Do you believe in an afterlife?

If there is indeed an afterlife and those who have entered that realm (Heaven???) are watching over us as often mentioned at funeral/memorial services, JUST HOW WONDERFUL would their existance be in said afterlife when horrendous things can/do occur (cancer, abuse, crashes ......) for many still here on earth until death.

I believe in a Heaven (& in a Hell), but I also believe that there are "no tears in Heaven". And, if there are no tears in Heaven, then our loved ones can't really be watching over us or seeing anything we're doing here on earth. Because, if they did, there'd probably often be tears. Or, if they can, then they see us from a different perspective or existence which doesn't bring pain or sorrow. I don't know...

I think, though, when people say things like "She's your angel now" or "He's watching over us," they're saying these type things to bring earthly comfort. And, while many really do believe that their loved ones are watching over them because it helps bring them peace, I'm not sure how accurate that thought or belief really is.
Our brains can do amazing things during times of extreme trauma and even when trauma does not exist. If one wants to believe that a conversation(s) actually happened and it brought peace to one or many, then that happens to be a good thing but it can not be proven to have actually happened. FAITH can be uplifting but can also be one's downfall.

Agreed. People want so badly for these things to be true and be real. So it's just faith to say "I know so and so was with me". In reality, I don't believe it was anything more than just human scientific emotions.
When my Mom was on her deathbed (literally. She was in a hospital bed in my living room) in 2006, the family had gathered to be with her and us for the end. My aunt, me, and my sister were standing over her bed talking quietly to her, when she suddenly said "you have to move, I can't see Daddy." I moved over a bit and she smiled. My aunt asked her where he was, and she said, "on the stairs." We all looked over there but of course we didn't see him, as he had died in 2002. My sister just went, "Hi Pop," and we went on talking to my Mom.

So-maybe in her last hours she hallucinated the person she most wanted to see. Or maybe my grandfather was there to help her cross over. I certainly don't know the answer, but either way we all found the *idea* of Poppy being there to help extremely comforting.
I don’t need hard proof, but I have also never felt any of those things after my dad died despite desperately wanting to. So for me it’s not possible b/c if there was anyway that my dad could reach out to us, he absolutely would.

I can't say why some things happen and other things do not. I don't know. But I do know that we never looked for or waited for anything. We all were totally surprised at what the first responders said. Well, except for his sister. She wasn't surprised in the least.
Agreed. People want so badly for these things to be true and be real. So it's just faith to say "I know so and so was with me". In reality, I don't believe it was anything more than just human scientific emotions.

Its your belief. Keep that in mind. That doesn't make your belief any more definitive than anyone else's. You can believe whatever you choose. Its not faith, its knowing that person is there. Its a feeling. A reassurance. A voice. A sound. It can be a LOT of things. I do have a strong faith but those things weren't from faith but from an experience of something that happened.

And nothing is "just" faith. Faith is a very powerful thing. And something more people need. Not the same as MY faith, but faith in something.
I can't say why some things happen and other things do not. I don't know. But I do know that we never looked for or waited for anything. We all were totally surprised at what the first responders said. Well, except for his sister. She wasn't surprised in the least.
I honestly wish I had had those experiences. And to add to it, my dad died in my home & I have his ashes in the house so I feel like if it were possible at all we would feel or see him or something. But sadly we never have.
What’s the point of an afterlife? And why do folks think it’s tied to morality?

Let’s say there is an afterlife. What would it possibly be like? And why would it be any better than our life here?
I honestly wish I had had those experiences. And to add to it, my dad died in my home & I have his ashes in the house so I feel like if it were possible at all we would feel or see him or something. But sadly we never have.

And I meant to say earlier, I am so sorry for your loss. Losing my Dad was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. Losing Mom was hard, she was my day to day person to talk to and shop with and have fun with but I knew when her time came she was at peace with it. She was ready to go. She even told the Dr. "its ok, I am going home" with a smile. So I was much more at peace with her passing than with the sudden death of my Dad. Not saying it wasn't hard but it wasn't the same.

Besides, I was a Daddy's girl. He was my hero. And that is a hard thing to get past.
And I meant to say earlier, I am so sorry for your loss. Losing my Dad was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. Losing Mom was hard, she was my day to day person to talk to and shop with and have fun with but I knew when her time came she was at peace with it. She was ready to go. She even told the Dr. "its ok, I am going home" with a smile. So I was much more at peace with her passing than with the sudden death of my Dad. Not saying it wasn't hard but it wasn't the same.

