Biggest Loser 8 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers!

the interview seemed to go okay. It was just the first round to see who the official "hiring team" will do formal interviews with. Now I might not hear anything until the New Year, so I'll have to put it out of my mind and just wait and see what happens.

And unfortunately the legs don't look too toned, but I've got great stamina for walking on vacations :goodvibes

Good luck with the next step. Glad the interview went well. Have a happy holiday season and don't even THINK about it all until after 1/1!! BTW... toning is overrated.... stamina is FABULOUS!

Hi everyone!

I have been completely absent lately... just trying to get everything done for my daughter before the holiday break. I have been stuck at the same weight for the past 2 weeks (not that I have done much to help it along!) My motivation just hasn't been there...hopefully I will kick myself into gear soon.

Hope everyone is enjoying the Holidays!

Don't think of it as STUCK, so much as "maintaining during the holidays". When you read statistics about how much weight the average person gains during the holiday season ( thru NYD), you should feel PROUD to be maintaining!

QOTD: I'm in my second week of waking at 4 so I can get an hour in before work. I've also done some weights and reisitance training at night while watching tv.

4 am is TOUGH... I commend you on it. I am a morning person and I can do 5 am okay, but anything before that seems like the middle of the night. I do have to get up at 4:30 am two days a week now to get DD up for her early morning swim practice and so far it hasn't been too bad. I get her up and meet the carpool and then go back home and do some WATP and then shower and get ready for the rest of the day. And on days when DH is around and I can DRIVE the entire carpool, then I am at the Y by about 5:45 am and I can get in my full workout nice and early. You will get used to the 4 am time.... just be sure you are compensating by getting to bed early enough in the PM.

Life has been beyond crazy lately........ I missed the cut-off for the weigh-in by a mile! I am sorry LuvBaloo! I didn't even get to sit down to my computer til tonight!!!! Work has been outrageous, and we are having Christmas this weekend in Tennessee with my brother, and leaving tomorrow.

Anyway, thank you to all of you - the coaches and everyone - I hope to make the last weigh-in. We should be back late Sunday. I won't have any access to a computer while I am gone.

It's a little chillier there, too. It was 84 today. I think it was 34 at my bro's house.

If I don't get a chance, here's wishing everyone some awesome holidays, and a happy, healthy 2010!!!!

I agree with what some other folks said..... "chillier" is all relative! I think our high today is supposed to be about 30 (but with a 10 degree wind chill factor). Enjoy the chilly winter weather in TN!

I lost .8 this week! I am officially under 150!

One issue I've been having is going low while working out. It has happened my last three sessions with my trainer and once when I was working out by myself. It means that I'm having to cut workouts short or stop and take a break. So I feel like I'm not getting the most out of them. Even after my blood sugar gets back to where it should be, the feeling persists and I can't give it my all.

The only thing that is different is a new med (Byetta), but it's not one that is known for causing lows on its own. I think I'm going to have to talk to my doctor.

I can't comment on the meds and other things. I just hope you can work it out. But congratulations on hitting a new number on the scale. It is such an exciting feeling when the number in the tens place changes!!

Morning all! Again, I have just a few minutes carved out here to say hi!

wed qotd- With the busy holiday season here, share one tip that helps you stay on a healthy track, or share an inspirational quote or saying that helps motivate you.

Keeping up my exercise!!! Even if everything else falls apart and I forget to journal my food and my kids put my favorite ice cream in the shopping cart (yup... happened this week!), and I am so busy I feel like I can't stop to think... if I just continue to do my minimum of 45 minutes per day of exercise, I still feel somewhat in control of my "health destiny". And I know I won't end up 10 pounds heavier and depressed on NYE. Even though I have had virtually no real "me" time lately, I have been making SURE to fit in my exercise time, even when other things have had to wait (like housework, laundry, etc).

I don't think that I mentioned it last week, but DD's other guinea pig passed away last Friday. We kind of saw it coming since the other one died last month. Moonlight has not been herself. She seemed depressed and a bit quiet and didn't seem to be eating a whole lot. DD was more ready for this death, but it was still really hard for her. But she admitted to me that she kind of felt it was coming and that she had even spent a moment that morning talking to the GP and kind of saying good-bye. And that evening when we returned home, she went right in to the cage to check on her and found her dead... she said she had been thinking about Moonlight all day and kind of suspected that this might be the case. Fortunately DH was able to dig a good hole right next to the other grave (despite the snow) so they are together now. They died exactly 1 month apart. While I am sad for DD, I certainly won't miss the mess and the responsibilities.

