Hey Mickey You're So Fine but Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Updated 1/7 Day 7 the end

This is a cool picture! Love it!

I liked that one. Low light and a bouncy truck usually mean bad pics. That one turned out well of the city skyline.

Oh your poor grandson! I am sure he is fully recovered now, but that is always so scary.

He is doing much better, thanks. Of course he went back to playing ball in 2 weeks and he's a pitcher so I was worried that he would rip something open. He's young and in great shape so he seems to be OK.

And your granddaughter with her smashed hand. Ouch!

Thankfully she is OK too. She did try to stretch the injury out so she didn't have to play ball. I promised her that this will be her last season.

And your missing cat. That's a shame. Poor kitty.

He's still not home but a neighbor has spotted him a couple of times so we are still hoping to get him back.

When DID you manage to pack? :laughing:

Saturday night at 10 PM right before I fell asleep. :lmao:

Yay for arriving! Your room looks really nice. I just love AK! :thumbsup2

It was my first stay there and I loved it.

We are not going on the cruise, I forgot to clear my ticker.:eek:. Emily and I had a last minute trip to Disney in the end of March on the way from visiting my Dad. I am planning to go in December for the PopWarner, my niece Anna, they came in 1st place last year in her age group. This year she is guaranteed to go.

Darn, I was hoping for some pointers. I have been a little worried about going on the cruise, it's the first time for us. A quick trip to Disney is always nice though. And I love Disney for the holidays. Enjoy.

Little bit of a challenge to get to the vacation.

Just a little bit.

MMM, that breakfast wrap looks good.

Not the healthiest breakfast but a great start and Buy 1 get 1 free is always good.

Lovely phone. Get the weather app off and download hd widget. They have a free one. Great weather app.

I HATE my phone. I have more issues with it and the battery. I am afraid to load anything to it.

I love the monorail at MCO. It is officially my first ride.

I do like the monorail there. It makes me feel like I have truly arrived.

Nice pics around the resort. I now want to go there. I miss it.

It really was a nice resort and I loved wandering around at different times of the day. So pretty and relaxing.
Day 1 Part 2

I left off waiting for Kristel. She texted at 12:04, yes that is the exact time I haven't erased my texts yet, that she was at the guard station and entering the property. Let her know that I was waiting and intended to get a picture of her arrival but I forgot what her car looked like and a ME bus pulled up.

She unloaded her stuff and loaded me and the scooter down. Who needs Bell Services when you have me? I started up to the room and she parked the car. After unloading everything and a quick look around we were ready to go. I just brought up a minor detail for her to think about. WHERE TO CHARGE THE SCOOTER???? This room was not big and I had looked at several options. We finally decide to charge it at the bathroom sinks. There was an outlet and I don't need much space for my needs so it worked.

Finally we were on our way to the bus stop. I had ONE day to see the Flower and Garden exhibits. I was ready to go. We arrived at the bus stops and within minutes an EPCOT bus pulled up. Soon we were seeing this

Scott posted on his TR once that one of us is a lady and one of us tweets. I finally understood what he meant. I will not tell you what she posted but I finally figured out who was the lady.

Loved the little waterfall

And the glass flowers were gorgeous, especially when the light him them just right

We then headed in so I could get some more pictures

I loved the ladybug bow on Minnie

Since we were right there we decided to go on Spaceship Earth. Only one picture because I was not happy with any of them. I was having some camera issues again.

We got off of the ride and I headed over to get the scooter. And I panicked.

"Umm Kristel? Did you see my wallet by any chance????"

"No. Isn't it in your bag?"

"No, I had it in my back pocket. It isn't there."

We checked where we sat before we went on the ride. Not there!

We checked the scooter and my bag. Not there!

I went into full doomsday mode and was almost in tears. I never cry. I am not one of those weepy women and I wished I was at that point.

I told Kristel I was heading back to the resort. I thought maybe I dropped it there or on the bus. The wallet is more of a small badge case. It is the perfect size to hold a credit card or two, my license and a miniature of my husband's badge. She said she would come back with me.

