Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Team Challenge for Losers and Maintainers!!!

I'm in. I have about 40 pounds I'd like to lose. I had about 15 pounds to go to get down to my goal weight back to 2009 when I went on my last Disney Cruise. Then DH got laid off in 2010 and went back to college. Major financial stress. I started doing some serious stress eating and the weight crept back on. But now, Dh is employed again and will be graduating in May so the stress is easing up. It is time to take care of myself again.

I have tried to send pm twice and It seems to say its sent but then when it takes me to my pm folders there arent any sent messages there? Dont know if pm has been sent or if not what I'm doing wrong? Any ideas?

I received it.

Ugh, I really want to to the Tower of Terror run in Sept. Problem is I really haven't done much running since the summer. :sad2: I head out today, and it was terrible. I only ended up doing 1.2 miles. I was hoping for 2. I kept the BL saying in my head, "Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going." Well puke, I did, and I seriously thought I was going to pass out too. I've been sick with a head cold, and I thought I was over it. *Gross TMI warning* About 3/4 mile in the congestion I didn't realize was as bad as it was started draining. It gave me a choking sensation, so I stopped for a drink and took a 3-4 min break. I felt fine again, so I started back. About another 1/2 mile later, I had to stop and puke. I think it was just all the drainage. :confused3 Either way, I feel like quite the failure today. :sad1:

You didn't fail!!! You did a lot more than I did today - and I'm not sick!!!!

Hi everyone,
I'm late to the party, but here now.

I'll be your weight keeper, so you'll be pm'ing me a lot :goodvibes

Just a reminder, when you pm your weight each week, please enter team Mickey or team Donald somewhere in your pm, so I can fine you easily.

Thanks, let's go teams :cheer2:
Got it and sent a reply. :thumbsup2 There is a bar called folder controls at the top of the PM folders. Can you see that? There is probably some option that needs to be changed -- maybe some more computer savvy person or one of the mods will pipe in with some suggestions. If you don't get assigned to a team by tomorrow morning let me know and I will PM Janis for you.

Thanks for all your help:) Got your PM and have been assigned a team so all good:thumbsup2 Thanks again
BL Spring 2012 Healthy Habits Hint #3: Find/buy, borrow, etc. enough water bottles, glasses, etc. to toal 64 oz. Fill them with water.
BL Spring 2012 Healthy Habits Hint #3: Find/buy, borrow, etc. enough water bottles, glasses, etc. to toal 64 oz. Fill them with water.

Related to this - my university has installed Brita water refill stations in the UC and library as part of their "make orange green" campaign. :thumbsup2

I fill up my bottle before I leave the house and I drink it on the way to school, then I fill up when I get there and again before I leave. I'm already over my 64 oz before I even get home, then I have 2-3 more glasses at home with dinner and while doing homework. I usually hit around 100 oz. :)
I'm in as a loser. I sent a PM but forgot that piece of information. Won't actually be able to start until about the 3rd, when I will be back home. The iPhone is not great for posting on, and I have a very reliable scale at home that I prefer, so I guess I can send in my starting weight on Friday. Looking forward to maybe do another 10 pounds, maybe 15. 20 is my ultimate, would be awesome to hit that. Did well on the last challenge despite some setbacks, want to lose some weight and feel more energetic for our April trip and for life:goodvibes!

Hello fellow losers and maintainers ! I just pm'ed Janis as I really need a little help getting rid of 20 lbs that I have been lugging around for the last 3 years. I started running a while back and did a half marathon last May and have not done a lot of running since. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all better....Let's get this party started !:banana::cheer2:

Welcome to Healthy Habits!

My name is CC (like see-see), which is short for Christina. This is my 4th time coaching Healthy Habits (HH) and I absolutely love it! :) I would like to give a shout out to donac and jenanderson who showed me the ropes coaching previous challenges.

For the WISH Biggest Loser Spring 2012 Challenge, I am revamping (again) Healthy Habits. Each week will have a theme, and each theme will have to do with an attraction at Walt Disney World. (I have never been to DL.) I will be using various components of the attraction to determine each week’s daily habits and the 2 mini-challenges.

