Leverage: anyone considering SSR purchase:

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MiaSRN62 said:
Wow....how did I just know I'd get this sort of response :rolleyes: Again....just zoning in on one thing and disregarding the rest ? But since you brought it up....I have seen some others trying to play referee ;)

I guess you'll just see what you want to see, but this was the jist of my post:

Translation: meaning I "personally" have not seen attacks on those with disabilities here and will not say that I have simply based on guilt trips being dropped. I never proposed I was calling the shots for "everyone". I said let's shake hands and agree to disagree---guess you missed that part & the fact that I said I "respect and acknowledge your feelings" TCPluto ? Wish I hadn't said anything if it's just going to get all misconstrued. :confused3

It was a joke, and in fact I said so in the post. Sorry you missed that. That's the part not conveyed on a bulletin board, only dealing with the written word.

The follow up about asking for an instant replay? Again, part of the joke. Sorry if you were offended.

For len and colorado, seems a bit like the pot calling the kettle balck. But thanks for your input. In football, we call that piling on. It's a foul.
Actually, in football, it's called 'asking everyone to play within the rules and as a team player".

That being said: Go Broncos! tho it looks like Trevor, Kenoy AND Ritchie will be going someplace else. Color me sad.
ColoradoBelle1 said:
Actually, in football, it's called 'asking everyone to play within the rules and as a team player".

That being said: Go Broncos! tho it looks like Trevor, Kenoy AND Ritchie will be going someplace else. Color me sad.

You're right, I'll just adopt your line of thinking? Not likely, not likely your daughters line of thinking either (as you shout over her shoulder).

For clarification sake, understand that I want a non-smoking room. I want a H/A room.

I do understand that some families require a non-smoking room ( as compared to my want). I want their requirements met.

I understand that some people, for various reasons, require a tub, while others want a tub. I absolutely support those requiring a tub to be able to have one.

For everyone else, I hope they have great success getting the requests they want.

I want others to understand that by the words they choose, they may inadvertently casue pain for others. I see it often. While I'm sure the subliminal message is often unintended, it has the same negative effect on the person receiving it. For those that don't get that point, you probably never will.

To go through and dismiss peoples feelings and deriding them for their opinions, does not fit the "agree to disagree" mold.

Because I have stayed in this thread, unwilling to let attacks go unanswered, I have become a target for 3 or 4. Again, that's team play for your team and your position.
Next on "Days of Our DVC"

Will Shan get a tub in her room? And will it have a stopper?

Will TCPluto get that H/A room and have people stop rolling their eyes at her daughter?

Will ColoradoBelle purchase DVC points?

Will sj's Disney wedding last after the spouse sees all these responses on this thread?

Will Deb decide that she really does care about what other people get for a room?

Will they all decide that they all really agree, no one is calling any one names and they all love their DVC, no matter what shortcomings it has?

Will SSR's member take over the BCV at the 7 month deadline?

Will SSR be completed? Will Eagle Pines ever be started?

Stay tuned for the next episode of "Days of Our DVC"
DVCconvert said:
Soooooo....how about 'em Yankees... huh?

Oh, they :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: lost, and didn't make it to the World Series!
Deb & Bill said:
Will TCPluto get that H/A room and have people stop rolling their eyes at her daughter?

I fail to see how making fun of a handicapped child fits into the realm of humor.

This comments makes my point exactly. The intent was humor, no doubt. The reality was cruel.
I understand that you felt a great deal of pain when your daughter was hurt by the words of a rude person talking about their not wanting a handicap room. But TC...it was their words that hurt your daughter, not the words of anyone who posted here. I think that when we all started talking about the fact that Handicap rooms didn't meet some of our needs...it may have reminded you of seeing the pain in your child's eyes once upon a time. I think you may have been reacting to the feelings you had back then when you began posting to someone (it wasn't me) here. Had you posted to this person and let them know of your personal experience up front and perhaps said something like: Please Please be careful when you tell the front desk about your not liking handicap rooms...try to be sensitive to the fact that there are people out there who HAVE to have handicap rooms and they might take your words as a slight against them personally then I think your post would have had an inspiring and positive effect on everyone . I think everyone would have understood where you were coming from, and have been very empathetic to your sensitivities.
What I see as q problem tho is that instead of posting your feelings, you choose to post AS IF the poster was the one who offended your child . Maybe it was only that you were so worried that the poster might in the future say something that would offend another child in a similar way. I can understand your concern BUT becasue you posted your response as if the poster had actually already done something offensive...it was you that sort of went on the attack. If you disagree with my opinion that rooms should be guaranteed nonsmoking....that is fine with me. If you think that my opinion is dumb or insensitive that is also fine by me. If you are worried that I might become insensitive when I express my concern about a room to a CM, it is ok for you to remind me that the CM is only human and I might want to be gentle etc...but it isn't ok to ASSUME that I WILL be insensitive just because you rant into someone else who WAS insenstive. If you tell me that I am dumb or insensitive or a bad mother...or say that to someone else, you are then attacking character as opposed to a behavior and that isn't fine by me. I sincerely hope that you can see the difference between these different events and hopefully understand that no one here so far has attacked your character or your rights to post, to feel, to have an opinion.

