Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary

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The dreadful working day is over, so now it is time for a proper recap.

Harry’s book is not officially released to the public yet. However, several news outlets obtained the English copy. And one or more stores in Spain already put it on sale, as apparently in Spain it’s custom to give books for Epiphany, an important holiday. Some report sales in Valencia, some in Madrid. This means that there can be discrepancies in exact stories as some news outlets had to use an English book translated to Spanish and then back to English.

Popcorn ready? Let’s go!

What do we know?

Harry & William

  • William was angry with Meghan, seeing red mist. She was rude and difficult. Harry told William not to listen to the media. William knocked/pushed Harry to the floor. It happened in the kitchen, Harry broke his back on a flimsy dog bowl and William had ripped off his necklace. There are rumours the necklace Harry has been wearing for a decade was the gift of a former girlfriend.
  • Harry called his therapist, not Meghan after this incident. The therapist is apparently available to Harry all hours/on speed dial.
  • Harry was the bigger person in this argument. He told William that he couldn’t talk to him like that, offered him a glass of water, he didn’t punch William back, despite he could see that’s what William wanted.
  • Harry calls William his arch nemesis.
  • They also call each other Willy and Harold. #Haroldsnecklace
  • William told Harry to shave for Harry’s wedding. Harry had agreed with his grandmother he didn’t have to, and William was jealous, because he had to shave for his own wedding.
  • Harry didn’t give William Diana’s ring to give it to Kate. William had the ring in his possession for a long time and it appears the topic wasn’t discussed.
  • When they fought in the car as kids, Charles stopped the car, to tell William to stop it. William was once banned to another car with the security guards, where Harry says that when he looked at the car, he could see William plotting revenge.
  • Harry is bitter about that Charles & William cannot fly together in the same plane, but nobody cared how he travelled.
Harry & Camilla

  • Harry feared Camilla would be a wicked stepmother. When he first met her he thought of her as if getting an injection. Close your eyes and it’s over quickly. Camilla was bored during their first meeting
  • He and William wouldn’t stand in the way of their father’s happiness, but they didn’t want him to get remarried.
  • Camilla launched a campaign to marry his father and to get the crown.
  • Harry was sad that Camilla changed his bedroom at Clarence House into a dressing room.
Harry & Charles

  • Charles begged William and Harry not to fight at Phillip’s funeral, ‘don’t make my final years misery’.
  • Charles does handstands in his underwear (bad back/neck)
  • Charles found it very funny that people thought Harry wasn’t his and would joke about it.
  • Charles still carries a teddybear with him, Harry thinks that’s pitiful.
  • Charles told Harry there wasn’t money to also maintain Meghan (while according to Harry that was the agreement and his obligation as his father, the prince)
  • Charles was jealous of Meghan’s popularity.
Harry & Diana

  • Harry consulted a medium to get in touch with his mother. The medium of course told Harry that he was doing the right thing.
  • Harry recreated the final car ride of his mother by having his chauffeur race through Paris and the tunnel at the exact same speed.
  • Harry took Meghan to his mother’s grave and when he gave her a moment by herself (she needed that he felt), Meghan was with her hands on Diana’s grave asking for clarity and guidance.
Harry (& Meghan) vs. William & Kate

  • Meghan told Kate that she had baby brain, leading up to the wedding. Kate didn’t like that, told Meghan that she wasn’t close enough to talk about her hormones. William defended his wife, wagging his finger in Meghan’s face, who didn’t like that either.
  • William & Kate LOVED watching Suits, and asked Harry many questions when he told them he was dating one of the actresses.
  • William & Kate were annoyed they didn’t get Easter gifts from the Sussexes
  • William & Kate switch place cards around at the wedding.
  • Harry & Meghan were jealous of their housing arrangements. William and Kate got it all and they had an IKEA lamp and a couch bought on a discount site with Meghan’s credit card (spite Harry getting 2 million a year from his father and Meghan had a decent actress salary)
  • The fight was about dresses.
  • Kate made Meghan cry, she apologized for it.
  • William and Kate suggested to dress up as a nazi.
  • Harry feared Kate would take William away from him. He thought he would be invited over to Kensington Palace more for dinner. They didn’t.
  • Harry kept his spirits up how the three would get along so well.
  • He was also very happy to go from three to four, but apparently William tried to slow things down to add Meghan into the mix.
  • Apparently there was an incident with lipgloss. At the beginning of it all, Meghan asked Kate to borrow her lipgloss. Kate reluctantly gave hers but was disgusted by this American custom!
Harry & Meghan

