DIS 'WISH' Challenge UPDATE Clipart example added!

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Nezy, the Escape Your Shape exercise program is a book. The subtitle is How to Work Out Smarter, Not Harder by Edward J. Jackowski, PhD. He claims that you should work out based on your body shape - hourglass, ruler, spoon or cone. For example, I am an hourglass so I need to avoid exercising with a lot of resistence to my lower body, avoid hills, etc. I need to focus on more reps and specific exercises to tone down and lose inches in my bigger areas and just tone my smaller areas. My DH is a ruler and he does more overall exercising to even out and lose all over. What I like about the program is that there is not any exercise that is too difficult or done too long. We warm up with a walk or aerobic activity, stretch, then go into our programs. I lift no weights other than my exercise bar (only about 3-5#). I use a mini trampoline for aerobic exercise. The core work out takes us about 45 minutes or so. More information can be found on his website www.exude.com. He also has a jumproping program (on videotape). He says that jumproping is the best aerobic exercise which burns the most calories. That's why I use the mini trampoline. I figure it's almost as good as jumproping, without the impact on my joints. This is the only program I've been able to stick to for any length of time.
woo hoo! my first 5 lbs gone! time for a new clippie!

(33 lbs down from my highest KNOWN weight - 22 lbs down from starting Atkins May 6)
I would like to join the WISH Challenge.
I am a new mom. My little one is 11 weeks old and I want to get serious about losing the weight I gained in pregnancy.
Counting calories worked well for me in the past. I will be walking and biking. I am hoping to take off 45 lbs total.
My short term goal is 25 lbs by our WDW trip at the end of Jan, 2004.

Hi everyone..I am Trish
I just started weight watchers today and I am gonna need all the help I can get..We are taking our Disney trip in May 2004 and I really wanna loose as much weight as possible..
I am sure I will be a pain asking all kinds of questions and I know I will need lots of kicks to help me out..
My biggest problem is I love my fast food and I know that has to stop..Especially after I see just how many points I consume in a day..Its no wonder I am overweight..
Thanks alot
Welcome Trish,

I have only been here a week, but it has made a big difference for me. I USED TO love fast food too!!! I USED TO eat it at least 5 days a week, sometimes all 3 meals, although I haven't eaten there for months now. You can still eat at some of these places, but just make wiser choices. One of the things that helped me was to get a nutritional information guide from all of the places I loved the most. Once I saw the numbers on what I was eating (how much fat specifically, and also sodium), I quickly stopped myself and went for the choices that were much lower in fat and calories. At most places, you will find at least one thing you can have (if not more), so hopefully that will help wein you off of the bad stuff. Good Luck!!:cool: :cool: :cool:

I have been dealing with some family health problems and I have not been able to welcome all of the new members of my support group. Better late than never, though, right? Sorry to be so late.

<b>SillyOldBear66</b> <i><b>*gasp*</i></b> You <i>lurked</i>??? HERE??? Oh my goodness. Well, what did you think? We weren't scary were we? I'm so glad you decided to delurk. I need you in my support group.

I'll just add you to the roster and put your plan as eating sensibly. Wish I could do that, it would have saved me a lot of heart ache. I'm very glad you have decided to take the challenge. I think you're going to like it here, I sure do.

<b>lulu71</b> I'm so glad you have taken the challenge. Actually, Kelsie organized the challenge, I just love "meeting" the new members of my support group.

I follow the Atkins plan too and I love it. I've taken it as my lifetime plan. No thoughts of ever eating refined carbohydrates again. There are lots of WISHers who eat a controlled carbohydrate diet so if you have any questions about the program all you have to do is ask and you will receive many speedy replies. We have some great low carbohydrate recipes too and they are posted to the top of this board.

<b>Tinkbell</b> I'm am just tickled that you are ready to get healthy but especially because you decided to take the WISH challenge.

There are lots of WISH WWers and they are all just waiting to offer help and information if you need it. They would appreciate you helping <i>them</i> too if they ask. It's wonderful the way WISHers share information and help. It's really magical.

Glad to see you here and I hope you can visit often.

<b>bigsis1970</b> I'm glad you posted here and took the challenge. I would have welcomed you sooner but I've been busy with hospitals and stuff. Things are much better now and thank goodness because I have really been missing WISH.

Is the 6 week body makeover plan working well for you? I'm curious to know what it is like, I've never read anything about it. Visit us often, sweetie and participate as much as you can. It is a help to all of us when you participate on WISH.

