How old is too old for DD's to go with DH in the men's room?

I see no reason why a typically functioning 6 or 7 year old can't use the mens room. If you are stating you can't enter the ladies room because you have an infant and wheelchair bound 4 year old, how do you go? I assume the wheelchair must be motorized, because you can't push a stroller and a wheelchair at the same time. According to your posts, it seems like you have a baby, a wheelchair bound 4 year old, a 6 year old, and a 7 year old, plus an older child. I still can't see a reason why your 6 or 7 year olds can't use the mens room, or why you can't come with them into the ladies room, since you claim you all go together when everyone has to go.

How do I go? I don't ,I wait until I'm home(I said when we are in WDW we all go at the same time, I do not live in WDW nor do I go only there).

You can go back and read the many times I said why I send them into the women's room. Whether you agree, to tell you the truth, is completely unimportant.
Actually, these threads have enlightened me on the amount of boys using the ladies room for no good reason, besides the irrational fears of their parents.

The DIS is NOT the real world....:goodvibes
Seriously you were never groped at a college party? That is what we are talking about here, the man didn't rape him.

How is it any different? I don't understand. The teen was not hurt they were touched, no damage. Seriously how is it any different if you are just touched if you are 13 or you are 18?

Please explain?

I don't even know what to say, maybe when the nausea passes I will :eek:
Hello everyone. I just read through most of everyones comments and I guess all I have to say is I have no problems admitting I'm a paranoid mother. And Its not because of the news, because I tend to avoid watching the news. That said, I found this statistic on a site.

Child Molester Statistics
The following statistics were taken from the U. S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics.
* In one year alone, approximately 4,300 child molesters in 15 states were released from confinement.
* Of the 4,300 child molesters released, approximately 3.3% were rearrested within three years for another sex offense against a child.
* Child molesters were on average approximately five years older than those sex offenders whose victims were adults.
* Approximately 25% of child molesters were age 40 or older.
* Among those child molesters who were released in that one year, 60% had been confined for molesting a child 13 years of younger.

So IMHO regarding ages-I wouldnt let my child go into any bathroom alone until I felt comfortable they know what to do in the event someone accosts them male or female. That's why my 5 y/o DS goes in with me if my DH isn't around. Its not about their independence its about protecting them. I'm their mother and you all are the parents of your children. Whatever your comfort level on leaving your child to go into the bathroom alone is up to you. But it's not the opinions of us posters that should dictate what one does, it should be up to you and your gut instinct.

I'm not saying something bad will happen. I pray it doesn't. I'm just saying for me I want to make sure it doesnt. So the best thing I can do is keep talking to my kids so that when the time does come for me to let them go in bathrooms alone I can feel better about that decision. For the record my DH doesnt take my 7 y/o DD in the mens bathroom. He says he would rather hold it all day. Which seems crazy to me. But thats just what he says.
How do I go? I don't ,I wait until I'm home(I said when we are in WDW we all go at the same time, I do not live in WDW nor do I go only there).

You can go back and read the many times I said why I send them into the women's room. Whether you agree, to tell you the truth, is completely unimportant.

I don't know why a public restroom in WDW is different than any other public restroom. :confused3 So, you can use a public restroom at WDW with your kids, but not at Target?
Hello everyone. I just read through most of everyones comments and I guess all I have to say is I have no problems admitting I'm a paranoid mother. And Its not because of the news, because I tend to avoid watching the news. That said, I found this statistic on a site.

Child Molester Statistics
The following statistics were taken from the U. S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics.
* In one year alone, approximately 4,300 child molesters in 15 states were released from confinement.
* Of the 4,300 child molesters released, approximately 3.3% were rearrested within three years for another sex offense against a child.
* Child molesters were on average approximately five years older than those sex offenders whose victims were adults.
* Approximately 25% of child molesters were age 40 or older.
* Among those child molesters who were released in that one year, 60% had been confined for molesting a child 13 years of younger.

So IMHO regarding ages-I wouldnt let my child go into any bathroom alone until I felt comfortable they know what to do in the event someone accosts them male or female. That's why my 5 y/o DS goes in with me if my DH isn't around. Its not about their independence its about protecting them. I'm their mother and you all are the parents of your children. Whatever your comfort level on leaving your child to go into the bathroom alone is up to you. But it's not the opinions of us posters that should dictate what one does, it should be up to you and your gut instinct.

I'm not saying something bad will happen. I pray it doesn't. I'm just saying for me I want to make sure it doesnt. So the best thing I can do is keep talking to my kids so that when the time does come for me to let them go in bathrooms alone I can feel better about that decision. For the record my DH doesnt take my 7 y/o DD in the mens bathroom. He says he would rather hold it all day. Which seems crazy to me. But thats just what he says.

And 89% of molesters are people the child knows, and 3/4 of the time, it happens in either the victim's or molester's home. WDW bathrooms are never empty - I don't think it's actually physically possible for a man to molest a boy in there.

And I think the OP was asking when her DH should stop taking their dd into the mens room when her dd has to go, not her DH. There is no way my DH would bring a 7 year old girl into the mens room if he had to go - he'd have her wait outside.
With my job, I use many public restrooms in a day. One disturbing trend I have noticed lately (like in the past month) are boys bigger than I am going into women's restrooms alone. They aren't with their moms, their moms send them into the restroom alone. It really gives me a start to come out of my stall face-to-face with a kid who can look me in the eye.

