Biggest Loser--Fall 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!!

OKAY FRIENDS.... put on your thinking caps! DD and I need an idea. She needs to spearhead a community service for NHS and we are trying to think of something original. Here are the criteria....

food drive, coat drive, clothing drive, penny drive have already been done. She is already collecting can tabs for Shriner's hospital for her Rainbow Girls activity. It doesn't have to be done now, before Christmas, but she'd like to at least get an idea going. We would like to NOT have it be anything where she has to collecting large quantities of bulky items. We don't have a truck or large mini-van available for transporting stuff.

We were both thinking, in this economy, it would be nice if it were something that didn't take a lot of $$ from each person.... like collecting something that might otherwise go to waste (similar to the can tab thing). I had suggested collecting used cell phones. I believe there are a few organizations out there that collect them and somehow it benefits veterans/soldiers (not sure exactly how).

She thought it would be nice if it could benefit something local, as opposed to something international (I had suggested Heifer International or Feed the World type of idea). But a coat drive and food drive for our local food pantry have already been done recently.

She would like to do something to benefit Project Linus (as she was the recipient of a blanket from them a few years ago), but she doesn't have the funds, the skills, or the man power to create any number of blankets.

ANYHOW.... ANY IDEAS OUT THERE?? Thanks in advance.................P

does the community service have to involve the collection of something? i was thinking that it would be nice to organize a group of people (or will it count if she just does it herself?) to visit a local nursing home. our mommy and me class has been having our holiday parties (halloween, christmas) at the assisted living residence nearby and the folks absolutely love it. maybe DD can do something where she visits someone once a week? and if it needs to be a group thing she could get people to each visit one person once a week. my grandpa is *this* close to going to an old folks home and i really think he should be there because at least he'd have someone to talk to. i know he'd give anything just to have someone listen to him talk about the old days, even just for an hour a week. (he lives in PA over 4 hours away and it's too far for us to visit often enough)
Hello dear friends!:goodvibes I've been horribly slack lately and I think it's been a couple of weeks since I posted. I have been reading along here and there but have not totally kept up with everything. Combination of slack/busy and having problems getting on the DIS too. I see a few people mentioned that as well so it's not just me. I am really going to try to do better in the Spring Challenge. I need to go find that and sign up and also find the between the challenges thread. I'll send my last weigh-in results to Sue. Looks like I will end the challenge with a whopping 3 pound loss!:headache: But I guess it's better than a gain. It's time to confess that I'm only down about 8 pounds for the whole year:headache: Again, better than a gain but I can do better next year:goodvibes

Good Morning! Figured I'd post a qotd today.
What is your favorite holiday food this time of year? With your healthy lifestyle have you modified any of your favorite holiday recipes to make them healthier?

Don't laugh, but mine is fruitcake! We have a small company about an hour away from here that makes the most unbelieveable fruitcakes. They are mostly nuts, no candied fruit.
Everything they make is so delicious, pralines, candy, etc. Yum!
Good Morning! Figured I'd post a qotd today.
What is your favorite holiday food this time of year? With your healthy lifestyle have you modified any of your favorite holiday recipes to make them healthier?

I really don't have anything other than our Christmas Eve dinner. We haven't modified it at all, but I did use the old points system recipe builder and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It was certainly doable if I didn't munch all day. ;)

Two things that I have participated in in the past: For my girl scout bronze award, I coordinated a children's morning at the local library. Read some stories, played a few games and did some crafts. You could also do a book drive.

For my silver award, my troop went to a local teen halfway house and re-decorated their "art" room. We painted it and put some things up on the walls, and added some curtains. We also collected toiletries and such for them.

I love this first idea! Maybe you could theme it with Valentine's Day? Or another holiday. Groudhog Day could be fun.

We've collected toiletries for a shelter a few times. They organization I donated them to really appreciated it as they like to send the families to their new place with supplies whenever possible as well. The shelter we donated to was for women escaping domestic violence so more often than not, the woman (and children) left unplanned.

A town organization just finished collecting money for our local food bank. I've heard that food banks prefer money because they can buy foods wholesale, so their dollar goes further than my dollar. What about a $1 bill drive? Bake sales tend to be easy. Maybe hold it during intermission of an upcoming play? (My high school had/has a play, one acts, and a musical every year.)

I am not very creative, but one organization when I was in high school sold heart-shaped cookies with personalized messages on them for Valentine's Day and the proceeds benefited another organization. That was probably very time-consuming and I remember being the only person in my homeroon who ordered any. However, they were pretty fancy. They came in plastic containers (a paper bag would be fine) and had loads of frosting on them. I'm sure something simpler would be perfect!

I think the most successful money-raising drive my high school did was: give any donation (coins/cash) and get a lollipop (like a Dum-Dum). I think they donated to Heifer, but the money could go to a local agency as well.

Good luck!
Good Morning! Figured I'd post a qotd today.
What is your favorite holiday food this time of year? With your healthy lifestyle have you modified any of your favorite holiday recipes to make them healthier?

