Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary

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More news: Meghan asked for guidance at Diana's grave
This is more why we would want to read the book. However... I find this detail incredibly private. Even more than some of the other stories that came out.

Harry described how they rowed out to the island where his mother is buried, on the 20th anniversary of her death.

After taking a moment to reflect by himself he sensed that Meghan also wanted to take a private moment.

'When I returned, she was on her knees with her eyes closed and her palms flat against the stone,' he said, adding that she'd told him she'd asked Diana for 'clarity and guidance'.
Call ne cynical but this "moment" was staged. Maybe more of a moment for Megs to realize her dream. Let's NEVER forget who this has always been about...the Markle.
Wow. No bombshells, just a bunch of petty squabbles among the rich and entitled lol. Harry comes off SO badly, its really cringe-worthy. I almost feel sorry for him, but just can't because he is so hateful to others.

But the below quote makes me laugh. He came home to find her on the floor sobbing. I just envision her peeking through the curtains until she sees him coming up the walk, and then just as the door opens she thinks to herself "And....action!" and hits the floor 🎬
"We need more than left eye, one tear. Let's do this Meghan", she says to herself.
Harry calls William his arch nemesis.

does harry know that labeling william this is actually a compliment? given that a nemesis is one who doles out rewards for noble acts and punishment for evil ones it would infer that every negative act william has perpetuated on harry was in direct response to an evil act originating on harry's part. maybe someone can get him a kid's book on mythology.
does harry know that labeling william this is actually a compliment? given that a nemesis is one who doles out rewards for noble acts and punishment for evil ones it would infer that every negative act william has perpetuated on harry was in direct response to an evil act originating on harry's part. maybe someone can get him a kid's book on mythology.
I think we can fill books with things Harry doesn't know or doesn't understand. He probably only knows and uses it how it is in modern dictionaries.

: one that inflicts retribution or vengeance
Many a pursued man fell before his nemesis in the streets …Agnes Morely Cleaveland

: a formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent
The team was defeated by its old nemesis
New news! Just in! Charles and Camilla wanted Catherine to use the name Katherine because there were too many C's already in the family.

And apparently Charles speaks very often how he admires Catherine's hair...

Charles and the Queen prefer women with long hair to wear it down, and minimal make up. He did tell Meghan this, and she used the advice in her first meetings with Charles and the Queen. (Should have told her about the curtsey too, Harold!)

I think I need a category miscellaneous in my synopsis.
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Never dawned on me that the title of his book referred to his overwhelming envy of his brother. I thought it was about all the chatter surrounding his status as second born and the irony he never wanted to live within the confines of royal life anyway, or so he claims.

No doubt Meghan has her own issues, but Harry's clearly demonstrated that he's been the one behind the wheel of the bus driving over his family. That's on him, no matter how much he claims to "want them back". Seems like if he had such a profound desire for reconciliation he would have discussed that with his therapist.

Maybe in the days leading up to the coronation he'll set the record straight and reveal his therapist advised him the best way to achieve the happy family reunion was the interviews, the documentary and the memoir and he never realized any of it could have a negative effect on the family relationships. Poor guy tries so hard and always seems to be the victim of bad advice, palace schemes, bad press and is just plain misunderstood.
Biggest thing for me is they call each other Willy and Harold.
And who shares lipgloss? Gross.
Asking to borrow something that personal is crass. I have shared lipgloss with exactly one person in my entire life - my wife. I can't conceive of even sharing that with my mom or my sister. Yuckkkkkk. I certainly wouldn't ASK that of anyone.
I think we can fill books with things Harry doesn't know or doesn't understand. He probably only knows and uses it how it is in modern dictionaries.

: one that inflicts retribution or vengeance
Many a pursued man fell before his nemesis in the streets …Agnes Morely Cleaveland
: a formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent
The team was defeated by its old nemesis
maybe he identifies with harry potter.

poor little sad harry/harold-

made to live in lesser accommodations than the other members of his family

no loving parental figure to console him

the outcast member of the family

bullied by the other boy in the household

he experiences such hurt when his threesome friendship errodes due to deepening romance between the two others to his exclusion....

all harold needs to become the mighty hero like harry potter is his own personal valdemort so why not choose william who he knows has too much class to even respond to his allegations.