Besides, I was a Daddy's girl. He was my hero. And that is a hard thing to get past.
Thank you.
Nope. Once you die - that's it. No eternal garden, no wondering the earth endlessly, no being reincarnated, no heaven, no hell. Nothing. You die.

I feel like people need to believe whatever they need to believe to cope with their loss. Its natural to picture your loved one looking down on you (or up for that matter), watching out for you. Whatever comforts you but I don't buy any of it. I don't have faith in that manner. I think its all made up. I don't believe in religion or God or "faith". I am very black and white in this area of my life.
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What’s the point of an afterlife? And why do folks think it’s tied to morality?

Let’s say there is an afterlife. What would it possibly be like? And why would it be any better than our life here?

I would send you some links to some descriptions but that's not allowed here. You will just have to google it.

But its better than here because there is no pain, no sorrow, no anxiety, no disabilities, no tears.
I would send you some links to some descriptions but that's not allowed here. You will just have to google it.

But its better than here because there is no pain, no sorrow, no anxiety, no disabilities, no tears.

Google what? Does life suck after you die?

It’s one thing to believe there is an afterlife. It’s another thing to think it’s any better than life’s now.

What’s if it’s just one big long line?
I just want to clarify, and express my disagreement with any assumption that those who believe that there is an afterlife do so because of fear of death, and as I mentioned before, some narcissistic desire to think that one should be immortal.
I do believe in an afterlife. I do NOT fear death (being dead and gone). I do not have any wish or desire or belief that I (or even my memory) could or should last forever.

If one does not believe, then I can accept and understand that.
But, do not judge those who do, and make assumptions about the (perhaps) negative reasons that others might believe that life/energy does not end.

Ohhhh, and why would an afterlife be better than our life here on earth.
MANY reasons. First of which might be freedom from the pains and stresses and fears and tribulations that come with our physical life here on earth.
IMHO, that, alone, would be enough.

And, regarding the comments about an afterlife being tied to 'morality'.
I had mentioned that in my earlier post.
I feel and believe, 100% that there is no link to any concept of hell, punishment, purgatory, etc...
Everything that I have seen, read, etc... leads me to believe that this is a concept created by some people in order to use fear tactics to pressure their 'morality' upon other people. And to control.
No I do not believe there is anything after death, and no communication from those who have passed. No, I do not fear my death, and I am at peace with all of this.
Google what? Does life suck after you die?

It’s one thing to believe there is an afterlife. It’s another thing to think it’s any better than life’s now.

What’s if it’s just one big long line?

Try "afterlife" Not that hard. And if you want to know the afterlife that many here are talking about--try "heaven".

As for being better--perhaps that depends on the afterlife a person believes in. I believe its a better place because I know that all pain and hurt and sickness and disabilities will be gone.

I do not believe that the afterlife in of itself is tied to morality, its not a reward for being a good person nor is hell a punishment for being a bad person. I do believe it is tied to something. Just not that.
I believe there is an afterlife. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed or transferred. Science and faith, hand in hand. I don’t know where we go, but it’s somewhere.

Okay, but the energy of your body DOES get transferred when you die in a very clear cut way. If you are cremated, the potential energy contained by your body turns into thermal energy as your body burns. Decomposition requires energy but also releases energy back into the soil, to organisms that feed on it, etc.

"Mental energy" (or, a soul) is a human construct and there is no proof that there is any sort of energy that is released out of the body when a person dies.
How about a slightly different question:. Do you fear death? And if so, what do you fear? The unknown, the possible pain of dying, the finality of it, etc.
I do not fear death itself. Naturally, as others have said, I imagine I wouldn't want to leave loved ones or see them hurt, nor would I want a difficult death, etc. But dying I am not afraid of.

I wish I had more time to post, and I certainly will not engage in arguing about this, because it's my own belief (so I hope that can be respected), but based on what I've studied, my own experiences and what patients have shared with me over many years, I do believe that near or at the time of death, the "soul" (and I'm just calling it that for something to call it, not trying to take a religious stand here because I this does seem to be a universal human experience regardless of religion) leaves the body so that pain is not experienced.

People who've died and lived to tell about it report being above their physical bodies on a different type of plane where they can hear and see what's going on with their lifeless bodies, but there are no physical feelings associated with them. One story I can remember is of a man who was hit by a car on a bicycle. He remembered "seeing" a man's body laying on the ground but at first didn't realize it was his own that he was seeing. Another was a person who had drowned there was just a peace associated with it because the soul had already left the body. Obviously these people had technically died and were out of their bodies for a period of time, but when they came back into them, they were launched back into experiencing pain again. So I think that if something awful happens, there may not necessarily be a lot of suffering associated with it once the soul leaves the body, and that can happen even before a person dies.

