Joy to the World: an offsite Christmas extravaganza at Disney, Universal & SeaWorld – Dec. 2016 TR

But.....but......that's cheating!! :eek:

Cheating my foot!!!!! It's not as easy as it looks. I spent hours upon hours upon hours upon hours watching this video to memorize each and every prime target. Ok, so maybe not hours but it did take many repeats on the video as well as about 5 spins through the ride to finally get it. The biggest and best prize was the fact that I got to lord it over GC :stir:
Ah penguins. Our favorite (Duncan's and mine, Madeline and Eric choose the coasters) ride. When we were there in February my cousins were with us and the ride stopped for about 10-15 minutes. The 4 year old decided she NEEDED to go potty. That 15 minutes felt like an hour. I whipped out a snack to distract her while we waited and got yelled at when we pulled into the station. oops! I guess I thought that would be better than an accident.
The pudding at Mango Joe's is one of my favorites!! So good

And I agree about the Christmas music. I love the music SeaWorld has in the background. This may make me a dork, but I got to know which BGM played over near Pacific Point (as I heard it so often waiting for the show to open)

Nah, that doesn't make you a dork! It makes you a Superfan :teeth:. And that's A-okay in my book :thumbsup2.

I'm not sure whose top I love more - yours or Joanna's! Looking forward to reading about the tour.

I was glad to see Joanna also dressed for the holidays......she made ME feel less like a dork! :rotfl:

My shirt was a gift from Jake. I had promised him I would wear it on our trip. Then Kerry gave me red Christmas minion socks, so I matched :p.

Cheating my foot!!!!! It's not as easy as it looks. I spent hours upon hours upon hours upon hours watching this video to memorize each and every prime target. Ok, so maybe not hours but it did take many repeats on the video as well as about 5 spins through the ride to finally get it. The biggest and best prize was the fact that I got to lord it over GC :stir:

Ha ha, I was just pulling your chain. Just because I watch the videos doesn't mean I'll be able to hit those pesky targets. I might know which ones I *should* try and hit, but my aim isn't exactly spot on most times :o.

Ah penguins. Our favorite (Duncan's and mine, Madeline and Eric choose the coasters) ride. When we were there in February my cousins were with us and the ride stopped for about 10-15 minutes. The 4 year old decided she NEEDED to go potty. That 15 minutes felt like an hour. I whipped out a snack to distract her while we waited and got yelled at when we pulled into the station. oops! I guess I thought that would be better than an accident.

You were in an unwinnable situation. Personally, I'd take the tongue lashing from the ride attendant versus potentially sitting in a puddle of preschooler pee :crazy2:.
I am sorry to leave ya'll hanging for the weekend, but while I had hoped to get an entry up this afternoon, its not looking like its going to happen. We are prepping to head back to Canada for a couple of days to see Jake, my mom, and Steve's parents....I'm hoping the big guy will be rolling in to the driveway within the next 15 minutes or so (otherwise, we're going to be arriving VERY late at my mom's :eek: ). Since its the Wild Arctic Tour entry that's up next, I want to be sure that I have enough time to craft a really descriptive, I will wish you all a wonderful weekend (a long one for my American friends! Happy Memorial Day to each of you!) and hopefully be back at some point on Monday.

@Ruthie5671 , cue your 80's music! :rockband:. You're officially unsupervised for a couple of days!

Oh, I'm excited. I think we'll start with some Bruce Springsteen and then move onto George Michael. Then cue the hair bands - Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Def Leppard. Where are my neon head bands and jelly shoes???

Have a great weekend my friend!
I'm not sure whose top I love more - yours or Joanna's! Looking forward to reading about the tour.

Thank you! That was one of my 2 holiday shirts that got a lot of use during the holiday season

Nah, that doesn't make you a dork! It makes you a Superfan :teeth:. And that's A-okay in my book :thumbsup2.