Thankfully a bus was there almost immediately. As I worried I could here my mother's voice in the back of my head.

"Calm down! It will all work out!"

I tried to listen. I figured the credit card and rewards card were easily canceled. Just had to call Chase. The gift card was only $50. I could take that loss in stride. I didn't know if Jim would get in trouble over the badge but he would deal with that. That left one burning question - HOW DO I GET HOME???? Jim was out of town most of the week. He couldn't try and get me a new license and mail it to me. I could stay with my aunt for a few days. She lives about 30 minutes from Disney and I know she would put me up. I also figured this must happen a lot. I'm sure something can be done to get me home as scheduled.

The bus pulled up and I was off. I sped back to the room. I prayed a lot. I repeated my mom's voice in my head. I parked the scooter in the hallway an then couldn't line the Mickey heads up. SLOOOOOW DOWN. I got in the room.

The wallet isn't on the bed or the table. It isn't in the bathroom. One last place to look - I opened the safe. No wallet. Then what was that on the floor??? The wallet!!!! YAY!!!! It fell out of my pocket into the closet.

I calmed down. I met Kristel at the door with a huge grin on my face. She looked at me and said: "Button your pocket or put it in the bag." OK I deserved that. We looked out the window for any wild life. None. Headed back to the bus stop and an EPCOT bus was pulling in. We were off. It only took about 90 minutes total to go round trip and search the room.

Soon we were seeing this again.

We moved on after a couple of quick pictures. We found Goofy playing soccer

Not sure what Donald was doing

Some pretty views

Phineas and Ferb- and I still can't remember which one is which. My grandson tells me and then I forget again

The first butterfly of the trip

We ventured further on towards the World Showcase and finally - the Fantasia topiaries. I have been to Epcot a couple of times for the Flower & Garden and never could find them.

Sorcerer Mickey

Dancing Hippos and Ostriches?

and the Mushroom People

I was happy. The minor disaster was behind us. The big question now - Mexico or Canada? Close to the picture limit so I leave you to ponder the question
Well after all that drama I vote for Mexico because the Ditch is there and you know what that means!!!! Margaritas! :cool1: You definitely needed one after all that excitement. So glad you found your wallet without too much trouble, but what a scary feeling. And how inconvenient to have to head back, but what a relief!

Love all the pictures from Epcot! F&G is just so festive!
I'm joining! We were there from May 16th to the 25th. :)

I am so glad that the wallet crisis was diverted! I could not imagine. I had a minor moment on this last trip that I thought for sure my annual pass was gone. Not the same as an entire wallet, but I couldn't imagine the freak out I would have with a lost wallet. I'm not a weepy woman either. :lmao:
Well after all that drama I vote for Mexico because the Ditch is there and you know what that means!!!! Margaritas! :cool1: You definitely needed one after all that excitement. So glad you found your wallet without too much trouble, but what a scary feeling. And how inconvenient to have to head back, but what a relief!

We shall see. I had an agenda. The wallet was scary but a bump in the road. I wasn't happy losing the time with going back to the resort. I felt rushed he rest of the day.

Love all the pictures from Epcot! F&G is just so festive!

I went to F&G twice before and absolutely love it. I hope to go down again for it next year.

I'm joining! We were there from May 16th to the 25th. :)

:welcome: Who knows maybe our paths crossed.

I am so glad that the wallet crisis was diverted! I could not imagine. I had a minor moment on this last trip that I thought for sure my annual pass was gone. Not the same as an entire wallet, but I couldn't imagine the freak out I would have with a lost wallet. I'm not a weepy woman either. :lmao:

Losing the wallet definitely was a panic moment. I actually was more worried about my license and my husband's badge miniature than anything. The credit card was easily taken care of and I had almost no cash in it. I also had a plan to stay with my aunt if I had to til I could replace the license. The one regret is that I had no time to visit her again.
Day 1 Part 3 I hope.

We had reached the pathway for the WS but which way to go? We decided it would be crowded in Canada and Kristel wanted a margarita. So off towards Mexico we went. Kristel had plans to drink I had plans to eat.