If you are on my team or on another team and you call someone a bad name...then trust that I will take you to task and tell you that you don't have a right to call someone an epithet. If you accuse my team of cutblocking and then show a tape where someone on my team cut blocked...I will not tell you that cutblocking is done by every team so it is somehow ok....I will say: that shouldn't have happened and I am sorry my teammate cutblock your teammate. I will personally be accountable for somethign my team did. But if you say: your teammate is looking like he is going to cutblock me at some point in the future and he is a MEATHEAD....then I will tell you that even tho Billybob LOOKS like a giant who might cutblock and actually looks a little bit like a meathead...that he is really one gentle giant who never cutblocks so quit assuming that he will just becasue his evil twin brother cutblocked you last year. It's a matter of being accountable for what you SAY and DO and OPINE...and hoping that every one else will also be accountable for what he says and does and opines...an equal playing field.

Even though it might feel to you that 'we' are ganging up on you. I think that 'we' are trying to tell you that while you have every right to your opinions that you (nor we) have a right to Attack anythign other than a bad behavior. We...none of us..have the right to tell someone else how to feel or to accuse them of feeling anything unless they have specifically said I FEEL THIS. NO one as I recall, called you names, said you were a bad dad or a bad person. No one said you were shouting . No one said you were insensitive or thinking something you shouldn't outta be. No one said your opionions were wrong. No one said you were rude, The only posts I can find that were directed to you, said that you had accused people of things they hadn't done or said or that you accused people of having feelings that they had never said they felt...and they told you not to put words in their mouths. And if you look at your posts, you might agree that you did do or say some of those things. No one said that you weren't entitled to feel whatever feelings you felt, but a few people suggested that they too were entitled to feel different feelings from yours and that it was their opinions that you were saying they felt something when it is only they who can say what they felt (you can't feel what someone else feels nor can they know what you feel) .

In sum, if you post: I felt hurt and ganged up on when you said I attacked you. I was only trying to point out that you were a meathead!
Then someone might post back: hey guy, I'm sorry you felt ganged up on but using the word meathead isn't allowed here. If you say: I felt hurt when you talked about handicapped rooms as if you beleive that handicap rooms shouldn't be on the property....THEN we can say: hey TC, sorry you were hurt. No offense intended...we think handicap rooms should be on the property and that they should be held in reserve for handicapped people even if they remain empty and it costs us all more...and Sorry if you thought we weren't being sensitive to handicapped people everywhere cause we really don't feel that way and we don't want to come across that way..

If you state your FEELINGS and then let others attempt to reassure you and accept that there was no ill will intended.....everything is fine. But if you ASSUME some ill intent and when someone tries to reassure you none was intended you continue to attack them. and even imply they are lying...then the onus of accountablilty falls on you.

I think it might be important for you to CLOSE this thread, so please take this opportunity to do so. I have no need to post again, either to defend myself or my adult daughter,or anyone else for that matter. I honestly wish you well. I wish you would continue to post about your feelings, because everyone has a right to their feelings about most anything. I feel that you have inadvertently hurt the feelings of several peole here: shan, MIA, sjdisney to name a few. I don't think any one of them ever attacked you in any way...but that is just my opinion of course. I believe that most of us just asked you to be more sensitive in accusing people of feeling or thinking something they had never implied or said. For some reason I think you felt attacked by them and maybe thought it was ok to attack back...sort of like if my team is cutblocking maybe your team takes a cheap shot at our quarterback. The thing is, what if no one WAS cutblocking and yet your teammate thought you had been cutblocked and so took out an opposing queaterback in retaliation.....See where this leads. If we all play by the same set of rules where we can disagree, we can joke around, we can say quit bellyaching or choose not to post when someone starts a thread that doesnt' interest us...then everything is fine. But when we feel attacked and then go out an attack someone else...well, its just not a good thing.

So post again if you want, whatever you want, and lets all agree that TC gets to END THIS POST on whatever note he feels comfortable with.
It's up to you and I wish you a great many more Disney tomorrows!
Colorado Belle
Wow, up to 20 pages now. How many hours of my life now gone from reading this thread??? :hourglass :rotfl2:

DrTomorrow said:
You're right, Shan. I'd rather think back fondly, remembering the days when one of your posts had a Minimum Guarantee of 5 typos!

