Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary

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After his first date with Meghan he got high at a friends house and... Watched Inside Out. (The Sun)

I am not sure if I was Meghan that I wanted to know this. Also Harry loves her freckles, which she apparently had covered with foundation during the date.

After telling a pal about the meeting, Harry said he “barged into his house off the King’s Road” and they started drinking together.

He wrote: “Out came the tequila. Out came the weed. We drank and smoked and watched… Inside Out.”

Harry described himself as feeling “peacefully numb” and said it was “good weed, dude”. He then got a Facetime call from Meghan and said to his mate: “Oh s**t, it’s her. She asked, “Are you watching cartoons?” and Harry replied, “No. I mean, yeah. It’s… Inside Out.”

Smitten Harry added: “I moved to a quiet corner of the flat.

“She was back at her hotel. She’d washed her face. I said, ‘God, I love your freckles. That’s insane, they’re beautiful’.” The pair then chatted for a while before deciding on a second date at Soho House.
I’ve been on vacation for about a week and boy have I missed some things. My first question is does anyone know if the royal family, Charles or William have been briefed before publication what was in this book? Because if they haven’t then I would only hope that they are done with Harry.

I’m trying to put myself in the place of the Royals versus Harry. It’s a bit OT but many years ago I had a falling out with a family member, very close. In a way Harry reminds me of this person. Playing the victim, drama queen, with a touch of narcissism. Long story short this person had sent me numerous emails basically calling me out on some things that I had done I had either offended them or done them wrong. To be honest these are ridiculous things. Petty things. And then there were some valid points where I knew I was wrong. In the end this person decided no longer to have a relationship with me. I don’t wanna go in the details here but this person basically cut me out of their lives via two or three emails and a drunk messages on my voicemail. This person was a hurt person and only saw themselves as a victim.

The difference between me and Harry is privacy. I was just thinking earlier today what if this person would’ve posted those emails onto my public Facebook account for the world “my friends“ to read a very unfavorable opinion of me. I would be devastated and to be honest with no longer want to have this person in my life. And the way I feel like this book is something comparable. He has issues with his own family members, many things are very petty like why bring up Williams baldness and tell the world his dad still has a teddy bear. He supposedly says an interview he hopes to have a relationship with his father and brother- Is he really an idiot? Or a complete narcissist.

He basically poured fire on the family and set a match to it.
I also find it very conniving to imply that the Cambridge’s And their Kensington home is so much more “wow” and they had things handed to them where Harry and Meghan were suffering living with Ikea furniture and using her credit card to buy a sofa. When a year later they were investing 3 million of their own money to refurbish Frogmoor.
Shall I do another bit of news? Yes, I have been posting so sparingly :P

The book is dedicated to Meghan, his children and his mother, but did you know there is also a list of people Harry thanks.

Harry's helpers
(Apparently it's a dozen, but the Telegraph only reports on 9)
- A Californian energy practitioner
To keep him physically and mentally strong.
- A chiropractor / yoga instructor in the US
- A pilates coach
- An acupuncturist in the US
- An acupuncturist in the UK
- Unnamed UK therapist
For helping unravel years of unresolved trauma
- A personal trainer
- A physiopsychologist
- A chiropractor in the in the UK

Interesting tidbits:
- The energy practitioner once claimed he could cure breast therapy. Also popular among other celebrities
- The chiropractor / yoga instructor is specialized in chronic back pain. Maybe Charles and Harry can bond while they do handstands in their underwear together.
- Both the acupuncturists in the US and the UK specialize in women's fertility issues and help during pregnancy
I feel like if I were one of these people ... if I were a credible "helper" ... I wouldn't want thanks for the "help" because the book makes it clear it didn't work.

And he had all these "helpers" in UK but couldn't hook his wife up with one.

What is the old "mantra" .... keep making up stories and telling lies and eventually the "facts" will change, the names will change, it will be difficult to keep it all straight (which is happening now). AND in this case it's on film and written down in books. He has shared so much, too much, and he's not going to be able to spin himself out of these stories. 🤥
To be a good liar, you need to have a good memory. And I just don't think he is that bright.