There are so many yummy goodies right now...I think my favorite is my homemade fudge. I will make it with lower fat condensed milk, and that's about the only modification. The other ingredients are just chocolate chips, vanilla, and a pinch of salt (I'm probably forgetting something, but I'll look at the recipe when I make it :blush:). Not much I can change there...I haven't made it yet. Usually this time of year we've been through 2 or 3 batches. I'm going to make it before my dad arrives for the holidays on the 21st, and probably make another batch the 23rd, if it's gone -- I will not go crazy eating it, but my dad and dh are another story! :rotfl:

Shawn! -- I was just wondering about you this morning. I'm glad to hear you're still with us, but sorry you haven't been well :hug:

CC -- You are full of fundraising ideas! I'm sure they will be helpful ::yes::

Nancy -- Waiting 6 weeks seems very prudent. You don't want to overdo, and you do want let the basic healing take place :goodvibes

Gretchen -- Those oreo truffles sound so yummy...I may have to look up that recipe :blush:

Pamela -- I'm fresh out of great fundraising ideas. I like Nancy's idea of doing something nice in an assisted living facility. Maybe a Valentine's Day party :lovestruc for the residents, where she gets entertainment, organizes refreshments, gets Brownie troops (or something like that) to come in and serve cookies and punch, sing a few songs, etc.? You could do all kinds of things (give the ladies each a paper rose, make door decorations for their rooms, etc.), I bet the residents would be thrilled to receive a Valentine. I suspect that is a lonely day for a lot of elderly folks.

Lisah -- Yep, only going 11 miles...You did 11 Miles! That is wonderful! I am sorry about the blister -- new shoes are going to feel so good ;)

Kathy -- Do you feel like you're getting more exercise with all the walks for Poko? :dog: I bet she's loving it!

Dona -- Good for you getting the Christmas Letter done! My dh usually does ours, but we're skipping it this year. Next year we will have a witty and entertaining letter. We're resting up so it will be extra snazzy! :rotfl:

Janis -- Gee your trip sounds, um, productive? Fun doesn't seem like the right word. I hope it is all you are wishing for -- I'm not sure what else to say :confused3 Thanks for being our Hostess!

:wave2: to everyone I missed -- off to do a few tasks before dinner and :happytv: tonight.

Maria :upsidedow
Have a super day!!

Youch!! But honestly.... there is nothing ONLY about 11 miles!! That is amazing! Get yourself some new shoes now!!


OKAY FRIENDS.... put on your thinking caps! DD and I need an idea. She needs to spearhead a community service for NHS and we are trying to think of something original. Here are the criteria....

food drive, coat drive, clothing drive, penny drive have already been done. She is already collecting can tabs for Shriner's hospital for her Rainbow Girls activity. It doesn't have to be done now, before Christmas, but she'd like to at least get an idea going. We would like to NOT have it be anything where she has to collecting large quantities of bulky items. We don't have a truck or large mini-van available for transporting stuff.

We were both thinking, in this economy, it would be nice if it were something that didn't take a lot of $$ from each person.... like collecting something that might otherwise go to waste (similar to the can tab thing). I had suggested collecting used cell phones. I believe there are a few organizations out there that collect them and somehow it benefits veterans/soldiers (not sure exactly how).

She thought it would be nice if it could benefit something local, as opposed to something international (I had suggested Heifer International or Feed the World type of idea). But a coat drive and food drive for our local food pantry have already been done recently.

She would like to do something to benefit Project Linus (as she was the recipient of a blanket from them a few years ago), but she doesn't have the funds, the skills, or the man power to create any number of blankets.

ANYHOW.... ANY IDEAS OUT THERE?? Thanks in advance.................P
I did a parent leadership project at DS inner city middle school and we did a book drive--not new books, just books you have at home and then had a night where we handed them out to families from the ms. There were tons of kids/families who never owned a book before, which made me both very sad and very happy. Sad, that they never had a book before, happy that we could help.

Mike's veterans group at work collects books and magazines a couple times a year and donates them to the local VA hospital where they are much appreciated.

Neither of these requires folks to spend money, just donate stuff they are no longer using.:goodvibes
My darn cold has been a setback for sure. I'm still doing well, but I'm always tired and have to force myself to the gym and up until last week when I would eat I couldn't taste everything fully and for some reason couldn't tell when I was full. It was odd, but yet I seemed to lose weight after eating worse than I should :confused3 I've had the cough for 6 weeks now and a week of antibiotics didn't help much so I'm hoping it goes away this week or next. It's worse at night so I'm able to go to work, but it's annoying as ever. It's also caused me to not get all my wrapping done like I have in years past, but I'm hoping this is my week for wrapping :goodvibes

I hope that cold clears up. It is miserable when it just keeps on going. Hope your up-and-at-'em soon :flower3:

I am staying at the National Center for Employee Development. It's a federally owned place that the Marriot runs for them. Sounds like a fun place. :rotfl:

:worried: Federally-owned...hope they have a fitness center...or bring alot of books! Unless they keep you studying at night...

