Hold On, Let Me Wipe Off My Death Star - A May 15 SWW TR UPDATE 8/27 Pg. 6!

No bagels?! Thats almost as bad as the time I went to KFC and they had no chicken :confused3

Awesome luck with the flight not being full. Jason's Slingblade impression is indeed pretty stellar.

OH.. I've seen the Matt Lewis photos you're referencing :love::love::love:

What a great Dis Meet!

Hahahaha almost!

His sling blade is right on. He's been doing it for years!

Dear lord, he's beautiful though.

I'm so glad you guys enjoy!

:wave2: You are hilarious :goodvibes & I am so upset you will be at Disneyland instead of Disney World in August :sad:

Awwwww, I'm sorry! If it's any consolation we had a great time in Disneyland! LOL. I'll be back to WDW in September, January, and May!
Maybe the people who got there before 6am ate all the bagels?
Okay, no, I think you're right, this is wrong.
(And that's why I go to a bagel store for my bagels ... they're very rarely out of bagels)

Yeah, for me the shoes is the big deal. I don't care that much about the line, I just want to keep my shoes on!

Maybe he heard about your mom's alleged MagicBand theft and thought that crime runs in the family?

It's because there are no problems at Disney. Disney is a magic place where problems don't exist. If something looks like a problem, you have to call it something else.

Yes. It's also the breakfast and lunch of champions.

Hahahaha, I totally would have never expected DD to be out of bagels! Sadly, I don't have a bagel store in my area, otherwise I would be going there.

I would definitely prefer to keep my shoes on, but I also normally wear flip flops, so taking them off isn't a big deal for me. Hehe.

That's got to be it. They knew my Mom was a thief so they suspected me.

Yes, only corrections exist in Disney, not problems.

Basically cupcakes are just the meal of champions.

following along.

Ugh. That is the smallest car ever. My sister and I rented one (unknowingly) in CA and my suitcase did not fit in it without putting down the back seats. Thankfully there were only two of us on the trip or someone would have had to stay at the rental agency...no one else could have fit!!!

OMG that car was barely even big enough to fit our luggage and there were only two of us! We put my suitcase by itself in the back and we had to put the carryons on the back seat. LOL.

Eek your DD experiences never seem to go well. Maybe it is better to skip it next time.

I've only flown with Southwest once but I fly with Air Canada all the time and I've done United a couple of times so I forget that the whole seat struggle is real sometimes. Like, seat selection is included so I never have to worry about that. However, as we were reminded yesterday even with a seat you should get on ASAP because overhead baggage space gets eaten up like woah.

Wow those security people needed to chill. Calm down, you were just grabbing your bag.

Band corrections. Got it. Bands never have problems. Just need corrections.

Sounds like you had a great first night. Also, now I want your cupcake.

Girl, you're so right. I'm going to stop at the one by my house instead. There are two by me, but the bagel would obviously be warmer if it was closer to work than home.

Yes, absolutely. It's not so much seat space I'm concerned with, but on Southwest I do like to sit in the exit row, since there's more leg room.

Get it right. Bands NEVER have problems.
I'm not as honest as you or maybe I am just cheap. When we fly Southwest I just book the preferred seating for one of us then whoever gets on first saves seats.
Magic band "corrections" what a pain! I'm still not a fan.
Glad you enjoyed your meet. Nice way to start your trip :)

Hahahaha, call it paranoia! I'm just worried like "what if someone takes the seat!"

Corrections, yes. I've had minimal problems with them so far, and to be honest, I actually missed them in Disneyland!

Joining in! :wave: Sounds like you had a great DISmeet despite crazy airline people thinking you are stealing your own bags and Magic Band issues. Magic Band Corrections huh? :rotfl:That cupcake looks like it was delicious! Can't wait to read more!

I know right?! Crazy airline people!

It was a delicious cupcake, I highly recommend it.

Great start to the trip, as always. And girl after my own heart with a cupcake for breakfast and gettin' drunk on the plane ; )

What's up with the id to get your bag? Anyone and their mother could grab any suitcase they want (as is evidenced by a bag my brother had stolen), but if its not spinning you gotta show id. So random.

Can't believe your issues with the not so magical band. I loved them at first but more and more they seem to present more issues. Hope Jason shot the cast member a sling blade for the corrections comment ; )

Looks like a great meet and greet with Jacquie. But who among us would pass up an opportunity to meet the next generation of dis royalty ; )

Haha, I wasn't quite drunk on the plane, girl I wish. LOL. I had to drive.

Yeah, the ID to get the bag thing was totally weird. Like, just gimme my bag man.

