Language on the shows getting a little too salty?

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If OP is a longtime listener, then OP might recall that dark humor and innuendo has long been a part of the podcast. Things such as curtains matching the drapes, something about twigs, and most famously, a type of station wagon with wood paneling on it
I know I'm not a long time listener, but it's certainly been present the whole two years I've been listening.
I actually think it's why I like the universal show slightly more than the rest, but us Aussie folk are crass and our minds frequent the gutter, just ask @disneysteve what I'm REALLY like! "Sailor" comes to mind

I love it! Most people who watch the dis are grown folk, and any thing remotely adult will just go over a kids head if they happen to be listening.

I like that they don't baby the show because it's centered on a family friendly company.
Yeah I agree Hunterr.
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I think some of the examples posted were accidental. Or oh, did I just say a double entendre? giggle.
I have listened to nearly all of the podcasts, starting back in 2007. The tone has always been like this. Not really sure why a kid would be listening, or even interested in the podcast.
I didn't realize my posts required an investigation into my background

Is there a qualifier on who is allowed to post

Let me make it perfectly clear that I truly love The Dis. The channel is amazing

recent posts are only to excercise my right to voice some concerns on the direction the show has gone

Go back and listen to past podcasts, there is the occasional light innuendo thrown in. We are all adults here and this style of humor does not bother me the slightest. It isn't like they are throwing anything in your face, I enjoy listening and laugh along with them.
I didn't realize my posts required an investigation into my background

Is there a qualifier on who is allowed to post

Let me make it perfectly clear that I truly love The Dis. The channel is amazing

recent posts are only to excercise my right to voice some concerns on the direction the show has gone

Your posts most certainly do NOT require an investigation or to be questioned. You are welcome here. Thank you for posting.
I think it adds some personality to the show! it makes many listeners giggle - after all, it's a show produced by adults for adults. They often talk about financial performance, management changes, budgeting and so on... all topics which any kid would find boring. It's only natural and normal. Just let yourself go a little and don't take it all too seriously!
I'll have some more salt, please.

I think the shows are kid friendly, but to be honest I'm not sure how many kids would be that interested in listening. I'm sure some are, but I doubt I would have been interested in them until I was 13+, at which age I was being exposed to plenty of 'salty' language on the school bus.
Here's the good news. The crew is doing this for free so we should be grateful they do this for us at all. And, second, don't listen if you don't like the content. I'm so thankful for Pete and his team-they are the best of the best of we Disney fans!
If OP is a longtime listener, then OP might recall that dark humor and innuendo has long been a part of the podcast. Things such as curtains matching the drapes, something about twigs, and most famously, a type of station wagon with wood paneling on it

Absolutely! Ryno about killed me with his taco at Pecos Bills reference.....

I'm not sure there was EVER an intention to make it a child friendly show, so yes ...I've been noticing the innuendo for 8-years or so now.
Here's the good news. The crew is doing this for free so we should be grateful they do this for us at all. And, second, don't listen if you don't like the content. I'm so thankful for Pete and his team-they are the best of the best of we Disney fans!
You get this for free?

I base these types of issues on how we talk at work. It is a professional environment but some things said would make Jes blush. I never laughed at me computer until the Aulani Mothers day rapid fire and hearing the triumvirate making side comments. There are so many podcasts where people spot off figures and stats that bore me.

It is almost too easy to picture the whole group sitting around the thanksgiving dinner table, like my family does, making comments at each other. Then my Mother (in this case Kathy) gets mad because I want more rolls. By the time pie is served we are out of wine and my brothers new boyfriend is too terrified to talk. At the end of the day we all hug and leave with some pie, though part of me still thinks they all live in Pete's house.

I completely lost track of where I was going, and maybe that was my plan. I think that anyone that comes off as bashing the OP is not intentionally doing so, rather defending this family we have come to love.
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