I just wanted to say hi as I am working today and probably won't bother to lug my laptop along as I probably won't have much time in this particular class..... plus I am deep into HP #7 and it is quite a page-turner, so if I have a free period I will be reading!
bellebookworm9;43451927[FONT="Comic Sans MS" said:
Such a good book-I read 6 and 7 in under 24 hours each when they came out![/FONT]
It is an awesome book - they all are. The first two are a little slow, but then as her writing skills developed, they really picked up - I've read them all several times. Last book, DS was into it, we picked them up at midnight, he lasted until 5:30, I took a nap at 7 (since I keep reading the same passage over and over) and then finished it up that day. He took the better part of the week to finish it, so DH and I couldn't talk about it out loud until he was done!

Good Morning! Figured I'd post a qotd today.
What is your favorite holiday food this time of year? With your healthy lifestyle have you modified any of your favorite holiday recipes to make them healthier?

I will be traveling to DMIL for the holidays. No modifying her recipes! I just watch what I eat - everything in moderation...which is difficult since she is such a good cook!

I still love chips 'n dip, but hardly eat them anymore. I use FF sour cream with Knorr Veggie or Lipton Onion and eat that dip with fresh cut veggies. DH (and his mom) have a really good dip with mayo and deviled ham and neufatchel cheese - I will have a little of that, it is really good.

Lisa's QOTD, December 11th: If you celebrate Christmas and put up a Christmas tree do you have some Disney ornaments on it? If yes, what is your favorite one? If you don't have a favorite Disney ornament, what is your favorite?

This is actually a "recycled" question from donac from last year! Thanks, Dona! :santa:

We have a Disney tree that we put up in our sunroom. You've never seen so many Mickey heads! :rotfl: But I have to say my favorite is the Disney Vacation Club ornament -- because it reminds me of all our fun vacations. :santa:

We have a Disney Tree. There must be hundreds of Disney ornaments, some from the Disney Store, some from Disney World, some from ornament exchanges here on the DIS, some we made and some from local stores. I think my Tink topper is my Fav.

Good Morning! Figured I'd post a qotd today.
What is your favorite holiday food this time of year? With your healthy lifestyle have you modified any of your favorite holiday recipes to make them healthier?

My favorite are my mother's spritz cookies. I do not even try to modify them, except for the fact that I try to give most away, and only make them at christmas time. Normally we've made a batch by now, and eaten it, but I'm waiting til next weekend.

No particular favorite food, there just seems to be so much more this time of year :eek:

Have a super day!!

Youch!! But honestly.... there is nothing ONLY about 11 miles!! That is amazing! Get yourself some new shoes now!!


OKAY FRIENDS.... put on your thinking caps! DD and I need an idea. She needs to spearhead a community service for NHS and we are trying to think of something original. Here are the criteria....

food drive, coat drive, clothing drive, penny drive have already been done. She is already collecting can tabs for Shriner's hospital for her Rainbow Girls activity. It doesn't have to be done now, before Christmas, but she'd like to at least get an idea going. We would like to NOT have it be anything where she has to collecting large quantities of bulky items. We don't have a truck or large mini-van available for transporting stuff.

We were both thinking, in this economy, it would be nice if it were something that didn't take a lot of $$ from each person.... like collecting something that might otherwise go to waste (similar to the can tab thing). I had suggested collecting used cell phones. I believe there are a few organizations out there that collect them and somehow it benefits veterans/soldiers (not sure exactly how).

She thought it would be nice if it could benefit something local, as opposed to something international (I had suggested Heifer International or Feed the World type of idea). But a coat drive and food drive for our local food pantry have already been done recently.

She would like to do something to benefit Project Linus (as she was the recipient of a blanket from them a few years ago), but she doesn't have the funds, the skills, or the man power to create any number of blankets.

ANYHOW.... ANY IDEAS OUT THERE?? Thanks in advance.................P

She could organize a Holiday card drive for the military. They've been doing it at bowling on Saturdays then they are distributed to soldiers overseas.

My other thought was to collect old prescription glasses and donate them to the Lyons Club. They have drop off boxes at various locations in communities, but I'm sure they would appreciate the extra effort. My understanding is that the glasses are tested for prescription and given to people in third world countries.
Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars.

-after 3 weeks of no reporting, you are dropped from the challenge – can re-start at any time, though
-if anybody knows they will miss weighing in, just PM and let me know and you’ll be marked excused

First some stats

(staying within 2 lbs of their maintain weight is successfully maintaining!)
# of Maintainers Reporting In & Successfully Maintaining: 1

Congratulations aamomma!

Current Participants-------------38!
not reporting in for 1 week-----6
not reporting in for 2 weeks----5
not reporting in for 3 weeks----2
weigh ins-------------------------24
new or returning members ----1

Biggest Loser Fall Challenge Week 13!
This week’s group loss = 13.3 pounds!
Average percentage of weight lost 0.30 %
Total group weight loss so far 368.6 pounds!


Retention Rate (compared to the 95 participants we had sign up for our start week on Sept 9th)
27% (this includes the Losers, Maintainers and Excused people!). Let's keep sending those weights people!

