Makin' Memories... A PTR for a 2022 Thanksgiving Trip. (hopefully)

I meant to post the photo of our bread service last night. but I think I went into bread coma after!

Nothing wrong with that at all!!

Today we are making Gaston's Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast. And a mix for the superbowl. I decided on Buffalo Chicken Tater Tots from Friar's Nook, Mr. Kamal's Fries from Animal Kingdom (RIP) and Le Cellier's Signature Poutine. I found a red wine gravy recipe online, unrelated to Le Cellier. We will see how it is!

Good grief...all of those sound amazing! We made ribs for the Super Bowl, but those three sound pretty great!

It was soooo good! And. having the actual serving tray just made it taste that much better!

I'm sure...if only you had some giraffe's and zebra's in the back yard to look out at while you were eating!
Wow, I'm so impressed with all your Disney food. The drink and your bread service look soooo good. Can't wait to see more.
This has become our go to hotel! We love the location, being able to walk to EPCOT and take a ferry boat to Hollywood Studios really has spoiled us. We also love the pool!

We have a trip tentatively planned for April and have booked the YC. If we go, it'll be our first time and I can't wait! Of course, I won't start a pre-trip report because there's a good chance we won't go, but we'll see.

November 24th - Sunday, December 5th

We'll be just missing you 🙁 Mike and I are planning on December 8-15th.

Good Morning Everyone!

I wanted to kick off the "fun part" of this pre-trip planning report. Last night at dinner, we played a little game. I gave everyone a piece of paper and kicked off the questions about our "Imaginary Trip" Morgan did a good teen grumble but quickly got into the game. We took turns coming up with questions and we all answered them. I thought it would be fun for us to answer the questions together!

Imaginary Trip:
How long you would go for?
What time of year would you go?
What resort would you stay at?
What resort do you NOT want to stay at?
What EPCOT festival would you want it to be? (doesn't have to match your time of year)
What is the breakdown of your park days?
What resort would you pool hop to? (assuming it was allowed)

What would be your first ride of the trip?
Where would you eat your first meal, what restaurant?
What would you have as your first snack of the trip?
What is your first drink of the trip?

Pick 3 Fast Passes for the whole trip. It can be across different parks.
Choose one more ride for each park.
What ride do you NOT want to ride.
Choose one Bonus "Extra" (this can be dessert parties, behind the scenes tours, or things like mini-golf, surey bikes, basically anything that isn't what the first timer would do)

Choose 3 additional food items: snacks, desserts restaurants. (we had to word it this way because Morgan made asttink that she hate restaurants)
Choose 1 store to shop at and what would you want to buy?

And then last but not least...
What would be the LAST thing you would do before you leave? This can be a ride, food, really anything goes.

I will put our answers in the next post! Can't wait to read everyone else's answers!

How long you would go for?
10-11 nights

What time of year would you go?
Early December

What resort would you stay at?
Bay Lake Tower The Poly

What resort do you NOT want to stay at?
Wilderness Lodge (sorry to all my WL loving friends!)

What EPCOT festival would you want it to be? (doesn't have to match your time of year)
Flower & Garden

What is the breakdown of your park days?
All parks twice plus one at DS…maybe relax the other days, or tour Christmas decorations at other resorts?

What resort would you pool hop to? (assuming it was allowed)
Probably not interested in pool hopping in December but if it was super warm, Storm Along Bay

What would be your first ride of the trip?
Rise of the Resistance

Where would you eat your first meal, what restaurant?
I guess it depends on the park we choose…but if Cali Grill Brunch is a thing, that would definitely be on our list!

What would you have as your first snack of the trip?
Mickey Bar or Rice Krispie Bar

What is your first drink of the trip?
Diet Coke in my refillable mug…the only time I drink soda

Pick 3 Fast Passes for the whole trip. It can be across different parks.
Rise of the Resistance, Flight of Passage, Slinky Dog Dash

Choose one more ride for each park.
Peter Pan, Haunted Mansion, MMRR

What ride do you NOT want to ride.
Dinosaur (really anything in Dinoland at AK)

Choose one Bonus "Extra" (this can be dessert parties, behind the scenes tours, or things like mini-golf, surey bikes, basically anything that isn't what the first timer would do)
Ugh, so hard to choose just one, but maybe that Tony's Town Square Party during MVMCP

Choose 3 additional food items: snacks, desserts restaurants. (we had to word it this way because Morgan made asttink that she hate restaurants)
HEA Dessert Party, Dole Whip and Pecos Bill's SW Salad

Choose 1 store to shop at and what would you want to buy?
WOD and probably mugs or home goods

And then last but not least...
What would be the LAST thing you would do before you leave? This can be a ride, food, really anything goes.
Hoop Dee Doo Review


I love that you chose that, Jackie! I didn't know you shared my love of PB!

I think Kelly @buzzrelly is planning on going in December too so hopefully we could time it to see you both.

We are but sadly, just after she leaves. We'll be there 12/8-12/15. Hopefully you can overlap us both!

When Gwen and I were at Target we found this game!
And of course we HAD to buy it!

That looks like so much fun!

Let me know your favorite Disney food to make at home!

Jack Jack Num Num Cookies

We got this a few months back but have only played it once. Definitely a long game. Some would say it goes on for niles and niles and niles :D

I love that you chose that, Jackie! I didn't know you shared my love of PB!
I'm not sure how I missed that you love it, too! :) LOL In July when we at there, it was so sad to see my favorite toppings bar all closed up. It's just not the same having them give you the little cups of toppings on your tray.

....also, now I'm really hungry for nachos or fajitas!!
Very uninspired queso and taco night for the SB down here. Feel free to send your leftovers to me
There is nothing wrong with queso and taco night!!!

