Kids headed to College Fall 2012 Check-in

I move my DD into her freshman dorm tomorrow morning.

I'm so :woohoo:for her but I can't even put to words how much she will be missed around the house.

She isn't far from home so that is the only thing that is allowing me to keep it together ;)
tomorrow is too soon for me, its move in day for my ds

Excited :goodvibes and Sad ...where did the time go.:confused3..
I didn't order thevwelcome package thing. Now I'm rethinking. He is particular in likes. I as going to send my own little special stuff, but now I'm wondering if the other roomies are all going to get them on the same day maybe I should..... Decision decisions.

We've never bought them, and I would be surprised if the roommates are all getting them. I prefer to send stuff my son will actually appreciate. My oldest got a care package from the church youth group and half of it was stuff he had no interest in. I was thinking about sending along the things he forgot to take with a few surprises.
Do you posters with girls who are calling every night know how lucky you are? Friends tell me that girls do this. I have three sons -- I wouldn't know. I'm really thankful for Facebook b/c I can have a little communication. I got a text about $. His dad is hearing from him b/c they were playing each other in their fantasy baseball league.
Mike and his cousin Britannie LOVE their new school. I can't get either of them to stop talking about it.

Mike was finally able to get into the theatre class he really wanted, it's been closed since he was accepted. He found an opening online and JUMPED on it. It's being taught by a local actress he really likes and he wanted her class BAD.

Well, first day some poor kid walks in and announces it's his LAST DAY because SOMEONE (he thinks his DAD :mad:) went into his system and dropped him from the class. He tried to get reinstated but SOMEONE :-)blush: my son) grabbed the spot already. The teacher apologized but there was nothing she could do.

I remember my Mom NOT wanting me to major in theatre and I had to take classes without her knowledge. I guess if she had access to my courses I never would've been able to get my BFA, either!! :headache:

Really rude of the Dad if he DID do it, he could've at least discussed it with his son before doing something so abrupt. I couldn't imagine doing that to my kid.

My little niece (I've stopped her at toddler because she's my sweet baby) just told me last night that she hasn't bought any books because they're "too expensive." :eek: Her mom told me she got the Pell Grant and I thought they gave a book allowance. I told her to check with her account. I can't believe she hasn't bought a book yet! Mike has already bought almost $700 in books in just the first two days!

So much stuff but both of them are so happy with their experiences so far. :hyper:
DD texted me a few minutes ago and she got out of her second classes today at 10:30 and is done for the day. She is loving college so far. :laughing:
Do you posters with girls who are calling every night know how lucky you are? Friends tell me that girls do this. I have three sons -- I wouldn't know. I'm really thankful for Facebook b/c I can have a little communication. I got a text about $. His dad is hearing from him b/c they were playing each other in their fantasy baseball league.

One of DD's BFF is a guy. They will drive an hour to Disney or Universal and spend the entire day there. His mom will text me on occasion to see if I've heard from them since he would never think to text his mom and let her know that they made it there alive. My Dd will send pictures of them on a ride or text about the 6th consecutive time they went on Space Mountain. The boy? Nothing! My son is the same way. He doesn't venture too far from home so it isn't a big issue. When I do text him for an update, I get a one word response usually. Boys!
One of DD's BFF is a guy. They will drive an hour to Disney or Universal and spend the entire day there. His mom will text me on occasion to see if I've heard from them since he would never think to text his mom and let her know that they made it there alive. My Dd will send pictures of them on a ride or text about the 6th consecutive time they went on Space Mountain. The boy? Nothing! My son is the same way. He doesn't venture too far from home so it isn't a big issue. When I do text him for an update, I get a one word response usually. Boys!

I wish my son was like that. He texts or calls me after each class. I think it's because it's the first week, hopefully it'll stop. I've never seen him so into anything in his life!! :hyper:

My niece is a one word type, she's very shy and quiet. I'm glad to see she's made friends, though, I was worried about that. :hug:
DD (4th year) left last Thursday. DS (1st year) left last Friday. They both seem happy when we talk to them, especially DS.

DS13 has been a little clingy. ;)
Mike and his cousin Britannie LOVE their new school. I can't get either of them to stop talking about it.

So much stuff but both of them are so happy with their experiences so far. :hyper:

That is GREAT Robin!
Do you posters with girls who are calling every night know how lucky you are? Friends tell me that girls do this. I have three sons -- I wouldn't know.

My DS has texted me everyday, but it's pretty random odd stuff. "I forgot my electric razor charger cord." "I don't like my psych teacher." "When's my sister get her cast?" (since he broke her wrist before he left) I'll respond back and then get nothing back until the next day :)
Well we just found out yesterday that DS was accepted to college for fall 2013! He doesn't know yet and we will be surprising him later this morning. We are decorating our dining room and making pancakes in the school's first letter. This is DS's top choice and we couldn't be happier for him. Especially the fact that it is so soon. I can't believe that in less than a year we will be dealing with what all of you are. My heart goes out to you all!