Every week you will have 4 “Habits” to do each day. There will also be 2 Mini-Challenges. These will be something like “Exercise for 45 minutes simultaneously once during the week.” The “Habits” will be things that are essential for good “Health.” One might be “Drink 6 8 oz. glasses of water per day.” I will be very clear about which 4 are for all 7 days and which 2 are the Mini-Challenges.

The Healthy Habits “week” is the same as for weigh-ins. A new “week” begins on Friday and ends on Thursday. At the end of each week, total your points and PM (private message) me them. Please list your team name and your total points in the subject of your PM. In the body of your PM, please separate each “Habit” and mini-challenge. Here is an example.

Subject: Team Mickey 28/30


Habit #1: 7/7 days
Habit #2: 6/7 days
Habit #3: 7/7 days
Habit #4: 7/7 days
Mini-Challenge #1: Completed
Mini-Challenge #2: Not Completed

This will allow me to recognize participants who earned 7/7 for 1 or more “Habits.” It also gives me feedback for future weeks.

Please PM me your points by Tuesday at 5 PM Eastern Time. I will post the results as soon as possible after that.

The results will be different for this challenge because we have 2 teams. There will be a team and an individual component. Here’s how it will work:
- The team with the most participants “wins” for the week.
- The individual(s) with the most points on each team will be recognized in the results.
- Everyone who earns 7/7 for 1 or more of the “Habits” will be recognized in the results.

On random weeks, I will be drawing a name to receive a prize. Everyone who participates on the team with the most participants will be entered into the “hat” for a chance at the prize. You will have to PM me your address. If you would prefer not to be entered into the “hat,” please let me know. You will still be considered a participant for the team! I have bought many of the prizes already and I think they are great! :)

It is optional to participate, but I know I do so much better when I participate. :goodvibes
Welcome to Healthy Habits!

My name is CC (like see-see), which is short for Christina. This is my 4th time coaching Healthy Habits (HH) and I absolutely love it! :) I would like to give a shout out to donac and jenanderson who showed me the ropes coaching previous challenges.

For the WISH Biggest Loser Spring 2012 Challenge, I am revamping (again) Healthy Habits. Each week will have a theme, and each theme will have to do with an attraction at Walt Disney World. (I have never been to DL.) I will be using various components of the attraction to determine each week’s daily habits and the 2 mini-challenges.

Every week you will have 4 “Habits” to do each day. There will also be 2 Mini-Challenges. These will be something like “Exercise for 45 minutes simultaneously once during the week.” The “Habits” will be things that are essential for good “Health.” One might be “Drink 6 8 oz. glasses of water per day.” I will be very clear about which 4 are for all 7 days and which 2 are the Mini-Challenges.

The Healthy Habits “week” is the same as for weigh-ins. A new “week” begins on Friday and ends on Thursday. At the end of each week, total your points and PM (private message) me them. Please list your team name and your total points in the subject of your PM. In the body of your PM, please separate each “Habit” and mini-challenge. Here is an example.

Subject: Team Mickey 28/30


Habit #1: 7/7 days
Habit #2: 6/7 days
Habit #3: 7/7 days
Habit #4: 7/7 days
Mini-Challenge #1: Completed
Mini-Challenge #2: Not Completed

This will allow me to recognize participants who earned 7/7 for 1 or more “Habits.” It also gives me feedback for future weeks.

Please PM me your points by Tuesday at 5 PM Eastern Time. I will post the results as soon as possible after that.

The results will be different for this challenge because we have 2 teams. There will be a team and an individual component. Here’s how it will work:
- The team with the most participants “wins” for the week.
- The individual(s) with the most points on each team will be recognized in the results.
- Everyone who earns 7/7 for 1 or more of the “Habits” will be recognized in the results.

On random weeks, I will be drawing a name to receive a prize. Everyone who participates on the team with the most participants will be entered into the “hat” for a chance at the prize. You will have to PM me your address. If you would prefer not to be entered into the “hat,” please let me know. You will still be considered a participant for the team! I have bought many of the prizes already and I think they are great! :)

It is optional to participate, but I know I do so much better when I participate. :goodvibes

Healthy Habits Week 1: Fantasyland

As I’m sure most of you know, Fantasyland in the Magic Kingdom at WDW has many different attractions, including the Carousel, Dumbo, “it’s a small world,” Mad Tea Party, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Mickey’s PhilharMagic, Peter Pan’s Flight, and Snow White’s Scary Adventures. The beautiful artistic work in Peter Pan’s Flight amazes me, especially as it is an older attraction. Mickey’s PhilharMagic brings me back to my childhood days of watching the Disney channel while my father was awake and getting ready for work while my mom was still sleeping. The incorporation of the senses in The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh makes for a relaxing attraction.

