Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party / Mickeys Very Merry Christmas Party Tier Pricing. SAD

I think we all expected it, seeing the price DAH, the price increases on everything and the delay in announcing the pricing.

For my family it would be neither here nor there if we were going this year, it costs us such a ridiculous amount to get to Orlando that a few hundred extra dollars doesn't really matter.
But with our youngest turning 3 next year our family of 5 will be taking a huge leap in costs (no more lap child, park tickets, larger hotel room etc) that something will likely have to change, it will really come as a time to weigh up value. Last trip we did this when we looked at doing our usual visit to Universal and decided it wasn't worth over $500 for one day there, so we didn't donut. First time in 10 years we flagged it.
I've been helping a family of 11 plan. They were all for $75 a ticket. They are out now and have decided that they will actually completely revamp their plans and spend a portion of their vacation at Universal. I think they have been to WDW 7 times in the last 15 years?? She said with so many closures and Disney's constant increases, she feels like they are moving towards only catering to the rich. The lady doing it all said they would pay the $100 for the MVMCP tickets if there was something more they offered, but she feels like (her words) characters changing into different clothes for the parties, disgusting cookies and watered-down cocoa, a parade and fireworks is not worth a full day's admission, especially if they will be in Magic Kingdom anyway on the same day.

For us, we were going to go to two parties and there will only be 2 people in our travel party. We have decided to pass for the first time since 2001. My reason is the same as the lady I am helping plan her big family trip.
I was really looking forward to MNSSHP this October and we managed to snag a reservation at the Poly to make it even easier to enjoy. However, my husband and I decided the price (even with the small $3 DVC discount) is too much for what you get. We have enjoyed it several times in the past, but we just feel the price is too high now. I am sure Disney will still sell tickets at the new prices and make lots of $, but this is one extra that is too rich for us on a fixed income. We can't really cut out other items as we already have reduced our meals to counter service, don't do any souvenir shopping, and buy only the minimum days in park tickets to make it worth the trip. I am glad we invested in DVC many years ago so lodging is still within our budget. I am sure we will find something else to do that will be just as much fun.
Look, I love MNSSHP. We've gone multiple times, we plan trips around it. Its my favorite thing in all of Disney-dom. As I stated earlier in this thread I am APPALLED at the price increase. As appalled as I am, I haven't been completely priced out yet. I definitely won't be buying into the upcharge event this year, but we will probably still go to the party.

MVMCP is a different beast. There is no way I'd pay $90 per person for hot cocoa in 75 degree weather to see fake snow on Main Street. We thought about taking a November or December trip this year to go to that party for the first time, but at that price, forget it. From what I understand there isn't anything that is all that special or unique about it. Its just about being in the park, after hours, with Christmas music. I like Christmas music and cocoa as much as the next gal, but I don't $90 per person like it.
There are holiday shows, as well as the Christmas parade and holiday fireworks. I have been to the Christmas party 6 or 7 times since 2001, and to the Halloween party twice. (The Halloween party was still way too hot - even after dark.) I am paying only for myself, but I'll still skip MVMCP this year. I'll use a day of admission to the MK on one of the days the party isn't held.

By the way - I have been to MVMCP a few times in December when the temps were in the low 40s and upper 30s at night.
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This is going to be our first time in disney for Halloween. My wife has wanted to go to Mickey s Halloween party for some time now. So we are paying the price because the party is the reason we are going to disney in Oct. Not as bad of a price increase as I thought. I also was thinking around the $150 mark for a ticket. But for the 4 of us it came to $377 which is a lot for one night in the Mk.
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This is our going to be our first time in disney for Halloween. My wife has wanted to go to Mickey s Halloween party for some time now. So we are paying the price because the party is the reason we are going to disney in Oct. Not as bad of a price increase as I thought. I also was thinking around the $150 mark for a ticket. But for the 4 of us it came to $377 which is a lot for one night in the Mk.