And who shares lipgloss? Gross.

pre covid maybe middle school girls with no sense?
Never dawned on me that the title of his book referred to his overwhelming envy of his brother. I thought it was about all the chatter surrounding his status as second born and the irony he never wanted to live within the confines of royal life anyway, or so he claims.

No doubt Meghan has her own issues, but Harry's clearly demonstrated that he's been the one behind the wheel of the bus driving over his family. That's on him, no matter how much he claims to "want them back". Seems like if he had such a profound desire for reconciliation he would have discussed that with his therapist.

Maybe in the days leading up to the coronation he'll set the record straight and reveal his therapist advised him the best way to achieve the happy family reunion was the interviews, the documentary and the memoir and he never realized any of it could have a negative effect on the family relationships. Poor guy tries so hard and always seems to be the victim of bad advice, palace schemes, bad press and is just plain misunderstood.
Harold and Megs are being laughed at across the globe. And this is only the third book. This is about money and sticking it to his family. I no longer have one ounce of sympathy for Harry. He made his sty now he can wallow in it.

I can't imagine a way back. I don't believe they even want it. The RF would be insane to ever trust this pair again (don't think they are).
The plot thickens! The owner of the pub where Harry's and William used to go for drinks says that he probably knows who the woman is who took Harry's virginity. He doesn't give a name, but according to him, there is only one option.

He said: 'There was one particular woman in her mid-20s who was close to Harry. She was a party girl, very attractive and very flirtatious with him.

'I won't name her but she was from their world socially, so she wasn't intimidated by Harry or his status. I remember she shot him down once in the pub when he was trying to act big. She just turned to him and said "Oh do shut up Harry".

'They used to play drinking games together, one time they took it in turns to down a 'snakebite and black' a combination of lager, cider and blackcurrant. Afterwards this girl let out a huge burp.

'She was a bit of a tomboy but lovely looking. A lot of men were fond of her.'

But despite Harry saying he feared he may have been spotted by locals as he had sex for the first time in a field behind a pub, Franck says he personally saw nothing: ' I never saw Harry so much as kiss a girl. He had a lot of attention but was always very careful with who he was seen with.'
The lip gloss bit is a real grabber. I’ll share a chapstick with my husband, because I kiss him, and that is it. Literally nobody else. Funny that such a small detail can be so meaningful.

The devil is in the details. When I get anecdotal details like these from foster parents, teachers, family members, etc. I start looking to loop in professionals to make some determinations about whether or not the child involved as bonding/attachment/boundary issues. Not on the basis of a single lip gloss anecdote, certainly not. But when details start to pile up a trained professional is needed to evaluate the situation.

IF, IF there is any truth to lip gloss gate, "I'm a hugger.", being told they don't know each other well enough to comment on hormonal levels, etc., perhaps it points to someone struggling with and having issues with understanding relationship boundaries. That type of thing can cause quite a bit of conflict and chaos in life if unaddressed.

Despite a lifetime living behind the walls of a palace in a family whose motto is never complain, never explain, much of Harry's life history is pretty well known already. Meghan's however has not been. The devil is in the details. Harry may wind up revealing things he didn't intend, wasn't aware of or doesn't even recognize.
Harold and Megs are being laughed at across the globe.

laughed at by many but it's the chastising by the taliban leaders as well as the international military and veterans communities that i bet they didn't count on (so much for anymore using visits to military bases and such to spend his time aka-garner positive publicity).
Harry was not William's best man at his wedding. Not really at least. (The Mirror)

Harry says that he plays along with this narrative, but he wasn't THE best man. Spite travelling in the same car as William, and standing at the end of the aisle next to William, whispering words of confidence. What makes a best man in Harry's world is the best man's speech. Harry wasn't allowed to give the best man's speech, only introduce William's best friends: James Meade and Thomas Van Straubenzee.
Harry delivered Lilibet, so his face was the first thing she saw (the Mirror)

With the help of a doctor of course, but yeah, that's another very private detail that some private people might have kept to himself.

Meghan wrote Harry another poem of love after they came home with Lilibet.
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