I wonder what the correlation between people who pack a lot vs. go really light for park going and people who carry a lot vs go really light for races.
I know it's apples and oranges because it's not like there are quick service places to sell you GU etc (though there are margerita stands in some races.)
And I know having kids can equal TONS OF STUFF while in the park whether you like it or not.

I personally am a very light park packer. I tend to just spend more $$$ if I need something instead of having to carry it around just in case I may need it. I'm the one you ask yourself about when in the gift shops thinking "who would spend $15 on sunscreen" etc. I just don't like being weighed down, and it's the same for races.

I don't like to carry anything while running, and would probably do the same for the parks if I wasn't the designated sherpa for the family backpack
Wow. Maybe I am just bad at this but wow, I am like impressed by how much stuff y'all carry with you.

5k - I will have my phone, my ID, and some money.
10k - I will have my phone, some pizza (for my costume and consumption), my ID, and some money.
Half - I will have my phone, one Gu, my ID, and some money.
Full - I will have my phone, maybe 2 Gu's, maybe some chews, my ID, and some money.

I don't need a lot and I like to rely on the race to provide me things (or ways to acquire things, like a McDonald's cheeseburger and some booze). I know that runDisney loves those sports beans but I need more than that for anything longer than a 10k, so I will bring my own Gu for that. I guess I am a little afraid of what to expect during the Marathon because I've never done that distance, you know? :confused3
SAFD: This is fascinating! Everyone seems to have their own thing, and are so different!

Pre-race - for both half and full I have a Clif bar and a cup of coffee. Also try to get through two bottles of water by the time the race starts - we wake up dehydrated and need to replenish!

Half - just tailwind in the bottle for nutrition, my phone/headphones, and hand sanitzer or wipes.
Full - Tailwind in the bottle and a little baggie of Tailwind to refill on the road. A pack of shot blocks - I take one every 2-3 miles past about mile 8 or so. Phone/headphones and hand sanitizer.

All of my running clothes have pockets so I can carry stuff
Wow. Maybe I am just bad at this but wow, I am like impressed by how much stuff y'all carry with you.

5k - I will have my phone, my ID, and some money.
10k - I will have my phone, some pizza (for my costume and consumption), my ID, and some money.
Half - I will have my phone, one Gu, my ID, and some money.
Full - I will have my phone, maybe 2 Gu's, maybe some chews, my ID, and some money.

I don't need a lot and I like to rely on the race to provide me things (or ways to acquire things, like a McDonald's cheeseburger and some booze). I know that runDisney loves those sports beans but I need more than that for anything longer than a 10k, so I will bring my own Gu for that. I guess I am a little afraid of what to expect during the Marathon because I've never done that distance, you know? :confused3
You'll be fine. You will get hungry around the McDonalds stop which is good because its right when McDonalds is. In ESPN there are tons of people handing our food which is also great because you will be hungry. Its okay to take food from these people.
I have an indoor track available to me that is 9 laps per mile. It's a pretty hard surface, but I'll use it if there's ice or during a thunderstorm. I once did 12 miles (108 laps) on it... 8-) That's pretty boring.

It is! And I Need to get an 18 mile long run in. I may start outside for a few miles then move inside for the big portion.

I also have a 13 laps/mile above basketball courts, and have alternated treadmill and track when I am forced by cold and ice indoors. I have yet to make it past 6 miles doing this before collapsing in defeat not exhaustion. I cannot imagine 18 miles.

Good morning, runDisney all-stars!

We have a guest Sundays are for Disney question this week (sorry, I don’t remember who asked it). What does everyone plan to carry during their race(s) and how do you plan to carry it? Chews, gels, snacks, water? Running belts? Arm bands?
That’s it for me. Have a good week, gang.

I have pocketed shorts and leggings, and I am hoping to be able to wear the shorts because I prefer the placement. In those pockets during the half will be my baby iPhone, tissues in a plastic bag, a bag of honey stinger chews, ID, & $20. I have good intentions of bringing chapstick, but only remember this half of the time. Someone suggested a plastic shopping bag for loot at the end, and I will consider this- mainly for carrying a throw away blanket to the start.
While I generally have a cup of coffee and peanut butter toast an hour before a race, I am not sure I can get myself out of bed that soon when it takes me 12 minutes to get ready. I am intrigued by the uncrustables suggestion and will try this (It is not really new on race day, just a modification). I also love the animal crackers and PB cup in the corral idea! I wished I had gotten a cup of coffee from the truck at the start last time, but by the time I made up my mind it was too late. This will not be a mistake I make again.
I wonder what the correlation between people who pack a lot vs. go really light for park going and people who carry a lot vs go really light for races.
I know it's apples and oranges because it's not like there are quick service places to sell you GU etc (though there are margerita stands in some races.)
And I know having kids can equal TONS OF STUFF while in the park whether you like it or not.

I personally am a very light park packer. I tend to just spend more $$$ if I need something instead of having to carry it around just in case I may need it. I'm the one you ask yourself about when in the gift shops thinking "who would spend $15 on sunscreen" etc. I just don't like being weighed down, and it's the same for races.