  • They thought about using one of the Spencer tiara’s, but the Queen begged them to use one of hers.
  • Everyone loved Meghan’s choice in tiara.
  • Harry & Meghan thought it wasn’t needed to have a lot of security to transport the tiara through London to get it to Meghan for her fitting (Kate recommended the fitting) and they were putting obstacles in his way.
  • He googled Meghan’s sex scenes in Suits. That was a mistake.
  • Meghan wasn’t welcome at the Queen’s bedside
  • While the Palace never responds to issues about outfits worn by the Royal Family, Harry thinks they should have told the press that the Palace approved of Meghan's ripped jeans which she wore on the first outing as a royal couple.

  • Harry did drugs. We knew that, but now we know it was coke, mushrooms and marihuana.
  • Harry felt people treated him differently after William got married. He was an unredeemed bachelor.
  • He kissed a Page 3-girl (that’s a glamour model) during his years as the Party Prince.
  • Harry expected to keep his security after stepping down as Andrew still had his.
Harry & the Army

  • Harry killed 25 Taliban on his tours in Afghanistan. With the technology he can know that number precisely. He basically has no emotions over this, no glee, no disgust.
  • During an army training he was abducted and tortured. One of the things that still haunts him is that the ‘torturers’ said that his mother was pregnant when she died and it was a muslim baby. An instructor apologized for what they had said.
  • During this training he was naked, blindfolded and they made fun of his small willy. He was also spat in the face. He was locked up with other naked colleagues in the training, forced to sit in uncomfortable positions until he struggled to breathe. No sleep for 72 hours.
  • Apparently two of his colleagues ‘went crazy’ during this training.
Things we didn’t want to know.

  • Harry lost his virginity to an older woman with a thing for horses. He mounted her quickly and she slapped his rump afterwards. It was outside a busy pub in a field. Harry was 16 or 17.
  • Harry is circumcised.
  • Harry had a frostbitten todger (willy :P ) after a trip to the Arctics. This still bothered him at William & Kate’s wedding.

Wow, that’s an unhealthy obsession.
Oh good God... from the Daily Mail (and Harry's book) Harry keeps a lock of Diana's hair on his nightstand. And he believes it helped to conceive Archie.
And Meghan has magical powers to talk to animals.

Ok. I need time to process this.

Prince Harry
has revealed that he kept a box of his late mother, Princess Diana's hair in his nightstand - and believes it served as a kind of good luck charm that helped him and Meghan to conceive their first child.

According to Harry, Meghan took two at-home pregnancy tests in the bathroom of Nottingham Cottage, where they were living in 2018 - however he 'fell asleep' while waiting for her and awoke to find that she had placed the two tests on his nightstand next to the couple's bed.
Harry writes that he 'only kept a few things' in his nightstand - including a 'blue box with my mother's hair' and says he immediately thought of that special possession when he saw the pregnancy tests.
'Right, I thought, good. Let's see what Mummy can do with this situation,' he wrote.
Soon after, the Sussexes discovered that the tests were positive, and Harry recalls thinking: 'Thank you, Mummy.'
However, Meghan's decision to place the tests so close to Diana's hair was not the only good omen that Harry saw while the pair were attempting to conceive.
The other lucky moment occurred while the couple were on a visit to the Castle of Mey - the Queen Mother's former home in Scotland - when they happened across a group of seals while walking along the shoreline.
Harry says he began 'serenading' the seals but received 'nothing' in response - that is until his wife began joining in with his song.

