Have You Ever Formally Protested or Boycotted Anything?

In fact, the college I went to had a horrible team. They played in the same stadium as the Eagles, and from what I heard they were lucky to draw 1000 people...in a 60,000 seat stadium. Closest big time college program was Penn State, which is 5 hours away. Nobody paid attention, Philly is a professional sports town...Eagles, Phillies, etc...

Not anymore. Matt Rhule turned that team around. AAC Champions in 2016. Went to a bowl game two years running (although they lost both).

We'll see what happens now that Rhule is at Baylor. :(
I don't think so, but it doesn't matter what we think.

I got points once for using the "nickname" of the ACA. I was told simply mentioning that name was "political".

There's a current healthcare/insurance thread. Thanks for the heads up.
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I forgot I also used to not support the Boy Scouts.

Thanks for reminding me I don't support the Girl Scouts, which, in practice, means I refuse to buy the cookies; that's the only contact I have with them. I disagree with some of their national organization positions. Of course, I'm always polite to the kids; I don't get in their faces like those people you see on youtube.
I don't support the GS anymore either by buying their cookies. They have gone up to $5 a box, with less in them and they just don't taste the same anymore. I have friends and family members in GS so I do see how the money goes to the girls, but I'm at the point where my purse needs a break.
Keebler and Aldi's have their own versions, much better tasting and much better price!
I don't support the GS anymore either by buying their cookies. They have gone up to $5 a box, with less in them and they just don't taste the same anymore. I have friends and family members in GS so I do see how the money goes to the girls, but I'm at the point where my purse needs a break.
Keebler and Aldi's have their own versions, much better tasting and much better price!

My neighbor's kids used to sell them, and I thought it was nuts at $4 a box.

Their kids aren't in GS anymore and I haven't been asked to buy in about 5 years, and I don't buy from the girls in front of stores. But at $5 a box, nope.
I used to be a girl scout though I only did 2 years worth since no mother in the area wanted to continue with it. I know it's what is being recommended/told nowadays and to an extent I actually get it but I don't particularly like that they just put up shop at Walmart or other areas and this includes the boy scouts too.

There are however a few boy scouts in my neighborhood that do still go door to door. Unfortunately we kept getting lawn/pest care and that very annoying magazine sale scam solitictations so we put up a no soliticting sign so the boy scouts haven't really come up to the door since and the lawn/pest care has dropped dramatically. On a side note it seems at least in our experience the only people who refuse to obey the no soliticting are the magazine scams and they are never nice about it either. When I lived in various apartments with a no soliticting on property they didn't care and now that we have our house with the sign they still don't care. And what's more annoying is that I did the magazine sales...legitimately back in 7th and 8th grade as part of a fundraising for a charity through my middle school.

Sorry that was sorta a tangent there.
I used to not support that Priceline website, although, once they started to support me, I've changed my views. I think they're the best now.

You mean the one where people post winning bids? I got kicked off of that one a long time ago.
Don't know if this counts as a "formal" boycott, but in 7th grade my middle school protested the school lunches and stopped buying lunches because they started serving really terrible quality food and charging our parents more for it. They made about $70 in sales of lunches one day for the whole school so the good food quickly returned ; p
Not really. I stopped watching tlc after the duggsar nonsense. I don't think any of them should have shows. I didn't make a stink I just stopped watching o
I've done a lot of letter/e-mail writing and a handful of boycotts, but never protests until recently. I'm so introverted that I border on hermit, so I have to be really worked up to start getting involved in protests and other in-person activism.

I can't imagine avoiding news! I probably should, it would be a nice mental health break, but I think not knowing what's going on in the world would stress me out worse than knowing does. And as much as the media can be part of the problem at times, I can't imagine relying only on primary sources without any fact checking or filter, especially not in the current climate, because that can be a long way from truthful.

But I like the point made upthread about a boycott not mattering if it isn't some place you'd go otherwise. I do boycott Hobby Lobby, and I'm a crafter so that's a conscious choice. The only Chik-Fil-A locations in my state are on a college campus over an hour from me and in the airport, so "boycotting" them would be meaningless because I'm not going anyway (Although, didn't they back off of the donation that prompted the boycott in the first place? I seem to think I read that somewhere but since they aren't a presence around me it went in one ear and out the other.). Likewise, I laugh when I hear my friends talk about boycotting Hamilton (Um, you don't travel, you hate big cities, and you've never been to a musical... Way to take a stand!) or Starbucks (If you complained when McDs ended the $1 coffee promo, Starbucks probably isn't your thing. Especially since the closest one is 20 miles from here.).
A little off topic but the reason so much money is put into college football is that it is the sport that draws crowds. Outside of basketball and sometimes baseball I can't think of other sports that draw much of a crowd here. And those crowds bring money and a loyal following to a school better than anything else. My school makes mega bucks just by sharing in the SEC financial pool. Even more than the gate. Personally I love the game better played at the college level. The NFL bores me. Around here college football is a way of life loved by many, NFL not so much.

While football and basketball are the sports that draw the crowds, most programs still operate at a loss which means tax dollars subsidize the sports programs. I have big issues with that - my last year of college, the tuition hike raised exactly what the university spent on a new basketball area with a private workout space for varsity athletes (there is already a fitness center on campus) and a custom floor in school colors. What a great use of tuition dollars, especially for the students borrowing to be there! And this isn't a D1 school where sports are big; it is a suburban commuter college that is never televised, never makes the tourney, etc.

But I don't boycott. Because I never went to or watched games in the first place, so it would be silly to dress up my lack of interest as something meaningful.


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