"Detroit has never sounded so sexy!" A mother/daughter February 2012 NEW TR LINK

HI ladies!

I think I last commented BEFORE summer, so it's taken me a while to catch up. I've followed along with your lives via FB though, so I'm happy for y'all! :goodvibes:thumbsup2 THank goodness everything turned out okay with the testing and glad to hear that you had a great weekend. :goodvibes;)

Now, ready for the random comments? Or more like a stream of consciousness.....

I am happy to hear that you had great service at the Pop. Of the various hotels we have stayed at, whether they are Deluxe or Moderate, Pop gave us the most towel creations. We got one every day and they were always awesome. :thumbsup2

Via Napoli & the waiter - should have asked for a group shot with the serenading waiters. maybe next time. Pretned it's your birthday again. Do it.

There was a random vinylmation trading pic - did I spy a Small World bag? the strap was super cute and I want one!!!

Jellyrolls - never been but I love dueling piano bars. So much fun!

Amazing luck with TSMM! You were some maniacs for sure that morning! :rotfl:

Cute Monster's Inc pic. DD wanted to see Sully on our last trip, but only Mike was there. oh well.

Kudos to you on braving AI. I am terrified of being in front of people so I would never be able to do that. Not to mention the little issue of being tone deaf.

Cute purple Mickey top. Was that from Target? They have the cutest Disney tops!

ECV parade of nations. Classic. I want to do that one day. That would just be epic.

Um, totally know what you mean about Test Track and Kingdom Keepers. Those books have made me see so many rides in a whole new light.

You saw Bert? Lucky duck! We saw Mary with the penguins a few times, but never with Bert! You have amaze-balls luck with characters.

We have grown to Love AK more and more as well, especially when it's not blistering hot outside. You totally hit the lion jackpot.

Baby gorilla = adorbs
Bats = not adorbs

Yak & Yeti dessert - so with you on that one. It didn't even sound tempting to me. But then again, I am not a huge cream cheese fan, unless it's in cheesecake or on a bagel.

Yay! So excited to be caught up on your TR...and before your next trip. Yay me!
HI ladies!

Hi Ann!

I think I last commented BEFORE summer, so it's taken me a while to catch up. I've followed along with your lives via FB though, so I'm happy for y'all! :goodvibes:thumbsup2 THank goodness everything turned out okay with the testing and glad to hear that you had a great weekend. :goodvibes;)

Summer just flew by, didn't it?!

Now, ready for the random comments? Or more like a stream of consciousness.....

I am happy to hear that you had great service at the Pop. Of the various hotels we have stayed at, whether they are Deluxe or Moderate, Pop gave us the most towel creations. We got one every day and they were always awesome. :thumbsup2

Pop really does have great service! After talking with the manager it became pretty clear that he sets the tone for the resort and leads by example :)

Via Napoli & the waiter - should have asked for a group shot with the serenading waiters. maybe next time. Pretned it's your birthday again. Do it.

I kind of blew that photo op. I was too busy enjoying them :rotfl2:

There was a random vinylmation trading pic - did I spy a Small World bag? the strap was super cute and I want one!!!

I'm not sure which bag you saw but I did just get one of the LeSportsac IASW bags for our next trip :)

Jellyrolls - never been but I love dueling piano bars. So much fun!

JR is really fun and we're hoping to make it back there on our upcoming trip.

Amazing luck with TSMM! You were some maniacs for sure that morning! :rotfl:

We do love TSM!

Cute Monster's Inc pic. DD wanted to see Sully on our last trip, but only Mike was there. oh well.

Aww, Sully is so cuddly I don't blame her for wanting to see him. I love it when they're both there!

Kudos to you on braving AI. I am terrified of being in front of people so I would never be able to do that. Not to mention the little issue of being tone deaf.

Same here!

Cute purple Mickey top. Was that from Target? They have the cutest Disney tops!

Yes it was. Target has a new line of Disney stuff that's really cute and pretty inexpensive. I think she's gotten 2 tops and pjs for our next trip from there.