Well... I need to finish DD's Latin flashcards that I promised to make her. I took inventory of my Christmas shopping this morning and I am doing well, except for stocking stuffers. I am WAAAAY behind with those, so I will head out tonight to finish up that, plus pick up one gift for each DN, since my original idea fell through, and then I will be officially DONE! I don't think I have EVER been this far behind. oh well. Tree is not done, house is still a mess, nothing is wrapped... but no big deal I suppose. Trying to keep it all in perspective.

BTW.... I need an idea for our big Christmas meal. Not necessarily a "diet" or healthy meal. Last year I made (for the first time) a prime rib. It was delicious and fairly easy, but expensive and not (IMHO) delicious enough for the calories and expense. Plus there were a lot of leftovers and they didn't reheat super well.

DS is allergic to poultry, so I don't really want to do a turkey or chicken (although I would consider duck... not sure if he could eat that). The kids vetoed the idea of a lasagna or any kind of casserole. DD will not eat ANYTHING that comes from the ocean, so no shrimp or fish. (Although I suppose I could make a nice baked stuffed shrimp for the rest of us and just make her some sort of chicken.)

For ethical reasons I won't eat lamb or veal. I guess that just kind of leaves ham (yawn) or pork of some sort.... but when I mentioned having a nice pork tenderloin the kids were less than impressed.

So what's left???? Maybe steak tips? We have them a few times a year and everyone loves them, but I am not sure if they are "special" enough for our big Christmas meal. I don't mind doing a ham, but I will end up with lots of leftovers. Plus a ham doesn't seem exciting enough. Maybe if I made a few fancy sides to go with it?? KEEPING IN MIND THAT I HATE TO COOK AND I AM NOT VERY GOOD AT IT!!

ANY IDEAS?? ANYTHING? Bueller...? Bueller....? (silly old movie reference there)

I'll try to hop back on later and see how everyone is doing!................P
wed qotd- With the busy holiday season here, share one tip that helps you stay on a healthy track, or share an inspirational quote or saying that helps motivate you.

I've really learned to not eat the holiday food I don't really like. Specifically I don't like mashed potatoes, so I just don't eat them. The old rule of "always take at least a little of everything" is no longer true.
And I still use the idea of asking myself if I really want Food X or do I want to lose weight. That makes me think about it before I eat it. I'm doing good so far with lots of yummy chocolates in the house and so far only one package has been opened and eaten in small quantity. I'm working on the attitude of buying the expensive chocolates I really like and savouring them. :goodvibes

pjlla - sorry to hear your DD lost her second GP but it sounds like she's doing okay :flower3:
Going to continue to get in at least the 2 mile WATP each morning. When there is time I will also do the elliptical of the Wii Fit.

I somehow was at a solid 160.0 this morning.I've not been eating the greatest but not eating a lot either. I even had a drink last night while baking cookies but only had 1 or 2 small cookies. Guess my calories was low for the day.

I finally got the BL Protein powder today at The Christmas Tree shop. I got a can of the powder and a box of the packets. I just had one of the raspberry packets and I have to see it was quite delicious! The can I got was the chocolate so I will try that in the morning.

DD2 has dancing at 4 and then both girls have pageant practice! Been running around all day with Mom shopping. I had a panini with steak and cheese at the food court with chipotle mayo. It was quite tasty!

Time to clean up a bit before heading out again!.
pjlla - sorry to hear your DD lost her second GP but it sounds like she's doing okay :flower3:

Thanks for your words of sympathy. No more small furry critters for us... it is too sad when they pass (other than kitties.... I couldn't live without at least one kitty underfoot!).

Well.... I had a nice long note ready to post, but it disappeared! (DARN). But it was just my usual rambling, so no biggie.

I got a few things knocked off my long "to do" list today, so I am feeling a bit better. And DD's swim practice for tomorrow night has been cancelled, so it
makes my evening just a bit easier. We may even get to eat dinner at home together!

Well... off to watch the programming tutorial with the boys (I am with my robotics group right now)...................P
Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars.

-after 3 weeks of no reporting, you are dropped from the challenged – can re-start at any time, though :goodvibes
-if anybody knows they will miss weighing in, just PM and let me know ahead of time, and you’ll be marked excused :goodvibes

First some stats

Current Participants-------------34
not reporting in for 1 week-------4
not reporting in for 2 weeks------1
not reporting in for 3 weeks------ 4 (dropped from the challenge)
Had to drop out of challenge -----0
weigh ins-----------------------25
first time weigh-ins---------------0
Biggest Loser 8 Fall Challenge Week 13
This weeks total group loss 13.7 pounds!
Total group weight loss so far 429.6 pounds!
Group weight loss goal 500 pounds! As our numbers have dwindled, the goal got harder and is now impossible. There’s 1 week left, let’s see how far we get :goodvibes

Average percentage of weight lost 0.27%

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me. For your reference this is the magic percentage of weight lost formula - weight loss for the week divided by weight for last week times 100, that gives us the percentage. Now let me test that with my numbers for week 1, click, click, click goes the calculator. Yes, that agrees with the percentage on the magic spreadsheet.