Congrats to your son! :thumbsup2

DD's first class is this morning- 8am. I hope she got up on time. :surfweb:

I know that feeling...I've been worried about if DS will get himself up and moving on time, but so far so good. Classes start on Monday and his first class is at 9:00 so I think he'll make it.

I move my DD into her freshman dorm tomorrow morning.

I'm so :woohoo:for her but I can't even put to words how much she will be missed around the house.

She isn't far from home so that is the only thing that is allowing me to keep it together ;)

tomorrow is too soon for me, its move in day for my ds

Excited :goodvibes and Sad ...where did the time go.:confused3..

Hang in there! And take kleenex! :lmao:

Mike was finally able to get into the theatre class he really wanted, it's been closed since he was accepted. He found an opening online and JUMPED on it. It's being taught by a local actress he really likes and he wanted her class BAD.

Well, first day some poor kid walks in and announces it's his LAST DAY because SOMEONE (he thinks his DAD :mad:) went into his system and dropped him from the class. He tried to get reinstated but SOMEONE :-)blush: my son) grabbed the spot already. The teacher apologized but there was nothing she could do.

I remember my Mom NOT wanting me to major in theatre and I had to take classes without her knowledge. I guess if she had access to my courses I never would've been able to get my BFA, either!! :headache:

Really rude of the Dad if he DID do it, he could've at least discussed it with his son before doing something so abrupt. I couldn't imagine doing that to my kid.

My little niece (I've stopped her at toddler because she's my sweet baby) just told me last night that she hasn't bought any books because they're "too expensive." :eek: Her mom told me she got the Pell Grant and I thought they gave a book allowance. I told her to check with her account. I can't believe she hasn't bought a book yet! Mike has already bought almost $700 in books in just the first two days!

So much stuff but both of them are so happy with their experiences so far. :hyper:

Congrats to your son in getting the class he wanted. I can't believe that dad cancelled his kid out of the class! I know at my DS's school, they really stress that it's up to the kids what classes they take, etc. They even pointed out that we won't have access to their grades. I did suggest one class for my son and I'm glad he followed my suggestion (he's taking Japanese!) but if he chose not to, it wouldn't have been a problem.

DS went and bought his books this morning -he just registered yesterday. I'm curious (or is that scared?) to see how much they cost.

We've been texting back and forth a bit this week. It usually starts with him asking where something is and goes from there. I'm trying not to text too much. We've already set up a weekly Skype time...just waiting for my new webcam to come.
The dad who cancelled the class needs his head examined. My son's passion is theatre. He is not only taking the drama class for majors that is the prerequisite for all others, he also managed to get into a non-major humanities class on play analysis.
I have a question. I've noticed a few of you have mentioned that your son or daughter just registered for classes and starts a few days later. Is this the norm?

My DD is dual enrolled and she registers months in advance (as does anyone going to this CC). It gives me tons of time to find good deals on books. Her books this semester would have cost $600 from the bookstore and I got them all for $120. If she registered today and started tomorrow, there wouldn't be anytime to shop around.
DD couldn't register until orientation. They had several orientations for freshman scheduled throughout the summer but she ended up in one of the last ones trying to work out her and her friends schedule. But the schedule they gave her that day was completely thrown out several weeks later when they realized her AP classes had been accepted.

We bought a couple of books online before had and she bought a couple once at the school because she wasn't sure if she needed the workbook too.
I have a question. I've noticed a few of you have mentioned that your son or daughter just registered for classes and starts a few days later. Is this the norm?

My DD is dual enrolled and she registers months in advance (as does anyone going to this CC). It gives me tons of time to find good deals on books. Her books this semester would have cost $600 from the bookstore and I got them all for $120. If she registered today and started tomorrow, there wouldn't be anytime to shop around.

DS made his schedule at the orientation in April. He mentioned some tweaking of schedules and looking into clepping a couple of classes this week.

He ordered his books through the school bookstore over the summer because he wasn't sure how it would work with his scholarship that covers books. But now he knows that he can purchase his books elsewhere and will get a refund from the school of the amount he doesn't use from his scholarship each semester.
DS picked his classes at orientation in June, and then we came back and ordered as many of his books from Amazon, Chegg etc as we could, then he ordered the ones we couldn't find from the school bookstore so he could pick them up after he moved in.
DD has known for 2 months what classes she has & what books were needed so she had time to shop around.

However, a client told me yesterday that her DD is a sophomore at MTSU and she was told by other students to wait until day 1 of class because sometimes the professor will say you do not need the book. Saved them lots of $$.
I somehow doubt my kid will show up w/o a book when it will be required or not, lol.
My DS registered for classes at orientation in June. At his school, a certain number of spots in the most popular classes is released at each orientation registration to make it fair for the kids who do it in August. We did the freshman bookstore bundle, which means we probably paid too much, although we did specify "used." Professors changing books at the last minute is not a problem b/c books are returnable for the first, I think, 10 days of class.


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