I haven't had major issues with MB's really, just small snafus that are pretty quickly resolved, so I'm still okay with them.

It was a great meet with Jacquie! I was so excited. DIS royalty, pffffft.
That's what I wanted to do, too, but my husband gave me "THAT LOOK", so I ended up buying it for both of us. :o

That's totally what my Mom would do. LOL.

You're so right, now thinking back on all your trips.

Ugh. That sucks. Now if they were out of donuts, there's definitely something fishy going on!

Man, I'm telling you I always have snafus on departure day.

Yeah, if they were out of donuts I would be worried.

Weird or smart??:teacher:

I HATE THIS! I don't think i've ever had a reservation when all 3 of us are under one ressie number. It's such a pain!

Nailed it:cool:

I know, I hate the bookings. We had that issue with California, because the P's stockpiled points for us on this trip, so they were all over the place with reservation numbers.
I never would have called it when I first saw him. Never in a million years would I think he would look like this! :scared1:

You're my kind of bunch!

I don't either, but free drinks? Yes please.

And a Fat Tire?! I knew we were friends for a reason.

He is sooooo beautiful. Like seriously, a beautiful man.

I got my drink tickets from Southwest and was so excited. They sent me 12 of them! Woot woot!

We are friends for a reason! Hopefully we see each other sometime soon, like when you finally make it out for a Green Bay game!

Woah that's a little crazy! On the other hand, if my bag ever gets held off to the side like that, it's nice to know that no one will come up and try to steal it.



Oh my gosh:rolleyes2

Uh that's really insane! People are serious about their ice cream.

All I see is Popadon in this picture!!! :hyper:

:scared1: That's bad. Worse than Compton and Inglewood ("Inglewood always up to no good"<--had to quote 2Pac for a quick sec!) :rotfl:

Love it!


He really does look like my Pop, and their personalities are so similar, it's pretty funny.

The 40 shootings were definitely an exaggeration, but there are definitely parts of Chicago that are no good.

I hope your 2015 has started to pick up!


:rotfl:LOVE this! Yes, it definitely is :rotfl2: my patronus charm would probably be a shower of m&m peanuts or something.. Not that I'm complaining :thumbsup2

WHAT! Ahh, I really think / hope it's a perspective thing, especially from over here in the UK. All I ever hear about on the news is a new shooting in America :sad2: It's always portrayed as disproportionately dangerous! To the point where my mum basically orders me to not leave the Disney bubble when I'm visiting.. (again, not really complaining :laughing:)

Sounds like a fun dismeet! Excited to hear more :goodvibes

I think my patronus charm would definitely be a shower of chocolate. Mmmmmmm chocolate.

2015 is looking up, thanks! And it's almost over already. LOL.

Hahaha, it really is all perspective. Chicago as a whole is a really safe city. The areas that they discuss are the really bad areas, that you would generally avoid.
HAHAHAH to that Billy Bob impression! If I saw that face in person, I'd definitely find another seat!

He's so dead on with that impression, it's scary.

:rolleyes:Hey!!! I gotta tell ya, best night of our vacation, hands down! We ended up grabbing a cab and we were back at our hotel in 7 mins ... It was perfect! Our intention was to grab a couple hours sleep before the alarm went off but that didn't happen! I hate the last night at WDW I am always so sad but not this time! Thanks so much for spending time with us and I know we will see you again very soon! Can't wait to here al about the rest of your trip!

Oh my goodness, we loved spending time with you guys soooooo much! I'm so glad we were able to do it and I hope we overlap in WDW again someday soon.

I'm here Danielle! Great start so far. :thumbsup2
I'm also so so jealous that you got to meet up with Jacquie and Shanleigh. I would've loved to meet all of you! :goodvibes
Can't wait to hear more!

Aw, I would have loved to meet you too Carla! It was a great way to start the trip, that's for sure.
Girl creep away. I know you're watching. Always watching.

That particular rental was through Southwest. They have really good deals sometimes. I'm also anal retentive and check prices all the time! Seriously, up until right before I leave I'm checking and if I find a better price, I'll cancel and rebook.