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me. For your reference this is the magic percentage of weight lost formula - weight loss for the week divided by weight for last week times 100, that gives us the percentage. Now let me test that with my numbers for week 1, click, click, click goes the calculator. Yes, that agrees with the percentage on the magic spreadsheet. (btw if its been more than 1 week between weigh-ins, then the % loss is divided by the number of weeks, to keep everybody on the same basis)

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 13?

The WISH Biggest Loser Fall Challenge Week 13 Superstars!!
#10- 0.20% - MickeyMagic
#9- 0.24% - EDuke98080
#8- 0.27% - buzz5985
#7- 0.33% - dvccruiser76
#6 - 0.48% - momofdjc
#5- 0.70% - mvlimmex
#4- 0.72% - liesel
#3- 1.15% - ougrad86
#2- 2.03% - Mrs D
and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Fall Challenge
Week 13 Biggest Loser is:
#1- 2.50% - lovehoney

Quote from Dare2Dream: How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a healthy day!
Congratulations lovehoney!!!

What a great week you had. Keep up the good work. We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser. Wear it with pride this week! :

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version


or use
followed by

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great!
Lisa's QOTD, December 11th: If you celebrate Christmas and put up a Christmas tree do you have some Disney ornaments on it? If yes, what is your favorite one? If you don't have a favorite Disney ornament, what is your favorite?

We actually have an all red and white tree, so all the ornaments are red and white bulbs. I am shooting for a Disney tree for next year for in my dining room. I am going to look for some sales after Christmas. I enjoy glass ornaments & would love a Mickey head tree!

I'm having a hard time convincing myself to get outside to run, too. Some of it is the cold and some is worrying about slipping on frost or ice. Is there an indoor track near you?

I did a little research about running in the cold. There seems to be a lot of worrying about man parts getting too frosty. :rotfl: But I did find this Runners World article by Jeff Galloway that might be helpful,7120,s6-238-267-589-13389-0,00.html

I know for myself if it gets below the 30's I have to have a scarf or I start coughing.

It's darn tough to work out outside in the winter for sure but you will be so happy that you did when spring rolls around. :beach:

Thanks! I'll check out this article later. I'm hoping to get out tomorrow~it's supposed to be in the 40s :woohoo: lol. I just don't like cold!

I wanted to respond to the comments on exercising in the cold. Several years ago I had a nasty respiratory infection that lasted all winter. One of the things that came out of it--I developed a reaction to cold air. Everytime I walked outside--even to get in the car-- I coughed and wheezed. My doctor said it was essentially an asthmatic reaction to cold air. Last year I did a bunch of research on it, and it really isn't uncommon.

Here's how I handle it. When the temp is below ~40 I have a fleece neck thingy that I wear over my mouth and nose when I run. I put a safety pin in it and it stays in place. There are ski masks that would work for this, but I think they are kind of scary looking. If I have a cold/respiratory thing, I don't run outside. It's a recipe for wheezing. If you are coughing and coughing after exercising outside in the cold, it's a good indication you are having an "allergic" reaction to the cold. My doctor a couple of years ago said I could get an inhaler, but I try to avoid meds if at all possible, and wearing something over my mouth and nose so that the air I am breathing is warm and moist does the trick. The issue is that the air is COLD and DRY. Of course, YMMV, but this does the trick for me. I would say if you have never had a problem with this before, it might be worth a call to the doctor to make sure nothing more serious is going on.:goodvibes

I asked for money and cold weather gear for Christmas. I am hoping to at least get gloves. With the money, I am planning to get running tights, a hat, and something for over my mouth/nose (and not a ski mask~they do look scary! I'm not robbing a bank, Officer, I swear I'm going running when it's 14 degrees lol).

Good Morning! Figured I'd post a qotd today.
What is your favorite holiday food this time of year? With your healthy lifestyle have you modified any of your favorite holiday recipes to make them healthier?

Although I love cookies (I'm sure I mentioned that a few times :rotfl:), my favorite food is my grandma's Christmas Eve fish and her homemade pierogies. However, she's not able to make pierogies anymore. She had a minor stroke a few years back and her hands are too weak. And, this year she does not want to make the fish. So, I volunteered. It is awesome...and fried. And, it's a three day process that I won't get into. I offered to make some broiled and my gradmas almost fainted lol. So, fried it is! I guess it's a splurge. We have a no meat Christmas Eve and eat kielbasa as soon as midnight strikes! It's a great family tradition (Polish/Slovak) that I can't wait to pass on to my kids. They love Christmas Eve!

Janis_ I did try the blanket but she pulled it through the crate and chewed it up and almost broke the crate pulling it through. I moved the crate in to the living/playroom and let ds sleep on the couch last night, and she went out with him. She woke and barked a couple times, so I came out and didn't speak to her, but she saw me, and then she stopped and didn't bark again all night. I want to be tough, but it's hard. But I know she need to be in the crate when we are gone, and sleeping. So alll in all, I'd say it is coming along. Thanks for the advice.