On a couple of forums here in the UK in the general chat sections where there is a thread about them, they are generally getting slaughtered.
I don't think it's going to end well for them, and I really think Harry's mental health needs to be seriously looked at.
From the DN

Prince Harry 'has been written out of King Charles' Coronation and will have no official role in the service if he attends' after he left Prince William 'burning with anger' following release of tell-all memoir “​

Shall I do another bit of news? Yes, I have been posting so sparingly :P

The book is dedicated to Meghan, his children and his mother, but did you know there is also a list of people Harry thanks.

Harry's helpers
(Apparently it's a dozen, but the Telegraph only reports on 9)
- A Californian energy practitioner
To keep him physically and mentally strong.
- A chiropractor / yoga instructor in the US
- A pilates coach
- An acupuncturist in the US
- An acupuncturist in the UK
- Unnamed UK therapist
For helping unravel years of unresolved trauma
- A personal trainer
- A physiopsychologist
- A chiropractor in the in the UK

Interesting tidbits:
- The energy practitioner once claimed he could cure breast cancer with his therapy. Also popular among other celebrities
- The chiropractor / yoga instructor is specialized in chronic back pain. Maybe Charles and Harry can bond while they do handstands in their underwear together.
- Both the acupuncturists in the US and the UK specialize in women's fertility issues and help during pregnancy
WTH is a "physiopsychologist"?!

and an "energy practitioner"? OMG, this is such a CA/Hollywood thing. It's probably some quack who charges an arm and a leg to wave their hands over you while they burn essential oil candles and chant a mantra.
I’ve been on vacation for about a week and boy have I missed some things. My first question is does anyone know if the royal family, Charles or William have been briefed before publication what was in this book? Because if they haven’t then I would only hope that they are done with Harry.

I’m trying to put myself in the place of the Royals versus Harry. It’s a bit OT but many years ago I had a falling out with a family member, very close. In a way Harry reminds me of this person. Playing the victim, drama queen, with a touch of narcissism. Long story short this person had sent me numerous emails basically calling me out on some things that I had done I had either offended them or done them wrong. To be honest these are ridiculous things. Petty things. And then there were some valid points where I knew I was wrong. In the end this person decided no longer to have a relationship with me. I don’t wanna go in the details here but this person basically cut me out of their lives via two or three emails and a drunk messages on my voicemail. This person was a hurt person and only saw themselves as a victim.

The difference between me and Harry is privacy. I was just thinking earlier today what if this person would’ve posted those emails onto my public Facebook account for the world “my friends“ to read a very unfavorable opinion of me. I would be devastated and to be honest with no longer want to have this person in my life. And the way I feel like this book is something comparable. He has issues with his own family members, many things are very petty like why bring up Williams baldness and tell the world his dad still has a teddy bear. He supposedly says an interview he hopes to have a relationship with his father and brother- Is he really an idiot? Or a complete narcissist.

He basically poured fire on the family and set a match to it.
I would hope a father has unconditional love for his child.
Shall I do another bit of news? Yes, I have been posting so sparingly :P

The book is dedicated to Meghan, his children and his mother, but did you know there is also a list of people Harry thanks.

Harry's helpers
(Apparently it's a dozen, but the Telegraph only reports on 9)
- A Californian energy practitioner
To keep him physically and mentally strong.
- A chiropractor / yoga instructor in the US
- A pilates coach
- An acupuncturist in the US
- An acupuncturist in the UK
- Unnamed UK therapist
For helping unravel years of unresolved trauma
- A personal trainer
- A physiopsychologist
- A chiropractor in the in the UK

Interesting tidbits:
- The energy practitioner once claimed he could cure breast cancer with his therapy. Also popular among other celebrities
- The chiropractor / yoga instructor is specialized in chronic back pain. Maybe Charles and Harry can bond while they do handstands in their underwear together.
- Both the acupuncturists in the US and the UK specialize in women's fertility issues and help during pregnancy
And then there is the psychic that assists him in communicating with Diana.
He's plenty wealthy. He has lots of choice in how he spends most his time.
I hope he occasionally takes time away from the new age hamster wheel to enjoy real life.
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I would hope a father has unconditional love for his child.
That is pretty naive. Common statistics are that about one in five Brits are estranged from a family member. In the US about 27% are currently estranged from a family member and 40% have experienced being estranged at some point. At some point in a pattern of hurtful behavior or abuse, even a loving father has a right to say enough is enough and refuse further communication. Sometimes silence, distance and forced estrangement are the most adult thing to do.
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From the DN