What are your dates? Girl I got you, I'll find you something. :)

ALWAYS watching... :cool: I was looking for a more ominous emoji, but I'm really limited here, so just imagine me doing V-fingers pointing at my own eyes, then pointing at you. :lmao:

We're getting to MCO on Sunday, 11/29 and flying out (Boooooo!) on Saturday, 12/5. I'm still kind of in a holding pattern to see if we have a ride from and to the airport or if we need to rent a car. We have friends who are supposed to be coming with us and driving, but that might fall through depending on the circumstances. :confused: I'm kind of tempted to just do the rental and cancel it if our ride comes through. I know we're still like, 3 months away but you KNOW I love me some planning in advance!!! You keep your eyes peeled (THANK YOU x infinity, BTW), I'll keep my eyes peeled...you know where to find me! I'll also DM you my cell # on FB you know, for funsies...and so you can txt me pictures of Disney randomly, because that's what I normally to do people WHICH IS NOT WEIRD AT ALL, THANK YOU. :thumbsup2
We will be staying at the WL Jan 9th to 13th. Maybe we'll see you there. :)

We will be at the Polynesian from Jan 7th to the 16th. :)

ALWAYS watching... :cool: I was looking for a more ominous emoji, but I'm really limited here, so just imagine me doing V-fingers pointing at my own eyes, then pointing at you. :lmao:

We're getting to MCO on Sunday, 11/29 and flying out (Boooooo!) on Saturday, 12/5. I'm still kind of in a holding pattern to see if we have a ride from and to the airport or if we need to rent a car. We have friends who are supposed to be coming with us and driving, but that might fall through depending on the circumstances. :confused: I'm kind of tempted to just do the rental and cancel it if our ride comes through. I know we're still like, 3 months away but you KNOW I love me some planning in advance!!! You keep your eyes peeled (THANK YOU x infinity, BTW), I'll keep my eyes peeled...you know where to find me! I'll also DM you my cell # on FB you know, for funsies...and so you can txt me pictures of Disney randomly, because that's what I normally to do people WHICH IS NOT WEIRD AT ALL, THANK YOU. :thumbsup2

Hahahaha, right?

I'll keep checking for you. I got your message on FB (obvs LOL), and everything is around $200 at the moment. Which isn't a terrible price, but I'll keep seeing if something drops. :)

Oh, I'll totally text you pictures of Disney randomly.
Friday May 22, 2015

"Do You Know Smee?!"

In case anyone was ever wondering, waking up at 4:30am after you went to bed at 12:30am is never easy. But clearly the Magic Kingdom isn't open 24 hours regularly so of course I woke up!

I'm going to preface this whole 24 hour day by putting you guys out of your misery early. We did not even come remotely close to staying the 24 hours, and the end of the day actually ended up being a bit of a let down. However, I wasn't there really with the intent of staying the whole 24 hours. We had planned this trip surrounding Star Wars Weekends, this was just an added bonus. If I had to do it over again, I would likely avoid the Magic Kingdom on that day.


My alarm went off at 4:30am and I hopped out of bed to get in the shower.

You know what's not pleasant at that time of day? A shower that doesn't get warm.

I ran it for a good two minutes before it even warmed a little bit. And I use the term warmed lightly. It was no where near warm. The end of this whole thing? I took a cold shower.

On the plus side, it helped me to wake up that morning.

"Always look on the bright side of life!"

I woke Jason up at 5am and warmed him about the cold shower situation. Of course I was nice and had already run the water for him for five minutes. He told me he didn't have any issues with the temperature.

Of course.

We didn't have any other issues with it on the trip, so I don't know what the problem was. Oh yeah, I know. It was 4:30am and the shower was clearly still passed out.

Go home shower, you're drunk.

In the meantime, I got myself ready for the day. Disneybounding away!!!

We were out the door by 5:30am and just missed a bus. Oh well, I didn't think we would be waiting for too long. Another bus pulled up at 5:40am, so we were good to go. I figured that we weren't going to make rope drop, but that wasn't going to be the end of the world for me anyway.

Soon we were pulling up and Jason was shocked at how many people were in the park already. I reminded him that this was Disney, and that people took their 24 hour party very seriously.

It was still pretty dark outside when we got there.

When we walked into the park, we ran into Katt (Katt789) and not planned! I knew she was going to be there and we had texted each other about it before I had arrived, but it was funny that as soon as I head in, she's there. She and a lot of her friends were all dressed as Trolley show people. Pretty awesome if I do say so myself.

HUB GRASS!!! Which I am planning on actually laying in when I'm back over Labor Day.

We can never get enough pictures of the castle really.

I'm pretty proud of this one though.

So it's just after 6am and we're in the Magic Kingdom. What do we do?

Jason wanted to go on the Mine Train. I was down with that. I had a FP for it that evening at 11:30pm, but figured we could check it out. The wait time was posted as 60 minutes, but Jason and I being former amusement park associates knew that it wasn't going to be that long based on what we saw. It ended up being 20 minutes. Score!

So we headed into the vault.

And Jason proceeded to act very Jason-like when we got on the ride.

I totally look like I'm just waving here. Why hello there fans!


