access, and must make the decision based on their issues if they can make it through the line on time.

Plenty of people with bad backs, knees, anxiety, and all of them have to wait in lines as well, especially if its not to the level that they can get a disability pass…

If they have urinary issues that are that severe, they would certainly qualify for a disability pass.

This is an entitlement thing, I see it all day as I deal with customers all the time. The “well I just need an exception thins ONE time cause I made a miscalculation” is a daily thing….and if you allow that… HAVE to understand there are peope who will take advantage of that policy all the time…

and heres the amazing thing, they ALL think they are the exception to the rule….even if they are actually gaming the system.

Again, its all or none….and enforced for it to work.
Totally agree

True but I think it's more that we are so used to having our cell phone with us the thought of not having it with us gives panic, you know that feeling when you can't find your cell phone. I can also understand fear of theft. Panic of not having your cell phone with you IMO would be the primary reason for someone to do what the woman did. If I left my phone in a bag my husband's phone would still work. MDE is on there, or can be downloaded and log in information used. Most visitors have smart phones or access to one in their party.

Were it me? I either would have us all leave the line or been like "welp I'll get it after" because that's how I was raised ;)
I would not leave my phone nor a bag in or on my scooter….intentionally. I have had less valuable things stolen
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There can be no lawsuit for any reason if it is a written policy. This is not a disability thing, as they have access, and must make the decision based on their issues if they can make it through the line on time.

I’m not a lawyer, but I’m not sure you’re right. I’ll give you an example- a policy can say no outside food and if you’re a diabetic you can bring in outside food. The government has sued a few companies, for example Clear Channel (concert venues) on this already. Only reason I know is because I have a relative with diabetes who keeps syringes and sugar snacks with him and it’s never been an issue even at places that don’t allow it per policy.
I would not leave my phone now a bag in or on my scooter….intentionally. I have had less valuable things stolen
Nor would I. If that were to happen though my phone is more valuable to me than a ride at a theme park. Choices are made on all sides and there isn't but 1 option available. No action like that deserves to be jumped I think we all agree
This is an entitlement thing,
I'll agree with you here but frame it like not everyone is malicious or consciously aware about it. There's probably a good number of people who see no issue whatsoever with getting out of line and getting back in it, or having member(s) of a party wait in line while others do other things (bathroom, food, another ride) and then just go on and join but unless a policy explicitly states that's okay it's an assumption on someone's part that is okay because of xyz, the rationales all make sense to them when they think them or say them out loud.

Just as people make rationales that it's NBD to let people pass for whatever reason is given if there even is a reason given but that is one that is hard to speak for everyone, you're only speaking for yourself and how you feel without considering others and how they would feel.

This sorta reminds me of that thread about scooting down in a movie theater for late comers. When met with a no it set off those people's response to be less than nice. It's not quite the same thing but similar enough.


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