ECV parade of nations. Classic. I want to do that one day. That would just be epic.

The little parade was so random and fun!

Um, totally know what you mean about Test Track and Kingdom Keepers. Those books have made me see so many rides in a whole new light.

You saw Bert? Lucky duck! We saw Mary with the penguins a few times, but never with Bert! You have amaze-balls luck with characters.

Caitlin loves penguins so she'd totally trade you Bert for the penguins :laughing:

We have grown to Love AK more and more as well, especially when it's not blistering hot outside. You totally hit the lion jackpot.

AK is miserable when its hot! Our day there was perfect!

Baby gorilla = adorbs
Bats = not adorbs

Agreed :thumbsup2
Yak & Yeti dessert - so with you on that one. It didn't even sound tempting to me. But then again, I am not a huge cream cheese fan, unless it's in cheesecake or on a bagel.

Yay! So excited to be caught up on your TR...and before your next trip. Yay me!

So glad to have you back!
Hey everyone! I know Mom alluded to some news in her last post...Well that news is that Andrew and I are.....ENGAGED! We have known each other for four years and there has always been something between us. For those of you that followed along on our last TR which included Josh...After the break up I began really thinking about what attracted me to him and I realized that not only did he sort of resemble Andrew but I thought he had the qualities I loved in Andrew. Andrew and I have always been friends and once he started talking to me about his future family I realized I would be crushed if he spent his life with anyone else. So we are engaged and getting married on December 23 2012! It is coming up quick! I will be sure to post pictures on our next TR because we all know we won't finish our next TR in a couple months :rotfl:

So now it's time for another adventure into Caitlin's Safari Life. *picture me in a smoking jacket with a big book in a big comfy leather chair*

Buckle in!


Our first animal is the mysterious Okapi. Mysterious because although it looks like it would be related to the zebra it is actually a relative of the giraffe! (True story google it)


Next is a creepy looking bird who likes attacking small children
(not so true don't google it)


Ooo look everyone a hippo out of water!


And her husband who said "you're crazy it's way to hot out here!"


Next stop is the place you drop off your kids after your vacation is beginning to get a little bit long...


He's smiling because their quite friendly


What safari would be complete without a butt picture?


And of course we all love the giraffes



And the elephants



This time around we were treated to elephants on parade! I am not sure how many of you have seen the Jungle Book but they walk through the jungle holding each others tails and this is exactly what these elephants were doing :lovestruc



Then the rhinos




Then the lions sleeping during the day!


Right there in between the rocks!

Such a tantalizing safari I know :thumbsup2 I would go on but I have way too many pictures from the parade so until next time children. Be kind to one another. *camera zooms out while I look thoughtfully into the fire blazing next to me*

Big CONGRATS to you on your engagement:cool1:
(I saw it on FB but am very happy to wish you well here on the Disboards too.)

Great safari! Elephants are my favorite animal and I loved your great picture of them "on parade". :woohoo:
Big CONGRATS to you on your engagement:cool1:
(I saw it on FB but am very happy to wish you well here on the Disboards too.)

Great safari! Elephants are my favorite animal and I loved your great picture of them "on parade". :woohoo:

Thank you! I am very excited!

It was a lot of fun! I was so upset they dropped each other's tails right when I was about to take the pic :headache:
Engaged! How exciting!


Will your fiance be joining you on your upcoming trip?

Loving all the photos of the animals :goodvibes

You will make such a gorgeous :bride:
Congratulations on the engagement! That's awesome to be with someone that you've known for a long time. That's coming up quick, but I think it's normally best that way. :goodvibes

I am having a hard time picturing you in a smoking jacket. :rotfl2:

Safari butt!

The lions were sleeping?! Get out of town!

I don't know why, but when you ended that update, I couldn't help but think of the Dos Equus Most Interesting Man in the World. :lmao:
Engaged! How exciting!

Will your fiance be joining you on your upcoming trip?