After that, we had no real plans. I know, many people are horrified by this, but I like to wander sometimes, and I think the 24 hour party is the perfect time to do that. Jason said he wanted some coffee, so we headed to Gaston's Tavern. We had a Be Our Guest breakfast reservation at 8:30am, so no eating was going to happen prior to then, but coffee was totally okay.

Jason heads in to Gaston's Tavern to get his coffee and I hung around outside to take some pictures.

Out of nowhere, someone comes up to me and goes "do you know who Smee is?"

I look at him and say with enthusiasm "Me!!!"

He was a huge Disney fan and apparently carried a little Smee around with him everywhere taking pictures. Similar to what I've done with Yeti in the past. He was absolutely over the moon because I was dressed up as Smee. He asked me if we could take some pictures together, and I told him of course. His family was with him and were cracking up, because they weren't sure if I had dressed up that way on purpose. I told them no worries, I totally did it intentionally.

A totally funny story about this. I posted a picture of myself as Smee on one of the Disney FB pages I'm part of. So people are liking and commenting, and this one woman goes "you just showed up on my friends feed! He took a picture with you!"

What a small world right?

Up Next: Buzz Buzz Buzz.....
Out of nowhere, someone comes up to me and goes "do you know who Smee is?"

I look at him and say with enthusiasm "Me!!!"

He was a huge Disney fan and apparently carried a little Smee around with him everywhere taking pictures. Similar to what I've done with Yeti in the past. He was absolutely over the moon because I was dressed up as Smee. He asked me if we could take some pictures together, and I told him of course. His family was with him and were cracking up, because they weren't sure if I had dressed up that way on purpose. I told them no worries, I totally did it intentionally.

A totally funny story about this. I posted a picture of myself as Smee on one of the Disney FB pages I'm part of. So people are liking and commenting, and this one woman goes "you just showed up on my friends feed! He took a picture with you!"

What a small world right?

Up Next: Buzz Buzz Buzz.....

I loved this. You look really cute as Smee, and I love that guy's tiny Smee. I wonder how long he had been carrying that little guy with him to the parks:) I recently bought a bunch of tiny Tsum Tsums and these Itty Bitty Star Wars characters from Hallmark. We are planning on SWW 2016. I want to take them with us to the parks for our meet & greet pictures with the character and the stuffed toy.
Hilarious about that guy and Smee!! Love the pics!! Sounds like a great start to the party!
First, just saw your ticker and it looks like we'll be at Poly at the same time (we're headed down on the 5th). So if a 40 something year old woman with a very cute 4 year old in tow says hi with a lapu lapu in her hand that is totally me ; )

We didn't have any other issues with it on the trip, so I don't know what the problem was. Oh yeah, I know. It was 4:30am and the shower was clearly still passed out.

Go home shower, you're drunk.
Drunk showers are completely the worst, though I can hardly blame it at that hour I'd be cursing with cold water too!

In the meantime, I got myself ready for the day. Disneybounding away!!!

HUB GRASS!!! Which I am planning on actually laying in when I'm back over Labor Day.
We were there the first day it opened and lay on it is exactly what my husband did. I had no idea that man was so passionate about grass.

Jason wanted to go on the Mine Train. I was down with that. I had a FP for it that evening at 11:30pm, but figured we could check it out.
Had to laugh at your fast pass for "later" because on 24 hour day, "later" = about 17 hours!!!!

A totally funny story about this. I posted a picture of myself as Smee on one of the Disney FB pages I'm part of. So people are liking and commenting, and this one woman goes "you just showed up on my friends feed! He took a picture with you!"
Love the photo of you and your biggest fan and the small world that disney truly can be ; )
You always look so cute but you looked extra adorable as Smee!
Your castle pic is gorgeous!
I loved this. You look really cute as Smee, and I love that guy's tiny Smee. I wonder how long he had been carrying that little guy with him to the parks:) I recently bought a bunch of tiny Tsum Tsums and these Itty Bitty Star Wars characters from Hallmark. We are planning on SWW 2016. I want to take them with us to the parks for our meet & greet pictures with the character and the stuffed toy.

I know, I was wondering that myself!

That's a great idea! I've done it with my Yeti before, so I think I need to bring him back into the mix.

Hilarious about that guy and Smee!! Love the pics!! Sounds like a great start to the party!

Totally took me by surprise! LOL.

First, just saw your ticker and it looks like we'll be at Poly at the same time (we're headed down on the 5th). So if a 40 something year old woman with a very cute 4 year old in tow says hi with a lapu lapu in her hand that is totally me ; )

Drunk showers are completely the worst, though I can hardly blame it at that hour I'd be cursing with cold water too!


