Hey Doopy! Dat's mine! UPDATE 6/13 DHS/EPCOT DAY!!

Fun night Heather! You look lovely in all the pics and of course Hollie and your DH too :)

I have never done the Luau. Just not something I ever had time for. Maybe on an adults trip I'll check it out. I do want a coconut head drink though ;)

So from the background of this picture, can I assume that Hollie was playing with the backscratcher from your drink? :rotfl2: Too funny!

You guys look so pretty! You and Hollie, that is. I don't think Chad would appreciate me calling him pretty. ;)
I can't believe this has been up for 4 days and I just saw it. I am missing out on my dis board time. Anyway as you know I want to do the Luau but have never in the million times that I go to the Poly we have not done it. Maybe next year :)
Hey everybody! I promise I have not forgotten all of you or this TR. We have been in the process of moving and getting the girls ready for school, packing, all that fun stuff! I will be back soon!
Geez, I am very far behind!!!!! I will get started on our MVMCP day tomorrow!
Fun night Heather! You look lovely in all the pics and of course Hollie and your DH too :)

I have never done the Luau. Just not something I ever had time for. Maybe on an adults trip I'll check it out. I do want a coconut head drink though ;)

Oh Rosie you have to do the luau!!! I know I have heard people don't like it as much as the old show that they had, but we still love it!! So much fun!!
Oh, and do get the coconut drink ;)

So from the background of this picture, can I assume that Hollie was playing with the backscratcher from your drink? :rotfl2: Too funny!

You guys look so pretty! You and Hollie, that is. I don't think Chad would appreciate me calling him pretty. ;)

LOL!! Yes!!! It was hilarious!!!

What's funny is my mom tells him he is pretty all the time and you should see the face he makes!! Lol

I can't believe this has been up for 4 days and I just saw it. I am missing out on my dis board time. Anyway as you know I want to do the Luau but have never in the million times that I go to the Poly we have not done it. Maybe next year :)

Well, now its been up for months and I am awful at updating it!! lol
Now we are on to our MVMCP day! We all slept in a little this morning. The plan was to get up and go to an early lunch at T-Rex and hang around DTD a bit. Then go back and get ready for MVMCP. So we all got up and just sat around a bit. We got to DTD and had an early ADR at T-Rex. So we walked in a few stores along the way and went straight for T-Rex. We got seated and of course, Hollie was loving the place as usual. This was Chad, Hannah, and his moms first time there. Chad thought it was pretty cool and by the look on Hannah’s face, you could tell she was amazed!

Here is sweet Hollie

I did not take pictures of food this time, which didn’t surprise me. It was loud in there and MIL was acting a little off and very quiet. So we just tried to hurry up and eat and head on out. Hannah was a little freaked out when the pterodactyl’s above us would start moving. She was not a fan!! Lol

We got finished eating and MIL decided she was going to sit in the car while we went to Goofy’s kitchen to get Hollie and Hannah a treat. She ended up taking Hannah with her. So we went to Goofys’, got each of the girls a treat, then headed back to the car.

We went back to the hotel and just rested a bit. Around this time, MIL told Chad she was not going to the MVMCP that night. It had started to get a little chilly and she didn’t feel well at all. Something was definitely off. Hannah was tired and we knew if we took her to the party, she would not last past 7:30, so we decided to leave her with MIL. So I got Hollie and myself ready for the party. We ended up leaving the room around 3:30.

Here is a picture of my sweet girl on the way!

We made it to the TTC and got on the tram

Did I say it was chilly??? Oh my goodness, it was!! I loved it! But I also forgot my hoodie!

We decided to ride the boat over

My favorite resort!!

We made it in!!! First things first, we headed towards the New Fantasyland just to see what that girl Ariel was all about!

We loved it! I took more pictures on our MK day

Next up

Yes, I am a whimp and I ride by myself or with Hannah. I just can't take the spinning!

Waiting for Space mountain

Next up was Chad's favorite

By the time we got off, the parade was getting ready to start so we watched a little bit of it

continued in next post
Someone got a hold of my camera while we were waiting on our food at Peco's Bills!

Afterwards we headed to Pirate's of the Caribbean which ended up being the only ride we rode for the rest of the night! More on that later!

We decided to go up front on Main Street so I could find me a hoodie. Did I tell you it was COLD!!

I love these pictures of Hollie!! Trying to catch the snow in her hands...and her mouth! lol

I could not find one in any of the shops we were in. However, Chad did. Let me tell you why! If you notice in the pictures on the tram, he is holding a coat. By this time he was not. He put his coat in his lap while we were riding Space Mountain and I bet you can all guess what happened. YES....his coat flew out of his arms. It was a heavy coat and he had it tucked down between his legs and didn't even notice it was gone till he was getting off the ride.

