Geriatric mm warriors (12/30/09)

Hi Barb! Found ya! :hug: Thanks for the new thread, I must have been posting right when you were. I'll go back and see if I can link everyone! Who am I foolin, I'm as about as computer literate as the neighbor's cat, but I'll try anyway.
Lisa,:wave2: check your messages, I still can't get your email address to work. It keeps getting returned to me.:sad1: I would really love to have everybodys. (hint hint):)
Hi everyone. I found you all!! And the link worked great too!! Thanks for the new thread!!!!!!!

Kate, if it's someone else's house, Mike does an awesome ob cleaning. He comes and helps me out at work once in a while. But as for our house, he could give a rat's behind as to how messy it is. My old house I didn't have clutter anywhere!

I made a cheese ball at Christmas. I never thought of it being legal on step 1. Just need to remember no crackers!!

Off to make something for supper. Catch you all later!!
Lisa,:wave2: check your messages, I still can't get your email address to work. It keeps getting returned to me.:sad1: I would really love to have everybodys. (hint hint):)

Pam: I can't find my email list.... :confused: What is your email address?
Pam: I can't find my email list.... :confused: What is your email address?

Hiya Kate! This email thing is becoming comical to me. I thought I had a complete list as well, I have one, but not a complete one. :confused3 Mine is I have an idea. If you'd all like to message me, I'll be happy to compile a new list. Unless someone already has one? Cindy responded back from my earlier email today so I know I have at least one right...bahahaa sounds like I'm on The Price is Right.:laughing:

Maybe a bribe will help...I'm going to be sending out my before and after pics pretty soon..if any of you all want to see them you need to send me your emails? How's that? :rotfl:
Kate, I am so sorry for the jerk. I try to feel sorry for people like that. If his deal is making others that miserable, it's got to be a lot worse being him. Obviously you are good at your job or else you wouldn't get so much positive feedback. :hug:
Lisa,:wave2: check your messages, I still can't get your email address to work. It keeps getting returned to me.:sad1: I would really love to have everybodys. (hint hint):)

Pam, I got your email, so I took my addresses down that I had posted here. The pictures are amazing!
Lisa, I hope you feel better shortly. I'm glad your taking the time to get well also. :hug:

I've been working day and night to get the amount of stuff done this... (ok, be nice) this wonderful man letting me do piece work for him, expects me to do. I feel horrible and can't wait to get back on the horse Friday. I want to wait until then because everyone wants pizza for new years. I'm not binging or anything, but I feel horribly bloated and just plain yucky. On top of it I ran out of my d-ribose and can't order it until my check comes. I think it was making a big difference also. I'm running a slight temp the last couple of nights, and that sort of thing is really common when my fatigue thing kicks up. Well, Marti wants the computer so I've got to go. I'll be back later.
Lisa, I hope you feel better shortly. I'm glad your taking the time to get well also. :hug:

I've been working day and night to get the amount of stuff done this... (ok, be nice) this wonderful man letting me do piece work for him, expects me to do. I feel horrible and can't wait to get back on the horse Friday. I want to wait until then because everyone wants pizza for new years. I'm not binging or anything, but I feel horribly bloated and just plain yucky. On top of it I ran out of my d-ribose and can't order it until my check comes. I think it was making a big difference also. I'm running a slight temp the last couple of nights, and that sort of thing is really common when my fatigue thing kicks up. Well, Marti wants the computer so I've got to go. I'll be back later.

Nell: I can't stop coughing. You won't feel better from the pizza unless you just eat the toppings off. Eat it if you really want to, but why not start feeling better now? I'm a bit concerned if you already feel horrible. We gave away the huge gorgeous pears that our neighbors gave us for Christmas because we had to start Step 1. No time like the present. Feel better!:hug:
I am such a space case!!! I sat down and wrote out a several paragraph post this a m and then must have walked off and forgot to submit it. :eek::eek: Senior moments are rather freaky!!
I just don't have the energy left today to dig back into the dark and often lost areas of my brain to try and reconstruct what I said. Here is what I think I said:

Pam, hope your pictures find a way to us. All of the email addresses are on the spread sheet that Lisa put together for the Christmas card list. I didn't get an email from you yesterday. I will be trying your beef cheese ball for New Years...sound good!

Kate, I hope the jerk has gone back to his cave. Sounds like he's one of those "angry at everyone causes it's their fault" kind of guys. I think you handled it great! You didn't step in and play his game with him and he's left being angry all by his lonesome. How sad for him!

Lisa, Glad you're feeling better. Hope you can fill up on your J P time before you have to return him.

Robin, Nice to hear that you had a good trip and that you came home to Dennis and Rick feeling better. Sorry for the cold and snow. You can come and visit whenever you want...I have room for ponies on our 2 acres. No snow and the beach just 4 miles away. Glad you were able to stock up on so many of the step 1 goodies on your trip. Lobster says he doesn't mind you eating his namesakes as long as you don't mess with any of his shoes...that would cause real problems. LOL

Barb, Thanks for the new thread. It was easy to find and you did real good.:cheer2:

Nell, I always try to think kindly of people too. I'm glad you are doing so much these days and being so social. It seems like you are a regular gad-about and having lots of good, uplifting experiences.

Kathy, It's great that Mike is taking up the Flylady life. I hope it keeps on and becomes a habit! Best of luck on that one!

To everyone else, Hope life is treating you well and that the new year brings us all good results from MM in our eating habits and in our lives.