If it was the rumored 150 bucks, then it would suck. but we are talking 15 bucks. suck it up and lay off eating out for a night
My daughter and I love MNSSHP and decided after our first one that it should become a tradition. We have gone the last three years and will be there in September, but I am pretty sure we may skip it this year. I already booked Mickey's BYB for our family for the night we were going to do MNSSHP. Honestly, I would pay the current price if I thought that the party would be as wonderful as it was the first time we went in 2013 (low crowds, low waits for rides and characters), but last year, we were disappointed in the waits- they were worse than they were on our regular days in July. Party was sold out. The only true benefit to the party for us last year was the parade (which we adore) and seeing the costumes of other guests. I'm not sure that is worth the cost, though.

As others have posted, the party was a good deal if you did it instead of other park days. On our first trip, we purchased a two day ticket (to get FD) and then did two MNSSHP nights for about the same price as a four day ticket. With the party tickets approaching the cost of a one-day ticket, that deal is not what it used to be.

I wish I could know exactly how many people have purchased tickets before I had to make my decision. While I would absolutely go if I knew crowds would be low (yes, I know they will never release numbers like that), I have no interest in attending a sold out party again.

I guess that was a short-lived family tradition. :rolleyes2
My daughter and I love MNSSHP and decided after our first one that it should become a tradition. We have gone the last three years and will be there in September, but I am pretty sure we may skip it this year. I already booked Mickey's BYB for our family for the night we were going to do MNSSHP. Honestly, I would pay the current price if I thought that the party would be as wonderful as it was the first time we went in 2013 (low crowds, low waits for rides and characters), but last year, we were disappointed in the waits- they were worse than they were on our regular days in July. Party was sold out. The only true benefit to the party for us last year was the parade (which we adore) and seeing the costumes of other guests. I'm not sure that is worth the cost, though.

As others have posted, the party was a good deal if you did it instead of other park days. On our first trip, we purchased a two day ticket (to get FD) and then did two MNSSHP nights for about the same price as a four day ticket. With the party tickets approaching the cost of a one-day ticket, that deal is not what it used to be.

I wish I could know exactly how many people have purchased tickets before I had to make my decision. While I would absolutely go if I knew crowds would be low (yes, I know they will never release numbers like that), I have no interest in attending a sold out party again.

I guess that was a short-lived family tradition. :rolleyes2

Exactly. The crowds are the one reason I would almost prefer the DAH event to the Christmas party. I mean, one of our goals is to actually enjoy rides with low wait times. I can purchase MVMCP tickets and *hope* we see low wait times, or I could attend a DAH event and be *guaranteed* low wait times. I'm not really much into gambling. I don't see the DAH event being extended though (especially not into party season), so I'm guessing the party will be our only option of those two.
Exactly. The crowds are the one reason I would almost prefer the DAH event to the Christmas party. I mean, one of our goals is to actually enjoy rides with low wait times. I can purchase MVMCP tickets and *hope* we see low wait times, or I could attend a DAH event and be *guaranteed* low wait times. I'm not really much into gambling. I don't see the DAH event being extended though (especially not into party season), so I'm guessing the party will be our only option of those two.

We did the after hours last night and I agree with you. We primarily attend the parties for the lower waits for the attractions (although we love the parades) so it was incredible to be able to pretty much walk on anything we wanted during the after hours event. I actually didn't think that the price hike for the Christmas and Halloween parties were all that bad, probably because I was expecting it to be even more. Unfortunately after last night's event we are completely spoiled and not sure we want to go back to the over-crowded parties.
Please forgive my use of a tired trope, but Florida has many lovely vacation options. We DO have other options until Disney changes the madness.

In the past few years, we've traveled all over the state, and discovered many excellent options. Tampa! St.Augustine! The Everglades!

Have you ever been to/heard of Cedar Key? It's a small island in the Gulf, about 3 hours north of Tampa/an hour southwest of Gainesville. It's a lovely vacation spot!
We paid $70 as well last November. Doesn't it go up if you buy it after a certain date or at the door? Maybe that's why hers was more.

