How should Photo Contest be Judged?

Have no idea what this is

  • or why there would be a poll

  • so

  • ingore

  • it.

Results are only viewable after voting.


"Today's a good day to Win a Trip to Disney World.
Oct 30, 2006
Ok some people are voting "10" for every photo one person posts then every one elses gets 8 and 9's guaranteeing their friend a Top 5 Most Popular in every catagory.
Others are boosting # of views on photos up to be Top 5 most views.
If you get rated only once a 10 your rated higher than someone with 5-6 votes?
Clearly online voting can easily be manipulated in an attempt to win a free cruise.
So what's a fair way the Pod Cast Crew could decide what's the "Best Photo" from each Catagory and Best Overall?
That's why I started everone can pitch ideas.
I've been a member of DISBoards for a while but just discovered this Forum dedicated to the Podcast, so maybe it's not my place so start this..
Or maybe the Pod Cast crew doesn't want suggestions or ideas...
(if so, forgive me)
I like probably many of you often enter contests to try to win a Disney Trip (haven't yet but keep trying) and would like to truely see the Best Photos win not just the person who knows the most people or be someone who manipulated it the best.

So here are 2 of my ideas...what are yours?

1. Each member of the Pod Cast Crew is assigned Catagory...They look through the Catagory and pick out the 5 they think are the best.
#'s of views nor ratings matter (this way someone who just found out can submit a photo and stand the same chance as someone who posted the first day.)
Then the other members of the Pod Cast crew decide which of those 5 is the Best in Catagory.
Do that for each catagory so you have your Top 5 Catagory winners.
Then the team as a whole picks the Overall Best Photo.

2. Or The Pod Cast Crew takes the photos in each Catagory (throwing out all current rating and views) Picks out 5 of their favorites from each catagory, then posts them.
Then each DISBoard member can vote once, for their favorite from each catagory. That decided the Catagory Winner.
Each DisBoard member can only be nominated 1 per catagory and win only 1 Catagory to give as many people a chance as possible
Then the Pod Cast Crew then picks Best Overall from those 5.
This would give listeners some say as the winners but yet leaves alot of control to the Pod Cast Crew. Only thing about this is again people voting, it still could be the person who knows the most people that could win.

Chris in Iowa
I think we are just making a bigger deal out of this than we need to. I'm sure Pete and the gang have got all the details worked out and it's not really up to us to determine how it should be judged or how the prizes will be awarded. Let's just let them handle it. :goodvibes
I think we are just making a bigger deal out of this than we need to. I'm sure Pete and the gang have got all the details worked out and it's not really up to us to determine how it should be judged or how the prizes will be awarded. Let's just let them handle it. :goodvibes

Well said :goodvibes I haven't entered yet as haven't had a chance but I am sure Pete and co wanted this to be a bit of fun ;)
I think we are just making a bigger deal out of this than we need to. I'm sure Pete and the gang have got all the details worked out and it's not really up to us to determine how it should be judged or how the prizes will be awarded. Let's just let them handle it. :goodvibes


If it stops being fun then I guess it will be stopped ;)
Well like I said, If it seems I'm out of line for saying something, I'm forgive me.
It just seems like alot of people were upset. That last thread about the rating was viewed over 1,000 times.
And your probably right, they probably do have a plan.
It is neat to see all kind of different photos from people.
Good Luck to all.
life is too short to make something that is fun so serious... Pete and the gang have yet to be unfair with anything... cept that I have not won more prizes... can't ya just assume it will all work out.
I voted "it". It's what I affectionaltely call my DH.

That's funny...I could have sworn you called him "ingore"! :rolleyes1

Chris -- You made some valid points, so don't feel bad about voicing your opinion...that's what these boards are all about! :goodvibes
Hey Gang...

As Corey has posted on another thread...and I must's rather clever...

This isnt Photo Gate....or Photo Debate

The ultimate decision rests with the Podcast Crew and Pete.

Stop worrying about who's getting 10s and who's getting 1s and who has more friends and who's deliberately trying to skew the results.

This is something fun and a chance to show off how cute you and your kids are.

Just relax....enjoy this.

As Tim Gunn says....we'll make it work.

Calypso -" don't feel bad about voicing your opinion...that's what these boards are all about"

Thanks, after I posted it I kind of felt bad, like I annoyed the "regulars" and insulted the Pod Cast Crew.
Didn't mean to. I've just seen that happen with other on line contests in the past and it annoys me.
If one of my photos(or whatever the contest calls for) is choosen for anything, great, if not ok. But I'm not about to cut down someone else down to do it.
Hi kmk1180,

I can only speak for myself when I tell you that I do not feel insulted or annoyed.