{{{HUGS}}} for your ds and dd. They are sweethearts.

<b>Dreamer04</b> Welcome to WISH. We have several WISHers who follow the South Beach plan, you are not alone with that. I'm glad you decided to take the challenge and I hope you can visit often. WISH has been a terrific help to me and I'm sure it will help you too.

<b>Mommy Poppins</b> I thought you had posted before too but this thread got way too large and we had to thin it out a little. At any rate, you're here now. That's all that matters. If I can find the posts that I split off from here, I'll check and see what date you took the challenge, okay? That way, if you've earned some cliparts you can claim them.

I hope Atkins is working well for you. I love it!

<b>curlyq</b> Welcome to the DIS and a special welcome to WISH. I'm so glad you found us. I've had only one trip to WDW since starting Atkins but I didn't get off plan while there. It was so easy to stay on plan and I didn't feel one bit deprived. You should post on WISH asking about going offplan on a trip. That is an excellent topic.

I follow Atkins too and it has been so successful and easy for me. Sounds like you have found the plan that is perfect for you. You are going to be so successful, I'm sure of it. Just remember to visit WISH as often as you can and to participate. The participation part is just wonderfully motivating.

<b>Jakesmom1</b> Sorry to hear that you are sad about losing 8 pounds in 12 days. I think that's pretty great, myself.

Welcome to WISH. I hope you can visit often. I follow the Atkins plan, too, and I love it. I'll bet you have great success with it, too.

<b>plutosmyfav</b> Welcome to WISH, I'm so glad you decided to join us. Don't let the total amount of weight you want to lose discourage you. I needed to lose 100 pounds when I started Atkins. There are other WISHers who had more than 100 pounds to lose. You are not alone in this. Visit WISH often and I think you will find that it is a wonderfully motivational place. It has helped me so much.

Lots of WISHers follow Atkins. If you have any questions about the plan just ask. You will receive many speedy replies.

<b>Duggas</b> I'm so glad you decided to join us here on WISH. I'll just list your plan as "eating sensibly", will that work?

We have a DIS chat every Sunday at 7PM GMT. I hope you can join us some week. It's a lot of fun and they even allow me to help host.

<b>Disney753</b> You have already seen some marvelous success. Good for you! I'm really glad you decided to join us here, though. You are a great example for me and a wonderful addition to my support group.

There are many WISHers who follow the Atkins plan and you are going to fit in very well.

<b>califred</b> It's so wonderful to see you here on WISH and I'm just tickled that you have taken the challenge. Won't your husband be pleasantly surprised when he returns home and finds the new you. You have done very well, so far. I'm sure with the help of the wonderful WISH support group you will have continued success.

It's great to add another WW to my support group.

<b>webray</b> Welcome to WISH. It's never too late to get the WISH challenge clipart. You may add the WISH member clipart to your signature if you want. What we do is begin with a <b>zero loss</b> no matter how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge and then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's lots of fun and quite motivating.

There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the member clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b>

I'm so glad that you have decided to join us. I follow the Atkins plan too and so do many other WISHers. You have a lot of people waiting to help you along the road to goal.

<b>TandyR</b> I'm glad you decided to take the WISH challenge. You will find lots of WW help here, many WISHers follow the WW plan.

Sounds like you've had some great success. With the help of the WISH support group you will get back to the weight you want, I'm sure of it.

<b>grlzmom</b> What a wonderful family you have. I was only blessed with one child although I really wanted more. Wasn't meant to be, I suppose.

Welcome to WISH, I'm thrilled that you decided to take the challenge. You may add the WISH member clipart to your signature if you want. What we do is begin with a <b>zero loss</b> no matter how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge and then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's lots of fun and quite motivating.

There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the member clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b>

You don't have to weigh or measure yourself to take the challenge but I urge you to at least measure yourself, especially since you are following the Atkins plan. You will lose inches even when you don't lose pounds. It's just a very smart thing to do, measure yourself.

I hope you can visit often. No lurking allowed. It helps everyone when you participate on WISH.

<b>Kitster</b> Welcome to WISH, I'm very glad you decided to take the challenge. I'm a carbohydrate addict, too, and Atkins has been a wonderful plan for me. I hope you have a lot of success with it. Visit often and join right in, it's so helpful and motivating to participate on WISH.