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 13? This week I’ve went with a simple TOP 10 LIST, which also happens to be everybody that got over 0.5% loss! That criteria may change from week to week. Hey I'm in charge here and I get paid nothin' to do this so you better take what you can get!;);):rotfl: (and if there’s something you want to know, just ask me!)

The WISH Biggest Loser 8 Fall Challenge Week 13 Superstars!!
#10- 0.54%- sahbushka
#9- 0.55%- jennz
#8- 0.58% - TammyAlphabet
#7- 1.23%- princessbride6204
#6- 1.36 %- redwalker
#5- 1.44%- 50sjayne
#4- 1.54%- dreamlinda
#3- 1.88%- donac
#2- 1.89%- Cinderella Girl

and now

The WISH Biggest Loser 8 Fall Challenge
Week 13 Biggest Loser!!

#1- 2.53%- seashell724

Quote from Dare2Dream: How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a healthy day!

Congratulations seashell724!!! What a great week you have had. Keep up the good work. We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser.

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version[IMG]

or use
followed by

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great!

Boy! I am out of touch. I guess you have been doing this every week. I need to pay more attention. It is hard to keep a job and keep up with all the posts on here!! :thumbsup2

Hey! I even went back and saw that I was the Biggest Loser one week. Thanks for all the congratulations that you all sent. A little belated but heartfelt thanks to all of you. Let's get over 500 this week.
pjilla - :lmao: "class? class? anyone? anyone?" too funny that always cracks me up!! Here's my suggestion for's not elegant, but you could always serve it on the china..everyone draws for an item - main couse, dessert, side, etc..and chooses their favorite and that's what you have. It doesn't have to go together, instead it's a true family meal.

QOTD: I have been really struggling w/my mom being gone :littleangel: and controlling my emotional eating so I'm going to be stealing answers from here to use instead of contributing...thank you all! Well I guess I do have one contribution, make sure I drink my water, I feel much better when I do.

Luvbaloo - yes why do we eat what we don't love, to be polite? Polite to who -everyone except ourselves! :headache: I'm claiming this one.

Shortynbug, pjilla, and tigger813 yes exercise in the morning is a great thing and gets me focused for the day. I'm working on the couch25k and I will stay committed to this!

mikamah, me too about the breakfast! I don't think about what I can grab to stuff in my mouth if I have a good high protein meal so I need to make time for that.

Thanks everyone!!

Corrinak - you are doing awesome girl! I wouldn't worry about doing 1 1/2 hours of exercise, OBVIOUSLY what you are doing is working!!!:cheer2:

DisMeet?? Seriously I would love to meet up! My dad is still in Orlando so we go down often, I don't have any dates right now. Well I do in October, my cousins from Scotland are coming over and they'd rather go to Orlando than Noblesville. Can't figure that one out! :rotfl: If anyone has dates please post them!
Rest in Peace, Roy Disney. :sad1:

Pamela - so sorry about your DD's other Guin. They are so sweet and don't last long enough. It sounds like your daughter is very wise.

jennz and lisa - I always feel a little guilty when what I'm doing doesn't exactly match up with suggestions or guidelines. The "increase your daily workout by 5 minutes" one is always tough for me - just saw it on a WW article today. I do sometimes go over my suggested miles, but mostly I try to stick to what is assigned for the day. Especially on the treadmill where there isn't that question of making the loop the right size to get home on the right mile!

wed qotd- With the busy holiday season here, share one tip that helps you stay on a healthy track, or share an inspirational quote or saying that helps motivate you.

Oh man, I got nothin'. Maybe something will come to me later.....
DisMeet?? Seriously I would love to meet up! My dad is still in Orlando so we go down often, I don't have any dates right now. Well I do in October, my cousins from Scotland are coming over and they'd rather go to Orlando than Noblesville. Can't figure that one out! :rotfl: If anyone has dates please post them!

I know at least two of us will be there for the Marathon Weekend. Lots of WISH racers/DISers meet up at POP century on Friday afternoon. You'd be most welcome as well!
Off topic but this is the Dis...just got a message that Roy Disney passed away today. :sad1:

Rest in peace, Roy Disney. :sad2:

wed qotd- With the busy holiday season here, share one tip that helps you stay on a healthy track, or share an inspirational quote or saying that helps motivate you.

