Container gardening?


Well, we all shine on ...
Aug 14, 2000
I love fresh vegetables, but so does our golden retriever LOL!!!

As a compromise, I've tried gardening in containers -- tomatoes and peppers, mostly. But the output is so poor it almost isn't worth it. Last summer, I harvested a grand total of 11 tomatoes from 3 plants. They were small, too.:( Does anyone have some suggestions about how to get maximum production from container-grown vegetables?

I can't help you with your question but I can help by boosting you back on top so someone else can! ;)
I also cannot help, I know there are people who grow plants successfully in containers. Sounds more like your flowers are not being pollinated. Try adding a few flowers to each pot. I would think you should be getting at least 10 tomatoes from each plant.
I used to grow tomatos and peppers in pots on our deck when we had an apartment (they grew better there than in the ground at our home - LOL). The containers need to be large - at least 2-3 gallons for each tomato plant, two jalapeno peppers could go into one container that size. Then lots of water and weekly fertilizer with the miraclegrow.

I'm going to try to grow zucchini and other squash in "whiskey barrels" this summer - so they won't take over my whole vegi garden.

I grow herbs in pots - again larger that the size that comes in the herb garden kits - and I've also grown salad greens in pots.

good luck,
I use half whiskey barrels for my tomatoes and I keep them on the deck. I think the key is the larger container and watering as it gets dry very quickly. I only have one tomatoe plant per container and I use the tomatoe cages.
I'm trying containers this year too. I have added Osmocote and will keep them watered and hope for the best!

I'll add that I am using cages but mostly to keep the cats out as I have chosen two bush type varieties. I guess that means they are determinate and so I don't expect as many fruits, but hey I'll be happy if it works out at all :)
We've grown our cucumbers and tomatoes (with cages), peas (dwarf sugar pod) and beans (up against the house, with net strung up for them to climb) in containers successfully for years. We use recycled 5 gallon pails from my hubbys job. They are not beautiful, but do the job, and they are in the back area of the garden. we use a good potting mix that retains water well, a granular, slow release fertilizer, and lot's of water! always get more than we can use!my photo album
Yay, my best advice is not HOW but WHICH.

Picking your variety is the most important. You probably won't have much production for peppers. Tomatoes you can have fabulous luck with. I could give you some good producers, but my climate is different than yours. Find a determinate variety (height limited). You do need very large containers, if they are too small you will have bad luck no matter what you plant.

Tomato Growers Supply

Try the link above and you can even grow tomatoes in a very small pot!

Another thing to try is a potato pot. Place mulch or dirt in the lower 1/3 of a large container (I use an old stackable compost container and place it right on top of the soil) place small variety seed potatoes on top and cover with dirt. As the leaves poke through, keep filling with more dirt or compost, covering about 1/2 of the new growth. Stop filling when the growth reaches the top. When the leaves wither/die , you can turn over the pot for your potatoes!


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