<b>Disney753</b> It's great to see you taking the challenge. Your advice about Atkins is sound and valuable. I, too, suffer from carb creep sometimes. I think you're going to like it here, there are lots of WISHers on the Atkins plan.

<b>nelle</b> I'm so glad that you have decided to take the WISH challenge. You are very wise to take control and take off those pounds before you have even more to lose. I have no doubt that you will lose the 10 pounds before your October trip. All of your new WISH friends plan to help you do that.

We have lots of WISHers following the Atkins plan, including me. I think you will find all the help you may need right here. We love to help.

<b>Kid at heart</b> Welcome to WISH. I believe we have several Jenny Craig followers here on WISH. I imagine they will be able to help you along to goal, if you have any questions about the program just ask and you will receive your answers quickly.

I think you're going to like it here and I'm just so glad you will be part of my support group now.

<b>Mommy Poppins</b> Way to go! 5 pounds gone forever, isn't it just the greatest feeling? Don't forget to measure yourself. It is so important to see the proof that you are getting smaller as well as lighter.

<b>catherine</b> I'm so glad to see you here on WISH. I'm inordinately proud that I am an "honorary Brit" :teeth: So, you will be counting calories? We have other WISHers counting calories. You have a ready made support group for that endeavor.

I think you're going to like it here. I love WISH, it has been a wonderful help to me. We have a chat every Sunday at 7PM GMT. I hope you will join us, it's a lot of fun.

Shall I list your plan as "eating sensibly" or counting calories?

<b>TravelinGal</b> It's great to see you here on WISH. I've been busy with my mother being very ill so I missed your introduction. I'm sorry about that. At least I can give you a welcome now.

I follow Atkins too and I love it. Lots of WISHers follow Atkins so if you have any questions about the program all you have to do is ask and you will receive many speedy replies. You're going to like it here, I think. WISH has been a wonderful help to me.

<b>MickeysMommy</b> Welcome to WISH, I'm so glad you decided to take the challenge. Good for you taking control while you still have less than 30 pounds to lose. I wish I had been so smart.

I'm going to list your eating plan as "eating sensibly". Does that sound alright to you? Try to get more exercise and I'll bet you do just great reaching your goal. We all plan to help you do that.

<b>isyne4u</b> I'm glad that you decided to come back here and start getting serious. You're going to do great, sweetie, all of your WISH friends plan to help you.

So shall I list your plan as WW or counting calories? Either way, you are on your way to goal and you are going to make lots of friends along the way.

<b>Laurajean1014</b> Welcome to WISH. You are all set. You have your goal, your eating plan and now you have WISH. Get ready to succeed because you are on your way now.

<b>scottygirl</b> I'm so glad that you have decided to take the WISH challenge. WISH is a great place so helpful and everyone is just kind and thoughtful, I think you're going to like it here.

We have several WISHers following the South Beach plan. I'm sure they are ready and waiting to help you if you need it. Good luck, I believe you are going to be very successful.

<b>ThinkTink1984</b> It's great to see you here, I'm glad you took the WISH challenge. Kelsie started the challenge and we are all eternally in her debt. WISH is just a wonderful place.

I'm going to list your plan as "eating sensibly". Hope that's alright with you.

<b>luvndisney358</b> I <i>like</i> your attitude. What a great addition you make to my support group. I'm so glad to see you here, welcome!

There are many other WISHers following the WW plan. I'm sure they will enjoy sharing information and recipes with you.

<b>mrp4352</b> I'm so glad you decided to join us. I think you are going to find that WISH is motivational and helpful, I know it has been a great help to me. I'm glad you will be part of my support group now.

<b>2ndHnymnr</b> Now that you have WISH you will stop "hoping" and succeed. Honest you will. WISH is a great place and helps me so much. I'll bet it hopes you a lot too.

We have lots of WISHers on the WW plan you will have lots of help and information available to you--all you have to do is ask.

<b>Swimnoid</b> Welcome to the DIS and a special welcome to WISH. I'm very glad you have decided to take the challenge.

Sounds like you have had some wonderful success already. Good luck with that blood sugar. Try as hard as you can to keep it under control. My dh didn't see good results with his diabetic diet and ended up with heart surgery. He follows Atkins now and is totally normal. Finding the right plan for you makes all the difference.

<b>nancyj_pa</b> Welcome to WISH. I've heard of Protein Power but never read the book. Controlling my carbohydrate intake has been the best eating plan for me so I imagine you will have some great success too.