I just like bringing everything I own everywhere I go. Why carry less stuff when you could carry more?
Also, I dont have an option because I have to bring my own food most places because I cant expect places to have something I can eat. It's rare for me to be able to eat the on-course fuel at races (although if rD sticks with sport beans, then I'm okay ... actually, the clif shot gals they used before that were fine too). So I need to be prepared to rely entirely on things I bring with me just in case.
Same with the parks. There is some food I can eat, but not much, so it's easier to bring my own food.

But mostly I just like making sure I have everything I could possibly need. And then some things I probably won't need.
Also - they gave TAs an extension by a week to sell remaining bibs, so if anyone is on the fence about registering OR transferring in to a challenge ... there should be some real sweet deals to be had.
I wonder what the correlation between people who pack a lot vs. go really light for park going and people who carry a lot vs go really light for races.
I know it's apples and oranges because it's not like there are quick service places to sell you GU etc (though there are margerita stands in some races.)
And I know having kids can equal TONS OF STUFF while in the park whether you like it or not.

I personally am a very light park packer. I tend to just spend more $$$ if I need something instead of having to carry it around just in case I may need it. I'm the one you ask yourself about when in the gift shops thinking "who would spend $15 on sunscreen" etc. I just don't like being weighed down, and it's the same for races.

Last year we didn't use a backpack in the parks at all...I'm carrying 5 GU, my ID/CC and my phone. Training has shown me that this is what I need and can reasonably carry.
I wonder what the correlation between people who pack a lot vs. go really light for park going and people who carry a lot vs go really light for races.

I am about as opposite as possible between how much I pack for races and how much I pack for the parks/travel in general. 6 weeks travel with just a backpack okay? Of course! A marathon without pockets looking like stuffed hamster cheeks? Not on your life!

When you travel (especially at Disney!) as long as you have money and your passport you can make yourself comfortable. When you race, you either need to a)run faster so you can be done with the race and then get what you need b) stay at the same pace and suck it up, buttercup or c) pre-plan and bring it with you.

You'll be fine. You will get hungry around the McDonalds stop which is good because its right when McDonalds is. In ESPN there are tons of people handing our food which is also great because you will be hungry. Its okay to take food from these people.

The one time it's okay to take food from strangers, kids.

Speaking of which, at about what mile is McDonalds? I remember seeing people going down the highway embankment last year, but I forget where... Also are there any other places food can be purchased along route?
Speaking of which, at about what mile is McDonalds? I remember seeing people going down the highway embankment last year, but I forget where... Also are there any other places food can be purchased along route?
16ish? It’s before ESPN between AK and ESPN.
SAFD: Just the marathon for me Marathon weekend, but I carry my phone and 4 Huma gels in my Flipbelt. I wear a RoadID bracelet so it has all of my personal information and emergency contact information on it. I normally don't wear my MagicBand, but considering I plan to set the PR in picture stops this year something might be open in Epcot for me to get popcorn. Most people want alcohol, but I'll take all the popcorn please! popcorn::

Pre-race nutrition is either a clif bar and banana or half a bagel with PB and a banana. If I am carrying my handheld water bottle (I won't be Marathon Weekend, but I will be this weekend at Kiawah) it will have either yellow or red Gatorade in it.
one of the influencers I follow posted on his Instagram stories that ‘apparently he’s running the Half in January’
I wonder what the correlation between people who pack a lot vs. go really light for park going and people who carry a lot vs go really light for races.

I carry less in the parks than do during a race! No need for an ipod/earbuds or uncrustables!
And I am a super light travel packer- I have done 3 weeks in China with a carry-on backpack only more than once.

I am making a list for my Dopey trip and stressing about HOW MUCH stuff I need to bring. Esp considering the weather options needed.
(I will be there the Sat before and plan to go to Goodwill for throw aways in the corrals.)

But the stuff for Dopey OMG!
  • 3-4 pairs of running shoes
  • 2 pairs of park/other shoes
  • oofos
  • 4 costumes- skirts, ears, socks, etc.
  • Leggings/long johns (2-3 pairs)
  • Jacket
  • Fleece vest
  • Extra long sleeve shirts (layers if needed)
  • Possible rain jacket if needed
  • Ears/hats
  • Head bands/Ear warmers
  • Hand/foot warmers
  • Gloves
  • Arm sleeves
  • Foil wraps etc.
Not mention the recovery items:
  • Stick
  • B&D Car Buffer (best thing ever!)
  • foot rollar ball
  • Deep Blue
  • Calf sleeves- compression
And then rest of my clothes! OMG!! I have never packed this much STUFF unless I was moving!
And then rest of my clothes! OMG!! I have never packed this much STUFF unless I was moving!

I just moved recently.
I'm fairly certain there will be more stuff coming with me to Florida than there was the first time I brought stuff to my apartment.
(...but I also didn't sleep in my apartment that first day, it was a long moving process because of some family stuff ... hopefully I'll be packing less stuff for this trip than I did when I actually started sleeping in my apartment)


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