Unfortunately no but he will be joining us on our June trip :thumbsup2 This is our last official trip as the Burns family :hug:

Loving all the photos of the animals :goodvibes

Thank you!

You will make such a gorgeous :bride:

Thank you!:bride:

Congrats on the engagement!

Thank you!

Congratulations on your engagement!! :woohoo:

Thank you!


Thank you!

Congratulations on the engagement! That's awesome to be with someone that you've known for a long time. That's coming up quick, but I think it's normally best that way. :goodvibes

Thank you! I feel it is best that it's so quick because my future mother in law is already driving me nuts so I might not have any hair left for the wedding if it was any later :headache:

I am having a hard time picturing you in a smoking jacket. :rotfl2:


Safari butt!

Can't live with it yet you can't live without it!

The lions were sleeping?! Get out of town!

I know! Such a rare sighting!

I don't know why, but when you ended that update, I couldn't help but think of the Dos Equus Most Interesting Man in the World. :lmao:

I was sort of channeling him :laughing:

Congrats on the engagement.

Thank you!
Hey everyone! I know Mom alluded to some news in her last post...Well that news is that Andrew and I are.....ENGAGED!

Did not see that coming! Congratulations! I have no idea how your mom managed to keep that bottled up and not spilled all over her last update. :rotfl:

once he started talking to me about his future family I realized I would be crushed if he spent his life with anyone else.

That's very sweet. ::yes::

Hmmm.... there's a word I don't use too often. When I do it's usually by itself.

"You just won $100."


So we are engaged and getting married on December 23 2012! It is coming up quick!

Whoa! You're not kidding! I have no idea how you're going to be able to get everything done in time. Good luck! :goodvibes

I will be sure to post pictures on our next TR because we all know we won't finish our next TR in a couple months :rotfl:

1. True.
2. You better!

So now it's time for another adventure into Caitlin's Safari Life. *picture me in a smoking jacket with a big book in a big comfy leather chair*

Ya know... I just can't quite picture that. Oh, maybe for a split second... before you jump up and start taking pictures like crazy... and... (I have no idea where this comes from)... giggling.

Buckle in!

Hang on... darn it, where's that buckle... oh, of course... buried under the seat cushion... okay, got it... all set. Go ahead.

Our first animal is the mysterious Okapi. Mysterious because although it looks like it would be related to the zebra it is actually a relative of the giraffe! (True story google it)

Nope, not gonna. As soon as you said it, despite the stripes, you can tell right away that it's got lots in common.

Next is a creepy looking bird who likes attacking small children
(not so true don't google it)

Not true. Do you need to see a picture of the scar? My poor baby! :rolleyes:

And her husband who said "you're crazy it's way to hot out here!"

I appreciate you're assignment of genders in this matter.

Next stop is the place you drop off your kids after your vacation is beginning to get a little bit long...

I used to have three DDs.... it's ever so much quieter now. :rolleyes1:

What safari would be complete without a butt picture?

Butt what?

And of course we all love the giraffes

Always sticking their necks out...

And the elephants

Always sticking their noses in...

Then the lions sleeping during the day!

:lmao: That's pretty much exactly how my dog sleeps.

*camera zooms out while I look thoughtfully into the fire blazing next to me*

I will be polite and not mention that the fire you built is burning your mother's new drapes...

Thanks for the chapter! And congrats again! :goodvibes
Congratulations!! That is so exciting!
Can't wait to hear more about your plans!
I'm all for an engagement on the short side. DH and I had known each other for 5 years but we got engaged in October and married in December:goodvibes

What safari would be complete without a butt picture?

I swear that is what 95% of my safari pictures end up being.
All the animals are in agreement "Quick Sally is coming, everyone face the other way" :confused3

Awwh the elephants are so cute!! You got some great pics!

Now this is more like the picture I always get. At least you are human after all. I was beginning to think you were a super hero after those last lion pictures. :lmao:

Congratulations on your engagement. I already knew from FB and I even knew the date. But somehow today I realized that December 23 is REALLY soon! :cheer2::cool1::cheer2: Wow!