When Meghan began her own chorus, the Duke claims the animals 'responded to her' with their own 'seal opera' in what he claims was a clear indication of Meghan's 'magic'.
'She really is magic, I thought,' he wrote. 'Even the seals know it.'
In celebration of the 'good omen', Harry recalls that he stripped down and jumped into the water, swimming towards the seals.
However, while Harry and Meghan viewed the 'seal opera' as nothing short of 'fairytale', they were brought back down to earth with bump when they returned to the castle - where Charles' chef promptly told them that they should not have tried to gain the attention of the seals.
According to Harry, the chef - who was Australian - warned them that parts of the Scottish coast were 'infested with Orcas' and that 'luring' the seals to the shoreline with their singing was akin to 'luring' them to a 'bloody death'.
Still, the 'gloomy' twist that the story took did not stop Harry for paying tribute to the seals upon finding out that his wife was pregnant; in addition to thanking his mother, he also thanked the 'selkies' - mythological creatures who transform from seal to human.
You know I think that everyone over the last few years has thought M was behind all the word vomit coming from this couple but now I think she’s just enabled H to show how bitter he has been his whole life. Encouraged him enough to watch this disaster unfold but as I said previously, she will be keeping all this info as well as others close for if the time comes they are to separate or divorce.

For the childrens sake I hope they find “their” peace, shut their mouths and write each other poetry for the rest of their lives far away from the press.
For the childrens sake I hope they find “their” peace, shut their mouths and write each other poetry for the rest of their lives far away from the press.

This -

They need to stop advertising their family's dirty laundry. We all have it. We are human. The whole purpose is to make money......no respect for them.

I think this circus will hurt them in the long run.
Daily Mail: Harry confirms they announced their first pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding.

Because they were going to Australia soonand this was the moment to tell as many royals at once.
As a bride, I would be fuming! They tried to make the wedding about them. >:(

Oh good God... from the Daily Mail (and Harry's book) Harry keeps a lock of Diana's hair on his nightstand. And he believes it helped to conceive Archie.
And Meghan has magical powers to talk to animals.

Ok. I need time to process this.

Prince Harry has revealed that he kept a box of his late mother, Princess Diana's hair in his nightstand - and believes it served as a kind of good luck charm that helped him and Meghan to conceive their first child.

According to Harry, Meghan took two at-home pregnancy tests in the bathroom of Nottingham Cottage, where they were living in 2018 - however he 'fell asleep' while waiting for her and awoke to find that she had placed the two tests on his nightstand next to the couple's bed.
Harry writes that he 'only kept a few things' in his nightstand - including a 'blue box with my mother's hair' and says he immediately thought of that special possession when he saw the pregnancy tests.
'Right, I thought, good. Let's see what Mummy can do with this situation,' he wrote.
Soon after, the Sussexes discovered that the tests were positive, and Harry recalls thinking: 'Thank you, Mummy.'
However, Meghan's decision to place the tests so close to Diana's hair was not the only good omen that Harry saw while the pair were attempting to conceive.
The other lucky moment occurred while the couple were on a visit to the Castle of Mey - the Queen Mother's former home in Scotland - when they happened across a group of seals while walking along the shoreline.
Harry says he began 'serenading' the seals but received 'nothing' in response - that is until his wife began joining in with his song.

When Meghan began her own chorus, the Duke claims the animals 'responded to her' with their own 'seal opera' in what he claims was a clear indication of Meghan's 'magic'.
'She really is magic, I thought,' he wrote. 'Even the seals know it.'
In celebration of the 'good omen', Harry recalls that he stripped down and jumped into the water, swimming towards the seals.
However, while Harry and Meghan viewed the 'seal opera' as nothing short of 'fairytale', they were brought back down to earth with bump when they returned to the castle - where Charles' chef promptly told them that they should not have tried to gain the attention of the seals.
According to Harry, the chef - who was Australian - warned them that parts of the Scottish coast were 'infested with Orcas' and that 'luring' the seals to the shoreline with their singing was akin to 'luring' them to a 'bloody death'.
Still, the 'gloomy' twist that the story took did not stop Harry for paying tribute to the seals upon finding out that his wife was pregnant; in addition to thanking his mother, he also thanked the 'selkies' - mythological creatures who transform from seal to human.
Wow, that’s an unhealthy obsession.

Harry keeps a lock of Diana's hair on his nightstand. And he believes it helped to conceive Archie.

I think keeping a lock of your dead mother's hair on your nightstand while you are having "marital relations" and thinking the hair helped conceive your child is the unhealthy obsession.
Daily Mail: Harry confirms they announced their first pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding.

Because they were going to Australia soonand this was the moment to tell as many royals at once.