I was glad to see Joanna also dressed for the holidays......she made ME feel less like a dork! :rotfl:

My shirt was a gift from Jake. I had promised him I would wear it on our trip. Then Kerry gave me red Christmas minion socks, so I matched :p.

I like that title! I'll take it

And you didn't look like a dork! I liked your shirt
I am shocked that Disneyland would end up less expensive than Disney World. Every time I have looked at DL hotels, they have seemed crazy expensive. Maybe they haven't seen the rapid increases that the FL hotels have experienced in the last few years?
Ummm, you know there are a few timeshare properties in the DL area? Check your exchange company for trades...
Ack...I missed an update! How did that happen? Sometimes the alerts don't work or something. I know you're enjoying the weekend with family!
I got home from vacation last night and I'm all caught up on your TR. I wish I could say the same about sleep and laundry. I split the time between Charlotte, NC and VA/DC visiting friends. All I really did in Charlotte was meet people and eat food, but it was nice to see friends I hadn't seen since I moved at the end of 2012. The 2nd half I spent in DC seeing some things I hadn't on my other 3 trips there, but my friend worked two of the days so she dropped me at the Metro at 7am and then we wouldn't get home from doing stuff until after 11. I got more sleep on my last WDW trip :)

We visited Monticello which was interesting and nice to get out of the stuff in DC. I enjoy visiting my friend there, but I think I'm done visiting DC itself for awhile.

I hope you had a great visit home this weekend!
Have a wonderful trip back home!

Thank you! We had a fantastic time together.....lots of laughs, lots of quality moments. As always, it was hard to leave.....but yet, we are settled in well enough here in Michigan that it also feels good to come home again :confused3. It' a strange parallel.

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Oh, I'm excited. I think we'll start with some Bruce Springsteen and then move onto George Michael. Then cue the hair bands - Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Def Leppard. Where are my neon head bands and jelly shoes???

Have a great weekend my friend!

Ah, jelly shoes :cloud9:. I actually loved those. Maybe they'll come back in style again some day?

Have a nice weekend!

Thanks Joanna! It was great! I hope you enjoyed a fun Memorial Day long weekend too.

Ummm, you know there are a few timeshare properties in the DL area? Check your exchange company for trades...

But....but.....then I would have to give up one of my weeks in Florida :sad1:.

I guess I'm getting greedy where vacations are concerned. I want my two weeks at SVR *and* a week at Disneyland. I don't ask for much, do I? :o

Ack...I missed an update! How did that happen? Sometimes the alerts don't work or something. I know you're enjoying the weekend with family!

Hmmmmm......Disboards gremlins. I hope the alerts are back and working again. Of course, I didn't get an entry up today as I'd planned. We ended up spending the afternoon at the zoo instead, since the weather was lovely and we both had a free day at our disposal. I could resist the opportunity to hang out with these adorable creatures:




I got home from vacation last night and I'm all caught up on your TR. I wish I could say the same about sleep and laundry. I split the time between Charlotte, NC and VA/DC visiting friends. All I really did in Charlotte was meet people and eat food, but it was nice to see friends I hadn't seen since I moved at the end of 2012. The 2nd half I spent in DC seeing some things I hadn't on my other 3 trips there, but my friend worked two of the days so she dropped me at the Metro at 7am and then we wouldn't get home from doing stuff until after 11. I got more sleep on my last WDW trip :)

We visited Monticello which was interesting and nice to get out of the stuff in DC. I enjoy visiting my friend there, but I think I'm done visiting DC itself for awhile.

I hope you had a great visit home this weekend!

Sounds like a great trip! Welcome back!

DC is on my US bucket list. Can't see us getting there anytime soon, but its up there with NYC, Disneyland, Ocean City and Texas. I need to start playing the lottery :laughing:.

It was so, SO good to see Jake this past weekend, and we had such a good time with mom too. It was our belated Mother's Day weekend, and well worth the wait. My boy gave me a beautiful gift that just squeezed my heart. Still makes me cry each time I put it on.