Concentrate on the basics -- plan, exercise, water, vitamins -- you will still be crazy busy but have a good foundation under you! :thumbsup2

:hug: to you and mikamah, jennz. LuvBaloo is right -- there are a lot of emotions at Christmas, especially for you two.

A Dismeet for WISH'ers would be fun someday!

pjlla, sorry about your DD's guinea pig. It is so hard when our furry family members leave us. :hug:

I'm off to make sure everything is packed that should be. To Phoenix today to meet up with Mom and Sis and then WDW tomorrow!

Did my weigh in early -- samer -- but I'm okay with that.

Have a great day all! I'll pop in when I can. :santa:
Good morning everyone. I'm sorry I didn't get back on yesterday, but it was a busy day, and then I fell asleep when I put my son to bed, and that was it. I really want to make an effort to get here more through the holidays. We went to see the christmas carol last night, and then went out to the cheesecake factory for the first time, and let's just say, I'm sure I won't see a loss this week now. :rotfl: But, today is a new day.

Pjlla- I'm so sorry about your dd's guinea pig. I'm sure she's so sad, but hopefully she is comforted that they are together again, and he's not sad anymore. :hug:

Jennz- :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Wish I could make it easier for both of us, but I know our mom's are here in spirit and in our hearts, and that will help us through the holidays. Hang in there. :hug:

Shannon- love the idea of buying the good chocolates and savoring them. I have done that in the past, had a lindt ball daily one year, when I was being good, but right now, I think I would eat the whole bag if I brought it in to my house, so I won't til next week, and then I'll send what's left away.

Have a great day.:)
Rest in peace, Roy Disney. :sad2:

Concentrate on the basics -- plan, exercise, water, vitamins -- you will still be crazy busy but have a good foundation under you! :thumbsup2

:hug: to you and mikamah, jennz. LuvBaloo is right -- there are a lot of emotions at Christmas, especially for you two.

A Dismeet for WISH'ers would be fun someday!

pjlla, sorry about your DD's guinea pig. It is so hard when our furry family members leave us. :hug:

I'm off to make sure everything is packed that should be. To Phoenix today to meet up with Mom and Sis and then WDW tomorrow!

Did my weigh in early -- samer -- but I'm okay with that.

Have a great day all! I'll pop in when I can. :santa:
Thanks lisa, and have an absolutely wonderful trip!! ::MinnieMo::MickeyMopluto::donald::dumbo::tinker::goofy::figment:
Got my girls and my hubby's presents all bought last night! So excited. Hubby and I decided not to get each other gifts this year but I knew a few things he's had his eyes on for a while and I have motives. LOL! I want to get myself Wii Fit Plus. LOL! I really want Biggest Loser for Wii eventually but thought Plus would be a good place to start and I'd get the balance board and all that too! Saw it last night for $99 and didn't get it. Kicking myself now but eventually I'll get it. If you have it let me know what you think. I would still run or do my Jillian videos in the morning but would like something fun and a little, dare I say, easier for night.

I didn't get home until after 9:30 and I was up until a little after 11 but I still pulled my butt up at 4! Go me.

Hope this last weigh in brings good numbers for everyone. My scale has been stuck on last week's weigh in for 3 days! Which is better than what I saw the few days beforehand but ugg. Crosssing fingers, toes, and everything else that I at least see a 1 pound loss or something in the morning.
Morning all! My morning has been nutty, but I am PROUD of myself that I got in 40 minutes on the TM. I had almost talked myself out of it... figured I could use the 40 minutes more productively around the house cleaning and such... but talked myself back INTO the workout and I know I won't regret that decision EVER. Hopefully I'll get in another 20 later in the day, but even if I don't, I know that I did at least the basics.

I have decided on a Surf and Turf for our big holiday meal. Baked stuff shrimp and steak tips with twice baked potatoes, a green vegetable (either broccoli or green beans), carrots (I like to have 2 non-starchy veggies) with homemade apple crisp for dessert. That way DD doesn't feel cheated if we have just seafood (and DS is not a shrimp fan either) and it won't be quite as expensive, since I have steak tips in the freezer already that I bought on sale. My Mom will be here to help, so she can do the shrimp, DD will do the potatoes, and I will do the apple crisp (one of my family's favorites).

Christmas morning (brunch) will be quiches (that I will try to make ahead this weekend or early next week and drop in the freezer), cinnamon rolls (our traditional Christmas bkfst treat... even though I don't like them), coffee, juice, eggnog.