We came upon our first food booth - Urban Farm Eats. I had read menus for several weeks and had what I wanted written down in my little notebook. I knew I had one day so I was prepared. Guess being a scout when I was younger paid off. But what did I get you ask?

Land-grown eggplant "scallop" with romesco sauce and spaghetti squash - $3.75

I love eggplant and I love spaghetti squash, how could I go wrong? They were good but that sauce needed a disclaimer - it was SPICY!!!! I was not prepared for that. Overall not bad but not great. I went with a stars ranking and it got 4 out of 5. Kristel got the pickled beet salad and enjoyed that.

We ventured further into WS and came to Jardin de Fiestas. I was ready I knew just what I wanted.

Quesadilla de hongos con queso - Flour tortilla filled with mushrooms and cheese - $5.25

This was fantastic. Very cheesy and enough mushrooms that you knew they were in there. A definite 5 stars. Some salsa or guacamole would have been great with it though.

The margarita???? Yep Kristel was disappointed. There were about 10 people in line and she was not going to wait.

We moved forward to Norway. We wanted to ride Maelstrom but there was a 40 minute wait. Yet almost no one going in the FP line. We skipped it. We hd all week. I did get the troll topiary

I liked it but I joked that his teeth reminded me of chiclets gum. Kristel agreed after looking at them a second time.

Onward we went. Next up China and the Lotus House.

This was an easy choice. Beijing-style candied strawberries - $4.25

I had these last year and I wasn't disappointed. I shared with Kristel and she liked it too. A definite 5 stars. Only complaint is that they get sticky.

While munching away on the strawberries I got a picture of the Pandas

And the view

It was just a beautiful day. As we traveled on the next thing to see was the Lion King topiaries

I didn't get Timon as it was rather sunny and my camera refused to fire the flash for fill in. Was this the start of the camera issues I had before the trip? I hoped not.

Next on the agenda was Florida Fresh an another favorite from last year - Watermelon salad with pickled onions, BW Farm baby arugula, feta cheese and balsamic reduction $3.50.

I was not happy. It was too salty and had too much Balsamic on it. The watermelon last year was nice big chunks and this year tiny pieces. It rated a 3 stars and that was generous.

I did find a pretty flower to distract me.

I was having some soft focus issues too but I blame that on the lens and my forgetting to put it on macro. Maybe that was my Ip Dip moment.

Next up was Germany and Grumpy. OK Snow White and the Seven Dwarves but Grumpy was there.

Sorry I get carried away with them. My earliest Disney memory was a set of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves vinyl toys that I got for my first Christmas. I had Grumpy until my kids were born but sadly he has since been lost.

Anyway we found Kermit and Miss Piggy nearby

And then we made it to Italy and the Primavera Kitchen.

I had Caprese - Fior di latte mozzarella, roasted peppers and olio verde $5.75

and Torta di ricotta - Lemon cheesecake with limoncello-marinated strawberries $5.00

The Caprese was awful. The peppers were bitter tasting and the whole thing was drowning in oil. The cheese was ok. This got 1 1/2 stars. Really was not worth the money.

The Torta was a little better. The strawberries were very good. The cheesecake was not the texture I am used t but not bad. I gave that a 4 stars. Kristel took one look at the Caprese and said "No Way" when I offered her some. The cheesecake wasn't "OK". I think she had a drink of some sort here but honestly f0rget what it was.

At this point it was a little after 4 PM and we had certainly hurried through but definitely made up for the lost time.

Picture limit so more to come.
The food at 'cot looks great, sorry it was disappointing. Of course it looks good because I am starving right now...ha ha. Anyway sounds like a fun day so far.
The food at 'cot looks great, sorry it was disappointing. Of course it looks good because I am starving right now...ha ha. Anyway sounds like a fun day so far.