A lot of people have mentioned they don't think there's a "morality" associated with death or afterlife, etc. (Perhaps phrasing wrong but I only have a few mins here.) People who've died and come back have reported that there is a "life review" that happens very, very quickly (like a whole review in a second or two), where detailed scenes are shown not for judgement, but for understanding. One example was a woman being shown a random dinner party she once attended. She was shown interrupting someone, and that person never got to tell someone else something important. So I think we just learn how we've impacted our world and others around us which helps us understand the "meaning of life" and our own place in it. And from what I understand, love, kindness and compassion for others do help our "souls evolve". Some believe that if we haven't learned lessons in this life, we come back to experience and learn again! So I guess it's a good thing to try to get it right in this one! Lol

Just a word about "who you see" when you die. Many report friends, family, pets, neighbors, etc. But many have also reported meeting "soul mates" who they realize have been there with them their whole lives (and never knew). But all of this makes sense once there, it's been hard for others to describe things that aren't of our world. I'm thankful to the people who wrote books and talked about their experiences so we could begin to understand them. They were often ridiculed and scorned, but did it anyway, such as the neurosurgeon. I'm sure many here will poo-poo this, or think I'm a wacko :crazy2: but that's ok. I know what I know, and believe what I believe, and I have peace about it myself, and have been able to help others who are struggling with impending death, as well, if they asked my opinion. Because, believe me, at 3 in the morning when you are alone with someone in a hospital room who is dying, and they are pouring their heart out to you, you want to be able to help them. That is actually in large part why I began to study this myself in depth in the first place; that and having my own cancer experience where I feared I might die. Usually people already have their own beliefs about it and enjoy talking about them with someone who doesn't try to shut them up or clam up because it's too uncomfortable a subject. (I know when I was sick, few wanted to talk about [potential] death with me, sadly, as I needed to talk about it.)

I remember a young man who was very angry because he was dying. He wouldn't talk to anyone, and people were fearful of going in his room. Somehow, we connected. His family told me he trusted me. That is such a special privilege. One day as I was leaving for the day, he told me he wanted to talk about death. Whoa! Out of the blue. So I was able to pull up a chair and we talked for a good, long time about some of this stuff. I don't present it as fact; just what I've studied and believe myself. We both shed a few tears. But he was grateful to have someone to talk to about it and I was glad to be there for him.

It is very, very easy, when unaffected, to just blow all this stuff off. But when you're that person who is staring death in the face, it can all of a sudden take on a different type of importance.
Try "afterlife" Not that hard. And if you want to know the afterlife that many here are talking about--try "heaven".

As for being better--perhaps that depends on the afterlife a person believes in. I believe its a better place because I know that all pain and hurt and sickness and disabilities will be gone.

I do not believe that the afterlife in of itself is tied to morality, its not a reward for being a good person nor is hell a punishment for being a bad person. I do believe it is tied to something. Just not that.

What I’m saying is that even if one exists, we really have no idea if it’s any good. We can believe it’s good, but what if we’re wrong? What if we feel our bodies slowly decomposing? What if we feel like we’re on fire if we’re cremated?

I’ll put off dying as long as possible. I don’t want to die and find out that it’s awful. And what if some other religion’s idea of the afterlife is correct and I belong to the one that’s gotten it wrong? Damn. That would really suck to be on the wrong side of death.
And, regarding the comments about an afterlife being tied to 'morality'.
I had mentioned that in my earlier post.
I feel and believe, 100% that there is no link to any concept of hell, punishment, purgatory, etc...
Everything that I have seen, read, etc... leads me to believe that this is a concept created by some people in order to use fear tactics to pressure their 'morality' upon other people. And to control.

But can't this be said about the (the promise of) heaven as well? This is also a human social construct with the purpose of manipulating people into behaving a certain way. In fact, ALL mentions of the afterlife are simply aspects of different religions and the ways in which they motivate and manipulate behaviors. When societies started forming way back in time, the intelligent people in charge of them (the leaders, if you will), realized very quickly that people needed to have rules to follow, and reasons to follow them. Religions came about naturally as a way to both explain scientific concepts that people did not yet fully understand as well as a way to keep people in check, in terms of doing things that were harmful to the society (murdering, stealing, lying, etc). The afterlife is STILL a major behavior motivator for billions of people to this day.


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