I'm really glad that you will be part of my support group now. I hope you can visit WISH often.

<b>Purrrrfecta</b> I'm really glad you decided to take the WISH challenge. I think you will find that Atkins makes it easy to control your blood sugars and will make you just feel better.

I hope you can visit WISH often. I've found that the WISH support group is a wonderful motivation and help to me.

<b>reperino</b> Welcome to the DIS and a very special welcome to WISH. I'm so glad you decided to take the WISH challenge.

I have found that following a low carb plan works very well for me and it sounds like you are finding it helpful too. I'll just list your plan as controlled carbohydrate, will that be all right?

<b>5infam</b> Welcome to WISH! I'm very glad you have decided to take the challenge. Finding the right plan is most of your success and if low fat works for you that's the way to go.

Kelsie has been a blessing for all of us by starting the WISH challenge. It has been such a help for me and I'm sure you will find it helpful, too.

<b>twhipple</b> I'm glad that you found WISH and just tickled that you have taken the challenge.

You know that WW works for you so that is half the battle. I'll bet you do great now, there are many WISHers who follow that plan and you have a ready made support group. I hope you can visit often and I hope you will participate as much as possible. It helps all of us when you participate on WISH.

<b>arizonacolbys</b> Welcome to WISH. I'm glad that you are going to be part of my support group now. You sound very determined and motivated. You will be a great example for me.

Shall I list your plan as Atkins or Modified Atkins?

<b>MsDisney</b> It's great to see you here on WISH. I'm really glad you decided to take the challenge. I think you're going to like it here, WISH is a very supportive place.

I hope you have wonderful success with Atkins. I love it.

<b>danicaw</b> It is wonderful to see you here on WISH. I'm so glad you are taking the challenge. Congratulations on that new baby, I love babies. I am getting impatient for grandchildren of my own but for the moment I have to borrow them ;-)

I'll list your plan as "counting calories". We have several WISHers who use that method to control their food intake so if you have any questions or need meal ideas just post and you will receive many speedy replies.

<b>mickmse</b> Welcome to the DIS and a special welcome to WISH. I'm so glad you found us and I hope you can visit often.

Thanks for taking the challenge, you are going to be the perfect addition to our support group. We have many other WW WISHers and you're going to fit in very well. You could never be a pain for asking questions on WISH. Every time you ask a question and another WISHer has the answer, they are helped just as much as you are when they reply. Honest. It's sort of weird how that works on WISH. The more you ask for help and the more you help others the stronger you get. Amazing, really.

Visit WISH often and participate as much as you can. It is helpful for everyone when you participate here.

<i>I feel sort of sad that I wasn't around when a lot of my new friends took the challenge. Welcoming new WISHers is one of my favorite WISH activities. There are so many newbies that I worry I might have missed someone. I sure hope that I didn't but if I left off your name, please forgive me. I hope one of my fellow veteran WISHers will send me a private message if they see that I have missed someone. I would hate to leave anyone out.

Now that my mother is doing so much better I will have more time for WISHing and I won't have such a long welcome post again (I hope).</i>

You may add the WISH member clipart to your signature if you want. What we do is begin with a <b>zero loss</b> no matter how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge and then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's lots of fun and quite motivating.

There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the member clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b>

<i>Is everyone ready to get started? Ready to <b>succeed</b>? I sure hope so. You have all got your goal and plan ready--all that was missing was your WISH support group. Our support group is the best part of WISH. Hundreds of men and women who face the same challenges you face are here everyday just in case you need them--always ready to help you along the road to goal. I count on the help and support of my support group and I'm so glad that all of you are going to be part of that group, now.

No lurking allowed. Visit often and participate as much as possible. Your participation here is part of the magic of WISH--your participation is what makes WISH "tick". So, let's get going, then. We are on our way to goal and there is no stopping us now!

Onward and downward!


I didn't go back and proof this for typos, my apologies in advance.
Please include me in the WISH challenge; I'm ready to lead a healthier life! I've been in and out of Weight Watchers for years with varying degrees of success, and I've finally decided that I have to do it on my own! I plan on lots of walking and biking with a carb controlled diet. I've lost eight pounds this summer, but would like to kick things into a higher gear so that I can look my best in WDW and on the Wonder this October. My DH and DD are behind me 100%, but I sure could use some support from other people who know what it's like to watch what you eat!