The best advice I have is to hang in there. We adopted our dog from a kill shelter and she was about 1 year old. Our first couple months were horrible. She had separation anxiety beyond belief. If we walked outside without her, she jumped on the blinds to look outside. So, 2 blinds ripped. She refused to go in the crate so she was bribed with lots of treats and hotdogs! She took obedience classes and was validictorian. Then we went home and she was a totally different dog. We had her crate in our entry way archway into the living room, and one day she decided to tear the black plastic bottom apart and tear a 1 foot square section of our carpet and padding up while we were gone. Good news? We found out we have beautiful hardwoods underneath the carpet. And, she could bunny hop our fence and sprinted down the street numerous times. Oh, and this dog (Australian Cattle Dog~which is smarter than my husband and I combined) watched the neighbor dog use it's nose to open it's back door. So, she decided to jump the fence and open my neighbor's back door while I was in the kitchen. She was just hanging out in his kitchen! But, after a couple rough months, she is great (although get's into the garbage every so often). She willingly lays in her crate when we are putting on our shoes and just to sleep. She loves my kids and is very protective of them which makes DH happy for when he works midnight. And, she needs lots of exercise, so it's healthy for the family. So, stick with the tough times and lack of sleep. I always say, having a dog is worse than a baby!!

pjlla~I'm not sure what kind of service activity she needs, but how about planting a community garden? Some kids I teach plant flowers ever spring in a low income area. Or maybe organizing a flower garden at a school or nursing home. She could also build bird houses and bird feeders for a local park or school.

My boys (with boy scouts) bake cookies once a month and donate them to Meals on Wheels.

I also know some local high school students who volunteer to help a group of Lifeskills students go swimming weekly. They get in the pool and help them move and swim (some are in wheelchairs and it's great to see them smile and try to move as best they can).

DH suggests a blood drive. You can make it a competition to get more people to come (example~a local place had a Steelers/Browns blood drive and they wanted to see how many fans would show up to support their favorite team. They also gave away tickets to a Steeler/Browns game in drawing for anyone who donated. Btw~we live between Pittsburgh and Cleveland right on the PA/OH border so this was a big deal. I live in PA but can walk to Ohio if I really's about 2-3 miles.).

Good luck and I think it's so great when kids get involved in the community! I am trying to teach my own kids to give back.


NOTE: This list includes participants who have reported in within the last 3 weeks, once someone misses 3 weigh-ins they are dropped from this report.

How this works: You set your goal for what you want to lose in the challenge. Then I calculate your weight loss in the challenge divided by your goal to get a % to goal.

Anybody can change their goal at anytime (or add a goal) – all you have to do is send me a PM.

Since the goals are an individual thing, the list is just in alphabetical order to make it easier for everybody to find their own name. If there are any questions or suggestions please let me know.

We have done 13 out of 14 weeks, so the challenge is 93% complete.

akhaloha 20.00
bellebookworm9 13.46
buzz5985 48.40
ClassicPooh2 50.00
Desiree 47.33
Disneywedding2010 36.05
dvccruiser76 42.31
EDuke98080 34.29
jillbur 58.82
lovehoney 73.75
lovetoscrap 20.00
MickeyMagic 75.78
Mrs D 75.00
mvlimmex 60.00
pjstevens 33.33
SettinSail 14.84
thunderbird1 26.00
wickey’s friend 40.00
Worfiedoodles 28.00

I find everybody on the list an inspiration and everybody who participates in this challenge is an inspiration in and of themselves. Whether you post, lurk or just pm your weight and check results on Tuesdays, you have made a commitment to yourself. And that is the biggest inspiration of all!
BY Octoberbride03
Have a super day!!

Youch!! But honestly.... there is nothing ONLY about 11 miles!! That is amazing! Get yourself some new shoes now!!


OKAY FRIENDS.... put on your thinking caps! DD and I need an idea. She needs to spearhead a community service for NHS and we are trying to think of something original. Here are the criteria....

food drive, coat drive, clothing drive, penny drive have already been done. She is already collecting can tabs for Shriner's hospital for her Rainbow Girls activity. It doesn't have to be done now, before Christmas, but she'd like to at least get an idea going. We would like to NOT have it be anything where she has to collecting large quantities of bulky items. We don't have a truck or large mini-van available for transporting stuff.

We were both thinking, in this economy, it would be nice if it were something that didn't take a lot of $$ from each person.... like collecting something that might otherwise go to waste (similar to the can tab thing). I had suggested collecting used cell phones. I believe there are a few organizations out there that collect them and somehow it benefits veterans/soldiers (not sure exactly how).

She thought it would be nice if it could benefit something local, as opposed to something international (I had suggested Heifer International or Feed the World type of idea). But a coat drive and food drive for our local food pantry have already been done recently.

She would like to do something to benefit Project Linus (as she was the recipient of a blanket from them a few years ago), but she doesn't have the funds, the skills, or the man power to create any number of blankets.