We were there the first day it opened and lay on it is exactly what my husband did. I had no idea that man was so passionate about grass.

Had to laugh at your fast pass for "later" because on 24 hour day, "later" = about 17 hours!!!!

Love the photo of you and your biggest fan and the small world that disney truly can be ; )

Hey, I will totally keep my eyes open then!

Ugh, aren't drunk showers just terrible?

I'm super passionate about that hub grass because it's so perfect looking.

I know!!! That was a whole lot of time that was going to need to pass in order for us to use that FP.

You always look so cute but you looked extra adorable as Smee!
Your castle pic is gorgeous!

Awww, thanks Dawn!
Wow, a cold shower was not the start to the day before oh we're looking for I am sure. On the positive side, you do make for a cute Smee :thumbsup2

That's cool you ran right into Katt like that and love her groups' outfits

Cool story of meeting the Smee fan and then your picture showing up in that woman's feed like that. Disney is a small world after all ;)
We will be at the Polynesian from Jan 7th to the 16th. :)
Hey, what's with you and me always doing WDW/Hawaii at the same time?! Last time we were in Hawaii, you were in WDW. We are going back January 8th-17th and you'll be at WDW again. How funny.

I'm going to preface this whole 24 hour day by putting you guys out of your misery early. We did not even come remotely close to staying the 24 hours, and the end of the day actually ended up being a bit of a let down. However, I wasn't there really with the intent of staying the whole 24 hours. We had planned this trip surrounding Star Wars Weekends, this was just an added bonus. If I had to do it over again, I would likely avoid the Magic Kingdom on that day.
I totally understand. I went over there very late at night and was not terribly impressed. I thought there would be more interesting stuff happening, but there really wasn't, at least not that I saw.

I'm pretty proud of this one though.

You should be - that's gorgeous!

Very cool about the big Smee fan that found you!

By the way, your FB post prompted me to get on here and at least catch up on a few TRs even though I'm tired. Also, my comment on that would be that your problem is that you are going to the TR board. I rarely do (but agree - don't know many of them there). I just check my subscriptions regularly and the vast majority of the people I follow are people I know from my own TR - and I've stopped joining into many new ones, as I can't keep up. I agree that some of the old-timers are not around, but there are plenty of great, active regulars these days. I find that by following the people who post on my TRs, I have a lot of fairly active TRs to follow (i.e. - if they're posting on mine, they're posting on theirs too).
You're back!! I've seen your post on Facebook, so I'm here offering love and support :hug: :laughing:

First of all, this is one of the best things I've seen today. Thank you for sharing. :thumbsup2

You look great! Perfect Disneybound.

Soon we were pulling up and Jason was shocked at how many people were in the park already. I reminded him that this was Disney, and that people took their 24 hour party very seriously.

I'm always surprised at how many people are aware of these kinds of events. I always assume that there are only a few of us Dis-ers that know that the park will be open at 6am, and even less that are committed to going. Which is obviously ridiculous, there are so many hardcore fans like us, I love it!

They look awesome, especially Katt and the trolley show girls, that's such a great costume idea :goodvibes

He was a huge Disney fan and apparently carried a little Smee around with him everywhere taking pictures. Similar to what I've done with Yeti in the past. He was absolutely over the moon because I was dressed up as Smee. He asked me if we could take some pictures together, and I told him of course. His family was with him and were cracking up, because they weren't sure if I had dressed up that way on purpose. I told them no worries, I totally did it intentionally.

I love this exchange!! That's so funny. And hilarious that they were worried you were an accidental Smee. That would be so funny if it WAS unintentional, and he handed you a tiny Mr Smee and started taking your picture :laughing:

Excited to hear how the rest of the 24h event turned out :goodvibes
So nice of you to warm up the shower for Jason ...:headache: UGH lol

Love love love your disbound outfit, you look great!

Starting the early day with a DISmeet sounds great! And a SDMT ride with a short wait right after that!

Ahh that's so cool that you were spotted by that Smee fan, love the pics.
Wow, a cold shower at 4:30am... yeah, that would've woke me up! :scared1:
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that there was already a crowd that early. LOL
Great pics on the Mine Train, and the castle pic is just gorgeous. I agree, you can never have too many! :goodvibes

Looking forward to more! :thumbsup2
I firmly believe that showers that never get warm (or take more than a minute to get warm) should be illegal. Seriously. Nobody wants a cold shower that early in the morning.

I love your Smee outfit! It's perfect!

I am with you on the whole wandering thing ... sometimes it's nice to just take some time to look around and take it easy. Plus, if you hadn't taken some down time, you wouldn't have met little Smee!


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