We headed back to...you guessed it. POTC. This ended up being Hollie's favorite ride this trip. I can tell you we ended up riding this ride about 12 times this night. I was bummed because I wanted her to enjoy the party and see all the characters, (I waited in line from 6:30 till 7:15 for those 7 little shorties!) and she wasn't having it!! We decided to just let her choose what she wanted to do and POTC was it!

We did end up meeting this guy

I look like a giddy school girl!! You would have thought that was Johnny Depp right there. It's kind of embarrassing now!! lol

After we met Jack, we headed back to.....POTC!

I tried my best to get a picture of the new mermaid part to it and could not get it right

Next we went to my favorite....HM!!

continued in next post
We went for a snack and saw that they were doing the fireworks so we watched for a bit

we actually called it a night. I know, I was surprised too!! We saw a little bit of the show in front of the castle and I attempted to take pictures

Here is my sweet baby girl getting ready to leave!

Awww so long MVMCP!!!

We got back to the room and of course, Hannah was passed out asleep. MIL said she still wasn't feeling quite well. We would soon find out the next morning!!

Our DHS/Epcot day/ what did we choose to do today/uh oh....are we gonna get in?? Coming up!
Looked like a fun evening.

I hope she isn't too sick.

Love the snow coming down.
I'm kind of glad you went so long without an update, gave me a chance to catch up ;)

I love all the applique dresses, they look so cute on the girls! We went to MVMCP a week or so before you last year, I remember it being a little chilly! We had a blast though!

I'm right there with Hannah, bring on the bacon :thumbsup2
Great post!! I love MVMCP! And I think it is great ya'll let Hollie choose what to do! Way to leave us hanging! But I do hope your MIL isn't too sick!
I'm behind and playing catchup!!


Love the Grinch!!

Here I am with the train conductor! Yay!


Same conductor I met!

This place is just amazing!


:thumbsup2 I loved it! I could have just walked around all day there.
Okay, so somehow I had already seen the Chef Mickey part and I think I commented on it, but in case I didn't, I LOVED Hannah's face when she saw Mickey and her telling Goofy to get his hands off her bacon!! :lmao:

Also I have to take Seth to T-Rex next time. He is obsessed with dinosaurs right now....he'd die.

Um....hello!!!!! :hyper:
The next time I am in Disney World, I will be seeing Christmas trees, and it may be cold, so I was really relating to your pictures. ::yes::
Did you ever find his coat? OMG, can you imagine if it hit someone els ont he train? It would be like getting hit with a meteor!

I love how excited you are about Jack Sparrow! Cute!

I had decided not to do the Christmas party but now you are making me possibly change my mind! I love snow on Main St!! And where did you get your shirt? I might need that!
I'm sorry your MIL wasn't feeling so hot. Did you have advance tickets bought already? What a bummer!

Losing a coat is something I would do. I did at AK actually but someone nice turned it in for me. :) Sorry that happened to you guys!
Hey Heather! :wave2: Trying to catch up on everyone's PTR/TR's. Having fun looking at all your pics. Sounds like MIL was getting sick on the trip! :crazy2: Can't believe Chad's coat went flying off the ride! I've done that so many times. Will have to re-think that from now on. :scared1:
Did you ever find his coat? OMG, can you imagine if it hit someone els ont he train? It would be like getting hit with a meteor!

I love how excited you are about Jack Sparrow! Cute!

I had decided not to do the Christmas party but now you are making me possibly change my mind! I love snow on Main St!! And where did you get your shirt? I might need that!

No, but thankfully at night once the park closed it was sent to lost and found. So they ended up mailing it to us.

LOL He was so fun to get a picture with! :goodvibes

I ended up getting the shirt at Old navy. They have the cutest character shirts!

I'm sorry your MIL wasn't feeling so hot. Did you have advance tickets bought already? What a bummer!

Losing a coat is something I would do. I did at AK actually but someone nice turned it in for me. :) Sorry that happened to you guys!

We did, I tried to see if there was anyone we could give hers too. We asked people coming out of the park if anyone were going to the party that night and hadn't bought their tickets, but no luck. :(

Hey Heather! :wave2: Trying to catch up on everyone's PTR/TR's. Having fun looking at all your pics. Sounds like MIL was getting sick on the trip! :crazy2: Can't believe Chad's coat went flying off the ride! I've done that so many times. Will have to re-think that from now on. :scared1:

Oh she sure did!! When I tell you guys how sick she was you won't believe it!



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