I'm sure...if only you had some giraffe's and zebra's in the back yard to look out at while you were eating!
If only..

Love that bread service and yours looked just like the real thing at Sanaa! What a great idea!!
Thanks. I love my Sanaa serving tray!

Jack Jack Num Num Cookies
Good one! That is on the list for later.

Hoop Dee Doo Review
Also a good one. I hope that comes back, we def want to do that again.

Mickey Bar or Rice Krispie Bar

but if Cali Grill Brunch is a thing, that would definitely be on our list!
I forgot all about Brunch! I do want to do that one day!

We'll be just missing you 🙁 Mike and I are planning on December 8-15th.

We have a trip tentatively planned for April and have booked the YC. If we go, it'll be our first time and I can't wait! Of course, I won't start a pre-trip report because there's a good chance we won't go, but we'll see.
Fingers crossed for you going!
Hello Everyone!!!

Just here for an update on our week of Disney Food.

Here are the cinnamon rolls that we made on Sunday!
They were ALOT of work...

Waiting to rise a little before baking.

But ohhhhhh sooooo good!!!!

I did not realize this, but they have 2 kinds of frosting on them? Is this true? I realized that I always just pick at Morgan's after she has eaten most of it. And I never get the top frosting, which is apparently a butterscotch frosting and then a cream cheese frosting. The butterscotch frosting is to die for!!!!

For our Super Bowl / Disney Food, we started with pre-game Le Cellier Poutine.
This wasn't bad, just not nearly as good as Le Cellier's! I feel like there is more red wine-y. But Andy loved it and said it was his favorite of the 3 on Sunday.

During the first half was Mr. Kamal's Seasoned Fries.
I totally cheated on this, and bought pre-made Tzayki sauce and preseasoned fries. Which resulted in not nearly as good as Animal Kingdom's fries... But they were still tasty.

And then after half time was the last round. Buffalo Chicken Tots from "Friar's Nook"
There were good, but tator tots just aren't as good when you cook them in the oven. Deep Frying them just make them extra crispy!

We took yesterday off, otherwise, my wasteline would expand by way too much! But tonight, we are making ronto wraps. And I am looking forward to these!
All of those look so good! I agree...I'm not a fan of fries or tots cooked in the oven. The air fryer we have has revolutionized our use of those in dinners at home. Still not quite the same as actually being deep fried, but way better than the oven.

Can't wait to see the Ronto Wraps!
Impressive feats! Those cinnamon rolls in particular look amazing. You'll have to send me the recipe. Casey's birthday is coming up and that would be a fun surprise breakfast. Of course Jason would have to make them b/c I cannot bake to save my life.

Looks looks DEVINE! I want one.


These look pretty good too.

Danielle would love this. As cstorn65 said I bet the air fryer would help on the taste.
Happy Saturday Everyone!!!

We made it. It was yet another long work week. But it ended some what quiet-ish. We got more snow here. Jersey is NOT known for this much snow. And an ice storm is expected this afternoon. Happy Winter Everyone!

Here is the pic of our Ronto Wrap. It isn't the best photo, but they were good!

I used Gyro meat from Trader Joe's and then your standard grocery store sausages. I would probably do this again this summer and get better sausages. But I have to admit... I don't actually remember what these taste like in the park!

We had them in August with the AP previews. And that is it!
This is all I have as a picture of what it looks like. They look exactly the same right?! Ha!

The homemade peppercorn dressing really is what makes the sandwich!

We had pulled pork sandwiches last night to me Polite Pig. But they were NO where as good as there. (I made mind in a slow cooker) But it was still good. And I was so hungry, that I forgot to take a picture. Oh well.

I think we will make the Cheshire Cat Tails today! We will see how those turn out!

Impressive feats! Those cinnamon rolls in particular look amazing. You'll have to send me the recipe. Casey's birthday is coming up and that would be a fun surprise breakfast. Of course Jason would have to make them b/c I cannot bake to save my life.
I will text you!

All of those look so good! I agree...I'm not a fan of fries or tots cooked in the oven. The air fryer we have has revolutionized our use of those in dinners at home. Still not quite the same as actually being deep fried, but way better than the oven.
We need to buy a new stove and I have been checking out a few with an air fryer in the stove! Maybe I will have to try again then!

Yummm everything looks so good!!

Danielle would love this. As cstorn65 said I bet the air fryer would help on the taste.
They are easy, I throw a few chicken breasts in a slow cooker with buffalo sauce. And then shred!
Here is the pic of our Ronto Wrap. It isn't the best photo, but they were good!

I used Gyro meat from Trader Joe's and then your standard grocery store sausages. I would probably do this again this summer and get better sausages. But I have to admit... I don't actually remember what these taste like in the park!

Those look excellent! I can't wait to try one in the park either! Best of luck in the ice storm. We have been out of school since last Monday for ice here and now tomorrow we are supposed to get a foot of snow, so probably no school this week either. We are also supposed to get another 8-10 inches of snow on Wednesday and the temperatures over the next 4 days are supposed to be right around 0 and even some -10 nights. Those things are all records here in Oklahoma! The weathermen are saying it is a once in a century event. Should be "fun"!
We have been out of school since last Monday for ice here and now tomorrow we are supposed to get a foot of snow, so probably no school this week either. We are also supposed to get another 8-10 inches of snow on Wednesday and the temperatures over the next 4 days are supposed to be right around 0 and even some -10 nights. Those things are all records here in Oklahoma! The weathermen are saying it is a once in a century event. Should be "fun"!
OMG!!! That is alot for Oklahoma! I mean it's a lot for anywhere, but what is happening!!! Our ice storm is becoming a bit of a bust. Which is fine with me.


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