Who, me? :confused3 :teeth:
I really like my ieSpell! :love:

TCPluto said:
For clarification sake, understand that I want a non-smoking room. I want a H/A room.

I do understand that some families require a non-smoking room ( as compared to my want). I want their requirements met.

I understand that some people, for various reasons, require a tub, while others want a tub. I absolutely support those requiring a tub to be able to have one.

For everyone else, I hope they have great success getting the requests they want.

:cheer2: :Pinkbounc :cheer2:

TCPluto said:
I want others to understand that by the words they choose, they may inadvertently cause pain for others.

"For clarification sake", I never once was cited where I EVER said anything derogatory about anyone's situation. Just want to make that "clarification" for anyone just tuning in on page 20. (By the way, RUN! You will be sucked into this thread and will never see the light of day AGAIN!)

Oh, I'm feeling in good spirits tonight... Here's a big ole' hug for us all! :grouphug:
Cbell, refer to the post above yours for a glaring example of how ones words can have unintended yet truly hurtful consequences.
Sorry Colorado Belle. I was posting while you were, too. I probably would have not posted again after reading your post. I think your post was great. :goodvibes (How many times did I just type the word post, though?!?)

Oh, were you talking football?!? ;)
Deb & Bill said:
Next on "Days of Our DVC"

Will SSR's member take over the BCV at the 7 month deadline?

LOL! I can only imagine the very LONG threads that topic could/would generate! You'd have all the "I told you so" people posting, people starting polls, etc. It would be very funny. :)
Thanks everyone, this thread has reminded me that if I want MY preferred DVC accomodation, I need to request non-smoking due to medical necessity, and non-handicap accessible due to medical necessity AND I need to check-in early.
Johnnie Fedora said:
Thanks everyone, this thread has reminded me that if I want MY preferred DVC accomodation, I need to request non-smoking due to medical necessity, and non-handicap accessible due to medical necessity AND I need to check-in early.

And, no matter what system is used to allocate rooms (at reservation, first come first served, home resort, whatever) as long as rooms go out of service and as long as CMs have the ability to "make someone's day" when they throw a tantrum by giving away your non-smoking non-HA room, showing up earlier in the day will always be a good course of action.
the thread that will never die... trying to hang onto to the very end. almost. not yet. can't. let. go.
TCPluto, according to your post dated 2/20/05, you haven't seen your daughter for four years. Given your sig and trip list, how many times have you even traveled with her using DVC? From the amount of DVC resorts you offer regularly on the rent/trade board I would estimate you mainly own DVC to rent, not personally use.
I dunno, makes it all the more interesting to me. :confused3

TCPluto said:
My exwife remarried, moved 2200 miles away, and refused to allow parenting time, even as the court ordered it. The court did allow her to move so far away. I was refused phone contact completely betwen the yearly visists we did have (5 a year, including 6 weeks in the summer).

If the custodial parent wishes to totally exclude the noncustodial parent, it can hardly be stopped.

After two years, my exwife petitioned the court in her new jurisdiction to take custody of the case, even though we agreed that the original court would retain jurisdiction. The court, in Canada, did take jurisdiction. The court in the states refused to relinquish jurisdiction. Guess where we're at now. I haven't seen my daughter in 4 years.

From day one after the move (she was 5), her mother had her enrolled in school under her maiden name, not my daughters name (which is obviously mine). The court refused to address any of these matters.

After spending over $30000 in legal fees, my daugher and I are no better off or closer to a relationship. My exwife has her completely convinced that I, and my daughters entire family here, are the devil. Indoctrination at such an early age, so thouroughly constant, intense, and complete, is unlikely to be overcome anytime soon. Only the future holds the answer.

It's called parental alienation. It's real and insidious. It should be a crime. Unfortunately, the custodial parent has the upper hnad. If they want to turn a child against the noncustodial parent, it shall be so. Regardless of the money and time spent fighting in court.
1997- Port Orleans
1998- All Star Sports
2000- Off Property
2002- OKW
2002- Magic 9/28 "Mystery" Cruise
2003- OKW Spring Break
2003- 12/6 Magic Western Carribbean
2003- New Years at HHI

TCPluto said:
We own at SSR, BWV, OKW, and HHI, so will have the 11 month booking window for each of those resorts.

Please email us with dates, size of accommodation required, and details of the transaction.
I am really surprised by this. :sad2: I believed the check in story with his 10 year old daughter was true.
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