Are women and men inherently different?

I think I'm not an expert in brain research and any opinion I have would be based on a very limited understanding. So, I don't know. And I don't think it matters.
Yep men and women are different. I think men are typically (not always though) physically stronger due to being physically larger than women.

On an intellectual level, men and women are equal. Not in every individual situation, but generally speaking. They are both capable of doing the same job, at least from an intellectual standpoint.

I think women, in general, are more emotional, but some of that can be due to hormones.

Of course, the obvious difference, women can have babies.

I'm sure there are many more differences....
Men are from Omicron Perceii 8, women from Women are from Omicron Perceii 11. And dogs from Funky Dog Planet.

Indeed....hail Lrrr!
It's interesting how the brains of men and women actually function differently as described in the article. I wonder what that looks like across a gender spectrum?

I don't know about the examples with toy and color choices; I think a lot of that is more cultural than biological, influenced by parents and peers. I don't know how you'd ever prove it scientifically one way or another, though. We're influenced by gender roles pretty early in life.

On a side note, I had a physiology professor in college that had us make clay models of the brain. He made all the females in class add a "shopping lobe". As in if you were female and didn't do it, you couldn't get an A. I wish I wasn't so young and dumb then, doing whatever the teacher wanted. I'd throw a fit about today.
Definitely different.

DH cant multi task for a start. I'm always doing a hundred things at once.

The men and women approach things very differently at work too.
I believe there to be some differences between females and males. It is easy to imagine over the lineages different survival and skill sets developed between the sexes. Something that I've observed, in general, I've often thought of females as being better communicators than males. I've wondered if that difference might have something to do with the selling of goods. I mention as when I watch travel shows, often times, but not always, at the local shopping centers it is females behind the counter selling goods. Just a guess with that obviously.
It's a fascinating research study. And it's like a mountain of research data gathered over several years.

And it's not a surprise either.

Men and women ARE different. I don't think that's a bad thing. We can appreciate and celebrate our differences. Everyone brings something slightly different to the table. It makes life interesting. If we were all the same, it would be a pretty boring world. I don't think that men and women's brains being different is anything horrible. Now there's the scientific data that proves what a lot of people have known or suspected for a long time.

I also don't think that the research is saying in any way that men or women are better than each other....just that there are differences, here's what the differences are, and here's how men & women process and store information differently.
My own anecdotal experience with three kids says yes. I had 2 boys first, and we always had dolls, kitchens, strollers etc for them, as well as cars and trucks.
They did play with these toys, but when when my dd came along I noticed a strong difference a a very young age. She was 11 months (she walked at 9 months) and she put a baby in a stroller and walked it around, patted etc. just like a little mother. I remember being so fascinated with that, at so young how she could play like that, like it was inherent! My boys dragged dolls around by the leg and were never "motherly' with their toys.

That was my experience, and it gave me a little insight into the differences.
Absolutely different and not just with dolls or cars, the "traditional" gender activities that IMO are very influenced by societal expectations.
That said, we are completely different. Behavior is different, attitudes are different, emotions are different etc. I completely agree, we are wired differently.
Definitely different.

DH cant multi task for a start. I'm always doing a hundred things at once.

The men and women approach things very differently at work too.

Side note, while multi-tasking is sometimes necessary, studies have shown in most cases you're far better off to complete tasks one at a time. Doing so takes less time overall, and the work is typically of higher quality.
Yep men and women are different. I think men are typically (not always though) physically stronger due to being physically larger than women.

On an intellectual level, men and women are equal. Not in every individual situation, but generally speaking. They are both capable of doing the same job, at least from an intellectual standpoint.

I think women, in general, are more emotional, but some of that can be due to hormones.

Of course, the obvious difference, women can have babies.

I'm sure there are many more differences....

I don't think women are necessarily more emotional than men (sure there can be some due to hormonal fluctuations) but there's a huge gap IMO in what society refers to as "emotional" we tend to call Out angry, sad frustrated women as being "emotional"

Nobody ever tells an angry or aggressive man to stop being so emotional, even ones who are frustrated an flustered. Some how anger and aggressiveness get a pass as not being emotions.

I internalized this socialization for a long time. As somebody who feels emotions but tends to make intellectual decisions I constantly found myself frustrated when I was showing frustration and being told "to stop being so emotional" by a man who was screaming and ranting. It took be longer than it should to start calling men out on "being too emotional" (Usually used on women as a way to negate valid arguments)

Now I do believe men and women Exhibit emotions differently (whether this is nature or nurture, I don't know).
Men and women are basically the same. The difference is that women spend most of their lives being told by men (and other brainwashed women) that they are different.
Men and women are basically the same. The difference is that women spend most of their lives being told by men (and other brainwashed women) that they are different.
That's an interesting point of view.
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Men and women are basically the same. The difference is that women spend most of their lives being told by men (and other brainwashed women) that they are different.
I'm curious, in your mind, what makes up "basically"?
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