ANYHOW.... ANY IDEAS OUT THERE?? Thanks in advance.................P

Just throwing out some of our Eagle Scout projects that I can remember - cleaning a town forest of trash, one boy put out collection bins for flags to be destroyed then conducted a flag burning - that was a huge success. He passed away soon after, but the troop continues this effort. At the cub scout level we did Project Linus - we asked for the no sew fleece as donations from our churches and we spent the night clipping and tyeing knots for the project. One scout put stickers on drainage grates not to dump hazardous waste into it. Another scout set up carpools at the schools for pick up and drop off duties. My son volunteered to coach a 7-8 yo lacrosse team - he loved that.

At the school level - we have older kids mentor the younger ones after school - helping with homework etc. My DS benefited from that practice in 5th grade. Start a recyle program?? DS, now a freshman in HS, stays on Tuesday to bring all recyle's out to the recylce dumpster.

does the community service have to involve the collection of something? i was thinking that it would be nice to organize a group of people (or will it count if she just does it herself?) to visit a local nursing home. our mommy and me class has been having our holiday parties (halloween, christmas) at the assisted living residence nearby and the folks absolutely love it. maybe DD can do something where she visits someone once a week? and if it needs to be a group thing she could get people to each visit one person once a week. my grandpa is *this* close to going to an old folks home and i really think he should be there because at least he'd have someone to talk to. i know he'd give anything just to have someone listen to him talk about the old days, even just for an hour a week. (he lives in PA over 4 hours away and it's too far for us to visit often enough)

My DF lives in an Assisted Living Community - and you wouldn't believe how much more active he is now. He goes dancing on Fridays, out to Dunkin Donuts daily, bowling, the movies. I don't think he had gone to the movies since 1965!!!! LOL Great places. Very active group of people.

Good Tuesday morning.

I didn't get much done yesterday. After I got home from math team I made dinner and then just relaxed. Today I have to stay after school and then go to a wake. I was going to go to the local high school's winter concert but I really need to get some things done around here so I think I can skip it this year.

QOTD Our menus change every year so I really don't have a favorite. This year my mother is making pulled pork, my db is making chili. I told my mother I would bring a veggie platter and make an apple pie. I know my sons will be happy.

Congrats to all the winner this week

You have gotten some really great ideas. One of my students makes cake balls and carries them around in a small insulated tote. She sells them for $1 each and donates the money to St. Jude.

One of our scouts recently asked for donations to put up markers in a local cemetary to honor Civil War Veterans. He had enough money left over to do the same for the soliders from the War of 1812. This takes money but the other thing he did was make a map with GPS markings to locate them all and is then giving the map to the local historical society. The first part takes money but the second part just takes man hours.

YOu could also clean a cemetary. This is what my sons did.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Maria's QOTD: Bippidy Boppity Boo! Your Fairy Godmother will magically transport you to one of four special events! Your choices are all WDW favorites! Will you go to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party at the MK, the Candlelight Processional at Epcot, the Osborne Lights at DS, or Mickey's Jingle Jammin' Parade at AK? Why did you choose your special treat?

Maria :upsidedow
Congratulations to all our superstars, especially our Biggest Loser, lovehoney! :cool1:

It takes a lot of determination and hard work to stick it out until the end of a challenge, especially a this time of year! ::yes::

Maria's QOTD: Bippidy Boppity Boo! Your Fairy Godmother will magically transport you to one of four special events! Your choices are all WDW favorites! Will you go to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party at the MK, the Candlelight Processional at Epcot, the Osborne Lights at DS, or Mickey's Jingle Jammin' Parade at AK? Why did you choose your special treat?

Oh, thank you Fairy Godmother! :wizard: I will enjoy the Osborne Lights so much! :santa: I've seen You Tube video that they've adding some effects on the ceiling they did not have when I saw it in 2009. I'm also determined to find the location of the purple cat . . . a Halloween decoration that is always hidden in a different place each year. :cool2:

Maria and Pamela a special thank you to each of you for reminding me to celebrate my accomplishments instead of focusing on my shortcomings. :flower3:

I loved all the charity suggestions, too. I have to say that I liked Rose's idea about the books the best because I am such a bibliophile. :love:

Shawn, so nice to see you. I was wondering about you, too. :hug:

I am so darn happy today, if I was a bird I would be chirping my little head off. :yay: I had my whoosh and have a brand new number on the scale that puts me at 29 pounds lost for this challenge and keeps me well on track for my goal for the Tink. :woohoo: I got some new shoes yesterday and was at the track at 5:00 am to give them a spin and I feel so much better. Life is good. :hippie:

Have a great day all!
Maria's QOTD: Bippidy Boppity Boo! Your Fairy Godmother will magically transport you to one of four special events! Your choices are all WDW favorites! Will you go to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party at the MK, the Candlelight Processional at Epcot, the Osborne Lights at DS, or Mickey's Jingle Jammin' Parade at AK? Why did you choose your special treat?

Maria :upsidedow

OSBORNE LIGHTS!!!! Hands down!