Its interesting to me that some people feel MVMCP is not worth it because of what you get and many of those same people love MNSSHP. I have been to both, and love MVMCP far more than NSS. That isn't a statement of criticism, its just an observation. :) For myself, since I love Christmas so much, the atmosphere, music and Christmas parade as well as the snow(Look, folks, I grew up in Mississippi...It just doesn't snow there) make it worth it for me. I really don't care for the cookies or cocoa but its a fun extra. I enjoyed MNSSHP, but since I don't really get into Halloween all that much, I could take it or leave it. My kids are not small anymore-it was more fun when they were.

But as much fun as both are...an extra 20 or so $$ per ticket will keep me away for another few years. I guess that's good-means it won't get old for me, I suppose.
The cost can be "softened" by sacrificing other things during your trip.. and Disney may see a hit in other places because of the increased pricing all around.

I suspect a lot of families will still vacation to WDW and still do a party, but just maybe not at the extent they used to:

Stay ONE less day for your trip and these tickets are probably paid for.
Go to a theme park one less day (say the party day)
Don't get hopper passes for your trip this time around ..
Cut out a character meal.
Downgrade to the Quick Service dining plan
Don't get the dining plan at all
Make your souvenir budget smaller.

This would be exactly true for us. I'm amazed that Disney keeps raising the price of almost everything like vacation budgets have magically expanded by 20% since last year. For us personally, we have a set dollar amount to work with and try to do as much as we can with the money we have. I'm literally always amazed when they keep raising the prices, because they must be masters at getting people to expand their budgets.

The only way Disney has won with us is by sometimes getting our lodging dollars and we have spent more time at Disney than other attractions since we have a young child. I can understand them having certain incentives to encourage dollars away from other Orlando options, but raising prices overall is going to push us offsite or cause us to give them less dining dollars.

I'm curious to see if the hotels don't start noticing their average stay drop by at least half a day. The easiest way to cut costs is to just drop a day of vacation.

We don't have a trip planned this fall, but our family would still consider the Halloween party but not the Christmas party. We enjoyed the Halloween party a lot more than the Christmas party. However, we would as mentioned above need to cut back somewhere else on that trip.
Its interesting to me that some people feel MVMCP is not worth it because of what you get and many of those same people love MNSSHP. I have been to both, and love MVMCP far more than NSS. That isn't a statement of criticism, its just an observation. :) For myself, since I love Christmas so much, the atmosphere, music and Christmas parade as well as the snow(Look, folks, I grew up in Mississippi...It just doesn't snow there) make it worth it for me. I really don't care for the cookies or cocoa but its a fun extra. I enjoyed MNSSHP, but since I don't really get into Halloween all that much, I could take it or leave it. My kids are not small anymore-it was more fun when they were.

I think it depends on your area. I have never been to another event similar to the halloween party, but I have been to many that are similar to the Christmas party. The only thing unique to us about the Christmas party was Mickey mouse.
We paid $70 as well last November. Doesn't it go up if you buy it after a certain date or at the door? Maybe that's why hers was more.

Its interesting to me that some people feel MVMCP is not worth it because of what you get and many of those same people love MNSSHP. I have been to both, and love MVMCP far more than NSS. That isn't a statement of criticism, its just an observation. :) For myself, since I love Christmas so much, the atmosphere, music and Christmas parade as well as the snow(Look, folks, I grew up in Mississippi...It just doesn't snow there) make it worth it for me. I really don't care for the cookies or cocoa but its a fun extra. I enjoyed MNSSHP, but since I don't really get into Halloween all that much, I could take it or leave it. My kids are not small anymore-it was more fun when they were.

But as much fun as both are...an extra 20 or so $$ per ticket will keep me away for another few years. I guess that's good-means it won't get old for me, I suppose.

I do not observe halloween and therefore cannot compare the two. I have done MVMCP every year since 2001 and see how much they have taken away, so for me that is what I am looking at.
I just saw this thread and thought well let me go check and see surely the first week of October won't be to bad. $91 for the Tuesday. I really wanted to go but being a family of 7 I think Disney hit the point that we may just pass on this and enjoy everything else about the vacation.
This is what upset me. Families like yours and mine not being able to spend the money to experience this.
Yes for one adults I can see. However Disney please make it easier for us to bring our kids. $20 cheaper per kid would help out.


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