This week, the attractions of Fantasyland come to life as we incorporate them into our healthier lifestyle.

This week’s 4 Habits are:

1. Have you ever noticed how much walking is involved in moving around Fantasyland? To help you move quickly, you need to be hydrated. This week, your “habit” is to drink a total of 64 oz. of water during the day. You can count up to 8 oz. of tea or coffee toward your total for the day.

2. When I go on a carousel more than once, I have to use a different horse the second time. I tend to be very detail-oriented and obsessed with record-keeping, so my journal would come out and I’d write down which horses I ridden on so far. This same time of record-keeping is very helpful for weight loss. This week, write down everything you eat as well as the portion size. (Example: ½ cup of plain uncooked oatmeal, cooked in ½ cup of nonfat milk, with 1 tablespoon of walnuts and 1 teaspoon of brown sugar)

3. The 7 Dwarfs are very active working in the mine. This week, your “habit” is to exercise for a total of 20 minutes each day. Think of exercise as an “Adventure.”

4. In the spirit of the relaxing day featured in The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, spend time relaxing each day. You get to decide how much time you want to take.


1. “it’s a small world:” Think of your heritage. Do you have a favorite ethnic recipe? Your challenge is to make 1 (or more) change to it to make it healthier. The food could be from your heritage or not.
(Hint: An easy one depending on how you already make them is tacos.)

2. Peter Pan’s Flight: You are on a journey to healthier you whether you are losing or maintaining weight. It doesn’t happen overnight like your trip to Neverland, but it may happen more quickly if you have a specific goal. I’ve also heard that it is best to have a few goals at a time. Write down up to 3 goals you have for the “No Excuses” Challenge.

Note: This week is from Sunday, 1/1 to Thursday, 1/5 so there are only 5 days this week. The total possible points one can earn is 22.

Please feel free to PM me with any questions or ask on the thread!
Hi, I'm coming in late but just sent a pm after seeing the notice on the comm. board. I gained about 10 lbs w/each kid that I never lost and can't blame "babies" anymore since the youngest is 9. :laughing: I love WW and lost 10 lbs after my work offered it a few years ago. I'm no longer at the job but have kept off about 7 of those lbs. I want to lose 20-30, depending on how I feel and how likely I can realistically keep them off.

DD17 graduates in May so I would love to be at a happy weight by then! :cloud9: She has been doing a great job going to the Y when we joined back in August. I have made many excuses about time but think this challenge will help me get focused to go! Plus I like spending time w/her and want to be a positive support for her.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and celebrating goals along the way!
I'm gonna give this a whirl again. I dropped out last season due to health issues. Not giving up this time!

Hello to my fellow team Donald mates!
Hello everyone! This is my very first post ever, I've always just read the boards. I really want to join this challenge because I am serious about getting in shape right now! I tried to PM Buzz, but it won't let me because I don't have ten posts yet. Any suggestions? (other than posting several times really quick!! But I may work on that :lmao:)
Thank you for any help here, I'm so excited to do this. Good luck to all!
Well, I turned 40 on Thanksgiving this year and had hoped to have lost weight by then, but unfortunately I didn't. I actually didn't try as hard as I should have. But a new year is a great time for a new start right? My husband is in the Army and we'll move this summer, so I am using that as my goal. Thanks for letting me join in here (and get my post count up to 10!!)
Hello everyone! This is my very first post ever, I've always just read the boards. I really want to join this challenge because I am serious about getting in shape right now! I tried to PM Buzz, but it won't let me because I don't have ten posts yet. Any suggestions? (other than posting several times really quick!! But I may work on that :lmao:)
Thank you for any help here, I'm so excited to do this. Good luck to all!

Don't worry I saw your post and sent a PM.




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