I work tomorrow, but will try and squeeze in some time before I leave to get at least a short entry up either before or after my shift. Otherwise, we'll all forget what on earth we were even talking about in the first place :rotfl:.
Ah, jelly shoes :cloud9:. I actually loved those. Maybe they'll come back in style again some day?

They kind of are back just not in the same style as the 80's. I mean kind of by I see them in store but generally not out on people's feet, except for girls under 12. Saw some cute flats in a shop on Saturday but they were jelly type material, no holes, just cute flats that should have been leather. I saw a sweaty blister filled foot with the shoes.

Sounds like a great trip! Welcome back!

DC is on my US bucket list. Can't see us getting there anytime soon, but its up there with NYC, Disneyland, Ocean City and Texas. I need to start playing the lottery :laughing:.

It was so, SO good to see Jake this past weekend, and we had such a good time with mom too. It was our belated Mother's Day weekend, and well worth the wait. My boy gave me a beautiful gift that just squeezed my heart. Still makes me cry each time I put it on.

DC is a great place to visit but I don't find the museums to have a lot of repeatability. Holocaust museum is amazing but not something I need to do again unless I'm with someone that hasn't done it. It is probably my favorite museum due to how well it's all done and set up. I will eventually go back to the African American History museum, it was so crowded it was hard to see and read everything but it only opened in September. I also like that the Smithsonian museums are free so you can go in and look at as much or as little as you want. Some also offer great docent led tours as does the Library of Congress. I'm a big fan of these since the tours are free and cover a lot more than you would get reading a plaque and it's more interesting and helpful for me because I get bored reading plaques.

I agree on the lotto, I'm not looking forward to going back to work after having been off since the 18th.

I'm glad you had a great weekend, that's a fantastic gift Jake got you. It's very pretty and special. Glad to hear MI is starting to feel like home. I've found you don't realize it is home or becoming home until you go out of town and are either ready to go home or you don't mind leaving and going home.
Glad to hear MI is starting to feel like home. I've found you don't realize it is home or becoming home until you go out of town and are either ready to go home or you don't mind leaving and going home.

I felt a little guilty that it felt good to pull in our driveway late Sunday night, but I guess its a good thing. Doesn't mean I miss that boy of mine any less, it's just a good indicator that we're finally putting down some roots here.....and that's what needs to happen, for our sanity's sake.

As for the trip report, I have an entry half ready for posting and I promise it will be up tomorrow unless the apocalypse hits. I just ran out of time today.
Monday, December 19th (continued) :santa:

Once the welcome photos were taken of each small group within our larger group of 12, we moved onward to the first encounter of the tour: we were kicking things off in a super cool way with some one-on-one time with a pair of the most breathtakingly beautiful harbor seals :love:.


Each time we were readying to make the acquaintance of another animal, the care staff would prepare the group by giving us specific instructions of what to do or not to do to ensure the safety of both the animals and the tour participants. They were very clear that if one of the animals chose not to participate for any reason, that the trainers would take their cue and allow them to leave the area on their own terms. The SeaWorld staffer also gave us tons of information about each animal: their specific behaviours, their natural habitats, their individual care needs, and their unique personalities. Questions were welcomed and encouraged throughout each portion of the tour.


I am pretty sure they told us that SeaWorld Orlando was the only place in the USA that you could experience a one-on-one encounter with harbor seals, and yes… was as amazing as it sounds. While the other animals on the tour were unbelievably amazing as well, these two were my absolute favourite part of the Wild Artic experience, and were the highlight of the day for me. One look at those faces and I was in love :cloud9:.


They split us into two groups for the harbor seal encounter, and then halved our half-group again so that we had three people per seal. It allowed us to all get hands-on to pet and feed these incredible creatures. I could have spent all day in that spot and considered the day a huge win. Time went WAY too fast, even though they were very generous with time…..not rushing anyone through and giving us ample opportunity to soak up the moment. The moment, however, was so unbelievably cool, an hour (even two) would have seemed not enough.



