Countdown to the Clown! A September PTR - Updated 9/13 - TR LINK

It's 12:05 am.

I'm going to Disney World TODAY!!!!

Henry had a WONDERFUL birthday, "fun day Mommy". :cutie: I had high hopes of getting on here, doing replies, posting pictures, etc and yet, here I am. I still haven't replied to anyone for two days :sad2: - I'm sorry. I WILL. :flower3:

Maybe....from the World.

Or maybe when I get back. :laughing:

I'll be online for a while yet to wind down some before nodding off to Disney dreams, but I really want to spend the time reading YOUR PTRs and TRs! So my apologies again on the update/replies...I just can't tonight.

A mass reply is totally fine with us. We all understand where you are at right now - we have all been there. Don't even try to catch up on individual replies. Get ready to go, have fun, and come back and tell us all about it. Have a fantastic trip! :dance3:
Joe and I were up until 1:30 this morning discussing Earl and "What if?" plans. Calls were made to the airline and an email sent to Joe's boss; however, at this point nothing has been changed.

We aren't sure what we are going to do. But as for now, it does look like Hurricane Earl will be making a visit to New York right about when Joe's plane is supposed to leave.


It'll be fine. We'll figure out something, or he'll get there when he gets there. ::yes::

The alarm was set for 6:00 am. I groaned as I fell asleep last night thinking I was only going to get 4.5 hours of sleep. And yet....guess who woke up before her alarm?!


I woke up, looked at the clock - 5:34. I knew there was NO way I was gonna get back to sleep, my heart started to race a bit faster as excitement grew in my belly. I think that was the best 4 hours of sleep I've ever gotten, I feel GREAT!





See ya on Twitter/Facebook and hopefully even a live update or two HERE!
Have a SPECTACULAR trip! I will be following along on facebook. It will be a nice escape from my in-laws this weekend!
Since your light is still green, there might be a chance for you to see it! I hope all your family will travel safely and timely to WDW! Have a great trip! :banana:popcorn::
A few replies since I'm still sipping the coffee! And yes, Magdalene, you DID catch me on! How rare is that?!?! :laughing:

Just stopping in to wish you a great trip!!!! I hope your flight isn't going to be affected by Earl.... I haven't been on the boards too much the past few days and I don't know how much time I am going to have over the new few.

Looks like you are in for some beautiful Florida weather... just be ready for that heat! It was the same temps when we were last October (yes I said October) and we managed. I was at MNSSHP in a Jack Sparrow costume in 90 degree weather! :scared1: And I lived to tell about it! :rotfl2:

pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Tim! After reviewing Maroo's latest forecast and sweating it out yesterday at the zoo, I feel prepared to face the HEAT. It's all so worth it, I might be "glowing" but I'll be having fun! :laughing:






2....minutes! ;)

Thanks for the dancing!

Hi! I know I'm a bit late here, but I just realized you had a TR going. I "know" you from MeMom & Jill's report and when you posted that you'd be sending her pics in four days, it hit me that you must be going to WDW soon. I'm trying to catch up here on all your plans but just wanted to say hi first. :wave2:

HELLO! :welcome: I just replied to your PM too!! Thank you for joining in on our adventure!

I hope Earl doesn't cause any problems for you! I know last summer there was a threat of a hurricane right before we left but luckily it all sort of fizzled out. Hope it's the same for you!

Joe is up right now Googling about Earl. I think I'm safe, but we are nervous about him. I read there is only a 15% chance of him hitting New York, yet all this hubbub! I don't know if we should just roll with it/wing it, or move his ticket....! :confused3

Kingda Ka????? I forgot that was at 6 flags cause they have something like that at Cedar Point. I know somebody from work who did it and she loved it. Someone that I would never expect to do it. :confused3 Those ride look absolutely helacious to me. I don't know how you ever got in the car, let alone got out. I love regular roller coaster with all their crazy loops and turns, but I could NEVER do that ride. Maybe for a million bucks, but that's about it!

:cool1:Yeah for 2 Days!

Kingda Ka! It was NUTS! I've wanted to go to Cedar Point for years! Someday I'll make it there. I however will NOT be riding the Kingda Ka similar ride. :laughing: I'll watch Joe risk his life, praying the entire way...and taking pictures. It was not a pleasant ride. I was sick to my stomach just waiting in line. An 8 year old in front of me said it was his 4th ride that day. :rolleyes: :sad2: :rotfl:
Alright I am WWAAYYY behind but I'm going to try to catch up so I'm ready for your TR when you get back :thumbsup2

Sounds good! Or just skip the PTR and be surprised! :laughing: Well, chances are you still will be surprised because we'll surely change something in the plans, we always do!

Hi Brook, you and Henry must be just itching to hurry up and get to Disney! Only 2 more days, that's like nothing! And I'm highly impressed with your fabulous packing skills.:thumbsup2 I get like that too, I think to myself hey, I'll just pack the backpack, then maybe a few things in the suitcase as well. Before I know it, I'm all packed! Such a great feeling, isn't it? Now this only strictly applies to Disney vacations for me because well, it's my 100% happy place where I can skip through the parks with my 3DD's and not look like an idiot! Packing for that is exciting and not a chore!

I'm praying that stupid ol' Earl will mind his manners and head out to sea where he belongs! I have a feeling he'll do just that so don't worry!:goodvibes:goodvibes

I hope Henry has a wonderful 3 year old b-day! He's too darn cute!:) What kind of party are you having for him? Cars? I threw a Cars b-day party for my sweet little nephew and he was so excited he actually burst into this Elvis-like dance!

It IS a great feeling to be packed so early! I'm soooo thankful I did it too. Between the heat, the zoo, the birthday, etc. yesterday I was exhausted. I think I said "I'm so glad I'm packed." about 82 times last night. :laughing:

Thank you for your prayers on Earl! I'm really forcing myself to have a chill mindset about it. We might end up changing Joe's ticket to today/tomorrow morning....we'll see!

