Il pochi il fiero i blabbermouths--getting healthy for Double Scoop!

ohiominnie said:
what's your ebay ID? Would love to browse. One man's junk.....

My DH is the ebay man,I think it is Fiat500 but will double check when he gets back from the store. He seems to sell alot of parts of bicycles, sterio bits and even old car magazines. In the spring clearout, I had some of my old camping stuff ie tent, sleeping bag etc. Then again, I really dont know what all he does when goes to the "work shed" :confused3
Good news, Leslie Sansone said as long as your moving your burning calories. I figure I must be burning a whole lot of calories as a whole of me is moving. It must be bonus points for all the wiggly, jiggly parts. :cool1:
Juletime said:
My DH is the ebay man,I think it is Fiat500 but will double check when he gets back from the store. He seems to sell alot of parts of bicycles, sterio bits and even old car magazines. In the spring clearout, I had some of my old camping stuff ie tent, sleeping bag etc. Then again, I really dont know what all he does when goes to the "work shed" :confused3

MY DH may be lurking his site, if it includes bicyle parts, and I cannot even try to spell the parts he needs....They will have something in common, camping included... :)
Well the good news is I didn't gain last week, the bad news is I didn't lose. Kind of a roller coaster week. Later hours at work which leaves me not motivated to exercise when I get home. Then a really lazy weekend with too much food. I'd like to say I got back on the treadmill this morning but there were bills to be paid so I did that. I will exercise tonight for sure and back on the treadmill in the morning.
WDWLVR said:
Well the good news is I didn't gain last week, the bad news is I didn't lose. Kind of a roller coaster week. Later hours at work which leaves me not motivated to exercise when I get home. Then a really lazy weekend with too much food. I'd like to say I got back on the treadmill this morning but there were bills to be paid so I did that. I will exercise tonight for sure and back on the treadmill in the morning.
No gain is a plus for me. I haven't gotten on the scale this morning. I have a feeling that I've gotten back that one pound that I lost at the last weigh-in. I didn't exercise all weekend, and did not make great food choices, either. I'm about to get on the treadmill this morning. I don't have my tv shows from last night to watch due to the weather emergency. I guess I'll pop in a 'Friends' dvd and DRINK MY WATER (something else I didn't do over the weekend).
I think I fell off the wagon yesterday too. Paella, Banfi, and a small slice of flourless raspberry chocolate cake. The latter was required, because of the Banfi. But the Banfi is gone now, and I turned down a slice of the cake tonight, Kevin even brought me one. Anyway, I think I probably used all my weekly flex points yesterday!
Ok, in the morning I will ask DH to bring the darn scales back to the house so I can find out what the answer is. Stay tuned....
And the answer is.....2 pounds! Three more to go for my March Challenge. Those things are pretty darn stubbern. I am getting my min. of 10K steps a day in (minus one lazy day). Thanks to all of you! Lets keep it going.
I am taking a rest day today. My backside is sooo sore, I think it from those WATP knee lifts (the wide step ones). Ouch.

I read in a running mag last night that to loose 1 pound a week, I would need to burn over 3,500 cal:scared1:

Man this is hard work.
Jeri - keep up the hard work - in addition to losing the pounds - think how toned and fit you will look for the cruise!!!! :sunny:

Mary - you deserve a week off - with all the hectiness at work - besides - plataus (sp?) are normal anyway - so how neat is it that yours come when you needed a brake for work related stuff. :grouphug:

Sandi - Water - water - water - I could use some of your clues to help me remember to drink more........(water that is) mind if I filter it through a beer.....defeating the purpose? oh well.......Today drink Green it! :thumbsup2

I have been up and down with the meal choices....back to good choices this week, Melting Pot doesn't count as that was a special day.....

Looked at bathing suits last night - $78.00 - At those prices last year's is looking real good....Besides, no one sees it under the wetsuit :rotfl2:

Take care - a beautiful St. Patrick's Day in S. Florida....need to get to work...In Ireland, it's a holiday....but in Ireland, I would also need to attend Mass today.
chip&dale&fun said:
Looked at bathing suits last night - $78.00 - At those prices last year's is looking real good....Besides, no one sees it under the wetsuit :rotfl2:

I'm having sticker over swimsuits too! I picked up a Lands End tankini set from Sears last weekend but the top didn't fit. I may order the same print in a different style type online. But, it's $$$$!!!