I think Christmas is a lovely time to get married because everything is already so festive. So heres wishing you tons of pixie dust pixiedust: You certainly deserve it.

Now - I have to ask - where will you both be living?
Did not see that coming! Congratulations! I have no idea how your mom managed to keep that bottled up and not spilled all over her last update. :rotfl:

Thank you! She wanted me to be able to share the news so she was good at keeping quiet :thumbsup2

That's very sweet. ::yes::

Thank you!

Hmmm.... there's a word I don't use too often. When I do it's usually by itself.

"You just won $100."



Whoa! You're not kidding! I have no idea how you're going to be able to get everything done in time. Good luck! :goodvibes

Well Andrew and I have been planning on getting married for over a month now so I already have the church booked, the dress, our attendants, the reception booked and the bridal shower planned :thumbsup2 We are a planning family! Going to Disney so many times prepared us :rotfl:

1. True.
2. You better!

Of course I will!

Ya know... I just can't quite picture that. Oh, maybe for a split second... before you jump up and start taking pictures like crazy... and... (I have no idea where this comes from)... giggling.

Hmm giggling..I might do that on occasion

Hang on... darn it, where's that buckle... oh, of course... buried under the seat cushion... okay, got it... all set. Go ahead.

That's how it always happens!

Nope, not gonna. As soon as you said it, despite the stripes, you can tell right away that it's got lots in common.

Yeah both are pretty photogenic as well!

Not true. Do you need to see a picture of the scar? My poor baby! :rolleyes:

:rotfl2: I love reading your comments!

I appreciate you're assignment of genders in this matter.

I thought it was quite accurate!

I used to have three DDs.... it's ever so much quieter now. :rolleyes1:


Butt what?

Always sticking their necks out...

Always sticking their noses in...

:lmao: That's pretty much exactly how my dog sleeps.

My littler dog sleeps like that as well and my big dog sleeps like that but on her side. I didn't ever think of that..

I will be polite and not mention that the fire you built is burning your mother's new drapes...

She needed new ones anyway...

Thanks for the chapter! And congrats again! :goodvibes

No problem and thank you!

Congratulations!! That is so exciting!
Can't wait to hear more about your plans!
I'm all for an engagement on the short side. DH and I had known each other for 5 years but we got engaged in October and married in December:goodvibes

Thank you! I don't know how much I will post about plans since we have another trip on its way but I am sure some details will pop up between now and then :thumbsup2 I believe that although it makes the planning a bit hectic in the end you're saved a lot of stress from dealing with how other people believe the wedding should be :scared:

I swear that is what 95% of my safari pictures end up being.
All the animals are in agreement "Quick Sally is coming, everyone face the other way" :confused3

Awwh the elephants are so cute!! You got some great pics!

I tend to be pretty lucky on the safaris but then we try to go first thing in the morning or around early afternoon time. That is too funny though!

Thank you!

Now this is more like the picture I always get. At least you are human after all. I was beginning to think you were a super hero after those last lion pictures. :lmao:

:rotfl2: Thank you!

Congratulations on your engagement. I already knew from FB and I even knew the date. But somehow today I realized that December 23 is REALLY soon! :cheer2::cool1::cheer2: Wow!

Yep 106 days we are getting closer to the double digits!

I think Christmas is a lovely time to get married because everything is already so festive. So heres wishing you tons of pixie dust pixiedust: You certainly deserve it.

Agreed my church looks beautiful during the Christmas season which also cuts down on decorating costs a bit. Plus the 23rd is also when my parents got married so it is in honor of them and the great love that they have.

Now - I have to ask - where will you both be living?

Um well since he is in the army and still has about three years left...I will be moving to Louisiana in April after I graduate.
Congratulations on your engagement! When I saw the pic on Facebook, I thought that Andrew did look a bit like Josh. I wish you the best of luck and happiness with Andrew. Disney honeymoon????

Nice safari pics - I have yet to get a pic of the hippos out of the water.


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