I'm Celebrating: Being Awesome - An October 2016 Solo Trip Report - Update 7/24: Hiatus Over! Sorta.

I stumbled upon disboards and your reports on our recent trip to WDW and I keep coming back to read your updates.....you are so fun! Love your writing style and all your amazing detailed reports. And congrats on your weight loss. Amazing! I am also 6'!
You've defintely had a jam packed day at animal kingdom! I'm sad you weren't able to see finding nemo. I haven't seen it but I'm hoping to on this trip! Now I'm off to catch up on your dining report!
What a fantastic update on such a COLD DAY!

Im surprised you didn't fall asleep on the chair?!? HA HA HA! Such fun doing Dis meets and going on the rides together!!!
Id post more.. But um I have to get some work done!
This time, though, they held me to it... And it was a blast! (Though she told me later she was disappointed that we didn't get more soaked than we did... CRAZY WOMAN.)

Hey, in my defense, it was a bajillion degrees out with 3000% humidity! I needed some cooling off and I barely got sprinkled on!

I'm glad you could join us for our first time ever riding it. And those animal trails were so crazy packed, I didn't get many pictures either. :(
Along the way, I saw this sign. (Any of you who have read my previous trip reports will understand why this was extraordinarily relevant to me...)



Whoever made this sign clearly does not understand you ...

Just as I was finishing up lunch, I got a text from @IowaTater . We knew our FP times for Kali River Rapids overlapped, and we wanted to try to ride together. At that point I was only waiting on the check, so it looked like the timing was going to be perfect, hooray! I quickly settled up my bill, and off I went to find her and her hubby!

It didn't take long before we all bumped into each other. I'm so glad they wanted me to join them for this one because I have a really weird habit of booking a FP for it, then skipping it. I don't know why! I love it, but on my last 3 trips, when it came time for my ride, I just was kinda like, "Meh... Naw."

Yes! DIS meet part two! And I'm glad they made you finally get your butt back on Kali River Rapids!

Yeah, Nemo did NOT happen. My timing must have just been completely horrendous or something, because as I made my way down the path from EE, suddenly I found myself in the middle of a complete and total gridlock of people, through which I saw a MASSIVE line for the show. It took me so long to get through the herd of people-cows that by the time I finally broke through the throng at the other in the path, I was just DONE with the whole idea. 110% percent over it.

Ugh. Sad that you didn't see Nemo, but ... ugh. I just don't understand these massive traffic jams ... how difficult is it to just go somewhere and not stand around creating traffic?

Because nerds do books in ALL the places.

Yes. This. Books are appropriate for all places and times.

While I was sitting there, I realized that it was highly unlikely that I would be up for my late night dinner reservation at Homecoming (I think it was scheduled for 11pm), so I went ahead and called Disney Dining to see if I could get out of it. I told the CM that I wasn't feeling well, and she could plainly see it was for a Party of 1 so it's not like the rest of my family/group could still go without me. She was super cool about it, and cancelled it for me and waived the penalty. Score!

Sad that you didn't get to try Homecoming, but score for not being charged a penalty!!

And these giraffes feel like a swell place to leave you guys for tonight. I think they'll take good care of ya'll!

Giraffes are always a swell place to leave us. They're so cute!!
Loving the drunk scooter driving! I'm looking for you at the Princess 5K as I'll be running that one and you sound like you're a hoot to drink with!
Just got caught up on the rest of your HS day.

Upon arrival, I bee-lined it for a new-to-me character meet, and entertained the company of his royal whiny-ness, Kylo Ren. And he was all "YOU! I need to speak to you!" And I'm all, "Who, meeee?...


So then I gave him some serious side-eye...


These pictures crack me up because I was trying SO HARD not to smile. The struggle was so real that you can see it all over my face. I just could NOT take this bro seriously...


That whole exchange is hilarious!

Look at you, being all cute and adorable!

The kid in the front left cracks me up.

That kid in the front reminds me of my sister way back when. But I'll provide that story when the time comes...

That's right... I discovered that I'd lost enough to weight to be able to shop for tees in the parks!


I'm so incredible THRILLED for you!

Along the way, I had me a close encounter with a storm trooper, who was kind enough to stop in front of my scooter and strike a pose:


How thoughtful of him!

WELL. I think she probably regretted this decision when my tipsy butt goes and sideswipes the wall... and my to-go drink goes flying! SPLASH. Liquor and ice all over the floor.