Prince Harry 'has been written out of King Charles' Coronation and will have no official role in the service if he attends' after he left Prince William 'burning with anger' following release of tell-all memoir “

That wasn't a big surprise, is it?

Question is if Harry would ever be in it in an official role. Even if he hadn't left the UK, he's 'only' fifth in line. It was likely that they would cancel the pledging allegiance for the royal dukes because it would be considered very weird to kiss the king on his cheek.

It might have been more prominent, as in having front row seats, but much more than that, I don't think was in the plan anyway.
Harry reveals his and William's secret code (Daily Mail)
Oh, and says that William lunged forward and grabbed his shirt again. Moehringer does have a flair for the dramatics, this can be in a tv-script without editing.

But seriously, revealing the secret code you have with your brother about your dead mother. I guess William is going to be pissed about that.

In his new autobiography 'Spare', the Duke of Sussex, 38, writes how his brother got heated during a half-hour walk near Frogmore Cottage following Philip's funeral on April 17, 2021.

Harry, William and Charles were reportedly discussing the interview he and Meghan Markle gave to Oprah the month before.

Harry claims was trying to address bullying allegations made against Meghan, but his father and brother 'weren't listening.'

The California-based royal went on to allege that William was 'really steaming' and grasped at him as he tried to walk away.

'I waved a hand, disgusted, but he lunged, grabbed my shirt. "Listen to me, Harold,"' Harry wrote in his book, according to The Sun.

'I pulled away, refused to meet his gaze. He forced me to look into his eyes. "Listen to me, Harold, listen! I love you, Harold! I want you to be happy."'

Harry claims he replied: 'I love you too…but your stubbornness is extraordinary!'
The Duke reportedly tried to pull away, but William allegedly 'grabbed him again' and 'twisted him' so the pair could maintain eye contact.

William then evoked the brother's so-called 'secret code' and swore on Princess Diana's life that his intentions were genuine, Harry penned.

He writes that William said: 'Harold, you must listen to me! I just want you to be happy, Harold. I swear I swear on Mummy's life.'

Harry continued: 'He stopped. I stopped. Pa stopped. He'd gone there.

'He'd used the secret code, the universal password. Ever since we were boys those three words were to be used only in times of extreme crisis.'

The Duke claimed his brother 'wasn't quite ready to accept defeat' and claimed to be 'properly sick and ill' over the tensions between the pair.

William allegedly reiterated: 'I swear to you now on Mummy's life that I just want you to be happy'.

Harry claims his 'voice broke' and he 'softly' told William: 'I really don't think you do.'

The elder brother then allegedly hugged Harry and said: 'I love you'.
That is pretty naive. Common statistics are that about one in five Brits are estranged from a family member. In the US about 27% are currently estranged from a family member and 40% have experienced being estranged at some point. At some point in a pattern of hurtful behavior or abuse, even a loving father has a right to say enough is enough and refuse further communication. Sometimes silence, distance and forced estrangement are the most adult thing to do.
You can love someone but choose not to enable bad or destructive behavior.
Meghan does kept freebies and she's not a bully. (Daily Mail)
It's custom for royal families to return the freebies they receive from fashion houses etc. Harry claims that Meghan did keep them, but only to hand out staff. And oh, there was no bullying.

Harry says: 'She shared all the freebies she received, clothes and perfumes and make-up, with all the women in the office.'

Harry includes the admission presumably to counteract previous reports that Meghan was rude to palace staff.

He says: 'I never heard her speak a bad word about anybody, or to anybody. On the contrary, I watched her redouble her efforts to reach out, to spread kindness.

'She sent out handwritten thank you notes, checked on staff who were ill, sent baskets of food or flowers or goodies to anyone struggling, depressed, off sick.'