Henry's birthday was a Toy Story theme. A while back he asked for "Cars, NO BUZZ!" for his birthday. :rotfl: That is sooooo cute about the Elivs like dance! I love little kids' dances. Henry does a "stick out my butt, one arm pump" dance. It's a riot!

Pixie dust & hugs being sent across the're almost there!!! 2 days!!!!!

Thank you!!! Now even closer!!! :hyper:

I hope so too!!! I'll definitely keep you posted!

DH loves to look at all the different models and compare. One of his favorite things is the Spaghetti Models. These are Earl's Spaghetti as of this morning;

All the line (that look like spaghetti) are a color that correspond to the key on the right. Those are all the different weather agencies etc. So they all pretty much show it going the same way.

This is the projected path and winds as of this morning

The 100 mile an hour wind thing DH isn't buying! There is supposed to be a cold front coming through on Friday that is supposed to slow Earl down and knock the wind down. But, DH said if the cold front stalls Earl's going to be a bit worse for us.

What time is Joe flying out on Friday?!

It's really kind of a crap shoot at this point. That's usually how it is when a hurricane comes this way!

It's been a long, long time since we actually had a real hurricane around here! DH remembers them all. Their name, when it was, the affects, everything! He can give you a detailed history of the Hurricane of 1938 (I think that's what it was) when it nearly destroyed parts of LI!

DH talks about Hurricane Bob which skimmed Montauk in 91 with 60 knot winds. DH says it wasn't bad out here at all. He also talks about Hurricane Gloria which was Sept of 85. I actually remember that because school was cancelled in NJ! I remember think how cool it was that we didn't have school just because it was raining really hard and a little windy! :lmao: But, out here on the East End there was a lot of damage and people didn't have power for several weeks! House on the ocean got washed away, things were flooded, planes at the small local airport got flipped over! Apparently the eye of the storm passed right over the middle of LI! DH still lived on Staten Island at that point (with a summer house out here) and he says it wasn't bad there either. But they came out to check on the house and there were trees down all over the place and there was a lot of damage!

I've lived out here for 12 years and we haven't had a real hurricane yet! We've had threats and people freaking out but never a real hurricane. The worst one was tropical storm Floyd, which I think was Sept of 98 (may have been 99) it was really, really windy and rained like holy heck but it wasn't anything terrible and it was over and done with quickly!

The thing is, 100 miles makes a big difference with a hurricane according to DH! If it goes 100 miles east of Montauk (eastern most point on LI) we'll have rain and a little wind. The closer it comes the worse it will be. From what DH says you don't want to be on the eastern side of the eye of the storm, that's the worst possible scenario! That's what happened out here during Hurricane Gloria!

I'll keep you updated! I'm actually going to pm you my #'s and email!

Keeping my fingers crossed! GO AWAY EARL!! FAR, FAR AWAY!

Joe is flying out around 6:30 on Friday night....right when they say it's supposed to be bad. If he just gets delayed a wee bit, that's fine, but I really, REALLY don't want him canceled or anything! :sad2: Thank you a million times over for all your knowledge/help with this!!! I'm really glad to hear people get worked up about it, but it usually turns out to be nothing. Hopefully that is the case with Earl as well! I'll be praying for you guys out there too in case he does decide to visit.

Hi Brook! Just dropping by on my lunch break so I don't miss you before leaving. I'm not sure if I'll be back on before you head out so I wanted to make sure I wished you guys a safe trip. :cool1::banana::cool1::banana: I'll be sending pixie dust your way that Earl and/or Fiona don't interrupt your plans! Seriously, I do have iHurricane as an app on my phone so you might want to check it out, but hopefully you won't need it. :thumbsup2

Have a great time and I'll be looking for your updates!! :)


Thank you!!! And that app is AWESOME! I installed it right away when I first read your post. THANK YOU!! It puts me a bit more at ease to have a clue what is going on right at my fingertips!

Fingers and toes crossed the Earl ends up missing the East Coast, or just causing some rain. Thinking good thoughts that Joe will be able to get out on Friday night.

Thank you!!!! :hug:

Earl is going to head east. He is. I just know it!!! But just to be safe, spend a few hours tonight making a really elaborate back up plan...cause then you KNOW he will track east and you won't need it ;)

2 days...geesh, so so exciting!!!:banana::banana:

He better!!! I like your back up plan theory. That is EXACTLY how it goes too, doesn't it? :rotfl: Joe is currently working on the very elaborate plan right now, so chances are we'll get the news that Earl suddenly fizzled out in about 3.8 minutes. :laughing:
Today is quadruple WOOT worthy today!!

WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT (I probably sound like a train)

Have the most amazing time Brook!!! Sending lots of Pixie dust that Earl won't cause much of a wrench in the plans!!!!!

So glad Henry had a great bday that is fantastic! I will look forward to pictures!!!!!

Have a magical trip!

Earl stinks! You know I'm thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed!!! Good luck!
Pixie Dust:wizard::wizard::wizard::wizard: for Brook, Henry, and especially Joe on getting out of NYC!! Have a GREAT trip. Cant wait to hear all about it:dance3::cool1::cheer2::dance3::banana:
Have fun! My Mom was saying we were as hot yesterday as they were!! And I know NYC was hotter than we were. Good news is that it apparently isn't that humid right now, she was raving about how nice the weather is right now, hope it holds out for your trip! Good luck to Joe getting out! Tell him to rent a car and drive to Syracuse, we should be far enough inland that Earl won't affect us :)
I hope your trip is amazing in every way! I cannot wait to read the little updates from your family as you travel on your magical way.


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