Love to you all,

Feast upon the Words of Christ
Well, I thought I posted earlier, but seems mine didnt make it either! Dont know whether I had a senior moment or the new thread didnt let me post! Ah well...Im back at work and oh so NOT happy to be here! LOL, very slow due to the holidays and all still...took me half the day to read two weeks worth of NW e-mails!

Carol - please tell Lobster that I dont really have a taste for shoes, so he doesnt have to worry!

Nell - sorry you are feeling YUK, so why not restart step 1 now, so you can feel better faster!! I vote for just eating the pizza toppings too...remember how GREAT you have been feeling lately? We want to see the happy, healthy Nell again!

Lisa - will try to do the e-mail to re-connect with all our lost phone line at home is having intermittent issues due to all the wind we had while I was promise to have it fixed until next week! so some times I can log on and sometimes I have no dial tone at all!

Pam - I got your e-mail! The pictures are wonderful...the place looks great!

Thanks Barb for starting the new thread and Pam for the link! I guess your neighborhood cat must be QUITE computer literate! LOL
Good Evening All

Barb, Thanks for starting the new thread.

Pam - hope you got the e-mail addresses sorted out. I didn't get the pictures, but after trying to download to the new computer - which by the way only took about 14 hours with their progam and nothing happened except to change a bunch of settings. I had to sign into everything today and had a bit of a problem getting on here. I also had a lot of adds amongst our posts, but those seem to have gone away. Needless to say I am back on the old computer. Bob was able to re-do the cord and I will try to get another one next week. Anyhow - the pictures could be in Never Never Land!!

Lisa - hope you get to feeling better soon, but these things seem to need to run their course.

Did anyone see the new First Magazine? There is an article about green tea and how it can lose it's weight loss effectiveness if you keep drinking the same amount the same time of day. Who knows......:confused3

I hope everyone has a safe and sane New Year's Eve. It gets wild here with fireworks everywhere. We will have a beautiful display in our "front yard" at midnight, though. The people we are going to dinner with will come back home with us to watch the display. I'll toast to all my MM friends and then we will ALL start being good little MMers on Friday!!!

:cheer2:Happy Birthday Kathy!!!:cheer2::cake:

Hugs to ALL:grouphug:
Dinae says I need 10 days due to the cough syrup. She didn't say if she would write it in her new book, but it's on the blog, I guess. Stock up on sugar free cough syrup next time you go to the store in case anyone on MM gets sick. It's a shame to ruin your program because you can't think straight. I don't mind the Step 1 so bad except for my morning shakes, which I have down to a science with 1/2 cup frozen berries. Oh, well, soon enough. I think I might try going to a movie tomorrow. We watched the 20/20 on Blind Side and J-P wants to see the movie now. Great story. I'm really excited for what 2010 has in store for all of us. Just think of how awesome we can be this time next year if we stick together and keep on the pony!:banana:
Hi everyone! I hope all is well with you all.

Well, the last day of the year, and it's snowing. We got a couple inches overnight and we are on the border of 4-6' or 6 plus inches by Sunday. But it does look very pretty. It is really glistening.

Pam, I didn't get the photos the other day either. I forgot to mention it, sorry. Want to let you all know that on my email, after katey there is an underscore.

Jocelyn, sorry I forgot to email you so you wouldn't have to enter it manually. If you want me to yet, I will.

My knee has been hurting pretty bad this week. I can hardly walk on it or bend it. I am going to go to the chiropractor to see if something may be out of whack. It was getting better, and Tyson ran into it and it "snapped" inward (the wrong way) and it's been hurting since. Last week when I had a 4 day weekend it was feeling better because I kept off it. Woe is me.

I highlighted my hair last night. Hope I didn't screw it up too much LOL. Mike was kind enough to pull the strands through where I couldn't reach/see. He sure must love me :lmao:

I'll catch you all later. If you go out and about later, please be careful. There will be a lot of drinking and driving tonight I imagine.

Love you all!!

Good Morning, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATHY!!:banana::cool1::dance3::yay:

No snow here, but some drizzle, slush and ice to make the morning commute a true joy! I have to go in early to make up hours since we get out at 7pm tonite instead of 10.YAY! Not like I have anywhere to go, but it will be nice to be home earlier for a change...might even go to the gym if the weather that sounds pretty sad, spending New Years Eve at the gym! LOL, But I guess what better way to get 2010 off and running, than a wee bit of exercise!

Jocelyn - sorry your new computer isnt working for you...whats up with that? Hope you enjoy your fireworks tonite and think of those of us out in the frozen tundra!!

Lisa - well, 10 days isnt too will remember why we all loved step 1 so much!! I know you will miss your fruit, but it will be back before you know it! Is there a specific sugar free cough syrup we can look for? Knowing my area, I will probably have to order it from!!

Such great news about the green tea...DARN, guess I will have to give it up! LOL
Good Morning! I fell asleep at 8 last night and slept until a few minutes ago. 10 hours! That is very unusual for me.

We are going to have a Blue Moon for New Years Eve. For those of that don't know, a Blue Moon occurs when there are two full moons in one month - the Blue Moon is the second one. Blue Moon's on New Years Eve happen once every 19 years.

Brad is working today (and tomorrow - poor guy) so I am going to go into my office this morning. I have some stuff I want to catch up and to get my billing for the month done. I am hoping to get my tree down tomorrow.

Have I shared with you that Demi, my oldest daughter (21) works in a gourmet donut shop? She loves making donuts! She just got a second job yesterday at a cookie place! Now she will be making cookies too! Hmmmmm, cookies make me think of Abby. Maybe we should email her too?

I am really looking forward to spending 2010 with all of you. :hug::hug::hug:And, I am really kind of ready to say good-bye to 2009.


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