Some was good and some disappointing but I would eat it right now too. Almost time for my yogurt. Have lost some weight but have more to go til I am happy. I want to lose about 25 more pounds before my cruise, especially after seeing me in some of the pics this trip. :scared1:
LOl. She can be a lady.
Kristel text me about the missing wallet.
Glad you found it.
The pics of F&G are beautiful.
40 minute wait for Maelstrom? Good lord.
I like Kermit and Miss Piggy.
Was the cheesecake the “Italian cheesecake”? I do not care for that.
Following along. I like the story of how you guys met. Thank goodness the DIS seems pretty safe!
LOl. She can be a lady.


Kristel text me about the missing wallet.
Glad you found it.

Did she? I don't know if she was mad or not but it was a lousy way to start a vacation

The pics of F&G are beautiful.


40 minute wait for Maelstrom? Good lord.

That was insane. The ride is not worth waiting that long.

I like Kermit and Miss Piggy.

I always have liked them.

Was the cheesecake the “Italian cheesecake”? I do not care for that.

Yes it was. I did not like it that much.

Following along. I like the story of how you guys met. Thank goodness the DIS seems pretty safe!

:welcome: Thanks for joining in. We did meet through the DIS and it has been great. The DIS was safe for me at least.


There will be an update coming in the next day or so. I had one all typed out and when I tried to post it the DIS was loading slow and off my update went to cyberspace. Just been really busy with baseball all weekend. We had a tn of rain so a lot of make up games keeps me busy.
I'm caught up. Wow...what a few days leading up to your trip and then the scare with the wallet.

Love your room pictures.

I'm glad the wallet was found.

Some of that food looks really yummy.

***I started my TR if you want to join (it's linked in my signature)
Glad to see you started a new TR! Always glad to see another Philly native on the boards. sounds like with how everything was so crazy before you left that you really needed this trip!

Wow! It's rare you see I-95 through the city with light traffic! LOL.

Sorry you had to deal with the wallet issue but good it was in the room when you went back and didn't cost you that much time.

Glad you were able to catch the end of the F&G fest. We went in 2011, arriving the last day but we didn't go to Epcot until the day after, luckily for us a good number of the topiaries were still up most of the week so we still got to see them.
I'm caught up. Wow...what a few days leading up to your trip and then the scare with the wallet.

I did have a bad week but my DGD's hand is all better and Jay is back to playing baseball so all is good.

Love your room pictures.

Thank you. I loved the room and the resort.

I'm glad the wallet was found.

I was happier to have found it. I could have worked things out but not easily.

Some of that food looks really yummy.

Some of it was VERY good. I like that they added the booths to the F&G.

I started my TR if you want to join (it's linked in my signature)

:welcome: Thanks for joining in. I have been so busy with baseball and the grandkids that I have popped in and out all week. I will be over.

Glad to see you started a new TR! Always glad to see another Philly native on the boards. sounds like with how everything was so crazy before you left that you really needed this trip!

:welcome: Glad you joined in. It was a crazy week for sure.

Wow! It's rare you see I-95 through the city with light traffic! LOL.

I actually had one picture with no cars at all. That is really rare. I don't know how my DH deals with the traffic every day.

Sorry you had to deal with the wallet issue but good it was in the room when you went back and didn't cost you that much time.

I was really happy it was there It was a small blip and we moved on,

Glad you were able to catch the end of the F&G fest. We went in 2011, arriving the last day but we didn't go to Epcot until the day after, luckily for us a good number of the topiaries were still up most of the week so we still got to see them.

I was there last year and loved it. I had to stay off site at my aunt's, my mom and dad wouldn't let me travel alone. I know I have grandkids but they are still my parents. And I did have fun seeing my aunt. The bad thing was having to leave early every day.

There were still some things around later in the week. Updates coming soon.
Day 1 Part 4
Here’s hoping this works. I had an update done and ready to post and had an issue with the DIS not loading. On the suggestion of a friend I am trying this in word and then pasting it on the DIS.

Anyway when I left off we had reached the halfway point of WS or the American Adventure. Got a pic of Lottso

And Woody

Then the main reason to be here The Smokehouse: Barbecue and Brews.
We both got Smoked beef brisket with collard greens and jalapeño corn bread $6.75 but used a snack credit.