Best wishes to everyone on this board--
Nativetxn: Thanks for the warm welcome! I would say you could list me as "modified" Atkins. I try to follow Atkins as much as possible ;) , but do like to incorporate some fruits & whole grains in my diet. My biggest goal right now is to try & exercise more often. My hubby is going to join me, so I'm hoping that we can help motivate each other. :D Thanks!
<b>lulu201</b> Welcome to WISH! I'm glad you decided to join us. I hope you can visit often.

Shall I list your plan as WW or eating sensibly?

You may add the WISH member clipart to your signature if you want. What we do is begin with a <b>zero loss</b> no matter how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge and then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's lots of fun and quite motivating.

There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the member clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b>

<b>ripp</b> How much weight have you lost since taking the WISH challenge? That will determine your clipart because we only count the weight we have lost since taking the challenge, otherwise I would already be sporting one of those pretty gold clippies. Alas, I had already lost 20 pounds before the challenge but my clipart only reflects my weight loss since 2/1.

You have done very well. I'll bet you are looking so great.

<b>arizonacolbys</b> I have you on the roster as following modified Atkins. You're all set!

Nativetxn, I guess my plan is WW, but with a focus on controlled carbs--probably easiest to label it WW rather than modified Atkins. Atkins is a huge influence, though. The WW point system does help me keep track of things.

I'm off to the Jersey shore today. Wish me luck on the boardwalk as I try to stay on program (hey, there's more WW lingo! It must be in my genes by now!!). . .
I just "joined" WISH this morning. I have lost 10 pounds since January, but I still have so much more!! I don't have an "official" program, I am trying to eat low carb and I excercise at Curves 4-5 times a week. I saw a tag that was for 100 day challenge - she was 55 days cheat free. What is that all about?
Well 3 weeks into Atkins on induction and I've still only lost 8 lbs. I thought that since I have so much to lose, it would come off a little faster. Oh well, I'll just keep plodding along. Every little bit is one step closer!
Please add me to the roster for the WISH challenge! I guess my approach would be "exercise and eating sensibly". I've got a LONG way to go (>100 at least), but I'm ready to become the healthy person I know I can be!
I just found this site and this is all new to me. It's very exciting to see all the support out here. :tongue: :earsboy: I'd like to join the challenge, can you point me in the right direction?
<b>puckhog45</b> Welcome to WISH. I'm glad you decided to join us. I'll list your plan as "controlled carbohydrate" if that is alright.

There is a challenge to stay on plan without cheating, if someone is 55 days "cheat free" that means that person has not waivered from their plan for 55 days in a row. It is a way to stay motivated.

I hope you can visit often. WISH has been very helpful to me and I'll bet you find it helpful, too.

<b>Mommy Poppins</b> Don't get discouraged. Everyone loses weight in a different way. I hope you have measured yourself. Seeing if you've lost inches instead of pounds would be pretty helpful about now.

Hang in there, if you stay on plan you will be successful. Don't forget to post about your progress on the weekly check in thread. I would hate to miss out on your progress.

<b>AprilN</b> I'm glad you decided to join us. I had at least 100 pounds to lose before I started Atkins in January. Now I have 56 pounds to lose. Don't let the amount you want to lose discourage you, you are not alone, lots of us have 100 or more pounds to lose.

I'll list your plan as "eating sensibly", there are many other WISHers getting healthy by eating sensibly. You have a ready made support group waiting to help you along the road to goal.

<b>mickeyspal!</b> You just took the challenge. You did exactly the right thing to become part of my support group and I'm glad. Welcome to WISH!

Will you be following any formal eating plan or eating sensibly? I like to add the plan when I add you to the roster, so let me know.

<i>I'm happy to see more new members of my support group. Our support group is the best part of WISH, lots of people are always here ready to help you along to goal. Whether you need information or support or just a smile, we are always here and we will do all we can to help. All we ask in return is that <i>you</i> help <i>us</i> when we need help. That's a pretty good deal, don't you think?

You may add the WISH challenge member clipart to your signature if you want. There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to do that right <b>HERE</b>.

What we do is begin with a zero loss regardless of how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge. Then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "upgrade" our clipart. It's fun and motivating.

If you need help with the clipart just send Kelsie, glo or me a private message and we will find you some help.

I'm so glad that you have all decided to join us. I think you are all going to do just great. Get ready to succeed because you are WISHers now and that's what we do here, we <b>succeed</b>!

Onward and downward!

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