Latest Massive Brawl at Disney Between 2 Families

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I had an encounter at ak festival of the lion king where a family wanted to start something with me. I was uncontrollably shaking with adrenaline after the encounter and could tell after the show the other family wanted to continue things

it Was a family of six and all of them were enthusiastically standing up to stare me down and exert their presence

i got up mid show and left to take myself out of the situation

missed the show but deescalated the situation
I had an encounter at ak festival of the lion king where a family wanted to start something with me. I was uncontrollably shaking with adrenaline after the encounter and could tell after the show the other family wanted to continue things

it Was a family of six and all of them were enthusiastically standing up to stare me down and exert their presence

i got up mid show and left to take myself out of the situation

missed the show but deescalated the situation
Good job, that is a nightmare situation and you did the right thing getting yourself out of the situation and letting cooler heads prevail. Wish these folks could have done that. :crazy2:
Dang that's pretty judgy for someone who hasn't seen the video. I mean, what if one side was just following down the pathway smacking your 10-year old daughter as you try to retreat and ignore them? At what point do you need to step in and stop them before you become "horrible" as you say?

I'm not saying that's what happened, I haven't really analyzed it or anything, but just blanket calling both sides "horrible" is a reach for someone who hasn't even watched the video.
I can read reports without seeing it
You do realize both sides don't get banned from Disney when you don't earn it
I had an encounter at ak festival of the lion king where a family wanted to start something with me. I was uncontrollably shaking with adrenaline after the encounter and could tell after the show the other family wanted to continue things

it Was a family of six and all of them were enthusiastically standing up to stare me down and exert their presence

i got up mid show and left to take myself out of the situation

missed the show but deescalated the situation
That is horrible. Your safety came first for sure. There's always another show.
We just got back last night. I use a scooter and have my walking cane in the cane holder on the back. TWO times someone standing behind me banged on my cane so hard in line (mindlessly or meanly?) that they ended up cracking my cane open. I didn't confront them because of the type of behavior in the world now. One was a grown 50s-60s man in the Japan store and the other was a younger teen-20s girl in line at Guardians.
I had someone at Philharmagic try to start something with my husband. Right as the lights went down the guy next to me whipped out his cell phone and started looking for his next FP. The screen was so incredibly bright and right by my face...I had to shield my eyes, it hurt. My DH leaned over and told him to put his phone away and the guy immediately puffed up with "You wanna GO BRO?? I'll bleep your bleep..."

I managed to calm everyone down, but then had to sit next to the guy for the rest of the show. When the show ended, the guy stood up and turned to DH but realized the size difference (frankly I could have taken him) and scurried out the door.

On our trip last year some lady thought I cut her in line at Gideon's (not the actual line...the spot where you put your name on the wait list). She started cursing at me, and actually tried to follow us a bit. We managed to lose them in the crowd.

People have become feral over the last few years.
Kind of shocked there’s no security responding to keep other guests safe and preserve the brand. This is unacceptable in the middle of Fantasyland. Not safe for guests or employees that this went on for so long.
Things happen quickly and it takes time for security to reach these spots. I remember a similar complaint about the last viral fight video (at DL). First a fellow CM needs to call them in, then it takes some time, not long! but it takes time to get to the incident. In that timeframe a lot can happen. I think we can all agree that Disney hates that these things happen and would rather not have the PR hit if they can avoid it. As it stands this video has reached national networks, which I kinda think is ridiculous.
It has nothing to do with Genie+, or long lines, or heat. It has to do with some people just like confrontation. From what I read on the original post, the white shirted family (family #1)sort pushed and shoved the girl when she was trying to get back to her family. When they got out her brother confronted them because he didn't like them pushing his sister. Could it all have been avoided, yes. I don't know how old sister was but I don't think she was a child.

I would have simply told my brother to get over himself and let it go. Just move on, unless the person actually hit her, its over.
There is shockingly little that would ever push me to that limit, especially at WDW. I can't imagine it.
While this is appalling and went on much too long, it's not new. I've seen physical fights, shoving, and LOTS of verbal exchanges over the years and it didn't just start after COVID.

I myself ran into a group looking for a fight 4-5 years ago at Epcot and it was terrifying. I reported it to the CM at the F&WF booth and she shrugged. We changed our direction and went the other way until we knew they were far enough ahead of us.