We both enjoyed it and it is a great use of a snack credit. My only complaint is that the brisket is way too thick. I live BBQ Pitmasters and they will tell you that thick brisket is tough brisket. The greens were good with some pieces of bacon but a little spicy. The cornbread was the perfect balance of sweet and heat. Give it 4 stars only because of the thickness of the brisket.

I also got the "Piggylicous" bacon cupcake with maple frosting and pretzel crunch featuring Nueske's® Applewood Smoked Bacon for $3.50.

This intrigued me from the first time I read about it. A BACON cupcake??? It actually was good. It reminded me more of a pancake with bacon. I don’t know what the pretzels were for. Kristel shared this one with me and agreed. This gets 4 stars.

I also got the Pulled pig slider with cole slaw for $5.75.

I didn’t eat the roll as I am not a big bread consumer but I did take a small nibble. It was a little dry. The pork was very good and the cole slaw was the perfect balance of vinegar. Another 4 stars for me.

We people watched for awhile and I have to say I do not think some people look in the mirror before they go out. There were some odd outfits out there. Skin tight pants do not belong on women with big butts. Just my opinion but really? I did notice another small detail on Woody

Love those little details.

After a bit we were ready to move onwards around the world. The next stop was Japan. We went into the store to look at some swords. They had a small selection and cost way more than I was willing to spend. Neither of us was interested in picking a pearl so we headed out. I did joke with Kristel that maybe we should get a reservation for Teppan Edo. We both loved it a couple of years ago. She wasn’t interested that night.

We did stop at Hanami. I had another food to try. Fruishi - Fresh pineapple, strawberries and melon, rolled with coconut rice, topped with raspberry sauce, sprinkled with toasted coconut and served with whipped cream on the side for $4.50.

Kristel didn’t want any although I did offer. This was as good as I remembered from last year. The “seaweed” was pink this year so not sure what they used for it. This got a 5 stars.

Kristel actually asked me if I wanted to stop for pictures of the Bonsai display. Since I got them last year I was OK skipping them.

We moved on and France was next. And Beauty and the Beast. I had some camera issues here. My flash was misfiring again but I did get some decent pics

We both talked about stopping for a drink here. Not sure what Kristel wanted but I was going to try the Le Vie en Rose frozen slush. The line was too long and I didn’t feel like waiting. Kristel decided to hold out for a Margarita.

We moved on and found these guys.

Then Look Up!

I knew from last year That Peter Pan might be up there. Also found Captain Hook and Croc

We had some FP times coming up. I did convince Kristel that we needed to make some for this day since we knew we were going to be in EPCOT. Of course they were all in Future World so we had to head up that way. One last topiary.

and the next update coming sooner if this works.

:rotfl2: I have to laugh because you were just talking about big butts and then in this picture it looks like this girls dress might be hiked up too high in the back. :lmao:

But more importantly, I am totally bummed I did not try this fruitshimi or whatever its called because it looks fantastic. :thumbsup2

I did have the pulled pork sandwich and that was really yummy!

You got some beautiful pictures of all the topiaries. Ugh - I hate when I do an update and lose it. :worried:
Joining in!
Wow for that crazy week! :scared1:Glad that all things are well now.
Yay for AKL!:thumbsup2
Flower and Garden is one of my favorite Disney things!
That was good you found the wallet instead of having to go through a lot of trouble.
Phineas has the red hair and Ferb has the green hair.;)
The bacon cupcake looks amazing!
:rotfl2: I have to laugh because you were just talking about big butts and then in this picture it looks like this girls dress might be hiked up too high in the back. :lmao:

I didn't notice her in the pic but did earlier and yes it did hike up a bit. :lmao:

But more importantly, I am totally bummed I did not try this fruitshimi or whatever its called because it looks fantastic. :thumbsup2

I really enjoyed that last year so I was happy they had it again

I did have the pulled pork sandwich and that was really yummy!

I love a good BBQ.