Last year I bought one from Kohl's that was a lot less expensive. They are having a sale tomorrow so I may go see what they have. There is a set online that is the same brand as the one from last year. I think it may flatter my FLAT chest but not sure that chocolate brown would look good on my fair skin!

CajunGirl2 said:
I'm having sticker over swimsuits too! I picked up a Lands End tankini set from Sears last weekend but the top didn't fit. I may order the same print in a different style type online. But, it's $$$$!!!

Last year I bought one from Kohl's that was a lot less expensive. They are having a sale tomorrow so I may go see what they have. There is a set online that is the same brand as the one from last year. I think it may flatter my FLAT chest but not sure that chocolate brown would look good on my fair skin!


I am sure guys do not go through this agony when selecting swim wear....
Hey there! Yeah, I may be in the market for a new swimsuit too....and I dread the price. I know I can get them for a LOT cheaper than Lands' End, but I LOVE their suits. They cover well and they last forever (unless you go in a hot tub a lot and don't rinse them out---lesson learned!)

Trying my best to stay on the wagon. I'm not losing pounds at all. Fluctuating between two weights...

but I FEEL thinner. My jeans feel better and I feel more toned. I'm hoping that now that I'm gaining muscle (muscle weighs more than fat) that my metabolism will start kickign in and burning off the fat! :)
ohiominnie said:
Hey there! Yeah, I may be in the market for a new swimsuit too....and I dread the price. I know I can get them for a LOT cheaper than Lands' End, but I LOVE their suits. They cover well and they last forever (unless you go in a hot tub a lot and don't rinse them out---lesson learned!)

Trying my best to stay on the wagon. I'm not losing pounds at all. Fluctuating between two weights...

but I FEEL thinner. My jeans feel better and I feel more toned. I'm hoping that now that I'm gaining muscle (muscle weighs more than fat) that my metabolism will start kickign in and burning off the fat! :)

What happened with the suit after the hot tub???

Congrats on feeling good about yourself. That counts for something!!!

OK, has everyone been as bad as I have been. Is that why no one has been posting, or was it all the talk of new swimsuits? I haven't exercised since Thursday morning! I need to get back in my routine tomorrow. I'm happy my sugars have been down (except for Friday when the Reese's peanut butter eggs attacked me on the way home from DD's house). I sure haven't been drinking my water, either. Have a good week, everyone.
whnim64 said:
OK, has everyone been as bad as I have been. Is that why no one has been posting, or was it all the talk of new swimsuits? I haven't exercised since Thursday morning! I need to get back in my routine tomorrow. I'm happy my sugars have been down (except for Friday when the Reese's peanut butter eggs attacked me on the way home from DD's house). I sure haven't been drinking my water, either. Have a good week, everyone.

Well the swimsuit talk did give me a scare:scared1: . Now I am going to be on the road (no place exciting, Detroit) and the challenge will be to make time to get on the hotel treadmill and no late night dinners (almost impossible).

Wish me luck and cya later in the week.
CajunGirl2 said:
What happened with the suit after the hot tub???

Congrats on feeling good about yourself. That counts for something!!!


Oops, sorry, missed this for a couple of days....

The suit deteriorated. The little spandexy fibers broke inside and then were popping out of the suit---but mostly in the back where I didn't see it. Let's just say the back of the suit where it was stretched the most was basically see through!!! :earseek: :earseek: :earseek:

so...after the hot tub....rinse your suit out. apparently chlorine and then sun are a bad bad combination. And this happened the summer after we moved in this house and it was a hot dry summer and we LIVED in the pool and hot tub.
Juletime said:
Well the swimsuit talk did give me a scare:scared1: . Now I am going to be on the road (no place exciting, Detroit) and the challenge will be to make time to get on the hotel treadmill and no late night dinners (almost impossible).

Wish me luck and cya later in the week.

just put your iPod on to the fast DCL music and do a modified WATP in your hotel room. Make it up...after all, you really can't do WATP WRONG!! (well, unless you do it on a treadmill!!!) :duck: :duck: :duck:
Well I come back hanging my head because the past couple of weeks just have not been good for me WISH wise. Haven't exercised much and did way too much snacking. The results are that I'm up a couple of pounds again. Yuck!

Just can't get myself motivated. Today is a new day and a new week and I'm going to do my best to get back on track!


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