Perhaps the situation that scared me the most was a fight while post fireworks waiting on the T&TC ferry boat. Hundreds of people smashed into the small area and these two guys were full on screaming at each other and starting to shove. It could have been really, really dangerous if people hadn't started pushing backwards to make room. Several guests jumped the fence to find a CM but by the time they arrived, the men had disappeared into the crowd. I had a 5 year old with me (that wasn't mine!) so I was particularly nervous. She's 12 now so it wasn't recent!

There are so many encounters never caught on video or by Disney.

Summer is always the worst for it - I see a dramatic difference in attitudes towards others when it's so hot.
Perhaps an update

the people who wrote in to the wdw site seem to be the non white shirt family and told a somewhat rosy one sided story and not the whole truth it seems

according to news sites the non white shirt family (south Asians) post ride were the ones waiting outside and confronted the white shirt family on why they pushed the girl in the line

from there fight began

So white shirt family behaved badly inside the ride while non white shirt family clearly instigated the brawl

two wrongs, no rights and both deserve what they were dealt as punishment
Bad guest...... BUT ...... great video for youtube.
It will now live forever.

Just think about these guest employers and their future grandchild.
I had someone at Philharmagic try to start something with my husband. Right as the lights went down the guy next to me whipped out his cell phone and started looking for his next FP. The screen was so incredibly bright and right by my face...I had to shield my eyes, it hurt. My DH leaned over and told him to put his phone away and the guy immediately puffed up with "You wanna GO BRO?? I'll bleep your bleep..."

I managed to calm everyone down, but then had to sit next to the guy for the rest of the show. When the show ended, the guy stood up and turned to DH but realized the size difference (frankly I could have taken him) and scurried out the door.

On our trip last year some lady thought I cut her in line at Gideon's (not the actual line...the spot where you put your name on the wait list). She started cursing at me, and actually tried to follow us a bit. We managed to lose them in the crowd.

People have become feral over the last few years.
Last year when Genie + just started, Tower of terror was the first ride i had booked with it. I and my friends were in the standby queue and not the lightning lane.When i realised my error, we went into the right queue. Someone had gone out of the LL queue and came back in, then pushed in front of me and told the CM we were from the standby queue, rather rudely. I expalained what has happend and even showed my phone with the booking to her. The CM was rude as well, saying there would be a big problem if the magicband touchpoint would flash a different colour than it should be. Both shut up and weren't apologetic at all when they saw the booking on my phone. Woman scurried away rather quickly when i said i told you i was telling the truth.
One lesson is. DON'T HAVE A FIGHT WHEN YOUR WHOLE FAMLY HAS THE SAME SHIRT ON. you can't blend in. You can just walk away. You will be caught.

At one point I thought they were going to do a dance routine. People were bobbing in and out of the crowd.
This is a microcosm of society at this point and the only thing this has to do with Disney is that it happened at Disney. This happens at the the the subway..etc. etc.

A) People are crazier than ever
B) People are angrier than ever
C) People have grown up thinking this type of behavior is acceptable
D) See A

On the other thread I made a joke about Darwin being wrong but I'm not sure how much of a joke it is because it does not seem like the smartest and best have survived and moved on. Feels very much like we're de-evolving as a society. But yeah...Philharmagic? C'mon people. Pick your battles a little wiser.
This is a microcosm of society at this point and the only thing this has to do with Disney is that it happened at Disney. This happens at the the the subway..etc. etc.

A) People are crazier than ever
B) People are angrier than ever
C) People have grown up thinking this type of behavior is acceptable
D) See A

On the other thread I made a joke about Darwin being wrong but I'm not sure how much of a joke it is because it does not seem like the smartest and best have survived and moved on. Feels very much like we're de-evolving as a society. But yeah...Philharmagic? C'mon people. Pick your battles a little wiser.
It's really hard to love a post like this but it is so spot on correct.
All points.
Philharmagic? Who have thunk that anyone would fight over getting in to that of all things. Next it will be Carousal of Progress I guess.

And to add in another bullet point, people have stopped caring about each other, or having empathy for others especially strangers. Heck, they have a hard time having it for those they know.
I was at the zoo last weekend and walking behind me was a woman with her whole family. I could distinctly hear her say at one point "by the end of this day, I'm gonna be smacking somebody". I turned around to see she was wearing a t shirt that read "Kindness is contagious".
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