These aren't dangerous places like rest areas, this is Kroger, Wal-mart and Target! I'm sorry but your over 5ft kid needs to use the mens restroom, not the womens restroom unaccompanied. If you really feel the need to send your bigger child to the womens restroom, at least come in with him so he isn't in there alone with just him and I. I don't feel comfortable coming out to a male bigger than I am with just him and I alone in the rest room. I don't know him and have no idea why he is in there.
I don't know why a public restroom in WDW is different than any other public restroom. :confused3 So, you can use a public restroom at WDW with your kids, but not at Target?

ummm...because my husband is with me. Sorry I thought that would be plainly obvious, guess I need to remember not everything is obvious to everyone, sorry.
But it was possible at a crowded pool?

Of course! Now, maybe if the lights were out, it would be possible in a restroom. In a wave pool, it is hard to see what is going on under water. Do you really think a man is going to grab a boy in clear view in front of other men? Drag him into the stall? No one is going to notice that?

In the decades WDW has been open, there have been a handlful of incidents, and all occured in pools. Not one child has been molested in the bathroom. Worry about kids running in the street and getting hit by cars, getting bitten by loose dogs, getting into car accidents, falling off of bikes. There are plenty of real dangers out there.
But it was possible at a crowded pool?

I think it is possible anywhere, even a women's restroom at WDW. So how is someone making your male child any safer by taking them into a women's restroom? How much of a deterrent is a mom when she is behind a stall door, with her pants down? She can prevent nothing. It is a false sense of security.

If a child is young enough that they still need help with going and whatnot, that is one thing. But if people are bringing their opposite sex child into the restroom with them for security, they are only fooling themselves.
Of course! Now, maybe if the lights were out, it would be possible in a restroom. In a wave pool, it is hard to see what is going on under water. Do you really think a man is going to grab a boy in clear view in front of other men? Drag him into the stall? No one is going to notice that?

In the decades WDW has been open, there have been a handlful of incidents, and all occured in pools. Not one child has been molested in the bathroom. Worry about kids running in the street and getting hit by cars, getting bitten by loose dogs, getting into car accidents, falling off of bikes. There are plenty of real dangers out there.

There are tons of dangers to our kids. What we as parents decide to do about those dangers is an individual choice. At least that how I raise my kids. Maybe you look to places like the internet for approval about the little things, but most of us just don't. So no matter how small the chance, there are people who don't want to take it....and even if you don't like it they are still going to choose to live their life the way they choose to.
I think it is possible anywhere, even a women's restroom at WDW. So how is someone making your male child any safer by taking them into a women's restroom? How much of a deterrent is a mom when she is behind a stall door, with her pants down? She can prevent nothing. It is a false sense of security.

If a child is young enough that they still need help with going and whatnot, that is one thing. But if people are bringing their opposite sex child into the restroom with them for security, they are only fooling themselves.

There are very few adult men in the women's room I use. Statistically adult males are the main perpetrators in molestation cases.
With my job, I use many public restrooms in a day. One disturbing trend I have noticed lately (like in the past month) are boys bigger than I am going into women's restrooms alone. They aren't with their moms, their moms send them into the restroom alone. It really gives me a start to come out of my stall face-to-face with a kid who can look me in the eye.

These aren't dangerous places like rest areas, this is Kroger, Wal-mart and Target! I'm sorry but your over 5ft kid needs to use the mens restroom, not the womens restroom unaccompanied. If you really feel the need to send your bigger child to the womens restroom, at least come in with him so he isn't in there alone with just him and I. I don't feel comfortable coming out to a male bigger than I am with just him and I alone in the rest room. I don't know him and have no idea why he is in there.

Now imagine how a little girl would feel!! How scary for her.
Now imagine how a little girl would feel!! How scary for her.
Oh, who cares about how GIRLS feel as long as the parents of the BOYS are parenting as they see fit? It's the boy's parent's choice, after all. If a girl should feel scared or uncomfortable it's their own problem and they, along with adults like powellrj, should just suck it up. Safety first!
Oh, who cares about how GIRLS feel as long as the parents of the BOYS are parenting as they see fit? It's the boy's parent's choice, after all. If a girl should feel scared or uncomfortable it's their own problem and they, along with adults like powellrj, should just suck it up.

That person is referring to older children around the age of 12 probably(she does specifically say over 5 feet tall..I read it, did you even bother to?)...not small children. Small boys use the girls bathroom every day. I am really starting to wonder what kind of issues you people must have to get all worked up over small kids using the stall next to you?
I have never been frightened by small children. What is it about small boys that freak you out so much?
I have never been frightened by small children. What is it about small boys that freak you out so much?

I haven't seen anyone have a problem with a small, young boy that is accompanied by their Mother using the facilities correctly. Or a special needs child.

The problem is when boys that are older, or unaccompanied or causing trouble are in the Woman's room! They do not belong there.
I haven't seen anyone have a problem with a small, young boy that is accompanied by their Mother using the facilities correctly. Or a special needs child.

The problem is when boys that are older, or unaccompanied or causing trouble are in the Woman's room! They do not belong there.
Well good thing no one no one is talking about bringing older boys or kids who are causing trouble into the bathroom., I asked the pages ago and it was ignored ...what is the difference between a boy using a toilet with his mother next to him or a boy using the toilet with his mother outside the door? Other then your own insecurities of course.

"they do not belong there"...hmmm, guess you really don't get a say in that. And I can see from this post that that really bothers you, lol.
I haven't seen anyone have a problem with a small, young boy that is accompanied by their Mother using the facilities correctly. Or a special needs child.

The problem is when boys that are older, or unaccompanied or causing trouble are in the Woman's room! They do not belong there.
+1 :thumbsup2
Small boys use the girls bathroom every day. I am really starting to wonder what kind of issues you people must have to get all worked up over small kids using the stall next to you?
I have never been frightened by small children. What is it about small boys that freak you out so much?

To me, small, young boys are the 5 and under set.


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