ETA: Lisa we found the cat last year, that was hard! We also found numerous hidden mickeys but we were watching some people work on lights down one of the side streets and ended up getting some "help" from the lighting crew when hunting for mickeys. I think we have 4 or 5 CMs all to ourselves for about 2 hours just going over how they do things and such. I think it would actually be a really cool official disney tour.
Maria's QOTD: Bippidy Boppity Boo! Your Fairy Godmother will magically transport you to one of four special events!

I would go to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party at the MK. This is the only one I haven't seen.

I just wanted to thank everyone in the challenge. I don't post much but I try to read the posts 2 or 3 times a week and weigh in on Fridays. It really helps me in my endeavor to become healthy. I'm super happy to be able to post the BL clippy this week!
Maria's QOTD: Bippidy Boppity Boo! Your Fairy Godmother will magically transport you to one of four special events! Your choices are all WDW favorites! Will you go to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party at the MK, the Candlelight Processional at Epcot, the Osborne Lights at DS, or Mickey's Jingle Jammin' Parade at AK? Why did you choose your special treat?

Maria :upsidedow

I would totally be the nut that tries to do all of them in one day. :rotfl: I want to see them all! But I think I'd have to go with either MVMCP or the Osbourne Lights. I want to go to MVMCP just to meet Belle in her amazing holiday dress, but I think the Lights would be cool too.
Sorry I've been absent so much this challenge! Life is so hectic lately that I have been reading occasionally but had very little time to post.

My parents arrived yesterday afternoon from NC. They are home resting today while I work. I've got two clients today and then have to run Mom around and then run around with Ash for dancing and her concert tonight.

I'm holding pretty steady though my mom said it looks like I've gained. I'm going to enjoy the holidays and then hop back into my healthy ways after the holidays are over and life hopefully gets back to normal.

Client is arriving so I had better go now!

If I don't have time to post again! Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New and Happy Hannukah and Happy Kwanzaa and just enjoy life!

TTFN :tigger:
The best advice I have is to hang in there. We adopted our dog from a kill shelter and she was about 1 year old. Our first couple months were horrible. She had separation anxiety beyond belief. If we walked outside without her, she jumped on the blinds to look outside. So, 2 blinds ripped. She refused to go in the crate so she was bribed with lots of treats and hotdogs! She took obedience classes and was validictorian. Then we went home and she was a totally different dog. We had her crate in our entry way archway into the living room, and one day she decided to tear the black plastic bottom apart and tear a 1 foot square section of our carpet and padding up while we were gone. Good news? We found out we have beautiful hardwoods underneath the carpet. And, she could bunny hop our fence and sprinted down the street numerous times. Oh, and this dog (Australian Cattle Dog~which is smarter than my husband and I combined) watched the neighbor dog use it's nose to open it's back door. So, she decided to jump the fence and open my neighbor's back door while I was in the kitchen. She was just hanging out in his kitchen! But, after a couple rough months, she is great (although get's into the garbage every so often). She willingly lays in her crate when we are putting on our shoes and just to sleep. She loves my kids and is very protective of them which makes DH happy for when he works midnight. And, she needs lots of exercise, so it's healthy for the family. So, stick with the tough times and lack of sleep. I always say, having a dog is worse than a baby!!

Thanks for sharing your story, and the advice. I definitely will stick with it. She needs to be in the crate when we go out and I think it will just take time for her to trust that we will be coming back. I worked just 4 hours today and when I came home she was quiet and the pad of her crate wasn't messed up at all, so I think she was pretty calm most of the day. The dog may be worse than a baby, but you can't leave the baby in a crate and go have a few drinks if you need to. :rotfl2: I agree on the exercise, it's been great for me. No way would I have walked the past 12 days without her.

(staying within 2 lbs of their maintain weight is successfully maintaining!)
# of Maintainers Reporting In & Successfully Maintaining: 1

Congratulations aamomma!

Biggest Loser Fall Challenge Week 13!
This week’s group loss = 13.3 pounds!
Average percentage of weight lost 0.30 %
Total group weight loss so far 368.6 pounds!

The WISH Biggest Loser Fall Challenge Week 13 Superstars!!
#10- 0.20% - MickeyMagic
#9- 0.24% - EDuke98080
#8- 0.27% - buzz5985
#7- 0.33% - dvccruiser76
#6 - 0.48% - momofdjc
#5- 0.70% - mvlimmex
#4- 0.72% - liesel
#3- 1.15% - ougrad86
#2- 2.03% - Mrs D
and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Fall Challenge
Week 13 Biggest Loser is:
#1- 2.50% - lovehoney
Congrats everyone!!:cool1: Not an easy time of year to be losing, so everyone here is a big success!!

Maria's QOTD: Bippidy Boppity Boo! Your Fairy Godmother will magically transport you to one of four special events! Your choices are all WDW favorites! Will you go to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party at the MK, the Candlelight Processional at Epcot, the Osborne Lights at DS, or Mickey's Jingle Jammin' Parade at AK? Why did you choose your special treat?