Now, NORMALLY, I would have stopped and picked up the cup and the ice and everything as best I could. But I was a little drunk, so instead I just looked up at her and went "Oh, ****. GO GO GO!" And so we ran away. My deepest apologies to the CM who had the clean up after this vacation lush.



Ooooh, I LOVE stories. I'll just get me some refreshments first...


Ok, ready...

So I'm in the lobby, and I pull my phone out of my bag, remembering that earlie that day, I had been texted my room number (once it was ready).

Room number... 4579. Hmmm. THAT'S not on the first floor. *shrug* Well, let's go check it out!

So I got as far as the elevators... And promptly forgot my room number. Pulled my phone back out. 4579! Sweet, I got this! To the 5th floor we go!

Wait. No. 4th floor. Right? *pulls out phone* 4th floor! Here we go for reals this time!

So I get off on the 4th floor and start to head to my room... Wait. What's my room number again? *pulls out phone* Okay, cool! Room 4579, I'm comin' for you, b****!

I head down a very long series of very empty quiet hallways, driving my scooter, kinda feeling like that kid in "The Shining," looking for room 4975. Wait... Is that right? *pulls out phone* NOPE! Okay, I got this now!

Gurl, you got me cracking up here :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Lovely room and you totally scored with that awesome view! Also I LOVE that you could jam to the party music. I'd totally be jamming right along with you
I love seeing pictures of AKL! I'm staying there for the first time in May, and we're visiting it next week on our first park day for lunch at Sanaa. I'm so excited to see it in person, I know it's going to be stunning.

Being able to relax and decompress in the large lobbies of the hotels is one of my favorite parts of a Disney vacation. It never feels awkward, which is basically a miracle, and they're all just so lovely.

And you're not the only one who skips Kali with a FP on the regular. We do too! It's fun, we like it, but...eh. I get it.
Loving all of your pics. We stayed at AKL the last 2 times and our room was on the 3 floor right above this pond. We loved the view so much that we spent most of our last day just sitting on the balcony enjoying it. For us it was well worth the extra$ for a savanna view. Can't wait to see where your going for dinner. We enjoyed all restaurants at AKL.
How fun that you got to have a Dismeet and ride together!! Am so jealous!! Also your drink at lunch looked and sounded delish!
hot lunch date with... myself.

Sometimes that's the best date ever!

I was lead upstairs to a little table, where I actually for once had a decent little spot:

Didn't get lucky with an upstairs table this last trip, but have in the past! Just lovely up there!

I jumped right back into #vacationlush mode

No shame in that. ZERO!!! Ask me how I know... ;)

Lemme tell you, man... These bros were JAMMIN on that sitar and those drums. I was feelin' this so hard, and stayed to listen through to the end of their set. It was most excellent, ya'll!

I stayed for these guys' entire set as well! Holy crap, they jam!!! I loved every minute!! Glad you dug 'em too!

She was super cool about it, and cancelled it for me and waived the penalty. Score!

YUS!! I wasn't so lucky this time. Serious yuck when they don't bend.
Of course, I jumped right back into #vacationlush mode... Drinking-Before-Noon, Day 2:

My hero!!!!


Sober faces! (Also, my frizzy hair claims that we DID, in fact, get plenty wet. Harumph!)
Awesome pick, glad you all got to meet up again. Though, let's talk about that sober thing ; )

Yeah, Nemo did NOT happen. My timing must have just been completely horrendous or something, because as I made my way down the path from EE, suddenly I found myself in the middle of a complete and total gridlock of people, through which I saw a MASSIVE line for the show. It took me so long to get through the herd of people-cows that by the time I finally broke through the throng at the other in the path, I was just DONE with the whole idea. 110% percent over it.
Good news is you totally missed nothing!!!! We saw it a few trips back and to say I was underwhelmed is an overstatement. While it was well intended, their "original" songs were just plain awful. So you should thank the massive crowds for allowing you some peaceful AKL time instead.

While I was sitting there, I realized that it was highly unlikely that I would be up for my late night dinner reservation at Homecoming (I think it was scheduled for 11pm), so I went ahead and called Disney Dining to see if I could get out of it. I told the CM that I wasn't feeling well, and she could plainly see it was for a Party of 1 so it's not like the rest of my family/group could still go without me. She was super cool about it, and cancelled it for me and waived the penalty. Score!
What they heck were you thinking booking an 11pm dinner. Only thing i have a date for at 11 is sleep. Glad they cancelled it for you though.
Gosh what I would give to see that first facepaint!! you should just take a picture of yourself and a marker and just show us what it looked like, hahaha. But the second face paint is really awesome! Might be my favorite one yet!


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