Then Christmas late afternoon it will be make your own pizza! I will buy some premade single size crusts (I hate trying to pat out stretchy dough) and sauce and toppings. We will do just two big meals that day and maybe offer popcorn or chips and salsa in the evening if anyone is hungry.

Sorry to ramble.... as usual I am just kind of thinking out loud here! Don't know why I keep falling into that habit here!

Anyhow.... other than the twice baked potatoes and the desserts, I should be able to maintain a fairly close to OP eating plan during those two days. I will make one of the quiches lower fat (partly egg whites and low fat cheese with lots of veggies, no crust). And for the pizza meal I will buy myself (and maybe everyone) whole wheat crust and I will use low fat cheese on my pizza. SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN TO ME!! The hard part of the eating will come about a week later when we spend some time at my Mom's with my DB and his family. They are from PA and know how to pack the PA Dutch calories into EVERYTHING!! But boy is it all YUMMY!

Well...... I guess my "me" time is up (yup... I chose to spend my "me" time here with my DIS friends! Love you!). Gotta go fly around the house, cleaning and wrapping and decorating as I go!......................P
wed qotd- With the busy holiday season here, share one tip that helps you stay on a healthy track, or share an inspirational quote or saying that helps motivate you.
I'm going to be sticking with my workout plan from C25k. I've got 3 jogs to fit in each week. The other thing is drinking lots of water. It helps fill me up so that when I do eat holiday treats, I tend not to overeat because I'm kinda full.

I'm striving for a perfectly on plan day today! I'll be leaving work early for an eye dr appt. And once that's done, I'll have a chance to get in a good workout before DH and DD get home! It will be so nice to have that done earlier in the day than usual. If only I could leave work early every day... :laughing:
Hi! I'm your coach today. Our question for today (and please forgive me if this is a repeat)

What are your New Years Resolutions for staying health?
I'm going to be at goal this year. Want it by April WILL do it by October. I am also going to put the scale away except on Fridays. This is for my health and everyone elses. ;) Those are my resolutions.

And not health related....I WILL go to WDW for the first time ever....FINALLY!
QOTD: My New Year's Resolution for staying healthy is to keep up my routine and finish my journey by the end of February if not sooner. I want to lose another 10-15 lbs so I will be doing the next BL challenge and go from a loser to a maintainer!

Had a good day! Finished shopping for my parents today so I have a few gift cards to get and a few more things for DH. Gave a hot stone massage to a dear friend and then had a nice lunch with her! It was nice to take some time for myself as this week has been INSANE! But I've been so busy I haven't been snacking or overeating! Didn't get my workout in but enjoyed my protein drinks this morning. We had bacon, eggs and light wheat toast for supper. Taking my parents shopping tomorrow after preschool parent teacher conference. Then getting back to baking and making candies. We're watching HP and the Half Blood Prince now. We've had it for over a week and this is our first chance to sit down and watch it!

Hoping to get in my last chance workout in the morning before DD2's conference and plan on working out again :cool1:at some point tomorrow!
Got my girls and my hubby's presents all bought last night! So excited. Hubby and I decided not to get each other gifts this year but I knew a few things he's had his eyes on for a while and I have motives. LOL! I want to get myself Wii Fit Plus. LOL! I really want Biggest Loser for Wii eventually but thought Plus would be a good place to start and I'd get the balance board and all that too! Saw it last night for $99 and didn't get it. Kicking myself now but eventually I'll get it. If you have it let me know what you think. I would still run or do my Jillian videos in the morning but would like something fun and a little, dare I say, easier for night.

I've got the regular WiiFit and am hoping for the WiiFit Plus upgrade for Christmas:goodvibes I like the variety the WiiFit has, and generally do mostly the aerobics ones. The reviews I've read on the WiiFit Plus sound like it takes away the biggest complaint of the WiiFit, which was that you could only do 1 exercise and then had to select and start and new one. The WiiFitPlus is supposed to do routines.
Some people don't like the your Mii's body shape grows during your weigh in, but I think its humourous. I really enjoy the step aerobics, hula-hooping and the boxing.
It was interesting in the beginning having to unlock the exercises. That was motivating to keep doing it and get things unlocked.

Well...... I guess my "me" time is up (yup... I chose to spend my "me" time here with my DIS friends! Love you!). Gotta go fly around the house, cleaning and wrapping and decorating as I go!......................P

:lmao: I love your long posts, because it seems like I'm sitting listening to you talk! And I, too, often get my ME time on the Dis:goodvibes

Hi! I'm your coach today. Our question for today (and please forgive me if this is a repeat)

What are your New Years Resolutions for staying health?

Keep exercising!
Remember fast food is okay occasionally not regularly!


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