You got some beautiful pictures of all the topiaries. Ugh - I hate when I do an update and lose it. :worried:

I took advice from Scott and have a couple saved on Word ready to update. This way If I do lose it I can just copy and paste again and do a few minor adjustments. It worked really well that way.

Joining in!

:welcome: Thanks for joining in.

Wow for that crazy week! :scared1:Glad that all things are well now.

When it rains it pours as they say. It really was a crazy week with everything happening at once.

Yay for AKL!:thumbsup2
Flower and Garden is one of my favorite Disney things!

It was my first stay there and I loved it. F&G is fast becoming a favorite and I'm lucky my DH said he wants to go for it next year.

That was good you found the wallet instead of having to go through a lot of trouble.

I was really happy about that. I have a tendency to over worry about things,

Phineas has the red hair and Ferb has the green hair.;)

Thank you. I watched that show with the grandkids everyday last summer and never could get them straight.

The bacon cupcake looks amazing!

It was good, a little dense though like a pancake.

On a positive note my kitty isn't home but he has been spotted by a woman my DH has met. He visits her yard so the woman and her DH are keeping an eye out for him and will call us when they spot him again. He is very thin but at least I have hope to get him home.
Day 1 Part 5

We were heading to Future World for our first FP. The ride of choice was Test Track. This was a new one for Kristel as she had not been on it since the whole new design. I tried to explain the difference but then decided she had to see for herself. We went into the design room and she designed our ride vehicle except for one or 2 things I did, mostly by accident. This was our car.

We then got in our car and had seat belt issues, a recurring but funny theme this trip. Our car was BAD!!! It did not do well on any of the tests. We do like the ride though and planned on riding again later in the week. A bad ride photo

After the ride we looked at some of the cars on display. Kristel was planning on buying a new car after the trip and was thinking of the Chevy Impala. She spent some time looking at it. I found this

I really wanted to get one but couldn’t figure out where I would put it on my van. I got a little Yoda later in the trip for the rear window.

I booked the FP+ close together so it was time for the next one. We headed over to Mission Space. Or Kristel did, I went the wrong way. That area always confuses me. I got a picture of Buzz Lightyear

And then said good-bye for now. I had a really bad experience the last time I was on MS and was not in the mood for it. I knew she liked the ride which was why I booked it. I planned on wandering around getting some pics so it was a win/win situation. We planned to meet at Sunshine Seasons.

First I headed to the Hummingbird Gardens. I wanted to get some pointers for my front garden. I had a beautiful Butterfly Bush that I am fairly certain my neighbor killed on me so I needed new plant ideas for that area. He hated my “weed” and told me numerous times to get rid of it and surprisingly this year it is dead. Yes Scott, you know what neighbor.

I took pics of some of the plants there

I loved this one, it’s called a Shrimp plant or something like that

I found Lightning McQueen

And Tow Mater

Then I hit my favorite spot – the Butterfly Garden. I loved the butterfly plant I had out front as I had so many visitors over the years. Anyway I took a lot of pictures here.

First the glass flowers

Some butterlies

In flight

And glass butterflies

A Fairy house made out of seashells

I could have stayed there all day and was very happy to have the time. It was very crowded and there were some really rude people but I was happy.

As I left I got the butterfly topiaries. I had issues here as the fill flash still wasn’t working right.

I headed over to the Land and found Kristel already there. We both got drinks, she had a diet Coke and I had my Citrus White Tea. I really stay away from that type of drink at home but it is so good. We relaxed for a bit and caught up on our lives since we last saw each other. We decided to go on Living With the Land but it was down for the night as it was after 7 PM.

So what did we do next???
I'm caught up again. :)

I really wanted to try that brisket, but we had a lunch and I knew it would ruin my appetite. I have to say we walked through a downpour to get back to that area to try the bacon cupcake for some guy DIS friends. We HATED it. The only part we liked was the frosting. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Beautiful pictures of the toparies as you walked.

Nice car design!

I love that butterfly garden and your pictures truly show the beauty of that area.


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