leaving next week.....what is up with the earthquakes?

...and in line for Soarin when they closed the ride due to the earthquake. I am from the midwest and have never experienced an earthquake. We didn't feel a thing. Some of the large rides were closed for a brief period of time. We were given Fast Passes and returned later in the day.

I was a little nervous after that due to the number of earthquakes that had happened, but hey, here in Missouri we've been in the basement for tornado warnings several times in the past month. :-)
I lived in S. Cal on and off for several years and never felt a So Cal earthquake.. The only earthquake I didnt sleep thru was HERE in Chicago!

Many years ago, I felt something..... and told my friends... this feels like an earthquake... they looked at me like I was nuts (and since we lived next to the 'EL" train, they all said it was a train.. not an earthquake...) but I insisited it was indeed an earthquake. Moments later, the news came on.... Chicago had an earthquake!!!

So ya never know..... ;)
Are there any tips from those us who will be visiting, in case another earthquake occurs in and around LA or DL?
My biggest tip--don't panic. If you're outdoors, stay there, preferrably in an open spot. If indoors, try to brace yourself against an inside wall (not an outer wall of the building) or under the table if you are in a restaurant. If you're in your hotel room, get under a sturdy table or if in bed, it's a good idea to just brace against the wall with the covers completely over you (in case of breaking glass). I wouldn't try doing a duck and cover procedure while in line for an attraction as there will likely be some people who do panic and you might find yourself trampled.
I was very excited to feel the 5.2 quake on Thursday! I moved to SoCal less then a year ago and I had never felt one before. Nothing fell off shelves or anything (I live in Studio City -- quite a ways from the epicenter) but I definitely felt it. It was kind of fun! I know I wouldn't say that if there had been major damage, but as it was, it was no big deal.

For anyone coming to So Cal who is nervous: I grew up in New England (with blizzards, hurricanes, ice storms, and the occasional flash floods!), then lived in Minnesota for 8 years (with more blizzards, extreme sub-zero weather, multiple tornadoes during each summer month, and even bigger ice storms!) and so far, So Cal is paradise! No snow, no extreme cold, no ice, no tornadoes - it's great! You have the potential for natural disasters no matter where you go and you can't let it paralyze you. Compared to the 6 month winter in Minnesota, I will take a little shaking any day! Think of it this way: if you were going to WDW you have the potential of a hurricane or a tropical storm ruining your entire vacation. Here yes there is the slight possibility that you might experience an earthquake, but it will probably be over in 30 seconds or less and chances are you will just continue on with your day in the beautiful California sun. It will just be one more adventure to tell your friends about when you get home.

Ariel :earsboy:
ArialsMelody, Oh how I know exactly what you mean about Minnesota!! Today at work I looked out side and the sky was TEAL and I couldnt see a thing besides the rain, which was raining SIDEWAYS the power went out for a minute, I thought for sure there would be a tornado but luckly there wasnt, And my apt didnt loose power, however DFI's house still hasent got there power back. I think every place has there own natural disasters.
YoHo said:
Techincally, though it wasn't felt in the area, the quake off of Eureka was a Major (7.1 I think) quake in the past week in California and it did set off Tsunami alerts from Vancouver Island to Baja California. The Tsunami was 1 inch tall at San Francisco, but still...

The "Tsunami" was 1 cm tall, not one inch.
chibichibirei said:
ArialsMelody, Oh how I know exactly what you mean about Minnesota!! Today at work I looked out side and the sky was TEAL and I couldnt see a thing besides the rain, which was raining SIDEWAYS the power went out for a minute, I thought for sure there would be a tornado but luckly there wasnt, And my apt didnt loose power, however DFI's house still hasent got there power back. I think every place has there own natural disasters.

Wow! Sky was teal? That's not usually a good sign! In So Cal today it was 75 and not a cloud in the sky. See what I mean about taking the chances of earthquakes in stride once you've lived in other places in the country? There's always something to worry about wherever you go.

You live in Plymouth! I lived in Edina and Burnsville, worked in Hopkins and went to college in Northfield! -- all close to you! :)

Ariel :)
Small world, my mom has a friend that lives in Northfield :flower: and yes it was teal, it was the color of DFi's car! :rotfl:
AFMom said:
Just keep in mind that if you are going to experience an earthquake somewhere - CA is the best prepared place to experience it! The buildings, roads, amusement parks, etc are so overly earthquake safe - property damage, injury, or loss of life take a VERY large earthquake centered in the cities. These little ones are really a good thing - let off the stress without a big one hitting. Don't stress - if one hits - it'll probably be a small one that you can report you were able to feel it in your trip report! :flower:

If the earthquake hits while I am at home, or at work, I know where to go and what to do (we have drills at work).
If I am visiting the coast (the spots I tend to visit) I know where to go and what to do.

If an earthquake hits while I am in DL, I do not know where to go or what to do.
I suspect that the Disney owned hotels are well built.
The stuff on Harbor Blvd looks really shakey to me.


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