Soooo tacky!
That is pretty sad, to poke fun at his dad for having a teddy bear or those back exercises. I can't imagine wanting to embarrass anyone like that, especially not a parent. Harry obviously has some major issues if he thinks releasing what we've heard so far is acceptable.
That is pretty sad, to poke fun at his dad for having a teddy bear or those back exercises. I can't imagine wanting to embarrass anyone like that, especially not a parent. Harry obviously has some major issues if he thinks releasing what we've heard so far is acceptable.

I think that Charles has a teddy bear makes him just that more relatable and human so if Harold was trying to damage his father's persona, he just did the opposite.
let me guess-one of their book obligations will be fulfilled with book of selected poetry by the tennyson of our day-meghan :crazy2:
Supposedly Megs autobiography where she rips every one a new...
Oh good God... from the Daily Mail (and Harry's book) Harry keeps a lock of Diana's hair on his nightstand. And he believes it helped to conceive Archie.
And Meghan has magical powers to talk to animals.

Ok. I need time to process this.

First, THANK YOU for posting all the details so I don’t have to read the actual book!

Second, what utter & hilarious drivel!!!!

Is Harry so lacking in any kind of self-awareness that he actually thought any of this would make him & his magical “singing to the seals” wife look good?

Third, Harry has NO ONE in his life to caution him at all? I realize he’s probably surrounded by a lot of people who want to capitalize on him - including his own wife - so the crazier the better.

But, still, the poor guy has no one to say -

“Hey, Prince Harold, this isn’t a good look for you at all. Everyone’s going to laugh. You may want to rethink this, dude.”

I mean, he just comes across as soooo very weak & whiny & petulant & spoiled.

And, good gosh! His kids are going to read this one day!! THIS is the picture of himself he wants to give his kids?!?

It boggles the mind.
I agree with everything, especially the below. Harry is troubled for sure, kind of a lost and deluded soul. He would have benefited from someone grounded, who would have helped him rather than egg him on to his embarrassment and destruction. Someone who wanted him to be whole, rather than someone who wanted nothing more than attention.

Third, Harry has NO ONE in his life to caution him at all? I realize he’s probably surrounded by a lot of people who want to capitalize on him - including his own wife - so the crazier the better.

But, still, the poor guy has no one to say -

“Hey, Prince Harold, this isn’t a good look for you at all. Everyone’s going to laugh. You may want to rethink this, dude.”
Harry keeps a lock of Diana's hair on his nightstand. And he believes it helped to conceive Archie.

I think keeping a lock of your dead mother's hair on your nightstand while you are having "marital relations" and thinking the hair helped conceive your child is the unhealthy obsession.

Soooo tacky!

37 pages of saying how much you want them to go away and don’t want to hear anything about them is an irony too big for this world..
This thread is way too toxic so I won’t be back to read or reply to any quotes.
It’s not an airport, you don’t have to announce your departure!

The moment about King Charles and his teddy bear is very very old news. I’m now 52 and have known of this since I was a teen. I’m sure I’ve read eons ago that it was from his childhood - now knowing how isolated from his parents (whom were busy doing their Royal duties), leaving a toddler Prince with his Nanny and Grandmother, The Queen Mother I am willing to say that this was a source of comfort that has been retained all these years later. Nothing salacious or weird (like stating your wife is a seal whisperer ”insert eye roll here”).
I think that Charles has a teddy bear makes him just that more relatable and human so if Harold was trying to damage his father's persona, he just did the opposite.

This is what really blows my mind — how unaware these two are. How does one pretend to be a peaceful, healing type of person, yet have zero compassion for the human foibles of others? It’s just unreal.
Harold could have written a really interesting book about life as a royal. Instead… just silly calling out of human flaws, which every single human being has some. So royals are human. But we already knew that.
This is what really blows my mind — how unaware these two are. How does one pretend to be a peaceful, healing type of person, yet have zero compassion for the human foibles of others? It’s just unreal.
Harold could have written a really interesting book about life as a royal. Instead… just silly calling out of human flaws, which every single human being has some. So royals are human. But we already knew that.
Agreed - I used to be a big fan of Harry and even though I now think he’s a moron, I would read a book about the relationship with his mom and his experiences growing up. I would love to hear stories of his childhood and she took him and Willy out of the palace and had them experience “normal” childhood experiences. I don’t care to hear him rant about how how he lost his virginity in a field and that he’s upset that Camilla turned his old and no longer needed room into a dressing area.
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