My hope is that people have some fun with this. It really was designed to be enjoable for all who entered.

It will all work out fairly in the end.

Hey Gang...

As Corey has posted on another thread...and I must's rather clever...

This isnt Photo Gate....or Photo Debate

Thanks for helping to keep things in perspective

How ridiculous would this sound:

January 2009

Top DIS story of 2008


Calypso -" don't feel bad about voicing your opinion...that's what these boards are all about"

Thanks, after I posted it I kind of felt bad, like I annoyed the "regulars" and insulted the Pod Cast Crew.
Didn't mean to. I've just seen that happen with other on line contests in the past and it annoys me.
If one of my photos(or whatever the contest calls for) is choosen for anything, great, if not ok. But I'm not about to cut down someone else down to do it.

I'm sorry...I didn't intend to make you feel bad. :hug:

I've been checking out the photos everyday and there's some really great ones. It will be hard to pick the winner in each category!
Calypso -" don't feel bad about voicing your opinion...that's what these boards are all about"

Thanks, after I posted it I kind of felt bad, like I annoyed the "regulars" and insulted the Pod Cast Crew.
Didn't mean to. I've just seen that happen with other on line contests in the past and it annoys me.
If one of my photos(or whatever the contest calls for) is choosen for anything, great, if not ok. But I'm not about to cut down someone else down to do it.
Not at all. Everyone here enjoys the talks we have with each other.
The fact you posted showed you care :)
For me, I found the contest to be good motivation to get off my butt and share some of my photos that I was proud of - stuff that I spent time on, trying to find the right angle, getting the good light, etc... So, to have people rate them is great, regardless of the "meaning" of the weight in the end.

As for judging, I think it'll be fairly painless. You can see, what, 12 pics at a time? It seems pretty easy to weed out a "potential winner" from a "potential NON-winner", just by browsing the thumbnails... in my opinion.

I don't think our Podcast Crew will have any trouble forming an opinion on good photos.

Except maybe Kevin... He never seems to have a strong opinion about anything - kind of a waffler, that guy : )

Take care,
Sheesh, I feel so out of the loop. I heard photogate mentioned on the podcast, but I don't really understand. Can someone fill me in? Basically I've just been browsing through the pictures and voting for the ones I like with the ranking number I think the picture should get. Seems straightforward enough to me. This has really been fun for me!
KMK1180 - now I know how you feel :sad1: It isn't just about the contest - the picture is from our wedding day and really means a lot to us. Up until today, we've got all 10's and apparently, I ticked someone off because someone voted an 8 to knock us out of first place. Not just a disappointment - it really hurt my feelings, I'm ashamed to say. :duck: I know I should have tougher skin, but I guess I don't.
KMK1180 - now I know how you feel :sad1: It isn't just about the contest - the picture is from our wedding day and really means a lot to us. Up until today, we've got all 10's and apparently, I ticked someone off because someone voted an 8 to knock us out of first place. Not just a disappointment - it really hurt my feelings, I'm ashamed to say. :duck: I know I should have tougher skin, but I guess I don't.

I don't think anybody is intentionally trying to hurt anybody's feelings. I'm pretty sure I may have voted someone's photos down and other's pics up. But, I'm just browsing through photos and rating them what I think according to the theme. I think that they stand out enough to get rated is a good thing. BTW, nobody but you and your hubby is going to feel this way about your wedding photos. :love: Good luck, and the contest still has a lot more voting time left. :cheer2:
It isn't just about the contest - the picture is from our wedding day and really means a lot to us. Up until today, we've got all 10's and apparently, I ticked someone off because someone voted an 8 to knock us out of first place. Not just a disappointment - it really hurt my feelings, I'm ashamed to say. :duck: I know I should have tougher skin, but I guess I don't.

It's very natural to feel that way, I know I did when someone voted a "2" on one of my favorite photos of my granddaughter after a number of 10s - these are pictures of some of our most treasured moments and each of our photos is a 10 in our own eyes. There are no rules around voting so everyone has their own interpretation of a "10". I am sure most people are not intending to be hurtful when they vote an "9" or even a "1". Contest aside, it stings when you see that low number on your happiest of memories. Try to let it go - the number doesn't change that beautiful memory.

I am really enjoying the photos and appreciate people's willingness to share their treasures. I love reading the comments people leave too. I feel the comments mean more than the number. I tried to put comments on every picture that really stands out to me. The only problem now is there are so many I am having a hard time keeping up.

The Podcast crew intended this be fun and I think they've done their best to try and keep it that way.


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