Maria :upsidedow
Aw, I love my fairy godmother, and am so grateful she is transporting me to the Candlelight Processional, the one led by Gary Sinise, and after the processional he and I are going to tour Epcot all by ourselves, especially the dark boat rides in mexico and Norway, and No, I will not behave myself. ;)
I chose that one because it is the only one I haven't done yet, and I just love Gary Sinise. Not enough to do Mission Space, though. :rotfl:

I am so darn happy today, if I was a bird I would be chirping my little head off. :yay: I had my whoosh and have a brand new number on the scale that puts me at 29 pounds lost for this challenge and keeps me well on track for my goal for the Tink. :woohoo: I got some new shoes yesterday and was at the track at 5:00 am to give them a spin and I feel so much better. Life is good.
Whoo hoo!! You go Lisa!! I am so very happy for you and how well you are doing!! 29 pounds in one challenge is so fantastic, and you will certainly reach your Tink goal. Hooray for new numbers!!!:banana:

I just wanted to thank everyone in the challenge. I don't post much but I try to read the posts 2 or 3 times a week and weigh in on Fridays. It really helps me in my endeavor to become healthy. I'm super happy to be able to post the BL clippy this week!
Congrats!! I think you were biggest loser once before, too, weren't you? Keep up the great work!!

DH and the kids usually make his family's semi-famous oatmeal chocolate chip cookies so that there are cookies for Santa.... that's about it. I've never tried to modify that recipe.... I think cookies can get ruined pretty easily by modifying.
Chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, you and Maria talking about them, I may need to make some. I usually do oatmeal with white chocolate chips and craisins, but maybe I'll make half that, half chocolate chips.

OKAY FRIENDS.... put on your thinking caps! DD and I need an idea. She needs to spearhead a community service for NHS and we are trying to think of something original. Here are the criteria....

food drive, coat drive, clothing drive, penny drive have already been done. She is already collecting can tabs for Shriner's hospital for her Rainbow Girls activity. It doesn't have to be done now, before Christmas, but she'd like to at least get an idea going. We would like to NOT have it be anything where she has to collecting large quantities of bulky items. We don't have a truck or large mini-van available for transporting stuff.

We were both thinking, in this economy, it would be nice if it were something that didn't take a lot of $$ from each person.... like collecting something that might otherwise go to waste (similar to the can tab thing). I had suggested collecting used cell phones. I believe there are a few organizations out there that collect them and somehow it benefits veterans/soldiers (not sure exactly how).

ANYHOW.... ANY IDEAS OUT THERE?? Thanks in advance.................P
Love all the ideas you've gotten. Having just been at the animal shelter, they are always looking for old blankets and towels there, so that is something you could collect from people, or they could donate money for the shelter too.

I love those oreo truffle things-cream cheese mixed with crushed oreos then dipped in chocolate. Not many people make them though so we don't have them often and I doubt there's really any way to modify them]
ooooh, these sound so good. Remind me of when we went to Ohio for a cousin's wedding, we bought Buckeyes, peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate, yummy.

Hello dear friends!:goodvibes I've been horribly slack lately and I think it's been a couple of weeks since I posted. I have been reading along here and there but have not totally kept up with everything. Combination of slack/busy and having problems getting on the DIS too. I see a few people mentioned that as well so it's not just me. I am really going to try to do better in the Spring Challenge. I need to go find that and sign up and also find the between the challenges thread. I'll send my last weigh-in results to Sue. Looks like I will end the challenge with a whopping 3 pound loss!:headache: But I guess it's better than a gain. It's time to confess that I'm only down about 8 pounds for the whole year:headache: Again, better than a gain but I can do better next year:Don't laugh, but mine is fruitcake! We have a small company about an hour away from here that makes the most unbelieveable fruitcakes. They are mostly nuts, no candied fruit.
Everything they make is so delicious, pralines, candy, etc. Yum!
Good to see you again. I didn't laugh at the fruitcake, I cringed a little.;) Not my favorite, but more nuts would be nice. I didn't visit the website, there's already too many yummy things running around my brain.

Kathy -- Do you feel like you're getting more exercise with all the walks for Poko? :dog: I bet she's loving it!
Definitely. In my puppy care reading I've read boredom and lack of exercise can cause problems, so I am determined to keep her very active and tire her out each evening. She does love to walk, and what's nice in the morning, she likes a brisk walk, with minimal sniffing, which is great exercise for both of us. Michael is funny, likes to guess what kind of sniff she's doing, a poop, pee, or squirrel. :lmao:
Good Tuesday morning.

I didn't get much done yesterday. After I got home from math team I made dinner and then just relaxed.
glad you relaxed a little. I am determined not to stress out this holiday season, and relax a little more. Which is what I'm doing now. :laughing: I could be putting the rest of the decoration out, or I could catch up with my friends here and enjoy a cup of tea, so that's what I chose. We are heading out to walk to ds's school and pick him up soon. It's a good walk for all of us.

I have some steak to cook on the grill tonight while ds does homework, and cauliflower to roast. Looking forward to that. I haven't had it in a while.

Enjoy the rest of the day!!


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