Eventually we were rounded up by our guide and moved onward to visit the next animal on the tour: the stunning beluga whale.


For the whale encounter, we were split into those small groups of three and given the chance to touch and pet the beluga (they feel like wet balloons to me) before the trainer showed us just how smart they were.



By carrying out various hand signals under the direction of the trainer, we got to witness everything from a rise out of the water (to touch our hands) to a beautiful pirouette. Each small group highlighted a different beluga skill, so those watching from the sides witnessed the playful splashes and blowhole sprays too. As we waited our turns, it was fun to wonder which talent we’d get to see.


There was a second beluga in the pool, but she had not been feeling very social and had been choosing not to participate in recent tour encounters. While they hoped that she might choose to join our session, that wasn’t the case. No one was disappointed, though, as the time spent with “our” beluga was simply magical. Truly moments we would never forget.



We ended the tour in a BIG way…..both figuratively and literally! :p It was hard not to fall head over heels for this big fella as he lumbered his way down the hallway to greet us. Let’s just say, as he burst around the corner, waddling that mammoth body remarkably quickly down a long hallway, that he definitely made the grandest entrance of the day ::yes::.


Garfield was, in a word, MASSIVE :eek:. If you think the size of the walruses are impressive when they are featured in Sea Lion High, their girth is even more awe-inspiring when you find yourself within touching distance: this big fella was a scale-topping 3000 pounds. It’s really quite humbling to stand among such incredible animals, really. One of those moments when you realize you may only have this experience once in your lifetime.


Garfield, like the adorable Big Chris at Pacific Point Preserve, suffers from cataracts…..and his poor, bulging eyes were hard to peel our own gaze from. In fact, Garfield had us all simply captivated: it was hard to tear our eyes away from ANY part of this enormous fellow. As far as his eyes go, the animal care staff assured us that he received the best of care…..from his eyes right down to his little flipper feet. We were assured we needn’t feel sorry for the large, lumbering lad: he was loved and adored by all who worked with him, and he was living a pretty comfy life at the Orlando park. Lucky, indeed :thumbsup2.


We all had the chance to get up close and personal with Garfield, feeding him fish and feeling very small next to his ample body. We learned a lot of cool little facts about their tusks, about their behaviours in the wild, and about Garfield’s own unique personality.

I was incredibly proud of David, who was more than a little hesitant to approach such a large animal. With a little encouragement and reassurance from his mom, though, he impressed us all by being brave enough to conquer his original hesitation and get up close for his moment with Garfield, too. Way to go, David!! :banana:


The regular price of the Wild Arctic Tour is $59 per person, with a 10% discount extended to pass members. Even at full price, I think this tour would absolutely be worth every dime: the experiences are priceless, the guides and care staff were wonderfully informative, and the amount of time to spend with each animal was 'just right'. As a BOGO offer, it was a STEAL. This was the fourth tour/animal encounter at SeaWorld that we have been fortunate enough to enjoy (with the others being the VIP Tour, the Behind the Scenes Tour, and the Dolphin Encounter) and each one we do makes us want to do more. So well done, so educational, and SO FUN :teeth:.

I am pretty sure we returned to Mango Joe's after the tour for more food (I am virtually certain Steve and I shared a chicken tenders basket......we love the chicken tenders at SeaWorld's quick service locations) and then we bid Joanna adieu. It was so much fun to finally meet another Dis friend in person, and to have the chance to share such a memorable activity with her :goodvibes. We must make another date to do something similar again on future trips!

Much more SeaWorld is still yet to come......including more up-close animal encounters :fish:.
Just stumbled upon your report sounds like it was a lovely trip. I can't wait to read more and follow along.
The tour looks amazing! My son is in LOVE with animals and I think he would LOVE this!

Your pictures are so good of the experience!


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