Harry & Meghan sent a 25 page document to HR to tell them that Meghan is not a bully (Telergraph)
After describing how the King had told him to learn to live with the press and not to take it personally, Harry writes that he told them their own personal offices were making it easy for the press to attack him.

They had been helping to orchestrate a media campaign depicting his wife as a “tyrant”, writes Prince Harry.

“It was so outrageous,” the Duke says, “that even though Meg and I demonstrated their lie with a 25-page report to human resources full of evidence, it was going to be very hard for me to ignore it.”
That wasn't a big surprise, is it?

Question is if Harry would ever be in it in an official role. Even if he hadn't left the UK, he's 'only' fifth in line. It was likely that they would cancel the pledging allegiance for the royal dukes because it would be considered very weird to kiss the king on his cheek.

It might have been more prominent, as in having front row seats, but much more than that, I don't think was in the plan anyway.
I would also think security would be a big issue...not due to the Taliban though. I can only imagine how the British people feel. I'm thinking boos and eggs at the very least Why would Charles want this historical occaison to be sullied by M&M?
On to more serious stuff: Could Harry be denied his next visa over his drug use?
According to the Daily Mail, Harry is in the US on a special visa that needs to be renewed every three years. One question is about drug use. It is on a case-by-case basis, but it is part of the immigration process.

Also, what about his Taliban claims?
Basically every military who has spoken out about Harry's claims have said 'This was a stupid thing to say', it is a security risk. We have a reaction from the Taliban, one military man still in Afghanistan says he has left the country because of what Harry said. Some people in the Invictus Games are scared that Taliban could go after them at the event, if they cannot get to Harry.

But could this heightened security risk also impact Harry's visa?
just saw this mentioned on-line-interesting little oopsie,

Prince Harry could be barred from the US and has put his visa 'at risk' after admitting about his illicit drug usage, immigration experts have warned. The Duke of Sussex confessed to doing cocaine, smoking cannabis and taking hallucinogenic mushrooms in his upcoming memoir.

Typical applicants would be denied a visa over their history with illegal substances, but US authorities note entry into the country is granted on a 'case-by-case' basis. It is unclear if Harry, who moved in 2020, detailed his drug use on his visa application. Immigration experts warn that if he 'lied' about his past, the Duke could have his visa revoked.

US immigration rules state an individual's 'current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities . . . may make the applicant ineligible for a visa'.

It is unclear what type of US visa Harry holds, but analysts speculate he either holds a spousal visa - sponsored by his American wife - or a O-1 visa which is given to people with 'extraordinary ability'.

If Harry holds an O-1 visa, which is often given to celebrities and athletes, it would have to be renewed after three years. The Sussexes relocated to California in 2020, meaning his visa could be set to expire this year. His renewal application could be impacted by his newly admitted history with drugs. Immigration experts, however, note Harry should have been denied residency in the US if he failed to disclose his drug usage during the application process.

Anyone seeking temporary or permanent residency in the US must answer a series of questions about their criminal and drug history during when applying.

'He would have been asked [about drug use]. If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied,' Prof Alberto Benítez, director of George Washington University's Immigration Clinic, told. The professor argued that if Harry did not detail his drug use, he would have been 'perjuring himself on an official US government document'.

US State Department officials declined to answer the newspaper's query about whether or not his admission of drug use would 'cause difficulties' with his immigration status.
William thinks Harry is 'brainwashed' by therapists. (Daily Mail)
And he didn't want to go to counselling with his brother. Which I think makes sense if you think your brother's therapists brainwashed your brother.

Prince William believed that his brother Harry was being 'brainwashed' by the therapist he was seeing, the younger Royal has claimed in his explosive memoirs.

The Duke of Sussex says his sibling was so worried about what he was being exposed to at his confidential sessions that he even asked to come along to one.

Harry also accuses William of believing 'I was unwell, which meant I was unwise' as he made plans to leave Royal duties for a new life abroad.

The Duke also says he tried to patch up their relationship with a joint therapy session, telling William it would 'be good for you. Good for us'.

But William did not take up the offer.
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