Has anything OUTRAGEOUS ever happened at your school?

In Jr. High, my friends & I were outside at lunch watching an Army helicopter fly overhead at a pretty high altitude. Someone joked, wouldn't it be funny if that thing landed here? Next thing we knew, it circled a couple times, and did in fact land at the school (engine trouble as it turns out).

A boy from my daughter's school was kidnapped after he got off the bus after school. Another local kid gave police a great description of a strange truck he saw in the neighborhood. 4 days later, they rescued the boy after finding the truck an hour away. Also in the apartment was another boy who'd been kidnapped many years earlier.
There was a food fight at my daughter's high school last week. It was the top news story on the local news for the rest of the week. :headache:
Our small private school was cleared out and we were sent home several times over the years for bomb threats. This was back in the late 80's early 90's.
A few years ago someone hide a gun in one of the second floor boys rooms. One of the teachers went in the grab a few towels for his classroom. He pulled and got none so he pulled harder and the gun fell out and discharged. NO one was hurt but the entire school ended up on lock down for a few hours. DH was a few doors down from the bathroom. I was on the first floor teaching another class.

In my high school years ago seniors were allowed to leave campus when their classes were over even of it was not the end of the day. One senior left and went to a local bar and had a few drinks and then realized he had left a book he needed at school. He went back to get it and was caught with alcohol on his breath and was expelled. Back to public school for him. Well know school in DC btw.
My high school (which I graduated 20 years ago :eek:) filmed several movies.

Just One of the Guys
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

and 2 Disney movies (for TV)

Not Quite Human
Just Perfect
(filmed when I was in school. They relocated my English class for a week while filming. Saw Jenny Garth from a distance -- which was pretty cool since it was right before Beverly Hills 90210.)

Pretty tame, but that is my high schools claim to fame. :rotfl:

I can guess the school for the top two movies (being a native of that state myself)!
Don't know if anyones every done this on a thread before but yep, has anything totally out of the ordinary ever happened, or has anything really INTERESTING happened.
Just wondering x
Are you kidding? At least twice a week! Now that it's May, the crazy stuff'll double or triple.
I can guess the school for the top two movies (being a native of that state myself)!

What a great state it is! I miss living there. :(

Just One of the Guys filmed at two schools to fit the storyline. My hs was the lesser featured one since it was the school she attended before becoming a guy.

The really weird thing is that I cannot recognize my high school today. They completely remodeled it -- it looks nothing like it did 20 years ago! It boggles my mind because I never thought of a high school being completely overhauled. There is even a facebook page about missing the original school. :laughing:

They did keep the one signature to the school, the multi-story mosaic of the 7 arts. It really is remarkable looking at that mosaic close up.

My school made world news twice in aout a month for a small bomb that went off in the cafeteria, and for antigay slurs at a rival football game.
My son's elementary school caught on fire during school hours. Some kids skipping school snuck in a caught the stage curtains on fire.

That was in Feb. District shuffled kids to local church school that had closed until Sept.
When DD was in elementary school, they won the "Nick Takes Over Your School" contest. As a matter of fact, I just pulled out the VHS last night. :)

Friends in college didn't believe her until she pulled out the t-shirt that she had signed by some of the cast members. She still wears it every now and then. ;)

Her favorite part was watching the teachers and principal covered in green slime and then watching bits of it on tv. :happytv:
Just this past February a student walked into the cafeteria with a rifle and shot himself in the head, my daughter was about 5 feet away from him. Scary stuff, middle school aged child. He survived and is making good recovery, hopefully emotionally also.
Nothing really crazy in ole' Ohio but someone came to school drunk for graduation practice and almost didn't get to walk for his diploma. However, being the hypocritical school it was, nothing happened in the end.
Well. I went to a very backwoods-type school so we had our share of crazy incidents.

My sophomore year and again my brother's junior's year (I was a freshman in college by then), two different couples were caught getting intimate in the handicapped bathroom in the Ag Building.

My senior, two girls left campus and told the attendance secretary that they were going to take pictures for the yearbook. They were caught enjoying lunch at Taco Bell (not in town but one of the other nearby towns). Sadly, both of these girls were "favorites" of the principal, assistant principal, and several teachers so they weren't punished severely (only ones irritated were the attendance secretary and the yearbook supervisor).

Oh, and one of the most interesting incidents, a former principal was attacked by one of the school delinquents. They actually punished him by making him joining the choir because the director is like a drill sergeant and keeps her students in line (including my brother).

And one more that recently happened, the most recent homecoming queen cheated on her homecoming king boyfriend... and got pregnant by the "other man." My brother said that the couple is no longer together (obviously).


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